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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 75

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Episode 75

Me-Where are you?

I-I’m going to find you now!

Me-I read it but didn’t reply. ㅡㅡ

B-If you don’t answer, I will consider the gift as opened.

Me-But is Mandokbulchim good?

I-Ignoring you.

Me-[Delivery expected to arrive]


I used the last special move, Delivery, and even the Gifticon new move, but the Berserker didn’t fall.

I put down my unanswered smartphone and clicked my tongue.

“···It seems like this guy is truly open to all poisons.”

Berserker Considering this guy’s personality, I was 100% confident.

I guess the crazy guy was so confident that he could catch me that he came to his senses.

It is a legendary gift that does not affect any condition.

If you are an awakened person who is confident in your own combat power, Mandokbulchim is a shield that can block any poison, mental confusion, or debuffs.

This is a gift I definitely want to have. To do that, we need to find this Berserker.

“Just looking at this kid, it looks like he’s gone into hiding.”

Where should I go and catch it?

This guy was a villain and was moving around the outskirts, so it was difficult to pinpoint his place of residence. He probably believes that too and uses strategies to kill time. Does he really think that time is on his side?

Are you saying that if you build up your strength during this time, you will be able to defeat me?

···Ah, I guess I’m not that stupid.

But even if I went to visit him, what happened next was the problem. To obtain immortality, you need to obtain heart blood, but should you kill it? Or is there another way to get blood?

I’ll have to think about this. It’s quite useful to just kill.

First of all, the most important thing is to figure out where the Berserker is.

This was easily resolved during a conversation with Lee Se-hee.

“Of course there is a way to find out.”


“Yes, Berserker, the smartphone you have is in Junho’s name.”

“It was like that.”

Come to think of it, I’m paying the fare too.

Are you reading about a topic that is available for free? Should we drastically lower the rate plan?

What Sehee Lee was talking about was a ‘location tracking app.’

Since the smartphone is in my name, it is not difficult to track it.

Berserker, we’ll see you soon.

As expected, it is Lee Se-hee. If there is a problem, he solves it clearly.

Seeing my gaze, Lee Se-hee smiled and crossed her legs in opposite directions, showing off her beautiful legs.

“Junho has taken his hands off the lunch box company issue, but it is being handled more seriously than expected.”

It was said that not only the lunch box company, but also civic groups and Seoul City Hall-related departments that worked to select the company were being searched and seized.

In particular, it is said that the scale of the incident was quite large, with the deputy mayor being dismissed and the mayor of Seoul personally stepping forward to provide an explanation. Lee Se-hee said that this was a result of the president’s intentions being reflected.

“The president is hotter than I thought.”

“I will definitely use this opportunity to strengthen my discipline.”

“Your own party?”

“yes. Even if you belong to a party, not everyone is of the same mind. In particular, the power of the Blue House is a power with a deadline, and the next power is a newly emerging power, so there is bound to be a struggle for leadership.”

The other side is trying to stick a knife in the father’s stomach to inherit power, and the father is holding his son’s cheek, saying it is too early.

It was surprising that even though they were deceived, there was a fierce struggle for power within it.

It’s none of my business what the purpose is.

“Anyway, it’s surprising.”


“I didn’t know that Junho would make decisions under his watchful eye.”

“They say they will actively handle it, so we are watching. “If you don’t handle it properly, you can move on.”

Some aim for some kind of preventative effect.

Still, there are more cases where things don’t change, but in those cases, you just have to do something.

Unless I have to go through and process everything individually, it is more efficient to have a self-cleaning effect.

I also felt like I was equipped with a refined hand that no longer kills everyone.

“As the mayor of Busan passes away, the opposition party will be confused and the ruling party will become pro-presidential. “It’s not a bad development for Junho.”

“It’s okay.”

“Yes, they have learned that if they touch Junho, they will suffer great losses. “You would want to get along well with Junho rather than have a falling out.”

“Honestly, I don’t want to get involved in politics.”

Even if the opposition candidate is elected in the next presidential election, I plan to get along well as long as I don’t particularly touch him.

Because what the person is like is more important than what the party is.

Lee Se-hee also agreed and said that it was not an easy task.

“The party’s ideology is also important. “By following that ideology in the larger framework.”

“If you don’t want to die, you will change your ideology.”

“···That is correct.”

There are surprisingly few people who do not break their beliefs in the face of death.

That’s why I care about Dahyun Jeong.

Lee Se-hee pouted her lips.

“Don’t just take care of Dahyun, take care of me too.”

“Is there anything you want?”

“I’ll think about it.”

Lee Se-hee, who was smiling as if this was what she wanted to hear, mentioned an upcoming event.

“So, I heard you’re going to Tokyo soon?”

“uh. why?”

I wondered if there was something else special going on, but Lee Se-hee closed her mouth and seemed to gather her thoughts before speaking cautiously.

“I don’t mind going, but I have some concerns.”

“What are you worried about?”

“I don’t know what the government intended, but the awakened people belonging to the World Association of Psychics generally view Mr. Junho with suspicious eyes.”

What’s there to question?

Lee Se-hee held up three long white fingers at me, who gave me a puzzled look.

“First of all, as Mr. Jun-ho eliminated Jiang Zedong, those with a pro-China stance are not looking at it well, and secondly, there are people who believe that Nuri’s hunting information was not properly provided. Lastly, there are people who don’t believe in Junho’s skills.”

“My skills? why?”

“There are so many things about Junho’s achievements that are unbelievable.”

“I can’t wait to catch one monster.”

“Isn’t the damage that that monster has caused to the world now enormous?”

Not long ago, level 8 harmful monsters similar to Nuri appeared all over the world.

I heard that there was a lot of damage as a result, and while the Nuri hunting briefing was helpful, it also made me question my skills.

This is a different level from the existing level 8 hazard, so a new level called level 8 plus was created.

I feel like I’m going to tremble for killing a monster.

“The problem is that they are weak.”

“That’s the fundamental problem. But those people may want to test Junho’s skills.”


“It’s human psychology to try dipping it in poop or soybean paste.”

It feels like the expression has become extreme. It’s not because of me, right?

Anyway, I don’t think it’s a big deal to do this without believing in my skills.

You can’t believe it because you haven’t seen it with your own eyes. However, if you try to test it without believing in it, you have to pay a price.

Because nothing is free in this world.

“doesn’t care. “I just have to kill them all.”


“If you want to test it. Could it be that you doubted it without any preparation?”

“I don’t think I was prepared.”

“Then you have to die.”

“···Junho hasn’t changed. “A storm will rage.”

Am I being treated like a troublemaker?

I guess it’s because I couldn’t see what Lee Se-hee was really causing.

Still, I came back to my senses and never had an accident.

Dealing with the aggressive guy came back to my first topic when I decided to think about it after going to Tokyo.

“Tell me how to track Berserker’s location.”

“yes. “Please give me your smartphone.”

Lee Se-hee manipulated it so that he could find Berserker’s location.

This guy is now in Haenam Land’s End Village.

Could it be that he is avoiding me and going far away? Did you think I couldn’t go to the end of the earth village?

It was time to think about going to catch him.

Lee Se-hee told me, as if she remembered something she had forgotten.

“Oh, and there is Director Jeong Joo-ho’s hearing.”

“Why is that?”

“There is a high probability that Junho’s name will come up at the hearing. “Director Jeong Joo-ho is Jun-ho’s boss.”

My Name? “Do I have any weaknesses?”

Jung Joo-ho will take care of it.

Lee Se-hee also simply conveyed that this could happen.

Now let’s go catch Berserker.

* * *

Berserker believed that his life basically began with endless freedom.

I drive a camping car, which can be called a rottweiler, and freely roam around the country. When I get tired of it, I sometimes move around on my own without anything.

Then, when they see a villain, they step on it, or they watch the hunting team’s actions and kill a villain they can’t deal with.

Because someone has to take out the trash.

When he runs out of money, he makes a living by catching monsters and selling them on the black market.

Berserker was a welcome customer because there was no need to bargain.

So, although he lives as a villain, the life of a Berserker is not lacking.

Sometimes my family comes to mind, but even that doesn’t mean much.

If you continue living like this and catch a glimpse of the stars, that’s it. I really liked this moment when I wasn’t tied down by anything.



I thought I had caught a glimpse of a stellar moment when I gained the Unrivaled Death, but that was just an illusion.

It was just a feeling of exaltation that I experienced when I received the gift, but it wasn’t something that could be called a stellar moment.

That’s why the message I sent to Choi Jun-ho was painful.

Because Mandokbulchim is only a means of enabling one to demonstrate one’s full power, it does not make one stronger.

Especially against an opponent like Choi Jun-ho, it is rat poison.

Berserker placed his hand over his heart. There were no special wounds, but it was throbbing from earlier. Although he recovered completely and without even a scar, his futile struggles in front of him led to aftereffects for quite a long time.

“That guy is coveting my gift.”

I still can’t forget the look in his eyes that recognized Mandokbulchim and looked at him.

The eyes of a predator looking at delicious prey.

I know he can steal other people’s gifts. Once you have the Unstoppable Attack, Head Breaker will be able to demonstrate absolute inaction without being affected by any abnormalities.

The monster has wings and is even equipped with a laser beam.

Considering his personality, he will kill you mercilessly and steal your gift.

I am not afraid of death, but I am afraid of being trampled to death like a bug without being able to do anything.

This is why Berserker decided to read it.

“Buy time. “After I train myself to the point where I think it’s enough, I step out in front of him.”

At least to the extent that his end will not be shabby.

I want to crack that relaxed face. I want to at least make a big scar.

Then, when you look at the scar, you will think of yourself.

If I wasn’t going to win, I wanted to at least leave an indelible mark.

Suddenly, I felt ridiculous about my situation.

“You’re only thinking of making a scar.”

It wasn’t long ago that I was thinking about how to kill my opponent.

I felt like I was caught by a really nasty guy.

But I don’t hate it. The existence of a huge wall that seems impossible to overcome serves as a goal that makes you not satisfied and pushes you further.

Berserker arrived at Land’s End Village in Haenam, killed the villains lurking nearby, took over their home base, and stayed there for several days.


The life of training while looking at the endless sea was not bad at all.

Choi Jun-ho probably doesn’t know he’s here.

The new strategy is to travel around the country like this and not be noticed. Because he’s a busy guy. I was so busy dealing with this and that that I wanted people to forget about themselves for a moment.

But why do I feel so anxious?

I tried to vent the uncomfortable feeling that I couldn’t shake, but it wasn’t easy.

Haenam was a good hideout. Not only is it far from Seoul, but there are few safe zones, making it difficult for witnesses to exist.

However, his senses are sending him a strangely strong warning. It is a matter that cannot be explained scientifically, but in this case, it is difficult to see any good results even if you hold on for a long time.

“Is the ground bad? “I need to move.”

Instead of ignoring the growing sense of discomfort, I drove a camping car and left Haenam that night.

The new destination was Yeosu. I was planning on staying here and not moving as much as possible.

The car sped along the empty road without hesitation.

It was a sight that would normally make my stomach sink, but strangely enough, my anxiety was growing.

“what is the problem?”

What on earth is going on? I inadvertently let go of my hands holding the steering wheel and looked at them, sweat pooling in them.

In the end, my hands started shaking.

After driving half-consciously, the car entered Yeosu.

After killing several monsters wandering around, Berserker parked his car in a wide open area, got out of the car and fixed his eyes on the sea.


The ever-changing presence of the sea was something that helped calm my mind. But this time the case was different.

Rather, my senses are sending me increasingly loud warnings.

Get out of here. Hurry up and run away.

“Are you telling me to run away from the world?”

Even though I came from Haenam to Yeosu, my feelings didn’t go away and my anxiety got stronger. What should I do?

However, the warning sent by my senses grew stronger and reached its peak.

My heart is pounding.

Eventually, fear, beyond excitement, engulfs my entire body.

I feel like my entire body is numb and my saliva is drying out. My chilled spine becomes damp with cold sweat.

I’ve only felt this way three times.

When I first hunted, when I got married, and.

Headbreaker Choi Jun-ho This is when I met that bastard.

I guess my senses have become strange since I gained Mandokbulchim. It doesn’t matter if the senses expand like this and you gain an ability close to precognition, but the possibility that it is an adverse reaction cannot be ruled out.

Isn’t that right?

He is far away in Seoul. The guy doesn’t even know where he is. However, sending this reaction means that the body has not adapted and is disturbed.

It was when I turned around thinking it was an overreaction of my senses.

A voice that should never be heard pierced my ears.

“Does Mandokbulchim have other intuition benefits? “I think I’ve gotten a good feel for it, right? It’s a legendary gift, after all.”


Berserker was so shocked that it took his breath away when he saw Inyoung sitting on the camping car.

The face of the ghost smiling happily at him… belonged to Choi Jun-ho.

How does this guy get here?

“I came to get a gift.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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