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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 76

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Episode 76:

The battle with the Berserker guy was quite intense.

I don’t know why I’m struggling like this.

Even so, he ended up collapsing in front of me.


The groaning guy’s left shoulder was crushed and his right arm was twisted in a bizarre direction. The leg was also in perfect shape, but after being hit by mines several times, the bone was completely reduced to dust.

It’s not because I have a hobby of bullying. That’s because the guy’s resistance was that strong.

It was faster, harder, and stronger than before.

Berserker, he was training hard while pretending to be something he wasn’t. It was revealed that the muscle movement and force operation ability were in perfect condition to live for me.

In particular, the fact that he was preparing to deal with me was fully revealed in the match just now. All movements were optimized to counter my attacks.

There were quite a few dangerous attacks, and I can see how much he enjoyed biting, tearing, chewing, and chewing me while practicing imagery.

I guess he wanted to kill me that much.

He seems like a persistent guy.

Well, to me, he’s a bit picky. In fact, after subduing it several times, I felt like it became easier to handle.

Was it a word where comfortable and difficult could coexist? It was vague, but that was how I felt when dealing with Berserker.

I kicked Berserker’s shoulder.

“Hey, don’t be so harsh, get up.”

“Ugh! Kkkkkkkkk! “Is this the end for me?”

The guy says out of breath.

Anyone who sees me will think I’m going to die soon.

And saying lines like this makes me look like a villain.

“It’s not the end. “You won’t die.”

“I’m not afraid of death, but it feels empty when it ends like this. “More high-tech devices are waiting for me…”

He’s talking about various electronic devices, but I can’t understand.

How is it that the guy wandering around the outskirts of the city is an early adopter than me?

It’s not that I’m indifferent, this guy is weird.

“Why don’t you listen to me?”

“Kill it.”

At this level, I guess I can see that they are doing this on purpose, right?

If they don’t listen, I have to make them listen.

I put my foot on the guy’s broken shoulder and crushed it.

“Please listen.”


The screaming guy’s struggles began to subside. I was ready to listen as I saw my eyes weaken.

“···What on earth did I do to you?”

“I consider it a sin to hold onto a coveted treasure.”

“The villain who died by my hand not long ago said that line.”

“Are you saying I’m a villain?”

“Aaaah! Please kill me!”

When I step on his shoulder again, he struggles.

“Honestly, Isn’t it amazing that you can’t kill a single person? I have a share in what you gained. So, I’m saying I’m going to take my share.”

“haha. “What a novel and crazy idea.”

“No matter what you think, you don’t have a choice. I plan on taking the Mandokbulchim with me. And I’m mistaken about one thing. I have no intention of killing you.”

“Was it real?”


Berserker’s eyes opened wide.

So I should have done it quickly. As soon as it saw me, it screamed and attacked me, so this is what happened.

I said as I sprayed the restorative agent on his body.

“You don’t have to break your heart to copy a gift. All you need is blood from the heart.”

“Well then…”

“But there’s a problem.”

There seems to be hope on his face, but there is one serious problem.

I’ve never tried it.

“I have never taken a gift without killing it. So I guess I’ll have to try a few things to get the gift without killing you.”

“You can’t believe it…”

“Please cooperate. I won’t die. Believe in your vitality. I believe it. Go for it!”


Berserker shouted with his blue face.

“Better kill me!”

You really don’t kill me?

* * *

There were a total of three methods I had prepared to copy the gift without killing Berserker.

And two things just failed.

“I guess this is it too.”


I wiped the blood off my hands and Berserker vomited blood.

“Hey, are you alive? “Can you hold on?”

“…I’d rather kill you.”

“It’s a shame. “Let’s take a break.”


At first I used tools. I used a syringe, but the problem was that the gift information could not be read because the blood was contaminated while reaching my hand through the needle.

Too bad. If this method had worked, I would have been able to easily identify various gifts.

It seemed like I had to get blood on my hands to read the gift information. I pulled out the syringe and caught the blood spraying out, but that was also a failure.

The next method was to take blood directly from a place slightly away from the heart. I began to read the information about Mandokbulchim, but it was not perfect.

In the end, it means that I have to get the blood closest to my heart on my hands.

Things in this world aren’t easy.

5 minutes have passed.

I looked at Berserker who had regained some of his stamina and said.

“Let’s get it over with once and for all.”


“It’s okay, I won’t die. “I told you to trust my hands?”

“···Just kill him.”

Even if you say this, it doesn’t sound like you believe it. Tsk, those two mistakes were a bit painful.

Still, you can’t kill it.

Berserker is a useful guy to me. It’s easy to call in and use when needed, and it helps level up Jeong Da-hyeon, and especially when you want to deal with it quietly in the outskirts, there’s no better mobilization tool than him.

So don’t die, Sucker!

“Kkanbu? “Let’s not be too distressed.”

This is sincere.

There is no need to kill him even if you need to kill him.

All you have to do is get the blood you really need. It’s my first attempt, but I’m sure I’ll do well.

“Stay still.”

My hand dug into Berserker’s chest. I dug into his strong muscles like tofu and wrapped my hands around his heart. The violently beating heart resembled the movements of a desperately struggling fish. At the same time, I felt my hands becoming stained with his blood. He shouted at me to kill him, but his heart was still beating. Just looking at it, it looks fine. This is enough.

I removed my hand from my chest as carefully as I could.

Blood spurted out from the hole in his chest. I opened three bottles of recovery medicine and poured them all at once. This is how 100 million won is being spent for Kanbu.


As I heard Berserker recovering, I shifted my gaze to my hands.

“I hope I succeed this time.”

Surely the blood-eating gift robbery cannot be completed by killing the opponent?

I ingested the blood on my hands. The information written in blood began to be interpreted. This method was right. Mandokbulchim was copied and engraved into a gift suitable for me. Instead of adding a new one, I deleted the existing gift, ‘Force Convergence’.

As Mandokbulchim took its place, a strong headache came over me. The pain continued as if my head was being stabbed with an awl, but it was bearable.

I furrowed my eyebrows and touched the shape of Mandokbulchim, which was being carved step by step. The gift has been copied. There is nothing wrong. After several attempts, the legendary gift came into my hands.


It was a gift that I couldn’t get even when I had a hematoma. Even if there was a hematoma in front of me, I could tear it to pieces now.

After being ecstatic for a moment, I turned my attention to the fallen Berserker.

“Are you alive? “It’s alive.”

The pierced chest was sutured well and he was breathing evenly. He was a guy with a tough life.

Every time I took a breath, my expression was distorted as if I was in pain.

“done. “Thank you for the gift.”

“…I’d rather kill you.”

“Hey, you’re alive?”

“…Kill me.”

“This is true.”

Even though they say they didn’t intend to kill him.

But seeing the fallen Berserker made me feel a little sad.

Still, he is a villain so infamous that even the government is shocked.

Was I a little harsh?

* * *

The Berserker came to his senses only after a while. I massaged his heart a bit, but it didn’t seem to do much damage. This is a good way to get gifts without killing them.

I had no intention of killing him from the beginning.

I was thinking of hanging out with him to see how strong he had become and just copying the gift.

Of course it’s not free.

As we obtained legendary gifts, we also prepared gifts.

I handed a dagger to the guy who was touching my chest.

“What is this?”

“A dagger made from Nuri bone.”


“It is a combination of Shinsung Group’s capabilities. “It’s probably one of the strongest swords in existence?”

The guy used a large sword, but I couldn’t handle it, so I handed him a dagger for self-defense. This is a great cost saving.

Even so, if you become a superhuman, even that becomes a killing weapon.

“It’s a gift. “Did you really think I would come all the way to Yeosu to pick up a gift and get it for free?”


This kid doesn’t agree.

I guess they thought they would get it for free. Why do I feel like I can’t trust others?

These days, it seems like there are a lot of people who don’t believe what I say.

Anyway, I achieved my purpose here and thought I should go back soon, so I said goodbye to Berserker.

“Please go. “Please go quickly.”

···I like it so much.

“Anyway, use it well. And you have become quite strong. But it won’t work for me.”

forever. forever.

I headed to Seoul that way.

* * *

When I returned to Seoul, I went straight home. After changing clothes and eating, I planned to check Mandokbulchim.

When I opened the door and went inside, I saw Yunhee’s figure becoming one with the sofa.

This guy is training hard, right?

“How about gift training?”

“me? I’m working hard. Stop for a second! “Don’t come closer!”


Yunhee suddenly got up and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

“The way you look at me is really bad. “Aren’t you thinking about how to act now?”

“It’s not.”

It’s a ghost.

Yunhee also jumped at my wife.

“I work really hard every day, right? I’m doing it to the point where it leaves a sweet taste in my mouth! So don’t think about rolling any more. I was already advised that I didn’t have enough time to rest. They say it needs maintenance! and.”

Yunhee’s eyes suddenly darkened as she stopped speaking.

“I told you not to tell mom what I was doing, right?”

“Are you scolded?”

“I seriously considered bringing a knife when I unlocked it. Do you know where my anger is? uh?”

“You seem to have been scolded quite a bit.”

“Yes, thanks to a whistleblower, this was greatly resolved. “Does it make you even more upset to say it with my own mouth?”

I took a step back as I looked around, looking for something to grab.

If he does it, he really does it.

In the end, Yunhee said, unable to find anything suitable and sitting on the sofa with a sigh.

“But I heard that the Director of the National Defense Agency will become the Director of the newly established National Front Defense Agency. Did you say anything to your brother?”

“There wasn’t one.”

“okay? “I heard there’s a hearing tomorrow.”

“He’s a person who can do well on his own. “You can watch it comfortably.”

“Well, if my brother is around, it’ll be a mess. “Isn’t that why everyone runs away?”

“How are you looking at me?”

“A training fanatic whose brain is also made of muscle?”

···Seeing how well you use your mouth, I think you can use it more.

Yunhee met my eyes and trembled, then turned her head and fixed her eyes on the TV.

It’s harder to find fault.

Deciding that I would soon find a day to help Yunhee open her gift, I went into the room, changed my clothes, and had some food.

I heard about the Jung Joo-ho case from Lee Se-hee, but it will be passed without any problems. Because he had no personal flaws and his relationship with me was quite dry.

Jeong Joo-ho’s integrity was at the highest level, having never committed a single fraud while working as a civil servant hunter for a long time.

“Should I go too?”

I thought so too, but since Jung Joo-ho didn’t ask much, I thought I would trust him and watch.

After sending a brief message of support, it was time to head out.

“By the way, you said you were going to Tokyo soon, right?”

“Huh why?”

“There’s a guy named Guillermo in Mexico. If you see him, make him a muksabal!”


“My brother publicly criticized me for hunting down Nuri, saying it was a lie.”

“Things like that happen, too.”

“It doesn’t matter if you stay still, but if you start a fight, I’ll kill you! “Why do you make a fuss about someone you care about because you are weak?”

“I get it.”

If you come looking for a place to die, I’ll kill you.

I went that way to the National Security Bureau and entered the personal training room.

I thought I would open the gift since I received the perfect gift.

The reason why the name of the gift is Poisonous and Invulnerable is because it regards all strange phenomena on the front and back sides of the world as poison and liberates them.

It was first discovered in China and was given this name. In the West, it was also called the power of the Lord because its power was similar to that of the Lord’s Ring held by Lancelot.

It was a necessary gift in an era overflowing with all kinds of gifts and monsters, as it was able to repel any abnormal condition.

The only downside is that it only applies to yourself.

“Let’s try it.”

I activated the Mandok Unsulliance.

The open gift passes through my body in an instant. It feels as if a cool breeze dries my wet body. This refreshing breeze began to scan me for the presence or absence of poison.

The first was the body. When there is no problem, we move to the Force. There is nothing wrong with the force.

The final destination of Mandokbulchim is the realm of the spirit.

I am confident here. My return to the past began when I regained my sanity, so of course I can pass without any problems…

Tick! Tidik! Tidi Dick!

However, abnormal air currents began to occur.

The energy of omnipotence and invulnerability began to fluctuate violently and rush towards my mental barrier.

I couldn’t hide my confusion.

what? Is there something wrong with my mind?

Clearly, the hematoma personality disappeared and normal thinking returned.

I live blending in with society without any sense of incongruity.

But why?

As if to prove why it was called the legendary gift, Mandokbulchim managed to break through my solid mental barrier and invade my mind.

Then a strange feeling came over me.

Affection for family.

Compassion toward the weak.

Love for the opposite sex.

Mercy towards enemies.

Justice for the world.

Why does such a useless thing come to mind?

···It seems like the omnipotence is not omnipotent.

I strengthened my mental barrier to block the invading, poisonous and unscrupulous current. Then, the fragmented emotions that arose quickly disappeared.

A ridiculous situation arose where I was blocking my gift with my force. At the same time, I racked my brain to figure out what was happening.

Could it be that at least a fragment of Heungjong’s ego remains?

There is no way Mandokbulchim would have judged my normal sanity to be abnormal.

Because that’s normal.

I used my force to suppress the airflow that would kill all poisons.

Even at the moment of extinction, Mandokbulchim tried to penetrate my mental barrier. It was as if my mind was screaming that something was wrong.

On the subject of gifts, are you treating the owner as crazy?

“There’s no such thing as a gift these days.”

I started teaching Mandokbulchim that your master is normal.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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