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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 89

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Episode 89

The rumor that Lee Se-chan made a fool of himself at the party spread quietly.

It didn’t have as much impact as I thought.

Still, this is a matter involving the son who is number one in the business world. Was Lee Young-moon involved?

I thought it might have been possible if I had used my own strength.

Just in case, I went to see where Lee Se-chan was. Because it was brainwashing that took place over a very short period of time, I thought it might not have been effective.

Brainwashing is less effective the stronger your mental barrier is. So, the owner of this gift, the cult leader, broke people’s minds in several stages and turned them into fanatics.

Still, I thought he wouldn’t have lost his mind in such a short period of time as he was the son of a chaebol family…


···It worked properly.

He seems like a very weak guy.

Lee Se-chan had become a true idiot.

I never thought my spirit would break down in such a short period of time.

I looked into Lee Se-chan’s blurry eyes and nodded.

It was a useless step, but I gained confidence, so that was enough.

“It alleviates the regret.”

And when I returned home.

I had to listen to my scary younger sister’s nagging.

“It’s crazy, really crazy.”

Yunhee was so shocked that she grabbed me and told me the truth.

But saying I’m crazy is a bit harsh. If it had been a hematoma, I would have seen Lee Se-chan’s face and immediately twisted his neck without even asking.

“Why on earth is that like that?”

“That happened.”

“So much so that you can’t tell me?”


Nothing good will come of saying it. Because Lee Se-chan mentioned Yoon-hee. Actually, even if that wasn’t the case, he was someone who would have to be dealt with someday. It is an obstacle that only gets in the way of Lee Se-hee.

I think Lee Young-moon had similar thoughts.

When I think about it this way, maybe I should be grateful to myself.

Yunhee sighed, as if she had given up on my attitude.

“Really, no matter what, you make the managing director like that.”

“It’s good when people who disturb you disappear. “I heard the guild atmosphere has improved?”

“Yes, but.”

“Wasn’t there a connection to the guild? “How did you interfere?”

“But since he was the president’s son, there were people who followed him.”

Yunhee said that there were quite a few people within the Sacred Guild who supported Lee Se-chan.

They said that they considered Lee Se-hee as an obstacle, which often led to situations where the water inside became cloudy, but this incident had the effect of shutting them down, so it was good.

“Everything will be sorted out.”

“Now, only Sehee is left. “But won’t you tell me what you really did it for?”

“It’s no good knowing.”

“…Miss, it certainly seems like something important to keep hidden.”

Yunhee looked at me with lingering regret until the end, but did not answer.

In this way, Yunhee, the person involved, succeeded in getting over it.

I deliberately ignored the rumor that Lee Se-chan was an idiot. This is because there is no reason to recognize the correct answer as the correct answer.

But something unexpected came from Dahyun Jeong.

“Did your brother do it?”

Was he this quick-witted?

Dahyun Jeong was looking at me with narrowed eyes. It wasn’t just a look, it was a look filled with confidence. I pretended not to notice and turned my head away, but he followed me until the end.

Dahyun Jeong has grown a lot. In the past, I would have sighed and given up.

“If I leave it like this, it’s obvious that it will only be a distraction to Lee Se-hee. how did you know?”

“Did you forget? I am also from a sacred guild. “I know Executive Director Lee Se-chan better than anyone else.”

“iced coffee.”

“···He was quite flirtatious. Even though Sehee stopped him in the middle. At that time, I thought it was best to endure it. No matter how much of a mess he is, he’s Sehee’s older brother. “I thought that if I became stronger, I wouldn’t be able to treat you carelessly.”

“I’ve been patient.”

“I think I won’t hold back now and will just throw my fist right away.”


The Jeong Da-hyun of today is completely different from the Jeong Da-hyun I saw when she had a hematoma. Even if you drop her on a villain organization like New Jeong Da-hyun, she will be completely wiped out.

I made one person right.

It’s a gratifying thing.

Because I think it is better now than to cry out for justice as frustratingly as before.

“What I’m worried about is the executive director’s family.”


“Even if he looks like he’s in trouble, he’s still my son and brother. “You shouldn’t feel sorry…”

“I can’t help it.”

If I was scared of that, I wouldn’t have done anything in the first place. It is entirely up to me to handle it.

“I think that’s the difference between me and my brother. “Can I be like that too?”

“you can do it.”

“I will try.”

“But will the broadcast content be okay?”

“yes! “I think it will be refreshing, and I feel like watching my brother and using broadcasting will help me a lot.”

Dahyun Jeong was scheduled to appear on my personal broadcast some time later.

Recently, there have been rumors that Da-Hyun Jeong also has excessive hands, so this is to create an image.

When viewed externally, Dahyun Jeong’s beauty and genius stand out.

Jin Se-jeong’s opinion is that it would be good to show how hard he worked to get to his current position.

As for me, I can’t draw a picture that I put effort into.

Dahyun Jeong readily accepted my suggestion to build a good image.

“They don’t regard it as a broadcast.”

“That’s what I want. “Please do me a favor.”


I have to do as you wish.


My handling of Lee Se-chan is a hot topic.

When I went to the Blue House and was reporting to Cheon Myeong-guk, the President visited me in person and asked me with a surprised expression.

“There’s really nothing rough about it. “Did Chairman Lee put up with that and get over it?”

“I endured a lot.”

Because I didn’t kill him right in front of me.


The President shook his head. You know I’m not saying anything wrong.

This is how I am understood.

After all, when people act consistently, their sincerity is conveyed.

The President looked at Cheon Myeong-guk and said.

“Did you mention that a distinguished guest will be arriving from Germany soon?”

“I was going to do it now.”

“What if you are a VIP?”

There was only one name that came to mind when I saw it.

“Grandmeister Franz is coming. “Do you know?”

“I know.”

It’s a name you can’t help but recognize.

Franz was the most prestigious superman in Europe, and until recently he was one of the top ten superhumans.

He is also a respected figure among adepts and is called the godfather of European adepts.

He was one of the people who visited European countries that were divided and living independently and made them jointly respond to the monsters.

And as the owner of the mines I possess, I am known to freely manipulate mines as if I were my own body.

Although he eventually died by my hand, he had a pretty hard time at the time. And after seeing Franz’s use of mines and obtaining them, Hematology’s inaction skyrocketed.

“Why are you coming to Korea?”

“On the surface, I want to see the system of Korea, an awakened country, but in reality… hehe!”

As he spoke, the President smiled broadly, and Cheon Myeong-guk looked embarrassed before speaking.

“They say they are coming to protest the beating of their student.”

“Who hit the disciple?”

The expressions of the President and Cheon Myeong-guk turned to me.

I? Most of the time I don’t kill but hit, right?

“This is Laura Ann. “Don’t you remember?”

“Oh, I remembered.”

You were referring to the German superman who got beaten up by me.

I thought you weren’t an official disciple. Was he an official disciple?

I didn’t know anything because I wasn’t interested.

“That’s why I think it would be best not to encounter Choi Jun-ho as much as possible.”

“Would people who come to protest just get away with it?”

“Yes, but…”

“I’m fine. “I’ll meet you.”


Wasn’t this what you wanted?

Why are you looking worried?

Anyone who sees me will think that I only cause accidents.

If old Franz doesn’t start a fight, I will stay still. But that old man also has an unusual temper.

Isn’t that how superhumans get along better by fighting each other?

It’s a good era where broken limbs can be quickly repaired with restorative medicine.

“Even if it looks like this, respect for the elderly is clear.”


“I’m serious.”

As I regain my sanity, the thing I can be most confident in is respecting the elderly.

Didn’t they actually send away the Red Snake Kim Young-hwan without killing him?

Actually, I didn’t kill him because I tried to kill him, but I saved him anyway.


If you don’t want to believe it, don’t believe it.

“Actually, I have known the name Franz for a long time. Some of them match my gift. “I will be patient and we will talk in a good atmosphere.”

“Okay then, I’ll trust you and leave it to you.”

When the President stepped forward to resolve the matter, things were reasonably resolved.

I was inspired to say that German music is the best in the world, but I have to show the power of K-Pop as America turns upside down, China struggles to catch up, and Japan loses its will to fight.


Around the time the rumors that I had harassed Lee Se-chan gradually subsided.

The plus level monster Soye has appeared.

Soye means small and pretty, and the Soye that appeared on Jiri Mountain was in the shape of a 15m long black bear.

It seems like the name goes well with it, but it doesn’t. Looks like he has good strength.

A countermeasures meeting was immediately held under the chairmanship of the government. In the Sacred Guild, which received a bid for the right to hunt Soye, Lee Se-hee came to the forefront.

“The Holy Guild plans to mobilize most of its power.”

Lee Se-hee declared that he would mobilize eighty out of the hundred members of the Holy Guild.

Twenty of them are hunters who have just joined or whose level has not been met. Yunhee belonged here. You brag about how great you are, but you still have a long way to go.

Fortunately for the government and the Holy Guild, it is not a flying monster. It was much easier to hunt quadrupedal monsters than flying monsters.

However, the physical strength and physical defense of the monster itself were superior to those that walked on four legs.

I’m looking forward to seeing how we deal with him.

The President, who was listening to Lee Se-hee’s briefing, smiled and offered encouragement.

“I look forward to the success of the Sacred Guild.”

“I will prove it with the results.”

The confident voice seemed to build trust. Actually, I feel like Lee Se-hee can accomplish anything.

The President, who had finished talking with the Holy Guild, turned his gaze to me.

“But this time, Superhuman Choi Jun-ho is also accompanying us?”


“That’s surprising.”

“I plan to watch as an observer. “I will remain silent until the worst happens.”

“If someone is in danger of dying, please help them then.”

Sehee Lee suddenly intervened. When I wondered if she was serious, she smiled and winked.

“just joke. “We will hunt down Suye without anyone dying!”

“I will also keep an eye on you without causing any inconvenience.”

Because the goal was to watch how large guilds hunt.

Let’s see what kind of technology is so great that the Baekgunseo reacts so strongly.

I said that, but as a result, I couldn’t accompany the Holy Guild.

The next day after Soye appeared, a new level 8 monster, Hanbyeol, appeared.

The President’s expression was calm despite the level 8 harmful monsters appearing simultaneously. Hanbyeol, who appeared this time, was only at level 8, unlike Soye, who was found to be at plus level.

“Since when did I become so comfortable with the 8th level of harm?”

The President muttered to himself that this was a huge step forward. Cheon Myeong-guk, who was sitting across from me, also had a calm expression.

Since I became a member of the government, I realized that being in charge of national management does not mean that one has the initiative in anything. Especially when there was a situation where I had to ask a large guild for something, I had to give something like that.

It was an endless series of negotiations.

Actually, I’m not the type of person who likes negotiating.

“Usually, if they appear at the same time, the government is supposed to handle it. “If the government doesn’t have superhumans, it can be dragged around, but not us.”

“We have the superhuman Choi Jun-ho.”

Then he shifts his gaze to me.

Is there a reason why my eyes suddenly sparkle like that?

It’s only a level 8 harmful monster.

“Can you do it?”

“I will take care of it and come back.”

I’ll have to see if brainwashing works this time too.

Do you think there will be another baby like the last one? I think using it as bait is also a good idea.

If I want to watch the sacred guild hunt, I have to move first.



Hunters groaned as Soye cried out, and Bunbun was pushed back.

‘not good.’

Lee Se-hee, who commanded the battle, clicked her tongue when she saw the situation.

I feel like my saliva is drying up.

It was nice to come to hunt Soye in Jiri Mountain. Baekgunseo completely regained his condition, and the hunters in the guild were also in peak condition.

All that remains is to successfully hunt Soye. We figured out the shape of the black bear and its habits, and came up with a plan on how to search for and attack the gift.

Hunters belonging to the Holy Guild were not only skilled but also had the highest level of combat intelligence. He was confident that his ability to accept tactics and organic teamwork were among the best in the world.

Each individual may be weak, but if they join forces, they can hunt any monster.

But even if Soye was strong, he was too strong.

With the emergence of the Plus stage, I was able to understand why several superhumans lost their lives and why several cities had no choice but to be devastated.


The moment I raised my front foot and hit the ground, a terrifying wave spread out.

With an earth-shaking impact, each piece of dust flying everywhere had a force stronger than that of a grenade fragment.


It’s not a gift. It is the result of simple brute force and use of force.

But the aftermath was truly enormous.

The shields of the two tankers just got shattered by the attack. He quickly took out a substitute, but he clearly looked tired.

Choi Jun-ho faced such a monster alone?

Although Nuri and Soye are monsters with great differences, they felt distant even though there were 80 people fighting them.

Above all, Soye’s gift, the Force Shield, brought a far-off despair.

Just before Baekgunseo’s sword was about to reach his neck, it was unable to hit him due to the force shield.

Even if the shield was penetrated, there were no scratches on Soye’s tough leather.

Rather, the moment it collided with the claws from the front, a tooth came out on Baekgunseo’s sword.

Baekgunseo threw away the broken sword and drew a spare sword. The black force blade that gave him the name Black Dragon rose up as if coiled.

It tore Soye’s stomach, but he recovered quickly.


Although she pretended to be Taeyeon, Lee Se-hee saw large drops of sweat running down her neck.

It’s not easy to pierce even with a superhuman’s sword, so is this the power of the plus level?

There was a high possibility that the Soye hunt would lead to a longer-term war than imagined.

“uncle! “Don’t overdo it and let’s play a long game!”

“I guess so.”

Several hunters were injured due to the initial failure to respond, but after recovering their condition with a restorative agent, it began to erode Soye’s strength.

It was a boring wheel game.

Holding aggro so that Soye cannot run away, gradually draining his strength.

The White Army stood at the forefront. I aimed for Soye’s neck, but it wasn’t enough to penetrate the thick force shield and leather.


At some point, I saw Soye’s movements slowly slowing down.

At first, I thought my strength had been used up. However, Lee Se-hee, who kept looking where So-ye was looking, saw Choi Jun-ho sitting on the floor.

I came after finishing hunting Hanbyeol.

It was amazing. Even if it is level 8, it is by no means an easy monster.


At that time, Soye suddenly started running towards me, ignoring the rain of force.

“Everyone in defensive posture!”

Tanks with shields rushed at Lee Se-hee’s shout, and hunters with weak defense retreated and spread out.



Soye’s body slam, which he lunged at without hesitation, was powerful. Baekjunseo’s sword split Su Ye’s shoulder, but did not inflict any serious wounds.

After breaking through the siege, Soye’s eyes flashed and he suddenly turned around and headed towards where Choi Jun-ho was.

“Mr. Junho! danger!”

Lee Se-hee was surprised and warned. At that time, we had already reached Choi Jun-ho.

Choi Jun-ho’s face showed no signs of embarrassment.

Instead of getting up and walking away, he instead took a step into the air. Then it rose into the sky and kicked Soye’s head as he ran towards her.


With a dull roar, Soye staggered and was pushed away. It was an amazing sight. A 15m long monster was pushed away.

“If you keep attacking me, you will kill me. Are you going to keep attacking me?”

Soye rolled his eyes.

That’s it!

Soye, avoiding Choi Jun-ho’s gaze, turned her head towards where Lee Se-hee and others were and roared.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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