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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 48

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Episode 48

Even so, you take my analogy seriously.

I was a little sad that humor wasn’t accepted as humor.

In order to clear up any misunderstandings, what I ended up choosing was to show the processing scene on the spot.

After telling her not to come closer, I began injecting the Force into Nuri’s heart.

Lee Myung-hak, who had turned pale, began to burst out in exclamation when he saw Nuri’s heart shining in my hand as if it had never happened before.

“Oh oh oh! Oooh!”

As I was trying to get closer, I saw force waves bouncing around and started watching while maintaining a distance that wouldn’t affect me. Meanwhile, the distance gap is astonishing.

Processing began, but the process was not easier than in step 6. Even though it was purified to a large extent, there were bound to be impurities, and since all force within the heart had to be under my control, the mental power consumed as a result was considerable.

If I am at this level, other awakened people need to be very prepared.

Ugh! yes! yes! yes!

The wave of power felt in Nuri’s heart was formidable. I don’t know what the processing craftsmen say about this, but I think it’s the final struggle of the monster’s remaining thoughts.

Thoughts that are processed to be hostile to humanity resist control to the end.

Even though it was just the dead guy’s last struggle.

However, the resistance was weaker than I thought.

Is it because they brainwashed Nuri before killing him? Or is it because of timing? I don’t know why, but I lightly break down the weak resistance and then push in the force to sort it out in my own way. I learned from Heartwalker, but unlike the guy who did it with his natural dexterity and keen eye, I pushed him away with force.

The difference between the heart walker and me is that the heart walker meticulously follows the optimal path and processes it like a craftsman, while I use overwhelming power to open a path.

That’s why force consumption is so high.

This is why we need to catch the Heart Walker quickly. He must have been in Busan by now, so I should make time to visit him.

After concentrating for about 30 minutes, the processing was completed. The force inside the heart seemed to be moving more actively than before.

“This this.”

“Let’s check.”

Lee Myung-hak’s eyes were filled with ecstasy as he carefully accepted Nuri’s heart. It grew even bigger when measuring the amount of force in the heart.

“That’s ridiculous! “I don’t think this level of efficiency would be achieved.”

“It’s 156.9%. “It went better than I expected.”

“What did you do? “I have never heard of this type of processing method.”

That’s what Heartwalker did in the future. Even though he colluded with a villain organization, one thing was clear about his skills.

Suddenly, 1 trillion became 1.569 trillion. I made a lot of money after processing it once.

“Then, please calculate with the processed part.”

“Even if it’s just a temporary processing method!”

“I haven’t established it as a theory yet, so I’ll let you know little by little.”

“All right.”

Right now, I’m the only one who can do it. There is one more reason why HeartWalker is needed.

Lee Myung-hak’s expression brightened. This is a good time to clear up misunderstandings.



“I didn’t really ask you to put your neck on the line. “You know, right?”


I didn’t really like the answer that came after the short silence.

* * *

“They say the level 8 heart I got this time can run a power plant. “It can also run longer than previously processed ones.”

The president’s voice was very excited. The recent approval rating, too, has been a series of various ups and downs.

The National Research Institute for Science and Technology wanted Choi Jun-ho’s processed heart to be used for research, but the president immediately began putting it into the power plant.

Humanity, which had lost more than half of its land due to monsters and was unable to operate nuclear power plants, was suffering from an energy shortage. However, if you can use a heart of level 8 or higher as a power source, you can run an entire power plant.

More energy can support a larger population, which can prevent the refugeeization of citizens and thus stop the rise of villains.

“How did you learn that processing method? Choi Jun-ho is like an onion. No matter how hard I try, it keeps coming out. “I don’t know what comes next.”


“Aren’t you excited? “It’s like a gift box from childhood.”

“Sometimes it would crash.”

“Then I would cry because I was disappointed. What is the catch here? How about something like this? “It was said that Choi Jun-ho was actually an eraser.”

“These are words that will cause great trouble.”

“I’m kidding.”

The President burst into laughter cheerfully, but Cheon Myeong-guk did not. That assumption alone was something that made me feel sick to my stomach.

“I’m just saying that it’s a Level 8 that appeared around the same time. The Eradicator has not appeared since his first appearance, so there must have been a mistake or Berserker was misunderstood. Even that Berserker became part of our force through cooperation with Choi Jun-ho. “A very filial son, a filial son.”

The President, who smiled happily, spoke to Director Cheon.

“If we mobilize surplus power, it will be possible to operate a smart farm.”

“We will be able to produce more food.”

“Shelter is important, but the top priority is food. Because benefits must be provided to the people who must be retained so that they can show more efficiency. Then the frequency of refugees will decrease.”

“Slum formation on the outskirts of the city has largely stopped.”

“Seoul is in the stable zone, so Busan is the problem.”

“But Mayor Yoo…”

“He’s a greedy guy. “Because they want to come here.”

Busan, the second largest city after Seoul, has recently been growing in size, but hidden behind it is the rapid growth of a villain organization.

It is the result of a combination of the Busan mayor’s greed and the villain’s desire.

“We can still control it, so let’s just say Mayor Yu is smart.”

“It will become a big problem in a few years.”

“You can just cut it in the bud before that. How about asking Choi Jun-ho to go once before my term ends? “Wouldn’t it be completely wiped out?”


Cheon Myeong-guk imagined the sea off Busan being stained with blood.

“Anyway, so many changes occur with just one monster’s heart. Wouldn’t more changes occur if the guilds reduced their greed just a little?”

“You shouldn’t look at it that way.”

“Yes, I know. “It’s a chicken or the egg problem.”

When a guild hunts monsters, most of the by-products are reinvested into tools needed for hunting.

The president also knows that this is a process to hunt more monsters. However, sometimes, when I was low on energy, I asked the guild for help, but cooperation was minimal.

At that time, I had the impression that the power of the guild was gradually overpowering the power of the state. What changes will occur the moment this accelerates further?

First of all, the government will be neutralized. After that, the decisions of the large guilds will soon become the decisions of the nation.

The governments of many countries collapsed, and even now, in some countries, organizations that received support from the League run amok, waging wars bordering on civil war.

But with Choi Jun-ho, the story is different.

“As expected, if I don’t have this opportunity, I will be left behind forever. Proceed with the plan to create an organization over the three kingdoms. Let’s use the momentum to create a flow.”

The president intended to use this opportunity to upset the balance of power between the government and the large guilds.

* * *

The place I headed to find Heartwalker was Busan.

After the appearance of the monster, exchanges with local regions became worse than before, and Busan’s status as a leading city in the Gyeongnam region rose several times.

Busan strengthened its influence in nearby cities and sought to survive through exchanges with Japan, and the results were successful.

To be precise, it would be correct to say that it has been transformed into a success.

Behind this, there was an increase in smuggling, the formation of several black markets, and the rapid growth of villain organizations.

The heart worker I’m looking for, Jonghyun Kim, is a craftsman who processed the hearts of monsters. However, he asked to call himself a craftsman rather than a craftsman, and his ability to process the hearts of monsters was so outstanding that he was recognized everywhere.

Nevertheless, the reason he wandered around was because of his profligate spending and female power. My goal is to catch him, take him to Seoul, and turn him into a normal person.

In my last life, he told me that he worked in Busan when he was young and then moved to Seoul, so it wasn’t difficult to find him.

I met him on the way home after delivering goods to the black market.

A Heartwalker with the face of a young man was approaching.

“Heartwalker Kim Jonghyun.”

“···I’m Kim Jonghyun, but what about Heartwalker? “Who are you?”

“Has it not been called that yet?”

The guy looked at me and became wary.

Well, it’s been 20 years since you met me. Heartwalker was the same age as me. I guess I’m just a kid who just started working.

“It’s a familiar face. Where have we seen this before?”

“You might have seen my face on TV.”

“TV? “No way!”

The guy is shocked, probably because he recognized my face too late. Then I quickly look around. It’s the same now as before, if you think you’re at a disadvantage, you immediately start thinking about running away.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t come to kill you.”

“I have never done anything to die.”

“I know, but I have a record of supplying goods to the black market.”


“I didn’t come to argue with you about that. Follow me.”

“Are you going to kill me if I say no?”

Heartwalker, who flatly refused, slowly shifted his body’s center of gravity back. He’s mistaken about something. He didn’t have a choice from the beginning.

“I didn’t tell you this. “If you don’t follow me, I will kill you.”

“I didn’t do anything wrong, so why kill me!”

“You’re supplying goods to the black market, right? The black market is managed by the villain, so you are supplying goods to the villain. “Then you too are a villain.”

“I just said I didn’t come to ask about that!”

“I changed my mind.”


“Decide right here and now.”

If you persist until the end, I will kill you. The hearts of the monsters he delivers ultimately strengthen Jagalchi, a local villain organization.

In the future, the villain organization Jagalchi grows into an organization large enough to occupy a corner of the economy of Busan City.

“shit! “Why would you do that to someone who makes a living from day to day!”

“It’s because I need your skills. All you have to do is take me to Seoul and do some work for me. “Don’t you want to go to Seoul?”

“What on earth is going on that you need my hand?”

“Shall we continue talking here?”

“···Follow me.”

The place I arrived at, following Heartwalker, was a shabby space about 3 pyeong in size. It seemed like they were probably using this place as a studio.

“So, why does our noble adept want to take me away?”

“As I said before, I need your skills. “Exactly your processing skills.”

“Hehe, you really need my skills that much?”

“But if you are unlucky enough to bounce, I will kill you.”


“Look at this first.”

Before coming to Busan, I went for a short walk and gave Heartwalker the stage 6 heart I caught.

The frozen guy opened his eyes wide when he saw the force flow in the monster’s heart.

“How did you do this? “No, how did you do it?”

“This is a skill you need to learn when you come to Seoul.”

“Are you saying you’re going to teach me?”

“uh. And I will also admit your mother to Shinsung Hospital.”


Heartwalker’s eyes widened and then returned to normal and heaved a sigh.

“Well, if you had come to visit me, you would have done some research on me. “Are you sure it’s because of my ability that you’re giving me this favor?”

“that’s right. Instead, I will have to study hard.”

“That’s natural.”

I’m not worried about his abilities. It was a technology he created anyway, so he’ll catch up quickly.

“Then when should we go?”

“It’s easier said than done. They probably know that I supply to the black market, and the villains there care about me a lot. “If I leave without saying anything, they will come all the way to Seoul and make a fuss.”

“Then we can just kill them all and go.”

There is the easiest answer.

Heartwalker was scared.

“You really speak harshly. Was what was shown on the broadcast his true personality? Although the villains there are classified as villains, they are not bad people. “He was my benefactor, so I want to part ways on good terms.”

There are bad villains in the world?

“Is it possible to go and tell them?”

“Why not give it a try?”

I don’t think they’ll let me go easily. I know this because I have played a villain, but they are very lame. The perception that what is mine and what is yours is mine is deeply rooted. And I never want to let go of what I have in my arms. Even if I would rather die holding you in my arms, I would never give it to someone else.

If they recognized Heartwalker’s skills, they would never let him go.

I thought for a moment and said.

“Then let’s go together.”


“Because if you go, the villains might not let you go.”

If I, a superhuman, told them, they would just give up.

Heartwalker probably thought of this too.

The guy nodded obediently, probably because it was the answer he wanted.

“All right.”

* * *

After arriving at the Busan dock, Heartwalker and I headed to the villain hideout where goods were being delivered.

Heartwalker, who met the person in charge there and informed him that he was going to Seoul, received a firm reply.

“No, you can’t go.”

“No, boss. “Last time, I said I could go whenever I wanted…”

“Do you believe that? Do we look like Bingdari hot pants? “Did you think that if I said I wanted to go, they would just let me go?”


Heartwalker sighed. The villain spoke in a friendly voice as if soothing him.

“You’re doing well here too. Is it because of money? I’ll talk to the boss and get him to take more care of you, so let’s do our best. huh? “We’ve done well.”

As they alternated between carrots and threats, it became impossible for them to come out on their own.

I, who had been quietly watching, came forward.

“Don’t do that, I’ll let you go.”

If I, a level 8 superhuman, spoke, they wouldn’t fully understand…

“What is this Sannim?”

“Why are you doing this? ok? “Do you want to die?”

“Brother, don’t be like that. “Then you’ll get tired of it.”

The results that came back were disastrous.

Instead of recognizing me, they laughed and made low-level threats.

“Now wait a minute…”

Heartwalker’s face turned white as he saw all of this. Did you guess what would happen next?


Well, I started by reflecting.

I thought the villains would recognize my face because I became a nationally recognized superhuman and captured Nuri. It was obvious that I would run away without even looking back, so I was worried about how I would catch the villain in the future. I thought about wearing a mask, but I think it would be okay to just keep going like this.

I said to the villains who were still laughing.

“My name is Junho Choi.”


The villains stopped.

“Brother, now that I think about it, the name of the superman who caught Nuri a while ago is Choi Jun-ho…”

“Head breaker?”

“The devil who transformed Jeong Da-hyun into a Raksha-nyeo?”

The villains’ pupils began to tremble violently.

I took a step toward the door and blocked the exit.

“That’s me.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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