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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 69

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Episode 69

In this life, Jeong Da-hyun is a pretty special person to me.

Compared to when it was a hematoma, it was at the level of heaven and earth.

To be honest about Jeong Da-hyun, I didn’t think much of it when I first met her back in the past.

When I think back on that time, I feel lucky to have met Jeong Da-hyun. Because he gave me strong guidance when I was planning to become a civil servant hunter without much thought and helped me a lot in not thinking about anything else.

In her last life, when she died by my hand, Jeong Da-hyeon did not break her upright will until the end.

For me, this was the first time I saw the unwavering justice that burned itself for justice even when it meant death.

So, in this life, I wanted to see the justice she pursues spread.

The reason I went out of my way to lead her to level 7 was because of that curiosity. In the process, I got the nickname Nachalnyeo, but I guess it’s okay.

But the expression on the face of the guy dealing with me was strange.

“You fooled me.”

“What are you faking?”

If I win, you’ll save my life? That’s still a valid proposition.

I never lied, but I went crazy and went crazy.

“Don’t think that you will die easily.”

“Good resolution. “Do your best.”


The determined guy pulled out a rock right in front of him and threw it at me.

It may have weighed several tons, but seeing as it was like throwing a ball, the nickname ‘White Merchant’ seemed fitting.


Broken rock fragments flew out with a terrifying roar.

Taking advantage of that opportunity, the guy’s powerful fist came aimed at my face.


The wind seems to be torn apart.

The body would not be able to withstand such strong force, but my faithfully trained body was able to withstand it.

It is a very good educational material to inform the facts to Jeong Da-hyun, an awakened person who has trained his basics and body to the limit.

I pushed his hand aside.

“Usually we prepare for the next attack, but it’s good to consider the variables that may arise as a result.”

Arai easily dodges my outstretched hand in a counterattack. He counterattacked fiercely, but I lightly snatched his arm and threw him away. Normally, it would have been crushed by a mine.

But right now I’m in training.

“If you are at level 7, you can avoid and counterattack. But I barely managed to avoid it and then it made this obvious attack. “It is important to maintain a pace that allows you to attack at any moment.”

And I stretched out my hand in a straight line, then twisted the trajectory and adjusted the speed.

Arai’s hands and feet, which were good at blocking at first, began to feel dizzy.


“The reason I am not fooled and he is fooled is because he can control not only the form of attack but also his will. If you mix your will with your attack, your sharply sharpened senses will instinctively take a defensive stance even if your movements are not large. Since he was tricked, I took advantage and gained the upper hand. “We should be able to mix up the trick here one more time.”

Jeong Da-hyun, who has intuition, can guess, predict, and gain insight into opponent’s attacks in more diverse ways.

In that sense, this white merchant was a fully matured level 7, so it was perfect for showing off. The basic training was thorough and there was plenty of practical experience. It was good to give advice to Dahyun Jeong as she followed the direction I led.

Although it seemed like he wasn’t actually the one being harmed.

“Stop playing around and kill me!”

“Oh sorry. Just a little more. But were you from Korea? you are good at Korean. But why didn’t I know your name?”


Arai’s mouth closes.

But I was sincere when I said I was sorry. I’m not usually the type of person to play around and kill like this. If it were a villain, I would kill him as quickly as possible without wasting time, but I had to train Jeong Da-hyun, so I took my time like this.

“Instead, I will kill you painlessly.”

“shut up!”

It’s a favor I can do for you, but you’re trying to refuse it.

After a few attacks he tried with all his might were blocked, he completely lost his will to fight. And then he started looking for an opportunity to escape from my grasp.

I can’t let go of my precious teaching materials. As I increased my attack speed to take away Arai’s stamina, the tired guy eventually began to slow down.

Hmm, is it to this extent?

As expected, since I use a lot of strength, my endurance is not good.

It seems like I’ve squeezed out everything I could.

Quad deuk!


Arai, whose arm was broken, screamed. In the meantime, the power in his fist was still there.

I don’t particularly crave gifts related to super strength. As long as the use of the Force is high, depending on the level of physical training, you can exert as much power as the Super Strength Gift.

I lightly parried his fist and smashed his forearms and shoulders one after another.

They even broke his legs to prevent him from escaping.

There was no need to explain this process of neutralizing the villain because Dahyun Jeong was also doing it well.


The sight of the guy crawling on the floor with a desperate scream was the final scene of a villain.

Of course, that’s how a villain suits him. When they see that, the would-be villains become scared and cautious.

It’s not really necessary, but should I squeeze out more information about the league?

Dahyun Jeong, who was watching from the side, said.

“They said they would let me go without pain…”

“Oh right. “I said I would let you go without pain.”

I forgot.


“My gifts were originally items that were a bit painful. sorry.”

I swung my hand blade and cut Arai’s head off.

Leaving the helpless body behind, I turned my attention to Jeong Da-hyeon. You should have learned something from what you saw here.

“Did you feel anything?”


“Can you be specific?”

“no. sorry.”

Jeong Da-hyun, who was trying to think while bringing her eyebrows together, apologized. understood. Originally, enlightenment was difficult to describe at first. It can only be completed when you materialize it and come out in your own clear form.

“It’s hard to feel it all at once. “It’s important to embody it and make it yours.”


“Then let’s move.”


“Don’t you know that Busan is full of people who will kill you right now? “I will explain it to you as I kill you, so keep it in mind.”

There is also a way to have them fight you directly, but you have little chance of winning.

If you think about it, why did you think that guy who is dead now would also fight against Jeong Da-hyun?

Anyone can see that Jeong Da-hyun is weaker.

Could it be that they thought I would instigate a confrontation with the strong and achieve enlightenment in a situation that is pushed to the limit?

I guess I watched a lot of hero comics.

The most certain way to advance to the next level is after ‘safety’ is first secured. What would be the point of dying and going to the next level?

The fact that I summoned Berserker to secure his safety and then had him spar was an extension of that.

“let’s go.”

Jeong Da-hyun and I moved to find another person to kill.

* * *

Busan is a place where meteor trees have taken deep roots over the past 10 years.

It was said that the citizens had been deceived, but there was no place in this area of Busan that was untouched by Yoo Seong-su, and villains wearing the masks of hunters were lurking everywhere.

Upon hearing the news of the fall of Busan City Hall, several villain organizations fled to Japan or went into hiding, but there were many more remaining forces that could not escape.

“Wipe it all away.”

Under the thorough leadership of Jeong Ju-ho of the National Protectorate, Yoo Seong-su’s forces were quickly wiped out.

The reason this is possible is because of brainwashing. As the embodiment of desire, Yoo Seong-soo showed the ability to endure brainwashing for quite a long time.

All of the surviving subordinates also extracted information through brainwashing, and Yoo Seong-su’s forces came out like sweet potatoes one after another.

The largest purge in history. And when tens of trillions of won in money was recovered, the media was shocked and made it into the news every day.

< The amount recovered by Busan City alone reaches 50 trillion won! >

< Will the biggest meteor gate in history explode? The opposition party is also not unrelated! >

< Busan, which was causing conflict, is actually a safe zone for monsters! >

< 野 “It has nothing to do with the Yoo Seong-su gate.” Dismissing the controversy! >

< Is it okay for a murderous drama aired in broad daylight to continue like this? > < Is it okay for a hunter who is more cruel than a villain to walk around like this? > As

the incident called Yoo Seong-su Gate was broadcast on TV day after day, the approval rating of the opposition party plummeted.

The opposition party, which protested that it was a political purge, had to bow down in the crossfire of public opinion and only apologize.

I think it contains some strange news.

“It’s all thanks to Choi Jun-ho, our superhuman.”

A big smile appeared on the face of the president, whose approval rating rose due to a reflex effect. They said that they would lose their minds when the approval ratings came out, and it seemed to be true.

“I just did what I had to do.”

“To be this humble. So how can you not be pretty?”

You don’t have to be pretty.

As if he had read my thoughts, he smiled humbly and changed the subject.

“Oh, and Japan also sent a thank you note. “They said they were thankful for Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman grace.”

“I’m glad if it helped promote friendship between the two countries.”

“And the Japanese proposal to clean up the league was rejected.”


“For them, it is not an easy decision for a superhuman from another country to come over to carry out an operation. Understand.”

“Yes, it’s okay.”

All you have to do is get rid of whatever you see.

But I felt the president watching me carefully.

“Do you have anything to say?”

“Can I ask you something?”

“Please speak comfortably.”

“It might be a bit troublesome.”

“If it’s really difficult, I won’t answer.”

“Then I can ask you comfortably. So, um.”

I guess it’s really difficult to answer. This makes me more curious about myself. What on earth are you asking? Are you trying to ask me if I am a villain?

I can say with confidence that that is not the case.

However, what came out of the president’s mouth was completely different from what was expected.

“Are there by any chance multiple gifts?”

What else can I say?

Is this a question you have to worry about and ask?

There was no need to hide it, so I answered willingly.



“That’s really true.”

Rather, the president who asked the question and Cheon Myeong-guk, who was very nervous, looked helpless.

“They usually say that if you have multiple gifts, you won’t be able to use them properly…”

“I am different.”

Because they all stole gifts that other people had completed.

But is there any reason to be so cautious?

“I see.”

“You can speak comfortably.”

“I want to, but I’m not mentally ready right now. “Hehe, it’s not rude to ask if there are multiple gifts.”

“All right.”

“Instead, don’t reveal to others that you have multiple gifts. “Is this important information?”


Anyway, very few people know that I have multiple gifts.

Originally there were quite a few, but they all died.

* * *

“Whew! “It’s difficult to deal with.”

Choi Jun-ho left and the President sighed.

Even though he was as old as my uncle, dealing with Choi Jun-ho was more difficult than persuading the opposition party leader.

Just today, my hands were wet with sweat as I was asking for a gift.

“But I got some useful information.”

Dealing with Nuri and even Yoo Seong-su.

He could confidently say that signing a contract with Choi Jun-ho was the most successful of his achievements.

We even found out that Choi Jun-ho handles various gifts. I decided to be satisfied with having glimpsed part of the reason why he is strong.


The President smiled at Cheon Myeong-guk.

“Has this incident changed your thoughts?”

“It has changed a lot.”

“That’s right.”

The President was a non-awakened person and Cheon Myeong-guk was an awakened person, but their thoughts were completely opposite.

This operation to catch Yooseongsu was carried out as Cheon Myeong-guk insisted, and the result was suppression due to conflict.

“In the end, it is power that achieves justice.”

“It was a feeling I had forgotten after leaving the field for a long time. This time, I realized it while watching Choi Jun-ho’s superman.”

“What was it like seeing it from the side?”

“I was afraid.”

I still get shivers when I think of the moment Choi Jun-ho appeared as Jeon.

The way he destroyed the enemy in front of him without even thinking about it. It may seem cool at first glance, but what if the target is yourself? What if it becomes Korea? I felt like it was getting dark before my eyes.

The President spoke as if he had sensed that thought.

“That’s why we decided to use it even more as our own strength.”

“I doubted whether I would be able to control that power until the end.”

“You have to come to your senses.”

Is that possible? What if a few accidents turn everything upside down?

Cheon Myeong-guk sighed and revealed his honest thoughts.

“What the President said is correct, but the world will not accept it as is.”

“That opinion is coming out right now.”

“What is urgent now is public opinion regarding Superhuman Choi Jun-ho. “This is true both domestically and globally.”

“It’s not easy.”

“There must be forces encouraging it behind the scenes.”

“You can’t even classify them as a league.”

Choi Jun-ho’s enemies were everywhere. There may be reporters or guilds who regard his actions as tyranny. There may be civil servant hunters who feel jealous because the speed of promotion is so fast, or there may be companies that have suffered huge losses due to the Big Bang series.

“There are also those who support the League’s ideology here.”

It was literally a mixture of all kinds of junk.

Their purpose is one.

This is to ensure that Choi Jun-ho is perceived by the public as a ‘villain’ rather than a ‘hero’.

The invasion of the Busan City Council was a very good starting point.

It was true that even though they had made an effort to catch Mayor Busin and the city council members who were trying to start a civil war, they ended up executing it arbitrarily.

Attempts were being made to change public opinion about the Awakened by pointing out this radicalism.

This was happening not only domestically but also overseas.

“Especially if I go to a meeting, it will be a pain in the ass.”

“If you start a fight, I won’t tolerate it.”

“If we go to the International Federation of Superpowers, there will definitely be an accident. “You were invited, right?”

“Because he is the most talked-about superhuman in recent times.”

Choi Jun-ho’s existence is widely known not only in Korea but also around the world.

In particular, his prestige was high for hunting down Nuri alone.

Even though the hunting process was briefed to the United States and other countries, there were still many hunters who did not believe in hunting alone.

“I plan to inform Superin Choi Jun-ho soon.”

“There is no reason to stop it.”



There was a moment of silence between the two.

Since there are people who do not look kindly on Choi Jun-ho’s actions, the possibility of a conflict occurring there was very high.

How do I stop this?

Cheon Myeong-guk was about to come because his head hurt.

“Why not just pass it on?”


“There’s no point in worrying about it. Let’s send Choi Jun-ho to the International Superpower Association and enjoy some rest. The high-ranking nobles there will take care of it. “Choi Jun-ho’s taste is too special for me to taste alone. What do you think?”

“…You are wise.”

Just by Choi Jun-ho leaving Korea for a short time, it feels like his lost vitality is coming back.

It’s a bonus that people all over the world can taste Choi Jun-ho.

The two’s expressions brightened.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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