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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 57

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Episode 57:

Zhang Zedong’s weapon was the most common long sword in China. I remembered hearing that it was given to him directly by the president and that he was pampering it. I tore that thing to shreds in my last life.

Looking at the gorgeous, well-maintained Daedo that gave off a cool, nostalgic feeling, I smiled with satisfaction and began to speak Korean fluently.

You knew what to do, right?

“Take out your weapon, Mi-sook.”

“This is my weapon.”

Zhang Zedong’s eyebrows twitched as he raised both hands.

“I know your main weapon is a sword.”

“What sword?”

“We all know that the Eradicator is you.”

“It’s not me?”


“If you have evidence, bring it with you.”


“You’re insisting without any evidence.”

At some point, people everywhere have been convinced that I am the Eradicator.

···Scary bastards. Since two level 8s can’t appear at once, they probably think it’s me.

There was no evidence anyway, so I blatantly refused. So what are you going to do?

“If not, it doesn’t matter. “Because I’m going to die anyway.”

“It’s great to have the same thoughts.”

Even though it’s called sparring, they don’t hide their lives at all.

thank god. Because I have the same thoughts.

I will never die, but my opponent will inevitably die. It is a very enjoyable sparring.

“#%^#@*” While

Zhang Zedong was cursing something, light flashed on his sword and began to rush towards me.

* * *

As the sparring between Choi Jun-ho and Zhang Zedong began, the camps of each country were busy.

The Chinese delegation formed a camp centered around the Prime Minister, and the villain team moved toward where the Blue House personnel were. Since we had our own security team, we waited at a slight distance. And Dahyun Jeong approached Berserker.


“The location was moved in a timely manner.”

“I was told to do so, but did you know that the two of you were going to fight?”

“I knew. “The reason I, a villain, am here is to prepare for an emergency.”


Jeong Da-hyun’s expression became complicated. I know that Choi Jun-ho gave the hint out of consideration.

Still, I felt sad. know. Even if you think about it, this is too much. Is it because you don’t trust yourself yet?

There is only one conclusion. It’s because I’m weak. You need to become stronger faster and be able to gain trust.

Berserker said after seeing that.

“Don’t make it complicated. Now, the battle between the two is engraved in my eyes. “This is the battle between superhumans that other hunters so desperately want to see.”


“Watch and listen. “I will explain their intentions.”

Dahyun Jeong perked up her ears at the mention of a level 8 superhuman’s commentary.

At that time, Jiang Zedong made the preemptive strike.

“The Chinese superhuman moves first. “The intention is to take advantage of the weapon to take the lead.”

The sword, which was fired like a flash, reached Choi Jun-ho’s face without even leaving an afterimage.

It was a dizzying scene that made me think my head and face would have been pierced when I saw it.

At that moment, Choi Jun-ho’s body became blurred and he stretched out his hand, narrowly avoiding the sword. When Zhang Zedong understood his intention and retrieved his long sword, his hand split the air. Zhang Zedong, who had completely destroyed Choi Jun-ho’s intentions, stabbed the large sword that had been pushed back. It was an attack that caught the eye and completely ignored the action of force. However, Choi Jun-ho easily dodged to the side.

In the blink of an eye, the distance between the two narrowed and widened, causing more than a dozen collisions.

“It was an attack that could have overpowered anyone but Choi Jun-ho. But the Chinese superman’s intentions don’t work on him. Even what appears to be an advantage is calmly destroyed and approached. So what should I do? If it were me, I would add surprise and look for loopholes, or I could risk getting injured and push in even more. No, then my heart will break. Then we have to use another method. Ugh!”


While Berserker, who was commentating, was answering questions to himself, Jeong Da-hyeon was immersed in the battle between the two superhumans. Even for her who was close to level 7, the movements of the two superhumans were so fast and flashy that it was difficult to properly discern them with her own two eyes.

Pukang! bang! Quagwagwang!

When Zhang Zedong’s great sword seemed to become blurred, countless force fragments exploded in all directions along with a loud noise.

Choi Jun-ho’s ability to bounce them all away was amazing, and Zhang Zedong’s ability to continue the attack was also amazing.

The vague image of a superman was being established while watching the confrontation.

‘This is a battle between superhumans and superhumans.’

When I saw it with my own eyes, I realized why they called it a superman.

The frame of the world of the awakened that he knew was shattering.

What would have happened if you had dealt with either of them?

Even if you were lucky enough to block one or two attacks, your head would have been blown off by the third attack.

I was able to get a glimpse into why each country is desperately trying to raise superhumans and why the treatment of superhumans is beyond imagination.

In the meantime, Berserker came to provide commentary as the question-and-answer session was over.

“Chinese superhumans are pretty good too. “He knows that the flow is going towards Choi Jun-ho and he is desperately trying to turn it around.”

“Isn’t Junho oppa at a disadvantage?”

Berserker’s gaze turned to Jeong Da-hyun.

“Why do you think that?”

“I think the initiative to attack belongs to the superhuman Zhang Zedong.”

“Did it look like that? “I guess I didn’t have much faith in you.”

“No, I didn’t mean it that way.”

I said this because when the aftermath of a collision occurs with an afterimage, it seems that it is Zhang Zedong who is in control of the confrontation.

Berserker, who was laughing heartily, said.

“You can take the initiative, but you can also give it away on purpose. No, in this case, it would be correct to say that permission was given. “He has a very nasty mentality.”

“Why do you give it away on purpose?”

Berserker pointed at Zhang Zedong, who was attacking.

“If I were to sum it up in two words, it would be ‘estimate.’”


“What do you think is Choi Jun-ho’s greatest strength?”

“Overwhelming strength? Inexorable hands?”

“Those two things can also be considered strengths. But the guy I see has different strengths. “It is the ability to completely annihilate a designated target without any error.”


The reason why the Eradicator’s nickname suddenly passes by is probably because the nuances are similar.

The similarities between Eradicator and Choi Jun-ho are that they are level 8 superhumans who appeared around the same time, that they went to Ansan around the same time, and that they are all different except that they have similar cruel hands.

“Choi Jun-ho’s ability to annihilate is connected to what I said about estimation. This guy is now aware of his opponent’s skills. In that process, we explore and analyze the opponent. “We even read the capabilities of the other party where the variable will be exerted, and then take action the moment we have figured it out.”

The smile on Berserker’s lips deepened.

“like now.”


The sound I just heard was significantly different from the collision sounds I had heard so far. Zhang Zedong returned the thrown sword, but Choi Jun-ho was caught between them.

A flash of lightning flashed through my hand and rushed at an incredible speed.

Zhang Zedong’s expression began to change. If he had been filled with joy at overpowering Choi Jun-ho just a moment ago, he was now becoming anxious.

“Anyone who has dealt with Choi Jun-ho knows that. I felt like I was being swayed by his intentions from start to finish. He brings complete despair to his opponent and annihilates them. The fate of China’s superhumans has been decided. Will my neck be broken, my whole body shattered, or my heart broken like mine? He always kills new opponents. I’m looking forward to either one!”


From then on, the flow started to turn in one direction.

* * *

‘It can’t go on like this.’

Zhang Zedong felt as if his bones were being extinguished. Choi Jun-ho’s strength was beyond imagination.

I experienced Choi Jun-ho’s power at the airport. Although he was called an immature superhuman, he was better trained than expected.

Still, I never thought I would lose. The greatest genius and strongest superhuman in the People’s Republic of China is himself. The world doesn’t know now, but he was waiting for the day when he would announce that he was the strongest in the world.

The reason he watched him at the airport was simply to show off his strength on a more spectacular stage and inflict a gruesome death on an inexperienced guy.

But are you feeling pushed out?

To a superhuman who only appeared in this small country?

This cannot happen.

Zhang Zedong clenched his teeth and tightened his grip. An enormous amount of force swirled through the great sword. The power that could tear even monsters to pieces with a single sword swirled and spread out from the sword.


However, it was collapsing like a sand castle in Choi Jun-ho’s hands. What is the problem? Force? Or power? Or is it technique? The swordsmanship that was thought to be flawless failed to show any power in front of Choi Jun-ho, to the point where it was in vain.

I kept ignoring it, but it was becoming clear. There was only one reason why his attack was blocked.

‘···I’m weaker than Choi Jun-ho?’

The word defeat began to dominate my mind. He couldn’t accept that he was weaker than Choi Jun-ho. This guy is a kid who just became a superhuman this year. In comparison, he became a superhuman a few years ago and has experienced much more practical combat.

This is not true. Have you been hit by a mental attack? Ignoring the truth that was right in front of him, Zhang Zedong summoned all his strength to the point where he felt a strain on his entire body.


However, what caught my eye was not the image of Choi Jun-ho being pushed away, but the image of him clutching his sword.

Quad deuk!

The sword began to be torn from Choi Jun-ho’s hand.

* * *

Zhang Zedong’s skills were within the range I thought.

It was the same now as it was when I met him 20 years later.

Considering that he was still able to maintain his skills as he was still in his 60s at the time, there was a high probability that he would be moderately satisfied with his current level.

I can’t believe I’m only satisfied with this level. If you want to become stronger, you can even become a villain. It was so pathetic.

The attack method of the guy who constantly attacked his opponents with the strong force of his sword was the same as it was 20 years ago or later.

I hung out with him a few more times to see if he was hiding something, but I think that was the end.

“It’s boring now.”

After the great sword was torn away, Zhang Zedong began to be pushed out helplessly.

He used the long sword as a shield and dodged several attacks, but he attacked twice more, leaving only the handle left and the long sword was left shaking.

He said he would value it more than his life after receiving it as a gift from the President, but it seems that my life is more precious in the end.


Now, a look of complete fear appeared on the guy’s face. I see again what I saw in my last life. Surrounded by all kinds of arrogance, he is a soft-hearted guy. That look suited me very well.

“You’re not going to declare defeat, are you? huh? It’s a position where only one of the two has to survive, right? “Ah, I have no intention of letting you live even if you declare defeat anyway.”


I grabbed the right wrist of the guy who was groaning and trying to step back.

Perhaps the force was stretched to its limit, but this time it was unable to block the mines.



There was some resistance, but my wrist broke and I lost the sword. When I reached out with my left hand, I shook my fist and desperately resisted.

It’s not like some kid is throwing a tantrum.

Yes, it’s too late.


Both hands were broken, as was the left hand. From then on, they started to break down one by one. Every time I touched my hand with a mine, my bones cracked and cracked. In order to catch me, the guy who had used the Force to its limit from the beginning and was suffering from depletion was unable to avoid my hand.

Since I said I would not accept the declaration of defeat, he had only one choice.

Probably run away.

Since Zhang Zedong was a hunter with a teleportation gift, he would make a desperate escape when my attack slackened.

The guy’s eyes flashed as he stepped back, narrowly avoiding my hand that was trying to grab his neck.

I guess I could see an escape angle.


Zhang Zedong turned around and began to distance himself from me.

He probably knew that my mine would only activate when it touches my hand, so I moved away and tried to use transference.

I knew it would be like that.

I was like that in my last life too.

So the moment he stepped back, I was holding in my hand the broken long sword that he had once treasured. The blade was shaking, but because it was a famous sword, it was radiating anticipation.

I mercilessly used the Blade Storm Gift on the guy who tried to use transference.

The blade storm was much faster than the running speed.

As soon as Zhang Zedong was caught in the storm of blades, the transference was activated.

The space that opened in front of me was closed and reopened to where the students on the delegation sat. Looks like there’s something over there that can teleport.

However, it was not Zhang Zedong who appeared through the transfer, but a lump of red blood and flesh.


The Chinese delegation looked on in bewilderment as the blood and flesh that would have belonged to Zhang Zedong when he was alive were dripping down.

China’s youngest superhuman and the superhuman responsible for the defense of the three northeastern provinces was torn to pieces and died without even preserving his original form.

Feelings of shock and astonishment swirled around me.

As a person involved in Dalian, this is a strange thing.

If you actually spar, wouldn’t you be torn to pieces like this and die?

If you didn’t know that, you shouldn’t apply for sparring.

Anyway, since I gained valuable experience this time, I hope that I will not make the same mistake next time.

However, looking at the Chinese Prime Minister’s face, it seems that he has no intention of simply being convinced.

His thick cheeks trembled and, unable to hold back his anger, he glared at me and shouted.

“This profit! “Kill that bastard!”

Kill me? Who? Could it be me?

That rumor turned out to be true.


At the Chinese Prime Minister’s shout, both hunters and students included in the delegation rushed to me.

Is this a new purge method?

I never show mercy to people who run for their lives.

I raised my tin sword and cast a storm of blades at them.

This gift, which is a mixture of the unique gift Slash and the legendary Nuri’s gift Blade Storm, created an enormous force storm and tore all those who attacked into pieces of blood and flesh.

“Hee hee!”


I chased after the guys who tried to run away and killed them all. The only ones standing still are those who have been standing still from the beginning.

If they are safe, it would be unfair to those who went first.

I approached with the intention of taking care of the remaining ones I had already killed.

At that time, the president’s voice was heard.

“Stop it. “Those people stayed still.”

He seems like a tactless person. If I had said it 30 seconds later, I would have taken care of it all.

I pretended not to hear it and was about to stab him, but then I made eye contact with the Prime Minister. I quickly lowered my head, avoided eye contact, and clicked my tongue briefly as I watched him walk away.

It’s a turn.

“yes. “I only planned to deal with the person who rushed in.”

Without hesitation, I threw the sword on the floor and smiled to reassure him.

Then the delegation began to get even more upset. Some of them even urinated.

I smiled to tell you to relax because I will save your life, but is there even a need for that?

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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