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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 74

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Episode 74

Han Jeong-moon, who heard the news of a commotion, clicked his tongue when he arrived at the location of the incident.

There, Choi Jun-ho and the fallen figure of Ham Guk-ki caught my eye.


At a glance, I could see what the situation was like.

“Take him.”

At those words, the people who were watching came rushing in and took Ham Guk-gi away. Only then did Han Jeong-moon set his sights on Choi Jun-ho.

My first impression was that it looked flashy, like something you would wear at an event.

But the bottom line is that An Ha Mu-in doesn’t even care about the president. He is evaluated as having a certain level of skill, but from Han Jeong-moon’s point of view, there is no other arrogant person like him.

If you become a superhuman at a young age, you won’t see anything.

Is that guy really that strong? On the outside, he didn’t look strong at all.

Inside, he wanted to fix his messy hair, but in reality, he was a guy with a strong back to the extent that the President warned him about it.

Han Jeong-moon, who had calmed down his anger, introduced himself.

“It’s Hanjeongmun.”

“This is Junho Choi.”


There was silence for a moment.

Han Jeong-moon recalled what Choi Jun-ho wanted and made a proposal.

“We will conduct a fact-finding investigation and audit the company. And then the re-selection process begins. “How about we end it like this?”

“Are you serious?”

“I’m serious.”

This is the line you can present. You can guess a few things here.

Politics is the art of dialogue and compromise. I thought we could come to terms if we each confirmed our opinions.

However, what came out of Choi Jun-ho’s mouth was completely different.

“It’s very different from what I thought.”

“Which one do you mean?”

“At the very least, the company should have promised to recover all of the money it had made and punish those involved. “Have you heard anything from the President?”


“If this continues, I have no choice but to put the mayor on the hammock list.”

“What now…?”

Although he always maintained a polite image, Han Jeong-moon was also very temperamental. Without that aspect, he would not have been a good mayor of Seoul and would not have been able to get ahead among his competitors within the party.

Even though he was considered a strong presidential candidate, he has never been treated like this.

The moment I was about to show my anger, I made eye contact with Choi Jun-ho. Then I couldn’t breathe and had no choice but to put aside my anger.

I felt the shock of being exposed to two empty eyes.

Choi Jun-ho was treating himself as Jeong-moon Han, a natural person, not Han Jeong-moon, the mayor of Seoul.

‘You look at me like this? Me, the leading presidential candidate and mayor of Seoul?’

But those eyes were sincere. I came to my senses the moment I realized that my status as a person wielding the curtain of glamor could not even impress the other person.

After stripping away all the achievements that have been made in social standing, all that remains is the strong and the weak as human beings.

What if Choi Jun-ho takes action here? Will Choi Jun-ho be punished? His power is such that the President surrounds him and even the ruling party leader takes his breath away. Choi Jun-ho will not suffer much loss if he kills himself, as it will only cause ‘slight’ inconvenience.

The moment I realized that, I knew what the president was trying to say.

This meant that since they could not be tied down by the social reputation and laws they had built, they should make a good compromise.

After a long period of silence, Han Jeong-moon gave an answer.

“…I am not involved.”

“I see. “Then can I handle it my way?”

After learning about Choi Jun-ho’s true nature, there was no time when those words felt so scary.

“What do we have to cooperate with?”

“Can I ask you a favor?”

“Just talk.”

Han Jeong-moon obediently accepted Choi Jun-ho’s request, which could be said to be somewhat unreasonable.

“Give Choi Jun-ho everything he wants.”

Han Jeong-moon, who gave instructions, aged several years in a short period of time.


The reason I was angry about lunch boxes was because they took charity work to the level of profit maximization.

Philanthropy is a social and public relief project. Of course, since there is a public purpose, the benefit should be minimized and given to as many people as possible.

···It’s a bit funny that I, who had a hematoma, even thought about this.

After being chased for so long, I think it’s because he’s sincere about what he eats.

Even if my thoughts feel like hypocrisy, I think it’s good if as many people as possible benefit from it.

If the lunch box had cost about 2,000 won, I would have passed on it.

But honestly, 6,000 won is over the line.

“I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“It doesn’t bother me at all. Rather, I thank you for allowing me to accompany you.”

“What. “I feel reassured when the manager is with me.”

On the way to the lunch box company, I joined the audit team brought by Cheon Myeong-guk.

I can handle it on my own, but I’m just grateful that he said he would step forward.

“We will closely investigate whether there was any corruption in the selection of the company, and the civic group plans to begin an accounting audit. “You only need to look at lunch box companies.”

“All right.”

The inspection was carried out by surprise. It was a piece of cake for the audit team, who were professionals among professionals, to look into the information of a small factory.

Upon inspection, the facilities were not properly maintained, so they were a mess and hygiene was worst.

Not only Cheon Myeong-guk but also members of the audit team frowned.

Why are you talking like this?

There are people who ate two packed lunches made at these factories in one day.

That’s me. To be honest, I didn’t think much about hygiene. There seems to be a place that is kept clean.

“Are you sure you ate the hammock?”


“How long do you think you ate?”

“I think we need to estimate the amount. However, considering the cost of the lunch box, it is clear that there was considerable profiteering.”

I thought I was making a small amount of money, but surprisingly, it was a considerable amount of money.

We’ll have to look into the exact details, but if we investigate where the money went, I think a big picture will come out.

“First of all, I’m sure I’m guilty.”

“···That’s right.”

Well, Cheon Myeong-guk’s gaze is annoying.

To anyone who sees it, it will look like they came to the factory to commit massacre.

If I had been willing to do anything, I would have done it right away.

“You don’t have to worry too much. I’m just going to see the boss here. “I’m curious what your thoughts are.”

“I hope you come to your senses.”

The factory door opened, ignoring Cheon Myeong-guk’s words, and a loud shout resounded so loudly that it shook the factory.

“Who are you! “Someone can break into my factory!”

The person who came inside was a thin man in his early 40s with prominent cheekbones. He, who seemed to have a good temper, glared at the inspection staff and approached me and Cheon Myeong-guk.

“Who are you and who came in here! Do you know who I am?”

Someone would think we were trespassing.

No, now that I think about it, it’s trespassing.

Anyway, seeing him shout like that, it seemed clear that he had a backbone.

I also have a president. In terms of strength, isn’t I the strongest?

I was curious about who I could trust and do that.


“Rep. Choi Hyo-jik is my father-in-law!”

Sorry, this is my first time hearing this name.

But there is Cheon Myeong-guk next to me who will faithfully explain.

“Who is it?”

“I am a third-term member of the ruling party. “This is the Seoul mayor faction.”

“Then is the Mayor of Seoul also involved?”

“Even if there is, it will be minimal.”

“That’s something you’ll find out when you investigate.”

I said, looking at the factory owner’s grinning face.

“I don’t think this guy will show any remorse even if he gets caught?”


Cheon Myeong-guk confirmed in silence. I took it as a sign that he would accept whatever I did. Does this mean you will trust me? Then I have to respond too.

“First of all, I know what your concerns are. “You think there will be no end if I interfere like this, right?”


“I won’t kill you. Do not worry.”

I pulled out the knife and swung it at the factory owner, who was still yelling at me. The factory owner’s limbs were cut off by the force blade.


The guy shaking around like an insect, spraying blood on the floor, was a perfect fit.

I nodded slightly. Earlier, neither Vice Mayor Ham Guk-ki nor the factory owner were killed. This is how they fit together.

“Let’s see how the law is judged.”

Just watch it once, and if you don’t like it, you can use it then.


Choi Hyo-jik, who heard the news about his son-in-law from his daughter, jumped up from his seat and shouted.

“I know you’ll be safe after treating my son-in-law like that! Choi Jun-ho, you bastard!”

The son-in-law’s limbs were cut off and he was in critical condition and barely survived. I rolled my eyes when I heard that even though my limbs were attached, I could barely live a normal life after a long period of rehabilitation.

I can never leave it alone.

I think I have to do whatever it takes to get Choi Jun-ho to lose his temper.

But before he could take action, Myung-guk Cheon visited the lawmaker’s office first.

“The President wants you to be self-reliant.”

“Now my son-in-law’s limbs have been cut off! My daughter called me crying! “But are you telling me to just move on like an asshole?”

“So you should eat it in moderation. “Because you did more than expected, this sad month happened.”

Choi Hyo-jik’s facial muscles trembled.

“No matter how powerful the Blue House is, they say such nonsense…”

“Do you think I came here without any information?”


The moment Choi Hyo-jik heard the cold voice, he came to his senses. The opponent is the director of the Awakened Security Office, the president’s closest associate, and the person who initiated the incident is a superhuman.

I heard that the factory was robbed before my son-in-law’s limbs were cut off.

If the investigation was done quickly and the funds were traced, there is a high probability that they would have figured out where the main body was.

If you find out that you are not the only one involved, but that you are involved in deeper matters, you will be the one to be cut off.

“The reason my son-in-law did not die is because of the President’s arrangements. Choi Jun-ho touched the country’s money and was caught in the eyes of Superhuman Choi Jun-ho, but as long as his limbs were cut off, he could have prevented it with minimal damage. “If Choi Jun-ho had the personality of a superhuman, he would have stormed into the National Assembly right away and ripped off the member’s limbs.”


“I believe you will take care of yourself and I will go back.”

Cheon Myeong-guk, who was going outside, smiled bitterly as he heard the sound of someone collapsing.

This case was somehow ended in a scaled-down manner, but there were concerns that it could escalate at any time.

It’s you who has to take care of it.

I suddenly feel like my stomach hurts.

“I hope the office is established quickly and Jeong Ju-ho comes.”

Then, the work to be done was reduced by half, so I prayed that the time would come quickly.

In the meantime, he returned to the Blue House and reported directly to the President.

The President, who had been watching out the window, turned around with a satisfied expression.

“At this rate, we ended up with much less damage than we expected. “Thank you for your hard work, Director Cheon.”

“I just did as I was told. However, the dissatisfaction of Mayor Han Jeong-moon and Representative Choi Hyo-jik will be significant.”

“Is Choi Hyo-jik messing with the welfare budget because he has nothing to eat? If it had been reasonably understandable, this wouldn’t have happened. Send Senior Secretary for Political Affairs to Ji Chang-yong to have Choi Hyo-jik eliminated from the next nomination. And Han Jeong-moon… just watch for now.”


The president’s voice was cold as he immediately blew away even the third-term senior leader.


“I know that if you make this decision, the ruling party will be dissatisfied. But read this. “Because you will change your mind.”

What the president presented was a report related to monsters from around the world.

“You said last time that the Awakened Power Rankings weren’t properly recognized, right? “There was a reason.”


Cheon Myeong-guk’s eyes widened as he received the document. The content written inside is related to the newly introduced harmful level 8 monster.

It was summarized as a monster of a similar level to Nuri, which appeared in Korea not long ago, and that it was much stronger and showed more gifts than the harmful level 8 monsters that had previously appeared.

It was written that countries that took measures based on the contents of South Korea’s briefing succeeded in preventing it without major damage, but countries that did not believe in it or ignored it suffered enormous damage.

The proof was that as many as three level 8 superhumans died as a result of this incident.

The United States succeeded in hunting by mobilizing two superhumans, and China mobilized a large number of high-level awakened people of level 7 and 6 to block it.

“We stopped that monster with Choi Jun-ho alone.”


“Don’t you think you know why UPN doesn’t believe the results of Choi Jun-ho’s solo hunt? Even if it were me, I wouldn’t have believed it if I had been told that he hunted alone in China. But we know this is true. This means that Choi Jun-ho’s value is beyond imagination. “Because of this, we have no choice but to continue the relationship even if it means going to great lengths.”

“Looking at the numbers, I can see how great it is.”

“Others should know this too, but there is a prejudice that they don’t look strong because they are young, so tsk tsk. “They’re using that to fight for public opinion, but there are only bad guys in Yeouido.”

Cheon Myeong-guk, who recently reported that the number of people calling themselves Choi Jun-ho’s fans is increasing exponentially, agreed.

“Wouldn’t UPN be talking like this?”

“Do you need to worry about that? If you get destroyed while fighting, you brought it on yourself. “They are the ones suffering the damage, not us.”

Choi Jun-ho didn’t seem to think for a second that he would lose.

Well, that’s what I thought too

… Anyway, I think the president is becoming more and more like Choi Jun-ho.

Although I was a little concerned, I understood his feelings.

I hope Choi Jun-ho goes to Tokyo quickly.


In the forest, a space filled with thick poisonous fog, corpses of deceased villains were lying around, and Berserker was standing in the center.

In front of him, the remains of a level 7 Poison Snake had collapsed.

This monster, which emits an enormous amount of poison breath that can poison hundreds of people at once, is said to be the most difficult to hunt among the 7 levels of poison.

Berserker succeeded in hunting it alone.

“haha! Kkkkkkkk! Hahahaha!”

Berserker looked at the sky and burst into laughter, feeling as if nothing had happened even after inhaling the poisonous fog.

Finally, a new gift, Mandokbulchim (萬毒不侵), was released.

Berserker, who received the legendary gift of the greatest strength, felt himself being whirled within by the power of the Fallen Emperor, which would destroy everything in the world.

This is the star moment. Berserker, overcome by an ecstatic feeling, trembled slightly and enjoyed this moment.

With his eyes full of murder and a grim expression, he revealed his hidden evil.

“Junho Choi, now it’s your turn.”

Without erasing the murderous message, Berserker took out his smartphone and sent a message. It was a declaration of war.

Me (Berserker) – Now it’s your turn.

Me (Berserker) – I’ll come find you soon.

The harsh hardships Choi Jun-ho has been through so far.

I remembered the moment I was treated mercilessly by that guy and vowed revenge.


As I recalled the two moments when my heart was broken, I felt the fighting spirit that had been building up to my core fading away.

Berserker changed his mind to take a step back.

“We still don’t know his power. So you should be careful. First, make the gift completely yours. And then I go find him.”

Me (Berserker) – This is a deleted message.

Me (Berserker) – This is a deleted message.

That was when I quickly deleted all the messages.

But Choi Jun-ho was faster. The number mark was erased before deletion. This meant that Choi Jun-ho had read it.

Afterwards, messages started pouring in.

Junho Choi – I saw it all.

Junho Choi – But why are you deleting it?

Choi Jun-ho – Let’s have a fight?

Choi Jun-ho – There’s no way we can just stick together.

Choi Jun-ho – Is it really possible that Mandokbulchim was opened?

Junho Choi – Where are you?

Junho Choi – I’m leaving right now.


Sweat beaded on Berserker’s forehead as his anger was controlled.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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