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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 54

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Episode 54

The American delegation arrived and a welcome event was held on the first day. The President had in-depth talks about various issues with the Vice President and Senators, and the hunters included in the delegation toured Seoul and took a break.

The next day, the President and members of the Awakened Security Office from the Republic of Korea and high-ranking officials from the U.S. mission gathered together and began a briefing on the Nuri hunting process.

Starting with the initial process of responding to Nuri, the bidding process and how I went out to hunt Nuri were explained.

The Vice President said that he was busy gathering power in the United States and showed off the power of the awakened people in Korea.

After explaining the avant-garde guild’s hunting process, the story moved on to the part where I intervened.

“We were lucky to save the avant-garde guild.”

It’s not that I arrived quickly, but that the avant-garde guild held up well.

Everyone exclaimed in admiration at the orderly retreat of the avant-garde and Lee Chan-taek’s choice to open a way out.

Afterwards, I explained Nuri’s hunting process. He talked about how he thought the monster’s weak point was the head, so he persistently targeted the head, and cited the fact that Nuri was picky because he freely spewed out his breath and it was difficult to approach him with the gift of Blade Storm.

The expressions on the faces of people in the U.S. hardened after hearing my story. They whispered among themselves for a moment, and then the Vice President asked me in a cautious voice.

“…Are you sure the monster is using the gift?”

I didn’t even pretend to listen, but answered when someone next to me translated into Korean.

“I’m sure.”

“There were several suspected cases in our home country, but we were not sure. “I wonder why Choi Jun-ho is so confident.”

You’re being quite annoying.

After gathering my thoughts for a moment, I explained the reason.

When I aimed for the head, Nuri perfectly blocked it several times, and at first I thought it was the sheer hardness of the leather. However, when he looked later, he said he saw a thin force film forming in front of Nuri’s head, which dispersed the impact.

I saw it and felt it myself, so what more can I say?


Everyone looked surprised to hear that monsters were using the Force.

Anna Christine asked.

“Junho, is that true?”

“It’s true. “Nuri survived being hit on the head by me over 30 times.”

“All 30 times, just the head?”

“It’s all just the head.”

“···As expected, a head breaker.”

Why do you look so tired? Shouldn’t we be amazed?

Anyway, he explained that even after defeating Nuri, he continued to attack only the head, and as his force operation weakened, he finished by piercing the skin and hitting the brain.

I didn’t bother to mention that I tried to time it with brainwashing. Because sharing the experience of failure is not pleasant.

“It’s amazing!”

James Reed, who was listening, repeatedly burst into exclamation. By the way, I don’t know where I learned that word, “jola,” but it makes it more appealing to me than to Koreans.

The Vice President smiled with satisfaction after seeing the organized data.

“During this Nuri hunt, we were able to find out that the monster uses the force and has opened up gifts. This allowed for deeper analysis in the home country as well. “Thank you for your cooperation.”

“As an ally, we did what we had to do.”

Before this was agreed upon, the war of nerves was not a joke before the two sides tried to rip off even one more thing.

I just watched politicians exchanging words amicably. Seeing the intense calculations going on in that atmosphere made me think that being a politician is also a very difficult job.

After that, the process went smoothly.

Since there were so many people gathered who had a lot to say, each person added a word, so I had very little to say. After all, it’s comfortable to be around people who talk a lot.

Before welcoming the delegation, the National Assembly members also asked to be allowed to attend the meeting, but I thought the conversation would have been longer if they had participated.

Why are you talking so long about something that has no nutritional value? I think it would be more efficient to use this time to find the hidden villain and break one more head.

Meanwhile, the President shared Nuri’s hunting process and wanted to be provided with America’s smart hunting system. In response, the Vice President said he would think positively and suggest it to his home country, so it was in fact a rejection.

Is the smart hunting system that great? I’ll have to ask Cheon Myeong-guk later.

The meeting was coming to a close, amidst such amicable atmosphere and a fierce battle of nerves going on behind the scenes.

Suddenly James Reed raised his hand.

“I want to hang out with Junho for once, but is that okay?”


Everyone’s eyes were focused on me. Expectations were written on people’s faces, regardless of whether they were in Korea or the United States. Cheon Myeong-guk Why are you closing your eyes tightly?

The order was handed to me.

If the opponent had been Jiang Zedong, he would have gladly accepted it, but he had been asked to be cautious when dealing with the United States.

“It’s not difficult to get involved. Instead, you will have to risk your neck.”


James Reed smiled brightly. Even though it was covered by clothes, I could see his muscles trembling.

Are you the type of person who pursues practical combat more than life?

In this way, America will also lose one superman. If a superhuman rushes at him with all his might, he has no confidence or intention to save him.

But what came next was something I didn’t expect.

“You’re so scary! “Then I won’t do it.”

“You’re not doing it?”

“I won’t do it! “I’m not willing to take the risk!”


I wanted to find out who taught that guy Korean.

Anyway, the atmosphere that had been heated by James Reed’s avoidance quickly calmed down.

Seeing Cheon Myeong-guk looking openly relieved made me feel a little upset.

I’m losing steam.


After the Nuri hunting briefing, the full-scale exchange began. The sparring between promising American players who had crossed the ocean and Class A students at the Seoul Academy began.

The United States was truly a talent pool worthy of the title of the world’s most powerful nation, even after the emergence of monsters.

His overall skills were much higher, but he also had a practical sense. Since the country was so large and overflowing with monsters, even minor awakened people had to go hunting periodically in the name of learning.

In comparison, Seoul Academy students were absurdly behind in their practical sense. Nevertheless, the reason they were not pushed back was because of their thorough targeting of weaknesses and their bold willingness to even take losses at times.

The person who made the biggest contribution in the exchange match was Yang Joo-hyuk. This guy didn’t know what he was doing wrong, but he rushed at him like a madman and completely destroyed his opponent’s fighting spirit. And the method of targeting weaknesses was extremely persistent. If you strip away your identity as a student, you are an absolute villain.

Tsk tsk, he’s like a villain. What a coward.

…But now that I think about it, I was the one who taught that.

It was engraved evenly all over the guy’s body, and he must have learned it by getting hit, crushing the opponent so viciously and overwhelmingly.


Then he looked at me with a bizarre laugh. Am I next? If it clears up, I’ll have to step on it properly.

The overall result of the exchange match was Korea’s inferiority, but it was not a disappointing result considering that they were competing against the talent of the world’s most powerful country.

Right now, the American delegation was busy talking to each other with surprised expressions on their faces. I guess I came here thinking of a more overwhelming victory.

Even though I lost, I, who was watching, didn’t feel too bad.

Is this how a teacher looks at his student?

I am happy when my student wins, and when he loses, I want to rush in and break the opponent’s neck.

This is the mind of a teacher.

At the end of the exchange, Anna Christine approached.

“Jun Ho.”

“What’s going on?”

“Do we only talk if there is business between us?”

For your information, this is the third time I met Anna Christine, and the total time we talked was less than 3 minutes.

She was such a strange woman that she pretended to be friendly.

“I gained confidence while watching today’s meeting.”

“What confidence?”

“I have confidence in Junho’s abilities. In fact, I have had confidence since the level 8 measurement, but I gained confidence in my confidence.”

This woman’s Korean skills were extraordinary.

In particular, one of the things that annoys me the most is ambiguous expressions.

What kind of confidence did you get? It was not easy to tell whether he was doing this knowingly or because he was not good at Korean.

“I’ll come find you later. “Let’s talk.”

He left those words and quietly disappeared.


After the exchange war ended, the American delegation gathered in one place. Everyone’s expressions were slightly stiff.

Today’s schedule was quite a shock to them. Nuri’s hunting process and the results of the exchange battle were a series of surprises. Korean students were better at writing difficult moves even though they had more practical experience. There was talk of strengthening the alliance, saying that Korea’s future was bright.

Above all, the biggest surprise was Choi Jun-ho, who they cared about the most.

the Vice President asked, looking at James Reed.

“How was it?”

“It was very scary, very fast and very unstoppable.”

James Reed, who used funny Korean, answered in a calm voice.

“Your skills are undoubtedly superhuman. Even if I were to fight him myself, I wouldn’t be able to guarantee my chances of winning.”


“Then do you think it was right to capture Nuri?”

“Yes, there may be some things left out, but they are true.”

“I knew it.”

A superhuman can catch a level 8 harmful monster alone. It was a fact that was hard to believe even after hearing it right in front of me. In particular, Nuri was one of the ten strongest monsters that had ever appeared. It would have turned common sense upside down for a human to catch it alone.

Rather, it is strange to reveal everything in detail. The vice president and other leaders thought there was a secret here. A hidden gift or a helper whose existence has not been revealed.

If he hunted alone, it means that Choi Jun-ho’s skills are far above him, and if there is a helper, it means that Korea has additional superhumans.

Either way, the value of South Korea and Choi Jun-ho rise. In particular, Choi Jun-ho’s ability to ‘make it look like he hunted alone’ is only possible with tremendous skills that even other superhumans cannot achieve.

“I guess it’s not just words that make you risk your neck James.”

“It would be true to say that you have the ability to do that and that you have no choice but to do so. Choi Jun-ho’s gift is not suitable for sparring. Since we all have to do our best, someone is bound to die. Of course, even excluding that, Choi Jun-ho has a thinking circuit as dangerous as Gift. There was no hesitation in execution and no thought of regret.

“Are you saying it’s not a concept? How do you see it, Christine?”

“What you see today will be his true self.”

After Choi Jun-ho became a superhuman, the United States used Humint to investigate him.

The results were surprising. It would not be an exaggeration to say that what he showed today was perhaps the greatest display of courtesy in his life.

He had such radical ideas that criminals, regardless of gender, would use their hands and see anyone who cooperated with a crime as a villain.

Opinions were divided on this even within the United States.

Until then, the prevailing opinion was that Choi Jun-ho should be brought in, but then opposing opinions emerged.

Representative Anna Christine was on the pro-choice side, and James Reed was supporting the reservation or opposition side.

“That level of skill at that age. “I definitely want to bring her, but both James and Christine’s thoughts make sense.”

As the Vice President spoke, James Reed and Anna Christine’s gazes collided in the air.

Anna Christine argued strongly.

“Choi Jun-ho is a superman who can maintain his prime for over 30 years. Considering the trend of superhumans remaining in their physical prime longer and longer, they can display their skills for 40 years. “When I think about how many roles I can fulfill during this period, I think it’s too late to move now.”

“I think differently.”

There is a common misconception that people make.

James Reed’s second name is Macho, but the brain is not made of muscle, just like a bulging muscle. Rather, he is a person who completed a doctorate program at Stanford and became a superhuman by modifying his body through a systematic process.

Unlike his seemingly sloppy speech and actions, he has the ability to see through his opponents based on his quick judgment and excellent analytical skills. James Reed was also significantly involved in the construction of the smart hunting system.

James Reed, who received information about Choi Jun-ho in the United States and watched him for a short time, spoke with confidence.

“The fact that Choi Jun-ho became a national superman is the result of several coincidences.”

“Are you saying that when the results are right in front of your eyes?”


James Reed nodded to Anna Christine’s counterattack.

“Considering Choi Jun-ho’s actions and remarks so far, it is questionable how he could have become a superhuman belonging to the nation. “If that luck hadn’t worked, in my opinion, Choi Jun-ho would have become a villain with a 99.9% probability.”

“Choi Jun-ho is a villain? This doesn’t make sense. “That’s speculation.”

“What he has shown since becoming a public servant hunter indicates this. Choi Jun-ho is a villain wearing the guise of a hunter.”

James Reed’s voice was stern.

“The reason I am opposed is because villains cannot be socialized. So, it is best to attach a watchdog or place it on the outskirts. In that respect, the fact that Choi Jun-ho went from being a civil servant hunter to becoming a superhuman is a product of coincidence. I believe that he will inevitably reveal his villainous nature again at some point.”

“Are you saying this is not the end of the extremeness you have shown so far?”

“yes. So, I think he is one of the level 8 villains that has recently appeared in Korea whose identity has not been revealed.”

Over the past six months, two level 8 villains have appeared in South Korea.

One is Berserker, who was rated as level 7 and caught the Red Snake Kim Young-hwan.

However, Berserker’s past and present actions are all revealed.

The ages don’t match either.

Then, there is only one thing left.

The villain’s age, identity, face, and gender are unknown.


Anna Christine muttered, her expression hardening.

James Reed nodded and spoke with confidence.

“I’m sure it’s Choi Jun-ho.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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