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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 90

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Episode 90:

The battle with Soye continued for another three hours.

The guy had great physical strength as well as outstanding strength. The Holy Guild’s strategy of wasting away stamina through wheel-to-wheel combat cannot be considered a good strategy, but it was the most reliable method.


What can I say about my personal impressions, as I watched the hunting process from afar, or should I say it was nothing special?

There is nothing I can refer to when hunting.

If we were to exclude that and evaluate it, it showed that it was a good example of how to deal with powerful monsters by wisely utilizing insufficient power.

Baekgunseo, who stands at the front, is in charge of monster aggro and damage, and the tanks placed behind him prepare for the monsters’ offensive in the second stage. And if you catch its gaze, it attacks from all directions and causes damage.

It’s so standard that it’s boring. Therefore, it was powerful and steadily inflicted damage without shaking.

Lee Se-hee’s ability to encourage people not to lose focus, allocate roles considering physical strength, and cope with unexpected situations stood out.

Otherwise, several people would have died already. In fact, whenever an injury occurred, Lee Se-hee readjusted the formation to protect the allies.

After losing my stamina like that.


“Is it over?”

Finally, Su Ye collapsed. The damage on the Sacred Guild was also significant. There were no deaths, but more than 30 hunters were seriously injured.

In each case, immediate first aid was taken, but if it had been a small hunting team, the wounds would have likely resulted in death.

I walked to the place where Soye fell.

“Mr. Junho.”

Lee Se-hee greets me with an embarrassed expression.

I wondered why, but the hunt wasn’t over yet.

Suye fell but did not die. Even though my energy was gone, I was activating my gift at full power, so it was not easy to break through the force shield.

What if my stamina recovers here? We have to hunt again.

I turned my head to Baekgunseo. He seemed tired, perhaps because he had to handle the project from start to finish.

I had no intention of interfering until the end, but seeing him fall alive made me want to try brainwashing.

“May I intervene?”

“Rather, this is what I would like to ask you to do. “Can I ask you a favor?”

“If it’s okay.”


“Then I won’t hesitate.”

I stood in front of Soye. The guy was startled when he saw me and wriggled his body, but he couldn’t move anymore because he was out of stamina.

Quad deuk!

As mines were fired one after another, the force shield began to break down.

Like Nuri, it was a form of extreme use of force to increase defense power. Even if I had dealt with it, it would have been difficult. But once you dealt with them, it was easy to disband them.

Finally, I broke through the force shield and placed my hand on its head.


Brainwashing was done to overcome Soye’s resistance.

Soye responded to the keywords I injected. This was unexpected. In the past, when brainwashing was used, there were signs of desperate resistance or runaway behavior, but this time there was no particular reaction.

Are you willing to obey? If that’s the case, I won’t decline.

But as I delved deeper into the realm of consciousness, the source of the ego, I was greeted by a deep, inherent anger.

I know that monsters are hostile to humanity. Taming is possible only after deleting this and injecting the obedience keyword. All the monsters so far have gone berserk before they can touch this. But wouldn’t Soye be different?

I started to deal with my anger.


Soye cried.

I didn’t care and touched the anger.

The anger that did not react at first exploded violently, pushing away my keywords.

The outcome of the confrontation between the dying monster self and the healthy me was actually obvious.

My brainwashing suppressed Soye’s anger and began to inject obedience keywords.


A dull sound echoed in Soye’s head, and his eyes blurred and he lowered his head.

He couldn’t hold out any longer and died.


The Holy Guild Hunters who were watching were happy that they had killed the monster with all appearances intact, but I was not.

The timing was successful, but it ended in failure in less than 3 seconds.

I quenched my appetite. He was a guy who knew how to read the atmosphere quite well.

“It doesn’t work.”

It seemed as if it had been programmed to be hostile to humanity.

In the end, it is a mental problem, but brainwashing keyword injection seems to be causing a backlash. It is treated as a kind of virus.

In this case, the best thing to do is to make sure you don’t get sick. If that hostility is judged to be a status abnormality, Mandokbulchim will completely erase it.

If brainwashing is a virus, then Mandokbulsim is a vaccine.

However, Mandokbulchim was a gift that only applied to me personally.

I heard there was a gift that could be applied to others. Was it called Synchronization? I need to check who has that gift.

As I step back, Lee Se-hee approaches me with a happy expression.

“Mr. Junho! thank you! “I will also calculate your hunting contribution accurately.”

“are you okay. “You don’t have to take care of it.”

“yes? “That’s not possible!”

“It was all captured anyway. They appointed me an observer and gave me time to look at Soye, so I got everything I needed. So, it is the complete achievement of the Holy Guild.”

Thanks to this, I now know what the next task is, so there is no real loss.

The only problem is that this implacable guy tries to penetrate my mental barrier whenever he gets the chance.

It seems like he has a gift ego, but is there any way to properly educate him? I conveyed my meaning a few times, but he was acting as stubborn as his ego.

Apparently, something went wrong when copying from Berserker.

I thought Berserker’s mind was strange, but since I copied it, maybe he thought I was strange.

In the end, the Berserker guy is the problem.

I saw Lee Se-hee’s still regretful expression and made another suggestion.

“If you really care, please appear on my personal broadcast next time.”

“The project that Team Leader Jin Se-jeong did? great. “I will try to burn one body.”

“okay. “Then take care of everything afterwards.”

I returned to Seoul, thinking of ways to utilize Mandoksim.


Choi Jun-ho really passed away, leaving So-ye behind.

I thought there was a way to ask for something, but there wasn’t even that.

Lee Se-hee thought that there was no one more unique than Choi Jun-ho.

If you have that level of skill at a young age, you will always be faithful to your desires. But Choi Jun-ho was not greedy. Neither money nor fame were important to him.

So it was difficult to deal with.

If he had been honest about his desires, he would have at least felt the desire to use that great power.

No, if that were the case, my head would have been broken right away.

I still get chills down my spine when I think back to that moment when we first met.

Lee Se-hee, who shook off her thoughts about Choi Jun-ho, breathed a sigh of relief.

Whenever I dealt with him, my mental strength was always exhausted. As I had fought a fierce battle with Soye, I felt dizzying fatigue.


I looked around and saw exhausted hunters lined up. It is time to rest until the follow-up unit arrives. It was such a tough battle.

Lee Se-hee also felt like she wanted to sit down, but she is the head of the general operations team. In order not to show weakness to the guild hunters, I decided to stand firm.

Baekgunseo approached Lee Se-hee. He had an unusually haggard face.

“You worked hard, Sehee.”

“thank you. But my uncle suffered the most. “If it weren’t for my uncle, I wouldn’t have even dared to hunt.”

“They said he was struggling in the plus phase, and I understand why. There were quite a few dangerous moments. “It would have been more dangerous if it had been a flying monster.”

Baekgunseo had a thoughtful face. Plus level monsters were definitely on a different level.

Lee Se-hee knew that he was having a hard time unlike usual, so she didn’t hastily offer him any consolation.

Choi Jun-ho was especially problematic. The way they pushed Soye away for a moment was in contrast to the way they fought against him, using all their strength to fight him.

The shock felt by Baekgunseo, whose pride is higher than the sky, will be greater than expected.

“Your judgment in capturing Choi Jun-ho was correct. “You saved the group.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“If there’s anything you need my power for in the future, please let me know at any time. “I will help you as if it were my own.”


“If you’re smart, I think you know what I mean.”


“Then let’s go.”

After saying that, Baekgunseo turned around. After a while, a smile spread across Lee Se-hee’s lips.


– While the Sacred Guild successfully hunted the plus level monster Soye…

When the news of the hunt was covering the media and TV, Baek Gun-seo headed to the headquarters and met with Lee Yeong-moon.

Lee Young-moon’s complexion was worse than that of Baek Gun-seo, who had completely washed away the aftereffects of the arduous hunt.

“I’m glad you came back safely, Gunseo.”

“It’s because my brother was worried.”

“I heard that your performance was great.”

Baekgunseo shook his head.

“It was a position where I only felt inadequate. “I especially realized the difference between me and Choi Jun-ho.”

“You would say that?”

Perhaps Lee Young-moon doesn’t feel it properly.

The same was true for Baekgunseo.

If I hadn’t been there to hunt Soye, I would have been completely mistaken.

“Yes, I think it was probably Sehee who had the most accurate view of Choi Junho. “Choi Jun-ho is at least a teenager.”

Maybe even more than that.

Baekgunseo muttered those words to himself.

“Sehee put in an unusual amount of effort. “You did a good job catching Choi Jun-ho.”

“But Choi Jun-ho is dangerous. If the group is shaken, it will be Choi Jun-ho, not a business failure or a monster hunting failure. Even if Se-chan asks right now…”


Lee Young-moon raised his hand to stop Baek Gun-seo from speaking.

The two already knew who turned Lee Se-chan into an idiot.

However, it was a Pandora’s box that should never be spoken out loud.

“Let’s leave it here.”


“It is true that Choi Jun-ho is dangerous, as you said. But it is also true that it has brought great benefits to our group. As a businessman, there is no reason to stay away from him. If we had stayed quiet, other places would have benefited. “It’s a county office.”


“Please help Sehee get along with him.”

“There’s not much I can do.”

“But there are a lot of things I can do for you that wouldn’t be surprising if I died tomorrow.”

“It’s not nice to say things like that, brother.”

Baek Kun-seo said in surprise, but Lee Yeong-moon firmly shook his head.

“My wishes and reality are different. I would like to take action myself, but it is not a problem that can be solved right away. “It’s something that takes time.”

“Choi Jun-ho is a guy who can’t move as he wants.”

“The government will interfere with my connection with Sehee. They probably knew as much about Choi Jun-ho as we did. If they become one family, they might think that Korea will be taken over by the Shinsung Group. There’s nothing wrong with that. That is also the ideal picture for us. So you need to stay centered. “Can I trust you?”

“I believe you will watch over me from beginning to end.”

“I hope so.”

Lee Young-moon smiled bitterly.


With the simultaneous hunting of Soye and Hanbyeol, Korea proved its hunting ability this time.

One was at the plus level and the other was at the harmful level 8, but just dealing with them both at the same time was a great achievement.

There are still many countries that find it difficult to deal with even harmful level 8 monsters.

“I rose to 6th place in the power rankings.”

The President said with a smile.

Cheon Myeong-guk also had a very bright expression. The Awakened Power Ranking is one of the indicators symbolizing national power, so it can appeal to how safe the Republic of Korea is.

In fact, South Korea entered the top 5 as the safest country relative to its land area.

Even though it was full of villains and monsters, it was a good country to live in. What a hell other countries are.

“Anyway, it’s today. “Do I really need to go out?”

Today is the day Franz enters the country from Germany.

You said out loud that you were coming to scold me, so I can’t pass by.

The President and Cheon Myeong-guk have faces that ask them to please pass by, but is there any reason to ignore a face they haven’t seen in a long time?

So, I had announced my intention to pick him up at the airport.


“Unnecessary conflicts may arise. “It would be better to say hello briefly at the Blue House.”

Even if that were the case, given his personality, he would have kicked it out right away, right?

It seemed like the President had not given up hope that things could go smoothly.

“Even if a conflict occurs anyway, wouldn’t the airport be better than the Blue House?”


It seems like he finally understands my consideration.

Of course, I have no intention of fighting unconditionally.

“We will try to create a good atmosphere.”

“Yes, I have to believe you when you say that. I believe you will do well. Isn’t that right, Director Cheon?”


If you say it with such a shocked expression, I don’t believe you at all.

After all, I don’t force people to believe if they don’t believe.

“Then let’s go.”

My heart was pounding as I headed to the airport.

Although we met after becoming a hematoma, meeting Franz left a deep impression on me.

One of my gifts, mines, is also my favorite.

Franz was already over eighty years old when he died by my hand. Although he was respected in Europe and could have ended his life quietly, he came to Korea to seek justice.

Was he full of old-fashioned temperament from this point on?

As soon as he saw me when I was a hematoma, he started yelling at me to come to his senses, asking if the young man had succumbed to evil.

“You’ll be strong, right?”

I was excited to see what it would be like now when I was much younger.


Franz Günther, who was in his mid-60s, looked like he was in his early 50s. His thick face and well-muscled body revealed that he was a well-trained and talented person.

He played with his long mustache and frowned at the voice of his student nagging him next to him.

“You have to go out on a good note.”

“Then let’s go well and I’ll turn the tables over?”

“It’s a problem because what you’re doing is not good.”

“Uh huh.”

Franz’s student Laura Ann sighed. Having dealt with Choi Jun-ho before, I gave him advice on how to deal with him, but the teacher didn’t seem to have any intention of listening.

Thinking about how he had come to be caught between these two people, he felt sad.

“We came because we have to join forces to fight against the league. “You have to keep your head straight, and I’ll give you a harsh admonition, so you can just watch from the side.”

“Do you think anyone came to their senses because of that?”

“there is. “30 years ago, there was a guy named Johannes Müller…”

“I’ve heard that story a hundred times. And even if we talk about someone who passed away in the past, we can’t confirm it.”

“Hmm, anyway, if you keep talking, I’ll listen.”


Laura sighed, but Franz spoke without changing his expression.

“If you don’t give them a firm warning in advance, you could be misled by the league. The best thing is to get him married and make him come to his senses…”

Then, when he saw Laura, his expression suddenly distorted.

“If you keep saying strange things, I won’t leave you alone. And I have no thoughts. “What a difference in age!”

“Age differences don’t matter in love.”

“Would you like to taste my disciple’s hand?”

Franz chuckled at Laura’s angry words.

“···At the time, I thought of my teacher as heaven.”

“I’ve been called a teacher hundreds of times while teaching.”

“Anyway, just trust me. “If you don’t listen to me, I will force you to come to your senses.”

“Choi Jun-ho is really strong.”

“than me?”

“It won’t be easy.”

When he didn’t get the answer he wanted, Franz frowned.

“It’s okay to be young and strong. Are you disrespecting your teacher?”

“I don’t ignore it.”

“Hey, these days, people don’t know respect. let’s go.”

He clicked his tongue and took the lead. Laura, who followed, sighed deeply.

What happens when you meet an eccentric teacher and a half-crazy Choi Jun-ho?

It’s not like there was a gift for predicting the future.

But I don’t know why I can see the future.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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