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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 52

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Episode 52

“Come out.”

Choi Jun-ho’s soft words shook Yang Joo-hyuk’s mind mercilessly.

Surely not? Himself, the son of the Howe Guild Master? Are you confident that you will be a promising player at the Academy and a leader in international matches?

The heart of Yang Joo-hyuk, who was a problem child in class A and had no troubles at the academy, was pounding hard.

I wanted to think no, but I felt my heart tightening.

what? Is it true? Are you really asking me to play the villain?

That guy was real. This was a guy who would truly treat himself as a villain.

Yang Joo-hyuk’s mind became dizzy.

What should I do? Should I move? Or should I hold on as long as I can?

But the guy didn’t even give himself time to think.

“If you don’t come out, I’ll let you come out.”

The moment I heard those words, I woke up automatically. I felt like I was going to die if I didn’t wake up. That guy was crazy. He was truly crazy.

At the academy, Yang Joo-hyuk saw many adults. They were all funny creatures. With his background, he seemed like he could easily crush him with his skills. In fact, some even trampled on them.

Even if Choi Jun-ho was a nationally recognized superhuman, he thought he wouldn’t be able to touch him. The higher up a person is, the more likely they are to compromise. I thought it would be like that this time too.

But it wasn’t that crazy guy. The moment you disobey, you will trample on yourself.

As I headed towards where Choi Jun-ho was, my heartbeat grew louder.

Meanwhile, Junho Choi was explaining to the students.

“The villain attacks at any time. Aim for your weakest point. When the tension is relieved after a hunt, when the load becomes heavy after dismantling a monster, when looking for a good spot before hunting, etc., it recognizes times when it thinks it is weak and attacks. You can remove poison and apply debuffs with gifts. They even throw the same villain as bait. The number of hunters killed by villains like this every year is over 100 in Korea alone. “If we include unclear cases, the number will increase.”

Choi Jun-ho, who said that in a calm voice, looks at himself as he approaches.

This is not the way to see people. It was like a stone rolling around on the road. Yang Joo-hyuk started to feel numb.

But I don’t know why my heart feels tingly.

“From now on, I will tell you how to respond when a villain attacks you. Come on.”

“How… do you mean to attack me?”

“anyhow. You’d better give it your all. “I’m going to treat you like a villain.”

“What does it mean to be treated as a villain?”

“It means to kill.”

Crazy guy, crazy guy, crazy guy! He’s crazy!

Yang Joo-hyuk shouted as the cold life penetrated.

“Why am I a villain! ···yo. this?”

Yang Joo-hyuk barely suppressed his suddenly rising feelings of resistance and spoke. My saliva dried and the hair on my body stood on end because it was my first time experiencing such blatant murder.

“If a fool with no skills and goes on a rampage relying solely on his background is not a villain, then what is he?”


“You’re a villain.”

“I, a genius at the academy, are being called a villain?”

Anger that surpassed fear enveloped my entire body.

I clenched my teeth and glared, but the person concerned remained calm.

“It was you who said you wanted to see how to deal with villains. “I’ll engrave it on your body, so come on.”

This is an outright defeat. Yang Joo-hyuk’s legs shook as he looked at Choi Jun-ho’s inorganic eyes.

He was different from other people who couldn’t do anything because of his background. This guy might actually kill himself if he messes up.

But strangely enough, I felt a thrill. I feel like I am viewed as a person rather than a promising academy student awakener. It was something I had been longing for for a long time.

He had been hoping for this. Seeing you as a person. Even though I was treated like a villain, I will overcome.

But, contrary to my expectations, my body began to tremble.

“What qualifications do you have!”

“me? He is a professor at the Academy. “A professor punishes a misbehaving student.”

He was saying that he was going to destroy himself. If so, you can’t be the first to suffer. I opened my eyes wildly and looked for an opportunity.

Choi Jun-ho, who spoke dryly, turned his head and spoke to the students.

“Like this, the situation changes at any time. Sometimes, stupid villains leave their traces, and in such cases, hunters attack the villain first…”


Yang Joo-hyuk rushed in the moment a gap was revealed in Choi Jun-ho. I was planning to run away from the classroom after giving him a hard punch.

In an instant, the distance narrowed and the swung fist reached Choi Jun-ho’s face.

‘Hehe, no matter how superhuman you are, you have no business being attacked by surprise…’


In my head, I pictured Choi Jun-ho rolling around awkwardly after being punched.

The fist that split the air was held in vain.

“There are also stupid villains who rush into something without knowing whether it is an opening or a trap.”

Quad deuk!


Yang Joo-hyuk screamed as his entire arm collapsed in pain.

it hurts! It hurts! I struggled desperately, but I couldn’t escape Choi Jun-ho’s touch as if it had been glued on.

“The best thing is the legs. If you lose mobility, villains can’t follow your movements. “It’s best to break or cut off the leg first.”



Both legs were broken like sorghum cans, causing terrible pain. Yang Joo-hyuk, kneeling on the floor, let out a terrifying scream and suffered. But no one responded to the screams. Before I knew it, there was a deep sense of fear in the classroom.

It hurt like crazy. Is this the tyranny of the powerful? Does this mean that people who have been harmed by him have also felt this way?

Even as Yang Joo-hyuk screamed, he was trembled by Choi Jun-ho’s overwhelming power. Yes, those with power can do that. The reason Choi Jun-ho can confidently pretend to be cool like that is because he is a level 8 superhuman. What happened to me was because I was weak.

I want to be like that. So he wanted to make the world kneel before him and rule over him. That is truly the right of the strong.

“If it is difficult to target the legs, the arms are also good. “This is because the villain’s combat power drastically decreases if he does not grab the weapon.”

After Choi Jun-ho finished saying that, he swung his arm, and I felt like my body was floating, and a shock was sent to my back, and I couldn’t breathe.


“Basically, villains are less skilled than you. “The most important thing is to show your skills without panicking in a raid situation.”

Even after completely destroying a person, there was no change in his expression. He’s crazy. You are a crazy bastard. I thought I knew why they told me not to even interact with Choi Jun-ho.

But paradoxically, I wanted to be like that. Becoming a strong man and walking through the world without hesitation is the true strong man he has dreamed of.

“Professor Kyo! Joo-hyuk looks seriously injured…”

“Wounds like this are common during hunting. “I just need to apply acupuncture and it will heal, but that guy looks ugly.”

Choi Jun-ho took out a bottle from his pocket and threw it at himself.



Yang Joo-hyuk rolled his eyes at the immense pain he felt in his groin.

This is a bit harsh! Dog…ja…sik….

Yang Joo-hyuk lost consciousness in pain beyond imagination.

* * *

I caught a glimpse of Yang Joo-hyuk, who had fainted, and then turned my gaze to the students.

Unlike when I first came in, it looked completely frozen. It’s a good atmosphere.

Next is the feeling of crisis that one might be in trouble.

That is the mindset that the weak must have. The dangers of the world never escape me. In order to wisely avoid danger that may come at any moment, you must be thoroughly alert.

If you don’t know that, you will end up like Yang Joo-hyuk without knowing your subject.

But that guy fainted and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Could it be that he was a pervert who enjoyed pain?

He’s crazy. It’s not okay to have a relationship with each other.

By the way, we have prepared examples of various situations for villains, but Yang Joo-hyuk fainted. I should have held on a little longer, but I was weak. It’s okay though. Yang Joo-hyuk has fainted, but the other troublemakers remain.

“Since number one passed out, we’ll need the next one. Ma Hwanggi, you are number 2. come out.”

“Professor Kyo. I am······.”

“Aren’t you coming out?”

“I’m going out!”

When I took a step forward, he got scared and ran away. Ma Hwang-gi is a guy I don’t even remember, but he is the guy who begged Yang Joo-hyuk at the academy to do it for him.

“Next is you, Yoon Mi-seon.”

“Professor Kyo! sorry!”

Next is Yoon Mi-seon, the villain I remember.

The five troublemakers were given detailed advice on how to deal with villains.

There are no injuries. It was broken in a few places, but I put it back together with a healing agent. Because Go Myeong-hak requested it so much, the attack was much weaker than usual.

“···This is also a useful method for those you will face during exchanges, so keep it in mind.”

I wanted to treat those troublemakers a little harder. I ended the three-hour lecture, swallowing my disappointment.

“Hey guys! Are you okay?”

Lee Hye-ri, who had been unable to hide her nervousness until then, approached the troubled children who had made a mess.

I headed to the dean’s office without even looking back.

Go Myeong-hak, who greeted me as if he had already heard the news, smiled softly.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“What? It was just a simple warm-up exercise.”

“I’m glad you finished it on a decent level. “I believed in the superhuman Choi Jun-ho.”

“I thought the dean would say it was harsh.”

“My limbs are broken, but what can I do? It’s their own karma. And they suffer more serious injuries while hunting. Personally, I felt refreshed. “It was very nice.”

I guess this is the line drawn by Go Myeong-hak.

“That’s surprising.”

“Hey, I’m a human too. I was annoyed by the problem children who cleverly tried to keep them from being punished by law. “What is most encouraging is the story about Superhuman Choi Jun-ho.”

“About me?”

What does Go Myeong-hak see about me that makes him say this?

“When I first met you, I felt like I was walking a slightly precarious line, but now I feel like I’m walking within that line.”

“Can you tell me in detail what the difference is?”

“When I first saw Choi Jun-ho, I thought he could really kill troublemakers if he had entered today’s special lecture.”

What do you think of me? From the beginning, all I could think about was how to quietly get rid of it.

“But now I have come to my senses. “Just like a person who has not been socialized at all is gradually entering the social framework, he or she is exercising his or her influence without crossing the boundaries.”

Is it a compliment or a curse?

Did I really make that choice because I didn’t want to kill troublemakers?

Honestly, I don’t know. If you listen to Go Myeong-hak’s words, changes are happening to me, but in reality, I am not even noticing it.

“I don’t know.”

“You can think of it as just an old man’s strategy. What is clear is that the change is good now.”


“I feel like inviting you often. “I think the troublemakers will definitely come to their senses.”

“If you call me again, I will make time.”

“It’s time to be so grateful. “I’ll have to tell the troublemakers.”

I didn’t know the context, but one thing was clear.

It was said that there was no problem in beating problem children like today.

It seemed like a good place to come here to relieve stress sometimes.

* * *

When the son came back completely mangled, the Howe Guild was shaken.

Howol Guild Master Yang Gil-su shouted as Gil-gil ran wild.

“Choi Junho! “Find a way to kill that bastard!”


However, the guild members only made embarrassed expressions and could not take action.

That sight made Yang Gil-su angry.

“What are you doing? “Quickly find a way to kill that bastard Choi Jun-ho!”

“Master Choi Jun-ho is a nationally recognized superhuman. “The method has not been revealed, but Nuri is capable of hunting alone…”

“so? “My son got hit, are you telling me to stay still?”

“In addition, Choi Jun-ho is the benefactor of the avant-garde guild and the president’s most cherished confidant.”


After hearing those words, Yang Gil-su came to his senses and closed his mouth. However, the anger that had no place to go was boiling over and it seemed like it would explode at any moment.

At that time, Yang Joo-hyuk, who had a broken limb, came into the office.


“Yes my son. Are you okay? do not worry. “I will kill Choi Jun-ho, that bastard, by any means necessary.”

“I’m okay.”

“what? My limbs are broken! But is it okay?”

“It’s because I’m weak. “I will think of it as an opportunity to become stronger.”

“…Joo Hyuk, I never thought you would say something like this.”

Yang Gil-soo was moved by seeing his son for the first time, but at the same time, he was angry at how shocked he must have been to say such a thing.

“Don’t take revenge.”

“No, if you’ve been harmed, you have to pay back.”

“And even though we could all die?”


“Choi Jun-ho, that guy is crazy. “If you do it, you really do it.”

Yang Joo-hyuk recalled the moment he faced Choi Jun-ho.

Just thinking about that time gives me goosebumps. A guy who seemed like he would really kill me if I killed him. The fear, the horror, it was all for the first time.

“So give up. “I will become stronger and take revenge.”



“Why are you smiling while talking about Choi Jun-ho?”

Yang Joo-hyuk unconsciously traced his face and noticed that the corners of his mouth were curling up.

“···I know?”

* * *

The first thing I saw when I returned to the Blue House after the special lecture was Cheon Myeong-guk’s sigh, saying he was glad he didn’t die.

Did you really think I would kill troublemakers? Then I remembered what Go Myeong-guk said. Does acting in a way that does not lead to what the other person thinks is the worst situation mean that one is maintaining the good? I’m not sure yet, but I thought it might have some meaning.

I went deep into the Blue House to meet the president who was looking for me.

“I heard the story about the donation group being shaken off. “In places like that, you have to be good at first relationships.”

“I find it unfortunate. Fortunately, there are people around me who say good things, so I’m going to start small.”

“Usually everyone starts like that. good choice.”

After saying that, the President paused while drinking tea.

Isn’t this kind of person?

I thought Cheon Myeong-guk’s stern expression was normal, but when the cheerful president was also holding his weight, I realized that the matter was not light.

“Do you have anything else to say?”

“Well, of course.”

“You can take it easy.”

“That’s not the case.”

The President hesitated for a moment, then spoke as if he had made up his mind.

“First of all, can you keep what I’m saying from now a secret from your family and people around you?”

“I will.”

“Then believe it and say it. This time, I plan to visit several countries one after another, starting with the United States. This is because Nuri’s hunting process was so surprising to see from a foreign country. And Choi Jun-ho has great interest in superhumans.”


I nodded silently. I didn’t think much of the attention.

“Maybe some countries will want to test Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman skills.”

“I have no intention of matching that rhythm.”

“What if I still have to do it?”

“All you have to do is risk your opponent’s life.”

It’s difficult to save, but easy to kill.

I have never saved the life of someone who was struggling to die.

If you want to live, you’ll just get out of the way.

“It would be good to add that it is dangerous due to the nature of the gift. Still, there will be people who want to come forward. “We see the Chinese superman as one of them.”

A Chinese superhuman? I was trying to remember something.

The President spoke with a stern expression while feeling a tingling sensation in his head.

“So, I want you to kill that Chinese superhuman.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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