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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 5

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Episode 5

This civil servant hunter exam caused a big stir.

In the practical exam, Lim Hae-cheol, the grade 6 supervisor, was defeated by the test taker.

Having reached level 4, he was a talent scheduled for promotion to level 5 next year.

I collapsed without even being able to do anything.

Choi Jun-ho, who appeared like a comet, has already defeated the group of unlocked players who were attacking the bank and is continuing his relationship with Jeong Da-hyun of the villain task force.

It was the emergence of a talent who could reach level 5 depending on the estimated level 4 situation.

He is only 25 years old.

It was a position that the government had to bring in as it was struggling with talent outflow every year.

The ethics subject of the civil servant hunter exam was a test to understand the minimum sense of justice and the direction to pursue. This test has never been decisive.

But now he was about to play a decisive role.

The reason for the conflict between them was simple.

This is because of Choi Jun-ho’s descriptive answer about the safety of citizens and the treatment of villains.

“Do we really have to pass?”

One judge could no longer bear it and held up the answer sheet written by Choi Jun-ho.

[The job of a civil servant hunter is to ensure the safety of the greatest number of citizens. Killing one villain can make at least a hundred citizens safe, so killing as many villains as possible leads to protecting the safety of citizens. When we see that the harm caused by a villain who actually succeeds in committing a single crime increases exponentially after the ‘awakening of evil,’ it is desirable to give priority to eliminating the villain even if it requires some sacrifice.] “This is a civil servant

. This is not the mindset a hunter should have! No, even hunters belonging to large corporations should not have this mindset! “This is an extreme ideology and literally a villain!”

“Is there any reason for you to say something so extreme? “It looks like the answer sheet was written to protect as many citizens as possible.”

“I beg your pardon? “Are you saying that we should pass on those who casually mention the sacrifices of a few people?”

“What if I don’t pass? “If we don’t pass, it’s clear that a large company will think it’s good and take them in.”

“Take me with you!”

“Are you saying we should let go of the talented people who are now in the arms of the nation?”

There was little consensus among the judges.

To that extent, the thoughts contained in Choi Jun-ho’s answer sheet were radical.

The person who stopped the shouting war of words was the older man who was quietly watching from a corner.

“Our National Security Agency will take responsibility and take them away.”


The man with strong bones was Director Jeong Ju-ho, who was in charge of the National Defense Bureau.

He is one of the top five civil servant hunters and holds the highest position.

“A well-forged knife is different depending on how it is used. I know candidate Choi Jun-ho’s ideology is dangerous, but Secretary Jeong Da-hyeon said that he is a person who accepts advice from those around him and has a burning sense of justice. “We will take it and make it into a sharp knife.”


When Jeong Joo-ho said that, there was no longer any disagreement.

* * *

1 hour later.

Jeong Joo-ho, who returned to the office, found Jeong Da-hyun approaching as if he had been waiting.

“What happened to you, Director?”

“How did you know there would be a problem with the answer sheet?”

“I thought it might be a problem because Junho’s ideology was a bit unusual. “It must have been strange.”

“First of all, we said we would bring him.”

“Good for you.”

Jeong Joo-ho sat in a chair as if burying himself in his body. And then I looked at Jeong Da-hyun with tired eyes.

“Jeong Da-hyun, Jeong Da-hyun.”


Jeong Da-hyun answered with a smile on her face.

“I looked at the answer sheet, but he’s not a normal guy.”

“i know. “I saw how they subdued Unrak.”

“Can you handle it?”

“I could. And you know that the number of villains is increasing every day. Currently, it is difficult to reduce the number of villains in the manual anymore. then······.”

Jeong Da-hyeon paused for a moment, and her eyes became more intense.

“You have to bring a sharp knife. Even if I cut my hand.”

Jeong Joo-ho shook his head at the madness behind it.

“If you say you want to do that, how can I stop you? Instead, don’t be swayed.”

“of course.”

“Don’t swing too much.”

“Director, do you think I will do that?”

“uh. “You will get away with it.”

“It’s different from before.”

“Are you going to change that and bring that sharp knife?”

Jeong Da-hyeon turned her head as Jeong Joo-ho stared at her intently.

“It would be a waste to leave it somewhere else.”

“Anyway, I’ve done enough. “You take care of the rest.”


* * *

“You really passed?”



Yunhee’s bizarre expression aroused the desire to own it. If you take pictures with your smartphone now, you’ll get angry, right? Still, I’ll give it a try.

While I was seriously thinking about it, he was still muttering with a shocked expression on his face.

“I feel like the common sense inside me is collapsing. “I can’t believe I passed even with that answer…”

“I guess it suits your taste.”

“No matter how much you are a civil servant hunter, you tolerate such a radical answer.”


It is meaningless to keep considering it. Wouldn’t it have been nice if I had already passed the exam?

Now I too am a full-fledged public servant.

“I passed the exam, so let’s go eat something delicious. What do you want to eat?”

“The ghost that died after eating it has a fine stain, so you should eat it. “I’m beef ribs!”

“Okay, let’s eat that.”

My younger brother and I went to a nearby beef rib restaurant and had dinner. At first, I couldn’t believe that I had passed, but soon I was able to see the change in attitude and say that I passed thanks to myself.

After finishing the meal, I drank a cup of coffee at a cafe, and as I was returning home, he said:

“Oh, and help me prepare for the test.”


“huh. I thought I could pass, but the results were not good. I thought it would be a great help if my brother helped me. huh?”

“I will help you.”


“uh. With your skills, you can pass. “You just need to learn a few tricks.”

“really? “If I pass, they’ll give me something delicious.”


My younger brother, whose talent didn’t blossom because of me in his past life.

To repay you, I plan to help you pass the exam. That was the least I could apologize.

“What’s wrong with your expression? Disgusting.”


I guess this is your little sister’s expression of affection, right?

* * *

“I’m Choi Jun-ho, a new recruit.”

On the first day of work, I put on a suit and went to work at the National Security Bureau.

I thought it was a pretty stiff greeting, but the response I got back was enthusiastic.

“Oh oh! “I’m new!”

“Finally, a new blood transfusion for us!”

There are people who welcome you.

“Is that him? “You turned Im Hae-cheol into an asshole?”

“Just by looking at his face, he doesn’t look like he’s that talented at all.”

“It’s probably not luck, is it?”

Some people look at me with doubts about my abilities. What should I do in times like this? Should I grab them one by one and smash them to pieces to show off my skills?

I excluded it from the options because I felt that doing so would lead to the destruction of the National Protectorate itself.

As I was thinking about how to be recognized, a dear voice pierced my ears.

“Why are you making such a fuss just because a famous person showed up? “Don’t you know it’s work hours?”


The atmosphere was as cold as if it had been doused with cold water. The person who emerged from the crowd was a stocky, middle-aged man with a bald head, a hooked nose, and squinty eyes.

“I am Wang Ju-yeol, the special team leader.”

“This is Junho Choi.”

“The true nature of a new recruit is to quietly observe without showing off. Don’t show off and listen to your senior’s words like heaven. “That’s all you have to do.”

The greed filled with narrow eyes was conveyed. He said while glaring at me as if he was trying to put pressure on me.

“What is the answer?”

“Is that what a civil servant hunter does?”

“The work? That’s right. Even if you’re a hunter or something, you’re a public servant after all. The thing about being a civil servant hunter. Have a sense of belonging to an organization and obey superiors. is not it?”

Instead of answering, I quietly looked at Wang Ju-yeol.

It seems like a name with no real connection, but it was strangely memorable.

At that time, a familiar voice was heard from behind.

“Please stop.”

“oh! Secretary Jeong Da-hyeon! Are you trying to ignore the team leader just because it’s a parachute?”

“I have never ignored it.”

“okay? But why do I feel ignored?”

Wang Ju-yeol was openly sarcastic.

“It’s the team leader’s mistake. I will guide Junho. song.”

“Just figure it out yourself. Anyway, you, newbie, would do well to keep my words in mind.”


I stared at Wang Ju-yeol and followed Jeong Da-hyun, who was pulling his arm.

My name is Wang Ju-yeol, and my name is Wang Ju-yeol.

Aside from family, there are only two types of people whose names we remember.

Either he died by my hand or he was someone who deserved to be killed.

Following Jeong Da-hyeon, he said hello to the people of the National Defense Bureau and then moved to the cafe in the building.

As I was reminiscing until then, I looked at Jeong Da-hyeon. Even though her appearance was almost unadorned, her beauty was shining.

It would be possible to gain wealth and fame without having to be busy on the front lines. I was curious about the source of her sense of justice. Same thing with the current situation.

“Are you on bad terms with Team Leader Wang?”

“Be careful what you say.”

Jeong Da-hyeon, who was rarely surprised, looked around and lowered her voice.

“Team Leader Wang’s position within the National Defense Bureau is significant. So, you need to look around and talk about it.”

“I’m saying this because I know there’s no one there.”

“As you can see, it is. “He doesn’t like it when I move around.”

Just by looking at it, Wang Ju-yeol had a bad smell. I had a rough idea of what kind of person he was.

“If he is corrupt, arrest him.”

“···There is no evidence.”

“If there is no evidence, can’t we catch him?”

“Because that’s the rule. “If there is no evidence, you are the superior, not the suspect.”

It was quite different from what I knew. When I was a villain, things I didn’t commit were added to the list of crimes.

I still remembered Oh Jong-yeop, who was following me around, giggling and calling me Hong Gil-dong and Pima-hong, the blood drinker, saying that he was like a blood drinker.

Are you saying that there is no difference between having 100 criminal convictions and having 101 criminal convictions?

“All right.”

“Junho will be moving with me for the time being. If you have any questions or don’t know anything, please ask me.”

“All right.”

“And there will be a welcome party today.”

“Welcome party?”

“Junho is a newcomer who has been here for a long time.”

“Everyone doesn’t want to come here.”

“To be honest, yes. is it so. “The villain task force is very dangerous.”

Then he looked at my eyes. Even if I don’t say it, I know because I heard it from Yunhee. Although the status of the National Guard was high, the standards for accepting internal personnel were very strict.

It is said that when a vacancy arises, those who do not meet the standards cannot even enter the position. Here, the arduous work intensity and risk also played a role.

“I’m sorry for not telling you in advance.”

“it’s okay. “I know it’s dangerous.”


“It’s a department that arrests villains, so of course it’s dangerous.”

Of course, the civil servant hunter assigned here must have skills and a sense of duty to apprehend the villain. And there are not many such talents among civil servant hunters.

This is what I thought, but I think Jeong Da-hyun was quite anxious.

“I’m glad you understand. phew!”

“Please take care of me in the future. Mr. Dahyun.”

“Yes, Junho.”

After drinking coffee, I went up to the office and began to familiarize myself with the work I had to do. After looking at the simple documents and the internal and organizational chart of the National Security Bureau, time flew by and it was time to leave work.

The place I arrived at after leaving school was a high-quality Korean beef restaurant.

“Now then, welcome to the new recruit.”


Hustle and bustle. A welcome party was held to welcome me in the safest center of the city.


I let my guard down and watched my colleagues quietly telling me to pour and drink.

Eat and drink to your heart’s content. It was unfamiliar to me, who was always on the run and far removed from the splendor of the city.

Ironically, this sentiment made me realize that I had stepped into this realm.

Dahyun Jeong came next to me.

“They are good people.”

“Is that so.”

“yes. Basic treatment and incentives are lacking. The work is hard and exposed to risk. Nevertheless, I am burning with a sense of duty.”

In the end, I realized that it was nothing more than a moth to fire. Conform to the organization and operate with a sense of justice.

I have no intention of ridiculing you, but I also have no intention of sympathizing with you. In the end, Jeong Da-hyeon was also of the same type and went out to kill me and died by my hands.

If I didn’t have faith, I wouldn’t have stepped forward even though I knew it wasn’t enough.

The reason I became a civil servant hunter was to be within the framework of public power. I no longer want to experience being chased and having my mind worn out.

Then, I never know when the monster inside me will reveal itself. I want to live a normal life like now.

What broke the atmosphere that was about to become serious was the appearance of Jeong Ju-ho, the head of the National Security Bureau.

“What are you talking about so seriously? Hey newbie! “Take a drink.”

“thank you.”

“What are you doing with something like this? “I’m sure it will help you a lot in the future.”

With a pale face, I poured a lot of alcohol into my glass.

“Well, today is the new welcome party, so shall we take some time to get to know the new members?”

“Are you talking about me?”

“okay! These are colleagues who will have your back, so you should get to know each other well. “What is the newbie good at?”

“Doing it well.”

I paused for a moment. Suddenly, people’s eyes were focused on me.

When I think about it, I went crazy with greed and couldn’t take care of my family. My shortcomings are clear. I am impatient.

So what are the advantages? What you are good at. My experience with hematoma was ultimately my strength, so after organizing my thoughts in my head, I opened my mouth.

“I am confident in my ability to chase and escape. Eyes are also good. You can identify villains. “More than anything, what I am most confident about is…”

At that moment, our eyes met with Wang Ju-yeol.

For some reason, I smiled.

“It’s a killing.”


Killing someone is what I am best at.

The thing I am most unsure about is capturing my opponent alive without injury.

“I am more confident than anyone else in finding and killing villains. Please trust me from now on, Director.”


Jeong Joo-ho, who had suddenly lost his grumpy expression without a trace, held out his glass with hard eyes.

I smiled, clinked glasses, and took a shot.

But people’s eyes were focused on me.

What did I do wrong?

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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