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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 56

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Episode 56

The Chinese delegation, including Zhang Zedong, went through the same schedule as the American delegation.

After an awkward and bloody dinner, a meeting was held between the President and the Chinese Prime Minister.

Meanwhile, I am being called by Cheon Myeong-guk and receiving a mysterious compliment.

“It’s a good thing you didn’t end there.”


I never thought the day would come when I would be praised for not killing someone on the spot.

But it’s not that I didn’t kill him, it’s that he avoided it.

If I had attacked him one more time, I would have seen the end.

Still, Cheon Myeong-guk visibly likes it, so let’s pretend he did.

“He’s going to die anyway, so his life was just extended for a little while.”

“I didn’t know those words would sound reassuring.”

“Because he’s going to die.”

“What was your first impression?”

“Is it worth killing? “You look like you’re ready to die when you meet the owner.”

“you’re right. “Zhang Zedong has a very arrogant personality, is a Sinocentrist, and has made disparaging remarks about Korea.”

“I feel bad.”

I should criticize my own country, but I feel bad when people from other countries criticize me.

One more reason to kill. Even if there was no reason, they were going to kill him anyway.

Cheon Myeong-guk got to the point.

“But are you sure that Zhang Zedong used the space movement gift?”

“Space movement is correct.”

Cheon Myeong-guk’s expression became serious.

“···Space movement gifts are very difficult to deal with. Especially killing. If you are not careful, it may be difficult to remove. “Why don’t you do something that causes injury instead?”



“You have to memorize this one thing. “For me, killing people is much easier than saving them.”


“It doesn’t matter if the gift is a space-moving type. “If Jiang Zedong challenges me to spar without knowing the topic, I will kill you.”

Cheon Myeong-guk’s mouth closed.

“All right. “I never meant to belittle Choi Jun-ho.”

“I know.”

After the meeting between the President and the Chinese Prime Minister, a briefing on Nuri’s hunting process is held.

And Jiang Zedong started adding more reasons to kill him.


The explanation of the Nuri hunting process was the same as in the United States. However, when Zhang Zedong raised his hand and intervened, the atmosphere quickly began to freeze.

“What I want to know is not this routine hunting process.”


“Tell me what is hidden in this process. “Which secret and which gift worked?”

Zhang Zedong’s eyes turned to me. Take some of the fat out of your eyes. It makes me want to twist my neck right now.

“If you don’t want to believe it, go back.”

“Are you saying this to me just now?”

“When you do a favor, you should bow your head and be thankful. Where did you learn this habit? “Did your mother teach you that?”

“…I guess I want to die.”

“Why don’t you try it? Also, don’t waste your time using gifts.”

“You son of a bitch…”

The atmosphere cooled rapidly. Zhang Zedong glared at me with a stern expression and tried to kill himself.

Anyway, I’m curious about the Prime Minister sitting next to me.

I can cut off your head right now without paying attention to the President.

This is the difference between you and me.

I calmly waited to see what he would do.

It was the Chinese Premier who stopped Jiang Zedong, who was shaking. As he tapped his fingers on the table, Jiang Zedong leaned towards the Prime Minister. The guy who heard the whisper put aside his anger and sat down.

What a scary guy.

I don’t know why the President is looking at that scene with envy.

“Continue with the briefing.”

The briefing on Nuri began again. However, Zhang Zedong’s expression was not good throughout the briefing, and it ended in an awkward atmosphere.

What a shame. I was going to kill you if you attacked me.

Zhang Zedong, who had been glaring at me until the end, walked out with a cold wind blowing on his face, and Cheon Myeong-guk approached me with a puzzled look on his face.

“Are you doing this on purpose?”

“He’s going to kill me anyway, so what’s the point of being polite? “I plan to piss you off and make the probability of signing up for a spar with you 100%.”


“But seeing as you’re holding back, I guess they’re planning to make room for the exchange war.”

“We are judging that too. “I tell you this out of anger, but you need to be careful.”

“sure. And what happened to the request?”

At my words, Cheon Myeong-guk let out the sigh he had been holding in.

“···They say we entered Seoul safely.”

“Good for you.”

“No matter what, I’m still a little anxious.”

“it’s okay. “He may be crazy on the inside, but he’s fine on the outside.”

“I’m anxious because of the substance.”

“I just need to advise you well. Do not worry.”

What I asked Cheon Myeong-guk was to bring Berserker to Seoul.


The reason I called Berserker was because the president said he wanted to see him sometime.

I was the one who tried to stop him when he said he wanted to see the crazy guy, but the President was also quite stubborn. This time, while eliminating Zhang Zedong, he was called to Seoul to provide security.

The guy I saw was breathing in the air while wearing a safari hat, sunglasses, and a mask.

“The air in Seoul is good.”

“How long has it been since you arrived?”

“Well, it’s been 15 years since I became a villain and couldn’t stand it.”

“He lived as a villain for quite a long time.”

“I have no regrets. I became a villain and every moment was thrilling. “It’s especially thrilling these days.”

“Let’s not talk.”

He’s probably the only guy who says he likes villains. I thought I was going to die from being so bothered. In response to my reaction, Berserker also changed his business.

“So is it true that the president said he wanted to see me?”

“I would like to thank you for your cooperation several times.”

“What a peculiar man.”

“Are you the only one who will do it?”



I didn’t like the way he was looking at me. Then he adjusted his sunglasses. Is it because I don’t want my disrespectful eyes to be caught?

There’s less to argue about. Anyway, he is a quick-witted guy.

“I should receive greetings from the president and not from anyone else. “Thanks to Head Breaker, I am having a great experience.”

“Listen as you go. “Because I have work to do.”

On the way to the Blue House, I explained to Berserker what I had to do next.


Berserker, who went to the Blue House, greeted Cheon Myeong-guk and had a meal with the president.

The entire process was carried out in complete secrecy. The public’s perception of Berserker is still that of a vicious villain. Until this is improved, Berserker’s existence will not be made public.

“The world has become so much better. “I also heard a thank you from the president.”

“Do you like it?”

“I like it. “It’s better now than being chased around like before.”

“Then why don’t you just come into the city?”

“I don’t like that.”


“I like being free. If I become a citizen, many strings will try to tie me down. If you rebel against it, conflict will occur again.”


We live in a time where we cannot have everything. Actually, I want to do whatever I want like Berserker, but I have to endure it a lot.

Looking at it this way, this Berserker is living an ideal life.

It’s a very enviable thing to be able to live without enduring it.

“Is it possible to kill a Chinese superhuman?”

“The escape technique is annoying, but not difficult.”

“If it were anyone else, I would have called you crazy, but since you said it, I can trust you. “It will be fun.”

“Stay near the president because other people may run amok there.”

“It’s the price of admission.”

“Then will you give me a nice tour for free?”

Berserker will guard the President from a reasonable distance and prepare for any emergency. Because the guys brought in by Zhang Zedong might go on a rampage.

It is literally a preparation for an emergency.

Actually, it’s good to run wild. Just kill them all on the spot.

“Has Manokbulchim opened?”

“···Not done yet.”

“really? “Isn’t that a disgrace for leaving it open?”


I looked persistently, but there was no change in Berserker’s expression.

I guess it’s true. it’s a shame.

“Is it difficult to open the door because Mandokbulchim is at a high level?”

“Maybe so.”

“I think we need some requirements.”

Even if I tried to make a copy of Unstoppable Death, it was only possible if he opened the gift. As expected, a legendary gift. It seems that opening up is not easy. I thought about how to open it, but I couldn’t come up with a clear way.

It would be nice to know how to force it to open.

Want to do some experiment?

“···Don’t look at me with those eyes. “I can see all the strange things I’m imagining.”

“what? It’s not strange. “I said no.”

Even though I said that, Berserker’s guard did not go down.

I was just thinking about how I could make a copy. Wouldn’t it be okay to open your chest slightly? But if I say more while my guard is high, he will only run away, so I’ll have to say it next time.

In the meantime, we arrived at the hotel he was staying at. It is a 5 star hotel.

“It’s been a while since I’ve been to a hotel.”

“Didn’t you say camping is also good?”

“Even so, it cannot be compared to the comfort of a hotel.”


“From next time, never compare camping and hotels.”

The guy who said that strode into the hotel.

And then the day of the exchange war arrived.


Tian Ming-guk wanted to invite as many hunters as possible to prevent the Chinese delegation from acting recklessly in the event of a confrontation with Zhang Zedong.

During this process, a war of nerves broke out and a compromise was reached with an appropriate number.

So, the ones selected were Jeong Da-hyun and team members from the villain team.

My influence is also in this.

The match between me and Zhang Zedong was ultimately a level 8 match, and it was a place where I could gain a lot of enlightenment just by watching. It’s natural to take care of people you know.

I arrived first with Berserker and found Jeong Da-hyun approaching. He was wearing a simple white loose-fitting shirt and black suit pants.

Dahyun Jeong gave me a quick greeting and then said hello to Berserker.

“hello. “Berserker.”

“How did you find out?”

“I felt the momentum. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Did you feel my momentum? “Hoo.”

Like the Berserker with sparkling eyes, I nodded. My senses were gradually expanding through abundant practical experience. This was a signal that we were entering level 7.

“I’ll catch the date soon. “If you train a little more, you will be able to reach level 7.”

“Please do me a favor.”

“You can think of me as having gained one more hobby. “People are paying attention, so I’ll go.”

Berserker headed to a place where there was a reasonable distance from the President.

Jeong Da-hyeon looked around, fixed her eyes on the Chinese delegation, and spoke.

“I think there’s something bloody about today’s exchange.”

“I guess we have to win from their perspective.”

The determination of the Chinese preliminary awakeners who came for the exchange war was on a different level from that of the United States. He even seemed determined.

However, if you lose, you will be dragged into the coal mine.

“What do you think of my brother?”

“The standard over there is quite high, but not as high as in the United States.”

“I can still see it…”

“I’m half and half.”

“You look high on me.”

“Because I taught you.”

And it would have grown further through exchanges with the United States.

Being victorious against someone stronger than you is a valuable experience that cannot be paid for. Additionally, the sense of accomplishment of success serves as important nourishment during the growth period.

“And there will be something interesting to see today.”

“Something to see?”

“If the atmosphere feels strange, go near Berserker. “He may be crazy, but his skills are clear.”


Jeong Da-hyeon didn’t ask, probably because she thought I wouldn’t answer any further.

In such a tense atmosphere, as preparations for the exchange were being made, Zhang Zedong, who entered late, looked around and came towards us.

Zhang Zedong’s eyes were fixed on Zheng Dahyun.

“Hoo, is it pretty?”


“Are you planning on coming to China? “He seems like a pretty high-level awakened person, so I’ll raise him.”


“Is it because there is a premature baby next to me? “I’m going to die a little later, so I’ll talk to you later.”

Zhang Zedong talks to himself and then walks away.

It was 100% clear that he said something strange.

But when I looked at Jeong Da-hyun, her expression seemed calm.

“Are you not feeling well?”

“If you look at the sinister look in your eyes, I think you’re complimenting me.”

“Don’t you know Chinese?”

“Yes, I don’t know.”

I guess I was just talking about it alone. That could be a will.

After going through a few simple processes, the full-scale exchange began.

Although China had the upper hand in overall power, the confrontation process was tense.

Both Korean and Chinese students did their best in the competition.

Unfortunately, they lost in the first and second matches, and in the third, China suffered their first loss.

The atmosphere quickly froze when a Chinese student stood in front of Zhang Zedong.


A Chinese student fell down after being hit in the face with a snapping sound. Even though it would be accompanied by tremendous pain, I immediately got up and assumed an immobile posture.

“You piece of trash! “You have better skills, but you can’t beat them?”


The student silently listened to Zhang Zidong’s verbal abuse. Meanwhile, the fourth confrontation began, and the Chinese student gritted his teeth. Nevertheless, the loser appeared, and each time he was slapped and scolded by Zhang Zidong.

I clicked my tongue when I saw that.

Are you trying to inflict pain or discipline?

In my opinion, it was neither.

If I’m going to punish him physically, I’m going to break both his legs, or if I’m going to discipline him, I’m going to engrave on his body why he lost. Anyway, I have no thoughts.

“No matter what, it’s a bit weird to do that in front of everyone…”

Dahyun Jeong has also changed a lot.

In the past, I felt sorry for students who received corporal punishment.

It’s a good change. Because sympathy does not increase your skills.

The exchange war was nearing its end. Yang Joo-hyuk, who should have been preparing for a fight, approached me.

“As expected, if you’re a professor, you have an incredibly beautiful woman by your side.”

He looks at Jeong Da-hyeon and me in turns and is impressed. This guy’s beating skills are outstanding.

“Why did you come?”

“I heard the guy I’m dealing with is Ace.”


“If I win, can you grant me one wish?”

“Stop talking nonsense and go.”

Should we just squeeze a few and have them abstain?

“Don’t do that. I heard the person I’m dealing with is the son of a standing committee member? Skills are also on a different level. “If I’m going to beat a guy like that, I need to be motivated too.”

“I don’t care if you lose.”

It doesn’t matter even if I die. Did you really think I would care about my student? I’m not a disciple.

This guy seems pretty crazy too.

Dahyun Jeong, who was watching from the side, quietly intervened.

“Choi Jun-ho, how about you stop being like that and listen to what you want?”

Anyway, I ended up being nice. If Yang Joo-hyuk found out what he did at the Academy, I think Jeong Da-hyun would take the lead in attacking him.

“If you talk nonsense, it’s against me, not the standing committee member’s son.”

“uh? “Is that what I wanted?”


“If I win, can we spar again?”

“with you?”

“Instead, just use one hand.”

What did this guy really eat wrong? You want to spar with me after beating me up like that? Did he get hit a few times and his head went wrong?

I can’t refuse if I want to be beaten.

As a sign of acceptance, I told him about his partner.

“Compared to your opponent’s skills, your life skills are strong. He must have been condescending towards those who were weaker than him. “Smash it in the beginning.”


He was a guy who walked away with a happy face. Have your tastes really changed?

“I have friends who work hard like that and it’s nice to see them.”

Dahyun Jeong was watching it with great interest.


Jiang Zedong sighed inwardly.

The son of a standing committee member lost. Even if every student here loses, he should have won. Since you lost the battle, you must be punished. However, Jiang Zedong cannot touch the son of a member of the Standing Committee.

I could feel the students’ leering gaze. I became irritated at the thought of what he thought of me. Why did you lose after showing off so well?

Jiang Zedong, who felt his face being lost, made eye contact with the Prime Minister. He saw a small nod and took a step forward. I needed a place to express this anger.

“It would be a shame to end the entertainment like this, so how about having a sparring match between Chinese and Korean adepts?”

Surprise appears on the faces of people who were puzzled by the sudden appearance.

The atmosphere that had been loosening was tightened again.

Zhang Zedong looked at Choi Junho.

“If you’re scared, it’s okay to run away.”

But Zhang Zedong also knows. This guy will never avoid it.

He doesn’t even know my subject.

Using a gift during our first meeting was a pure mistake. I will definitely kill you this time.

I looked at the obnoxious guy’s face and fixed my gaze on the woman standing next to me. She was a beautiful woman. It was perfect to kill him and take him as a trophy. You won’t be able to resist or fall in love with your own strength.

Zhang Zedong leisurely waited for his opponent’s decision.

After a brief commotion, the President was seen nodding his head while listening to the people around him with a serious expression.

The confrontation has been established.

After a while, Choi Jun-ho was seen walking towards the sparring hall.

“Is this how people commit suicide these days?”

“You die today.”

“Even if I don’t know Chinese, I think I know what they said. “I don’t know why the lines of those who are about to die are always the same. That’s it.”

Choi Jun-ho’s smile was full of life.

“Just die.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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