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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 8

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Episode 8

While Wang Ju-yeol was talking with Choi Jun-ho, Jeong Da-hyeon was called by Jeong Ju-ho and entered the director’s office.

“After taking precautionary measures to suppress excessive suppression, he committed very spectacular acts, such as passing his immediate superior.”


A deep sigh came out of Jeong Joo-ho’s voice.

“Still, I managed to cover it up somehow.”

“What is Team Leader Wang’s reaction?”

“It was a mess. He asks me to explain why he proceeded with the work over me. In fact, I also told the team leader, Director Jemae.”


“Choi Jun-ho, even if it were a bomb that could explode at any moment, I didn’t know you would do that.”


Dahyun Jeong kept her mouth shut. Jeong Joo-ho’s eyes were persistent, but he never opened his mouth.

“Dahyun, you were the one who said you would treat Choi Jun-ho well. “Tell me why you did that.”

“It’s true that Junho is twisted. But at the same time, he’s right.”

“Do you know what you’re talking about?”

“If this happens. “If we had not proceeded with preemptive action and post-reporting, would we have been able to completely root out the drug organization?”


“You’ve seen the ledger. Starting with guild officials, high-ranking government officials and children of conglomerates. “If I hadn’t relayed it to the director, it wouldn’t have been made public like this.”

“What I’m talking about is a matter of procedure.”

It was that problem that caused Wang Ju-yeol to go crazy.

However, both Jung Joo-ho and Jung Da-hyun know about that.

If the ledger had gone to Wang Ju-yeol, it may not have reached Jeong Ju-ho.

He is the leader of a special team that deals with villains on the front lines, but no one knows that he is a corrupt civil servant Hunter.

“Someone I know said that.”


“They say civil servants won’t get fired for doing this.”

Dahyun Jeong smiled dizzyingly.

* * *

Jeong Da-hyun, who had grabbed Director Geary’s back, was never as refreshed as she was today.

From a little distance away, Wang Ju-yeol gave me a menacing look, but since I was the type of person who clashed with him about everything, it didn’t bother me too much.

Rather, I was filled with a sense of efficacy that I had accomplished the mission from beginning to end.

This feeling lasted until I returned home. The extermination of drug gangs with Choi Jun-ho left a lasting impression so strong that it lingered in my mind.

It is clearly a series of actions that exceed the authority of excessive suppression and reporting after taking preliminary action.

But one word from Choi Jun-ho solved everything like magic.

“Civil servant hunters will not be fired.”

right. A civil servant hunter is literally a civil servant. Unless it is a very serious mistake, most cases end with light disciplinary action.

Wang Ju-yeol, who is clearly hanging out with a large company and receiving bribes, is making a loud noise. Therefore, the probability of dismissal due to minor reporting omissions that occurred while performing duties was zero.

The process of discovering a villain while patrolling the streets and leading to the extermination of a drug organization. It was proactive, bold, and fast. After becoming a civil servant hunter, I felt like the frustration I felt in the tight system was relieved all at once.

It’s all thanks to Choi Jun-ho.

Instead, there will be a record of ignoring the system, but it doesn’t matter.

The place I moved to from the Holy Guild, where wealth and honor were guaranteed, was the National Protectorate. If I didn’t have the conviction to catch the villain, I would have been satisfied with playing a part in the Holy Guild.

In the end, the reason to become an obedient subordinate is to not go against the will of the personnel authority.

But what if you give up on promotion?

It is possible to freely act according to one’s beliefs.

When I left the Holy Guild, I already gave up tens of billions of dollars that I could have earned in the future. It’s very easy to give up something else.

Why did I only realize this simple thing now? I feel like a fool.

“To catch a monster, you have to become a monster.”

Now I understand.

* * *

I want to be an older brother that Yunhee can be proud of.

Because the sins I committed in my last life were so great, I had a strong desire to atone. So, in order to create an image, he boasted about his first achievement after becoming a civil servant hunter.

My brother never causes accidents and works diligently as a civil servant.

What wonderful words.

That is, until Yunhee came with a tablet.

“Is this about you?”

On the screen in front of me, there was a list of article titles with somewhat different content than what I talked about yesterday.

Controversy over excessive suppression of civil servant hunters? Where are the human rights of the violent villains hidden behind the eradication of drug gangs? They were forcibly creating controversy, such as the ‘controversy’ by remaining silent about the excessive suppression of the National Defense Bureau.

Among them, the highlight was an article titled “The National Protectorate protects its own members to protect those who lack ethical awareness!”

“Go Ye-jin? “I’ll have to keep that in mind.”

Yunhee, who was muttering in an eerie voice, turned her gaze towards me.

“That’s right.”


I was about to say that it was unfair, but when I saw Yunhee’s expression, I gave up on making excuses. It seemed like he had no intention of believing me in the first place.

“Dahyun Jeong was also there.”

“Surely you dragged Dahyun in too?”

“Why does it sound like that?”

“No, if it weren’t for you, there’s no way Dahyun would do that. Just looking at it, it happened because of my brother.”

“Stop talking, don’t talk.”

“Well, I don’t care what reporters say.”


It was a different answer than expected.

“Just looking at it, the media is the problem. “When a civil servant hunter arrests a villain, he may use excessive suppression, and we are pointing out that again.”

“I didn’t know you would take my side.”

“No, just looking at it, you’ve defeated a villain. But what kind of big mistake are you talking about? “In my view, the media is the biggest problem.”

This was a problem experienced not only by civil servant hunters but also by large corporations and large guilds.

“I listened to my brother and thought about it carefully. But large guild hunters are also in a similar situation. Every time, the media criticizes me for not taking into account the damage around me when hunting monsters. But if you think about it, hunting as quickly as possible is the way to reduce damage, right? Damage that occurs in the process is unavoidable. My brother and Dahyun were alone together, so he must have been trying to subdue her. These scoundrels didn’t take that into consideration. is not it?”

“that’s right.”

“If you are accused of being a perpetrator while executing official duties, will you be able to work properly next time? Tsk tsk.”


Yunhee was more energetic than me.

Still, I was certain of one thing.


“Why are you doing this all of a sudden? “I feel anxious for no reason.”

“just. And I was curious.”


“Civil servant Hunter doesn’t mind if subordinates report corruption of superiors, right?”

Of course, I said that with Wang Ju-yeol in mind.

Yunhee’s expression turned white as if she realized the context.

“···What are you thinking now? Isn’t that what I think? huh?”

If I said no, you wouldn’t believe me, right?

Instead of answering, I just smiled.

* * *

After clearing up a drug gang, Jeong Da-hyeon and I achieved several achievements.

As if the experience that day had loosened her grip, Dahyun Jeong changed.

Until then, if we had just crossed the line of suspicion, the outfit began to actively search for those whose behavior was suspicious.

In the meantime, an innocent citizen came forward and apologized, but they succeeded in arresting a villain with a minor criminal record of attempted crime.

It was a positive change.

But the enemy was inside. It was Wang Ju-yeol. Even though we are in charge of the special team that apprehends villains, they are keeping me and Jeong Da-hyun, who are increasing the number of cases, in check more than necessary.

Of course, I had no intention of just watching that happen.

I quietly watched Dahyun Jeong.

Possessing the gift of intuition, she has keen senses. One of the most useful gifts I used when I was a hematologist was the intuition I gained after killing Jeong Da-hyeon, which responds sensitively to the holder’s senses.

In particular, this intuition exerts its greatest power in crisis situations.

I was able to escape dangerous situations several times with this ability.

Then they realized that I had developed an intuition and tried to eliminate me by creating a siege from which I could never escape.

Intuition cannot avoid even inevitable risks, but if it is supported by competency, its uses are endless.

I remembered Dahyun Jeong’s last moments in her last life.

Even though she must have known in her gut that it was dangerous, she set out to catch me. It was impressive to see him willing to burn himself to the very end.

Bloodjong’s personality laughed it off as bullshit, but the moment he tried to live an ordinary life, he realized that the sacrifice had a noble meaning.

To be honest, I don’t even sympathize with that.

The reason I accepted her offer and came to the National Defense Bureau was simply out of respect.

I just believed that if my efforts and her upright justice were combined, the life of Yoon-hee’s proud brother would continue as the son of proud parents.

A life of peace. For that, the stability of the surrounding environment was essential. Wang Ju-yeol is the one interfering with that and must be removed.

But Dahyun Jeong and I had different thoughts on that issue.

She thought that unless there was conclusive evidence, it was better to leave Wang Ju-yeol alone.

As I was watching this, I decided to take action first.

When I looked on the internet, I found this saying: Just pick it up and pay it back. Wang Ju-yeol is a corrupt public official, so all you have to do is arrest him and find evidence.

Jeong Da-hyun’s body trembled as if she sensed an abnormal air current.

“Isn’t it Junho?”

“Of course not.”


I was 100% sure. Dahyun Jeong didn’t believe me.

This gap in thinking will not be narrowed right away.

After avoiding her persistent gaze, I returned to headquarters and left work.

However, the destination was not home. I, who had been leaving work later than Wang Ju-yeol for a few days, noticed that he was moving differently than usual and followed him.

* * *

Wang Ju-yeol clicked his tongue after quietly finishing work. I was very unhappy with the recent series of circumstances.

“Anyway, these guys are the problem these days.”

It all started with Jeong Da-hyun, who was swayed by a mediocre sense of justice and joined the National Defense Bureau to kick the road to success and catch a villain.

How can you refuse full support from the largest sacred guild in Korea, which can earn billions of dollars every year?

Above all, it was even more annoying because Jeong Da-hyeon was also Jeong Joo-ho’s great-grandniece.

She was a thorn in her side who could not be touched even by her subordinates, as she had all the skills, beauty, and talents.

Still, Dahyun Jeong can handle it. Even if I ran wild and shouted for justice, I was still a child who had no idea about the world.

The problem was the guy who came in as second-in-command. That guy was the starting point of the problem.

A guy who has maimed ten villains since he was an aspiring civil servant hunter. He even crippled the interviewer during the practical test because he was too clingy.

As for whether I got better after becoming a civil servant hunter, that wasn’t the case. In his first patrol, he maimed 24 villains belonging to a drug gang and completely ignored the reporting system.

Usually, even if a new recruit has a rough temperament, he or she will be refined as he or she adapts to the organization, but this guy is beyond imagination.

From the first day, you show yourself how to live. It was clearly directed at himself.

“They didn’t make the ledger?”

Any organization must create a ledger, even if it is for its own security. Because I know very well that negotiation is possible when circumstances arise. However, Da-hyun Jeong and Jun-ho Choi did not report anything. Jeong Joo-ho, who reported directly to him, also showed no sign.

That made Wang Ju-yeol nervous.

It is not for nothing that the human imagination is said to be the devil of doubt and the way it creates fear.

Wang Ju-yeol, who suffered from the invisible truth, came to one conclusion.

“Jeong Da-hyeon, Choi Jun-ho.”

These two are concealing evidence in some form and acting independently.

Especially Choi Jun-ho. This guy must be dealt with.

Those we will meet today are also part of that.

Small guild masters who are committing illegal activities behind the scenes. It is a paddle that can be used quietly behind the scenes while being able to hit it whenever you want.

What they mainly manage is the distribution of drugs in the black market and illegal gambling halls, but this time, a drug ring was blown up and the flames fell.

‘If there’s anything that catches me off guard, it’s his skills…’

For some reason, even I couldn’t look up the guy’s level measurement data.

It was announced publicly that it was level 5, but this could not be confirmed with data.

“Jung Da-hyun is going crazy.”

“I can’t move like this. “Everyone is just watching.”

“The team leader needs to step forward.”

Guild masters I met at a high-end Korean restaurant complained. Since the main income was in the back world, the cooperation of the special team leader was absolutely necessary.

Wang Ju-yeol, who was listening silently to the contents, made a decision. I need to get rid of the creepy Choi Jun-ho. Jeong Da-hyun, who is torn between being superior and having a sense of justice, is confident that she can control it from her own perspective.

“Of course I have to step forward. Instead, you will have to eliminate one person.”

“Are you sure you mean Jeong Da-hyun?”

“No matter what, Jeong Da-hyun is a bit…”

Wang Ju-yeol shook his head at the guild masters’ disapproval.

“It’s not Dahyun Jeong. He’s a new guy who goes with this guy. “That guy is next to Jeong Da-hyun and is going on a rampage with him.”

The expressions of the three brightened at those words. If it were a newcomer other than Jeong Da-hyun, the story would be different.

Hunter, a civil servant with a poor sense of justice, has already been caught in the act many times.

“If you are just a newbie, you can get rid of it without any rats or birds.”

“If you’re going on a rampage, I’ll kill you for jumping into the organization’s headquarters.”

“I hope you keep your promise to look after me. “We will only trust the team leader.”

“Of course.”


At that time, the door to the room they were in opened. He was a young man in his mid-20s. He entered the room with a calm expression, as if it were his own home.

“Who are you!”

“How dare you come in knowing where this is!”

“get out!”

The guild masters screamed at the sudden intrusion. If it was a cry for the appearance of an uninvited guest, Wang Ju-yeol was frightened when he saw the young man’s face in front.

“Choi Choi Jun-ho! “Why are you here…?”

“Didn’t I tell you about my specialty last time? He is confident in his ability to chase, survive, escape, and kill people. And recently, I have gained more specialties that I am confident in.”

Before we knew it, Choi Jun-ho had arrived in front of Wang Ju-yeol. Everyone froze at the ghost-like movements.

“Arrest the criminal. And collect evidence.”


Wang Ju-yeol, who was forced to do this, aimed at Choi Jun-ho’s neck with a move that was not typical of his size.

As expected from a skilled person who reached level 6, his movements were fast and strong.

Quad deuk!

With an eerie bursting sound, Wang Ju-yeol’s shoulders slumped.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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