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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 66

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Episode 66

After leaving a warning, the people in the office came rushing out.

But some remained steadfast until the end.

If they don’t listen, I’ll have to show them that I’ll take action.

“Let’s see something.”

Sensing a few moving figures beyond my senses, I threw Lee Jong-kyung to the ground and raised my hand blade to cast a storm of blades.

Gurgling! Pretzel Gwang!

There was a loud noise and the office wall collapsed. I cast Blade Storm twice more and dismantled all three walls of the occupied office. People in the hallway screamed and fell to the floor.

After a while, the scene inside the office was revealed.

Sure enough, all three people were holding smartphones.

I guess this is an on-site arrest.

I approached the prosecutor who was furthest away.

“Why didn’t you come out?”

“you you! How dare you right now in front of the prosecutor…”

“What do you say about the subject of inspection? “I’m higher.”


It wasn’t worth listening to until the end so I broke my head.

I caught a glimpse of the swordsman who was collapsing, with blood and brain fluid pouring out, and approached the other guy. The guy was also spouting nonsense, so I smashed his head without hesitation.


I waved my hand as I was heading to where the last remaining prosecutor was.


People who were trying to go outside were scared and fell to the ground when a force blade cut through the floor right in front of them.

“I will kill even those who run away.”

The last prosecutor in the office was a prosecutor who looked a year or two older than me, who was pale and young, unlike the two who had died a moment ago.

The guy waved his hands and desperately made an excuse before I could even approach him.

“I just got a call from my girlfriend. These days, things haven’t been going well between us, so I comforted him. “It’s so salty.”

“Give it to me.”

When I looked at the smartphone handed over by the prosecutor, I saw the name saved as Mr. Yoonjeong♡.

Even though I said it was Yoon Jeong, I wonder if I could hear the voice of the mayor of Busan. Without resolving my doubts, I put the smartphone to my ear.

However, the voice coming from across the room belonged to a young woman.

-hello? Mr. Joo Hyuk?

“We break up.”

-What? Mr. Joo Hyuk? What are you saying now? You were comforting me just a moment ago, but then suddenly… Hello? Mr. Joo Hyuk? hey? hey! You’re not answering! okay! Let’s break up!

I’m sure it’s not enough to even modulate a woman’s voice.

After confiscating the smartphone, I sent the screaming prosecutor out into the hallway and occupied the entrance.

Lee Jong-kyung, who had become half sick in my hands, stopped moving at some point. When I got closer and touched it with my foot, it was dead.

“What, he’s already dead.”

It was dark, and all kinds of shit forms were being held, but the vitality was poor. They’re acting like something happened, but it’s useless. I pushed it into the corner with my foot.

At that time, I felt a group of people approaching from outside.

When I opened the door, I saw a sturdy, older man approaching with a stern expression, accompanied by a group of awakened people.

“who are you?”

“He’s the Prosecutor General. “What kind of behavior is this, Choi Jun-ho, a superhuman?”

The most likely culprit candidate has found you on your own.

“You’ve arrived just in time. “You are also a candidate for criminals, so don’t move from that spot.”


The Prosecutor General’s expression cracked. Can’t you hear me?

“Don’t move because there are charges. “If you move, they will think you have ulterior motives and will use their hands.”


After saying it twice, he seemed to understand and didn’t say anything more.

When he saw that the Prosecutor General’s eyes were on Lee Jong-kyung, who had collapsed and died, he kicked him and threw him right in front of him. If you don’t want to end up in the same situation, you’ll just stay quiet.

While waiting for Cheon Myeong-guk to arrive, gazes poured in from all directions. I gave appropriate warnings whenever someone with different thoughts appeared.

Every time, he lowered his head as if he was hitting the floor, and even though he had no intention of killing innocent people, he seemed to be more afraid than necessary.

About 30 minutes later, Cheon Myeong-guk appeared with the Awakened Security Office hunters.

“Superman Choi Jun-ho! “What on earth is going on?”

“We caught the guys who were communicating with the Busan side.”

“Internal tube?”

“They are openly saying they want to downplay the incident. So, the Prosecutor General also put him on the list of criminals and kept him in custody.”


The expressions of not only Cheon Myeong-guk but also the Prosecutor General who was charged with the charges hardened. Considering that this is the first expression I’ve heard of, it may seem unrelated, but criminals these days are very good at managing their facial expressions.

“It’s not me, Director.”

“I believe it. “But I would like you to go to the Blue House, Mr. President.”


“If you are honest, the charges will be dropped. “Can you understand?”

“I can’t help it. All right. We ask that innocent people not be harmed. “Can I trust you?”

The last words were said while looking at me. Anyone who sees it will think they are trying to kill everyone.

“Don’t worry. “Only three prosecutors died.”


“Bring the president.”

Cheon Myeong-guk approached me after sending the Prosecutor General to the Blue House.

“It was completely devastated.”

“We warned you, but there were people trying to contact us from outside.”

“Well done. From now on, I will help you too.”

“The documents are completely fabricated, so let’s check there first.”

“All right.”

While the Awakened Security Office hunters were collecting people from the Central Investigation Department, I worked with Cheon Myeong-guk to gather documents related to Busan and look through them intensively.

Activated intuition. When you read and understand the contents of the document, the puzzle pieces fall into place and the overall picture is inferred. If your intuition doesn’t respond, it’s right. If the drawing doesn’t fit or is wrong, there’s a problem with the documentation.

“The speed is incredible.”

Cheon Myeong-guk let out an exclamation as he watched me sort the documents in an instant. This is the power of intuition. It seems like it’s being used differently from its original purpose, but it’s a branch of application.

I sorted out the documents brought by the Awakened Security Office hunters and handed them over.

“Thank you for your cooperation. Thanks to this, I think things will get done quickly.”

“It’s no big deal. “Anyway, I think it’s hard to believe the prosecutor.”

“yes. “I think we need to find another way.”

Together with Cheon Myeong-guk, whose face was covered in shadow, I searched the Prosecutor General’s office, but found nothing special.

When I returned to the Blue House, the President immediately came out and called Cheon Myeong-guk. Across from me, I saw the Prosecutor General sitting stiffly.

“Welcome. “I heard that you paid for something really big.”

“It was a minor incident.”

“I’m glad I have you. So, what were the results of the search?”

Cheon Myeong-guk, who was listening, answered.

“It is highly likely that the Central Investigation Department acted alone.”


The Prosecutor General sighed in relief. The President, who was watching this, nodded.

“It’s natural. “I trusted President Kim from the beginning.”

“Yes, President. Thank you for your trust.”

“Now that the Central Investigation Department has been overturned, there will be a lot of work to be done. “Let’s go.”

“We will make sure there is no noise.”


The Prosecutor General returned with a more relaxed expression. As soon as he went outside, the President’s expression hardened.

“Now it’s war.”

“Mr. President, we must first separate the opposition party and Busan City and make them move separately.”

“Let’s hold a summit meeting.”

“What would you do about Busan?”

“Since we have taken action here, why not show action first? Wait while gathering data. “Whether or not the war begins depends on our choice.”

The president who said that looked at me.

“As you can see, Busan City is showing its will not to sit back and suffer. “The opposition party must have been in contact, and large guilds and conglomerates must have also been in contact.”

“Is it okay if we wipe out everything there too?”

I guess I should tell Lee Se-hee not to mess around with Busan. It could all be blown away.

The President shook his head.

“no. That’s not what I want. “In that spirit, can I ask you one more favor?”

“Please speak.”

“The chaos is going on in Busan, but I think it’s Yoo Seong-su, his followers, and the villains who committed the crime.”

“You want to reduce the damage.”

“Can you do it?”


The president’s request is to kill only those who will kill him. The level of difficulty increases significantly compared to just killing all the guys that attack me.

I thought about rejecting it, but seeing the president’s earnest expression… I didn’t think much of it.

Still, you should show some sincerity to think about a method.

“We will come up with a plan so that we can achieve our goal with minimal damage.”

“Thank you. “Then the question is what comes next?”

Separate the opposition party from Busan City and subdue them with minimal damage.

This can only be realized if the best results are achieved in all processes.

Cheon Myeong-guk came forward.

“If the Busan mayor’s thoughts are revealed, I will visit Busan. “I will try to persuade Mayor Yu.”

“You want to go to that dangerous place? no.”

“But if it weren’t for me, no one would even listen. I will try my best to persuade you. I am also a level 7 awakened person. “Don’t worry too much.”

“But that doesn’t work. “Why do you want to take the risk?”

Cheon Myeong-guk smiled at the hard-line president’s dissuasion.

“I’m just doing what I can. “I hope you feel comfortable writing this, Mr. President.”

“haha. “Then please do me a favor.”

The President eventually nodded to Cheon Myeong-guk’s insistence.


Meeting with the 3rd guild master. Dinner with heads of large corporations. Meeting with a ruling party member of the National Assembly.

It was an outrageous move by the president that took place in just two days.

I advised Lee Se-hee to refrain from contacting the Busan mayor.

-The mayor of Busan is already asking me to meet my uncle. They said they detected an abnormal air flow and rejected it. There was such an inside story. I’ll be careful. thank you.

With this, Shinsung Group took a step back.

I also contacted Lee Chan-taek, and he accepted my request.

As many as two people collaborated before starting work.

Having many friends is much better than you think.

And soon after, a close associate of the Busan mayor from Busan relayed the message.

In the presence of Cheon Myeong-guk and I, the President burst into laughter.

“Yoo Seong-su admits that he was harsh and said he is holding himself back.”


“Is that the end?”

I couldn’t find anything more to say even after waiting, so I asked, and the President nodded with a serious expression.

“They were threatening to say they were planning to split the country in two. I’m saying let’s go in a good way. haha.”

“Of course I made some promises.”

There were three main conditions for the compromise that Seongsu Yoo proposed. The first was to stop disbursing funds to the league, the second was to completely eliminate villain organizations, and the last was to catch corrupt politicians through self-audit.

It was an improvement plan that could not be expected to be effective at all.

“It’s like peeling off a few dead skin cells and claiming to be born again. “That shooting star is looking at me like water!”

“Fix it.”

While trying to dissuade the President, Cheon Myeong-guk looked at me and said,

“So I’m thinking of going to Busan.”

“Is there a way?”

Cheon Myeong-guk shook his head.

“Mayor Yoo probably thought that the conditions he proposed would not be accepted. Perhaps the intention is to buy time. I’m going to go and explore what I really want and what I can give up. “Time is not on our side.”

“They must be raking in power right now.”

“you’re right.”

After appeasing the angry president and moving to the Awakened Security Office, Cheon Myeong-guk sighed deeply.

“It would be nice if the negotiations were successful, but since it is a confrontation between rivers, there is little chance that it will end well.”

You can be happy if you give in to each other, but things don’t work out ideally in the world.

“The good news is that the leader of the opposition party has a different faction from Mayor Yoo and thought that this action crossed the line, so he decided to take a step back. But underneath the surface, Mayor Yoo’s faction will try to provide support.”

So what the President and Cheon Myeong-guk wanted was a quick resolution.

I did not want the standoff to be prolonged and be seen as a civil war.

“The key is Superin Choi Joo-ho.”

I guess I’m pretty trustworthy.

Cheon Myeong-guk said that the three major guilds and large corporations will take a wait-and-see stance. I will watch from the middle and stick to the advantageous side.

I should repay you as much as you trust me.

“Please take this.”

I handed the ring to Cheon Myeong-guk. It was a gold ring with a plain design and nothing special.

Cheon Myeong-guk, who saw the force flowing gently on the surface, made a puzzled expression.

“Is it an artifact?”

“It’s a ring where good things happen. “You can keep it with you when you encounter Meteor Water.”


“Something really good is going to happen.”

I smiled, but Cheon Myeong-guk’s expression was not bright.


The moment he realized that the government’s movements were unusual, Yoo Seong-su became openly hostile to the government and began blocking supplies going up to Seoul.

As Busan’s three-term mayor, he has focused on privatizing Busan’s electricity over the past decade.

This was possible because there were no large guilds or conglomerates in Busan. As a result, we were able to grow power on a scale that the government could not afford to do recklessly.

Although it is poor in terms of quality, it has grown to a scale that will prevent the government from acting carelessly.

When the government moves, it is framed as a civil war. I was confident that I would not be able to move easily because the burden would be so great.

Time is on your side. The other person was a powerful figure nearing retirement, and he was a politician who still had room to move up. The party will also provide support.

The intention to convey the intention to the government was largely to buy time.

Aside from that, it was shameful that he flatly rejected his offer.

“In the end, if you’re going to drink beolju, you have to go along with it. “Where is the White Army?”

The secretary answered Yoo Seong-su’s question.

“They say he returned to Seoul.”

“Are you saying you won’t interfere? “I failed to capture it, but that’s not a bad thing.”

If the three major guilds with level 8 superhumans don’t move, there’s only one thing to be wary of.

“You just have to be careful of that bastard Choi Jun-ho.”

A wicked guy who thought of himself as a criminal at first sight. I promised myself that I would always show the hot taste.

Yoo Seong-su was confident.

“It’s a shame the league doesn’t send us superhumans.”

How much money have you spent so far?

Ingratitude is probably the word used to describe these guys.

But Yoo Seong-su was not disappointed. Even if there is no superhuman, there are plenty of ways to stop it.

It is the shield called citizen.

No matter how rough Choi Jun-ho is, he doesn’t kill innocent people.

Busan citizens were the strongest supporters and hostages at the same time.

“I’d rather kill a few people.”

What if an innocent citizen dies at the hands of Choi Jun-ho?

Public opinion will lean towards you.

“Let’s give it a try. See if you can break through the shield of three million people.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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