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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 72

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Episode 72

In a cold atmosphere, Choi Jun-ho raised his hand.

“This looks like it needs editing. When I think about it again, I think treating him like a villain is excessive. You may make a mistake in your calculations and there may be cases where additional fines are incurred and paid. “It would be a crime not to follow that.”

“Ah yes.”

Go Ye-jin was relieved and changed the topic.

“Now that I think about it, I heard that the World Supernatural Association Day event will be held in Japan soon. Choi Jun-ho, do you also plan to attend?”

“We are currently contemplating that matter…”

Although it was a topic unrelated to paying taxes, it was not a bad trend to edit separately.

Lee Se-hee, who was watching the process, left her seat.


When I think back to what I heard just a moment ago, I feel a pang in my bones.

All companies do their best to save taxes. It was taken for granted that it crossed the line between legality and illegality. Companies wage war on taxes, sometimes to the point of committing illegal acts. Then, when a big mistake is made, additional fines are levied and sometimes the business owner goes to jail.

This also applies to Shinsung Group. No, it is ranked first in the business world and is the most active in this field. If you shake it off, the most will come out.

Lee Se-hee, who returned to the office, immediately called Lee Young-tan and gave instructions.

“Let’s review all aspects of paying taxes. “As much as possible, within the framework of legality, avoid any issues.”

“Team leader, you need to reconsider this.”

“This is right.”

Lee Young-tan repeatedly tried to persuade him, but Lee Se-hee shook his head resolutely.

This will result in an astronomical amount of money being spent, but it is a loss that can be tolerated.

You can think of it as a cost to be with Choi Jun-ho.

If you try to save money in a clumsy way and it goes wrong, it will be a bigger loss.

“It’s difficult to do business with someone who is not greedy for money.”

When I remembered the reason why this happened, I smiled helplessly.

* * *

The interview regarding tax payment drew an explosive response.

As Go Ye-jin came up with a provocative title and Jin Se-jeong’s design was added, the comment section of internet articles was filled with praise.

I just paid my taxes. Is this something to get excited about?

To be honest, there are aspects of the recent trend that are difficult to understand.

“Give up and accept. Then it becomes easier.”

Yunhee summarized this briefly.

It meant that if I didn’t change anything from usual, the people around me would take care of the rest.

Yoon-hee’s order is to live as usual because even if you think hard about it, you won’t understand.

That would be better.

By the way, I heard that Yoonhee was going to visit her parents’ house tomorrow, so I was curious what the results would be for reporting her idol fantasies.

And the question about paying taxes was answered by Jeong Joo-ho when I went to work at the National Security Agency.

“It means that there are a lot of people who don’t do what they should do. “It makes me sick to my stomach to pay taxes.”

“Director too?”

“I’m human too, isn’t that true? Thinking about my refund decreasing every year makes me sick to my stomach. “Why does it seem like more is being ripped off every year?”

Seeing as how Jung Joo-ho, who seems not to be greedy for money at all, regrets paying taxes, I guess I’m unique when it comes to money.

Is this a side effect of living on the run for a long time while suffering from a hematoma?

“And it’s a good thing they didn’t label people who don’t pay their taxes as villains.”

“Do you think so?”

“uh. How complicated is tax law? When I didn’t know much, I got called because I didn’t report it properly. If you wear this on your nose, it’s a nose ring, and if you wear it on your ear, it’s an earring. If you’re being picky, things that were legal become illegal. If you treat all those people as villains, more than half of the people in the world will become villains, right? “You should avoid turning half the people in the world into enemies.”

This means that there are many ambiguous aspects that make it difficult to make conclusions.

Then, Jung Joo-ho, who made eye contact, curled the corner of his mouth.

“But there will be some people who will be appalled after seeing your interview. “There might be some people who are so shocked that they pay.”

“Oh no way.”

“Is it true? “You don’t know how scary your every word can be.”

Because of me, it became widely known how scary the person who does it is.

If you say something, isn’t it natural to put it into action?

“So how are you these days?”

“Which one?”

“The number of fans has increased. “Isn’t it good?”

“···It’s not bad.”

It’s better to be cheered than hated.

It’s a problem because I don’t really know why, but I don’t hate it.

It was an unfamiliar feeling, but I felt like I was being rewarded for not becoming a villain.

I looked around some more.

“Hehe, you’re more popular than idols.”

I don’t really like Jung Joo-ho’s attitude because it’s a joke.

I have to let you know that only when the words that go are good, the words that come back are also good.

“Congratulations on your inauguration as Commissioner.”

“···It’s all because of you.”

Jung Joo-ho’s expression, which had been smiling brightly, immediately distorted. One effect is certain.

But I don’t know why he’s telling me that he was promoted because of his outstanding abilities.

Although Jung Joo-ho was originally recognized for his abilities, he was appointed as the newly established commissioner due to his perfect command ability during the villain eradication operation as well as the operation to seize Busan City.

It was an organization that stood above the existing three countries and was to become a member of the three-top system along with the head of the Awakened Security Office and the minister.

These were all achievements achieved by Jeong Joo-ho.

I only answered one question from the president.

But I don’t know why they’re blaming me.

“If you hadn’t been in love with that guy, Director Cheon, you would have had a good time here!”

“They say it’s a wild chive, but that can’t be true.”

“If it weren’t for you, I could have been more faithful to my family.”

Even if the reaction is violent, it is too violent.

I actually think it’s something that deserves to be thanked.

I didn’t feel very good because instead of saying thank you, I was pointed at.

And the facts were very different from what I knew.

“Your wife likes it when the director gets promoted.”

“···How do you know what my wife thinks?”

“I got a call from Dahyun. Thank you. But what you said is different from what the director said? “Would you like to have a three-way meeting with your wife?”

“no. You don’t have to ask. Don’t contact me. That’s right, my wife actually likes it a lot.”

Jung Joo-ho became thoughtful and spit out an excuse as if he were rapping rapidly. Is the mention of your wife that surprising?

He looked like a newbie hunter who had encountered a level 7 harmful monster, so I began to comfort him.

“But isn’t it better than being idle? If you perform well in your role as Commissioner, you may become the head of the Awakened Security Office or the Minister of Awakening.”

“Because you don’t want to become that much? And I have no political leanings, neither the ruling party nor the opposition party. “I don’t like it all.”

The goal is to make it both thin and long in the middle while cursing.

“And if you want to become a commissioner, you also have to prepare for a personnel hearing, which is annoying.”

“Is there anything that sucks?”

“···There is none. But why are you asking?”

For a moment, I saw my body tremble.

I wondered if there was some problem, but then I thought it was absurd and laughed.

“I was just asking because you were worried?”

“That’s because a cold-blooded person like you can cut my throat and still have some left over. “If you’re going to kill me, promise me you’ll let me go without pain.”

“Hey, haven’t you had some time with the Director? Of course I believe it.”

“It’s been less than a year?”

That’s right. Because there were so many incidents, it felt like quite a bit of time had passed.

I was thinking about it for a moment, but it seems like Jung Joo-ho was received in a different sense.

“Hey, usually when I say this, don’t you say you won’t use your hands? uh? “You’re not thinking of anything else, are you?”

Take this?

“If the number of cases becomes unacceptable, we should think again, right?”

“uh? Is it real? No, right? Hey hey huh?”

“Look. “Then I’ll go.”

Jung Joo-ho tried to catch me, but I escaped quickly.

Nothing much will happen.

* * *

I had a meal with the President and First Lady Cheon Myeong-guk. There, too, the name of an organization that had passed by during the interview was mentioned again.

“World Federation of Supernatural Persons?”

“It’s a famous organization among awakened people. In English, it is abbreviated as UPN. “Do you know?”

“I know. But I thought it was a place that had nothing to do with me.”

“There is a connection. “There’s nothing wrong with becoming friends.”

“Are there any real benefits?”

“Yes. There are many things to evaluate here. One of them is the World Awakened Power Ranking, which is secretly important from the country’s perspective.”

Is there such a thing? I thought it was a childish classification, but the president said otherwise.

“It’s a ranking of the awakened power of every country in the world. You can look at it like the old military power rankings. “It is an indicator of national prestige in the present era.”

The president said that the scale of the world awakened power ranking is estimated based on the number of awakened people, the number of high-level awakened people, the amount of support from the country, market size, geographical advantage, frequency of occurrence of monsters, and hunting performance.

It is said that South Korea has a large number of high-level awakened people compared to its population and size, and the frequency of monsters appearing is relatively low, so it hovered around the top 10 in the world’s awakened power rankings. This can be said to be a great ranking compared to the population.

It was said that at its peak in history, the ranking was 8th, and since then it has fluctuated between 9th and 11th.

“But this time, we achieved 7th place for the first time.”

“It’s high.”

According to the president, isn’t this the greatest peak in history?

I felt like I could have liked it more, but there was dissatisfaction on my face.

“But we protested that it was too low.”


“It did not properly reflect the fact that our superhuman Choi Jun-ho hunted Nuri alone in the World Association of Supernaturals.”

The World Federation of Psychics said that they dismissed my capture of Nuri alone as a lie and did not acknowledge it.

They said they caught what I caught. What’s the problem? These guys are strange.

“If applied properly, Korea’s awakened power ranking could rise from 4th to 5th. “It means becoming more than a permanent member of the board.”

I didn’t know that.

Anyway, I heard that the rankings were fluctuating because of me, but honestly, I wasn’t that interested.

It’s not like you lose money because of your ranking.

But the president seems to think differently.

“This year, the World Supernatural Day event will be held in Tokyo. “How about taking part?”

I? Is it really necessary?

I wasn’t really curious about other awakened people, and I didn’t feel the need to go far, even to Tokyo. And they say they don’t believe that I hunted Nuri, but looking at these guys full of distrust only makes me lose my appetite.

Looks like he’ll be busy killing those who are arguing.

“Can’t I go?”


For a moment, I saw the expressions of the President and Cheon Myeong-guk become clouded. I guess he wanted me to go.

Rather, isn’t it bad because if I’m away, there will be a hole in the work being done?

The two people must have noticed my gaze and quickly adjusted their expressions.

“hmm! “It doesn’t matter if I don’t go, but it doesn’t seem bad to go.”

“you’re right. This is a place where you can see superhumans from all over the world, except for superhumans in essential defense. “It will help you see the world more broadly in the future.”

Is there really a need to look at the world broadly?

If you look at it broadly, the idea is that the world is big and there are a lot of people to kill.

Is this something different?

Anyway, there must be a reason for recommending it this way.

“Then let’s take a look.”



Why are their expressions brightening?

I didn’t find out why until the meal was over.

* * *

These days, I feel that humans are such strange animals.

After meeting Jin Se-jeong, managing my image in earnest, and gaining positive response from people, I felt many changes taking place within me.

I feel like the hematoma inside me is fading away and I am becoming a real superhuman Choi Jun-ho.

Until then, I had no great attachment or deep thoughts about being a superhuman. But my thoughts were changing as I saw people supporting me.

For no reason, I looked around me one more time and thought that if I were in trouble, it wouldn’t be okay to help.

“That’s why Junho can’t be a villain.”

Lee Se-hee’s words gave me strength.

Then one day.

Today, like any other day, I received an initial call and was on my way back from supporting the outskirts.

On my way back by helicopter, just as I entered Seoul, something caught my eye.

Normally I would have just passed by. However, my suddenly rising curiosity prevented me from passing by.

“Captain Han, please return first.”

“yes? Then, superhuman…”

“I have something that catches my eye. “I’ll go down for a moment and then come back.”


I heard an answer, but I opened the door and jumped out.

Perhaps because it suddenly appeared in the sky, all eyes were on it when it landed on the ground. Without hesitation, I approached the main character that caught my eye.

They were brother and sister. The girl, who appeared to be the older sister, looked to be around 12 to 13 years old, and the boy looked to be around 7 to 8 years old.

“Wow! He’s a hero!”

The boy let out an exclamation as he saw me coming down from the sky, but the girl who seemed to be his older sister looked at me with a wary expression.

I looked at the siblings slowly. What caught my eye was the sight of people walking down the street wearing old, poorly maintained clothes.

Even inside Seoul, security is not good enough to walk around freely. There are villains inside the city and young children are targeted for kidnapping.

Of course, Seoul is Seoul. A city where people who are able to work and pay normal taxes gather. I wondered if there was a story behind walking around in such a place and dressed like that.

“you guys.”

They both flinch at my words.

“Why are you walking around like that?”


“There is nothing to eat! “I’m hungry!”

The answer came from a boy. The girl pulled her younger brother away to prevent him from saying any more, but he had already heard everything.

Nothing to eat? why?

I felt puzzled. Even if the country’s situation wasn’t as good as before, wouldn’t the minimum level of support be provided?

In an era where monsters and villains were rampant, this was the minimum standard for Seoul citizens to lead a humane life.

“Aren’t you providing support?”

“I’m not qualified!”

“It can’t be possible.”

“Because it doesn’t work, I’m going around begging like this.”


I had no choice but to agree with the girl’s sharp words.

But the doubt did not go away. Seoul is a place where the government has the strongest influence and is making special efforts to prevent its citizens from becoming refugees.

When citizens become refugees, most of them join villains, so even families in difficult circumstances are provided with support so that they can make a living. So what the siblings said makes no sense.

“Let’s go to the neighborhood office. “I will inquire.”

“How can I trust you?”

“Sister, that brother is a hero.”

I shrugged my shoulders, looking at my wary older sister and brightly smiling child.

“If in doubt, come from a distance.”

I took the lead and went to the nearby town office with my brother and sister to make an inquiry.

The official in charge who looked up the computer data said with a perplexed expression.

“I don’t qualify.”

“Why not?”

“I have dependents. “Families with dependents cannot receive support.”

“My father got hurt at work. “I can’t even afford the medicine right now…”

The girl who caught my gaze said.

“That’s right.”

“It’s still difficult. “Even if my father gets hurt, my mother is the caregiver.”

“Mom ran away.”

So, because there is no one to work at home, the siblings are starving and the government is unable to provide support.

I understood the situation. Then you will now receive support…

“It’s difficult because I have dependents. sorry.”


That’s the rule. The person in charge cannot change it arbitrarily. In the end, all my shouting was meaningless and I ended up leaving empty-handed.

No, not exactly empty-handed. The person in charge said he was sorry and provided three lunch boxes for the underprivileged.

It’s a poor lunch box in my opinion… but it costs 6,000 won per piece?

This is ridiculous.

Feeling somewhat lost, I looked at the siblings standing awkwardly and spoke.

“Follow me.”

I bought the children clothes and food. It was cheap sympathy for me, but it was something the kids needed. I couldn’t just give him a poor lunch box and send him off.

“brother! Thank you!”

“Thank you.”


When I saw the children who arrived home expressing their gratitude with tears in their eyes, I fell into a strange feeling.

The country is spending an astronomical amount of money to help such children. However, it is not being used properly for children who really need help.

I paid my taxes without question because I thought the country would spend the money correctly. But what is being shown now raises doubts about that system.

“Where is my tax money being used?”

Why are the rules like that? And that lunch box costs 6,000 won?

I guess I’ll have to check it out.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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