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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 47

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Episode 47 Choi

Jun-ho went outside and Cheon Myeong-guk looked at the president cautiously.

The President’s face, which seemed very excited, changed to calm. The president is the pinnacle of politicians. Changing your facial expression isn’t that difficult.

“Did you fire CEO Koo Byeong-do to make way for Choi Jun-ho?”



“Because Gu Byeong-do has no eyes to see.”

The president’s voice was firm.

“It doesn’t matter what you say to Choi Jun-ho before that. Because there is freedom of speech in our country. But the situation has changed since Choi Jun-ho showed his skills. You have to take responsibility for what you said. Having said that, it would be shameless to take the soybean soup that Choi Jun-ho offers. “Isn’t that right?”


“And Gu Byeong-do has a lot of things to do at the magic power plant. It’s time to consider replacing it, but it worked out well. It would be good to use this opportunity as a warning to be careful when dealing with Choi Jun-ho. “The regime may change, but Choi Jun-ho’s values will remain the same.”

If you touch Choi Jun-ho, even if you are a close associate of the President, you can be fired.

Gu Byeong-do was a good example.

“Director Cheon, keep that in mind too. Choi Jun-ho is a dog that cannot be tamed. “If it feels good, it will adapt to us, but if the number is wrong, we can bite at any time.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Cut off the old Byeongdo immediately.”

* * *

The position of president of Korea Horsepower Corporation is an important position.

It is a place where all by-products from hunting by hunting teams under the government of the Republic of Korea are collected, and enormous profits are generated there.

Money meant power. For generations, the position of president of the Horsepower Corporation was a position reserved only for the president’s close associates.

The president’s associates disappeared overnight. It was announced that the resignation was voluntary, but people who knew the hidden details were busy whispering behind the scenes.

“···Gu Byeong-do was fired because he was disliked by Choi Jun-ho. So, refrain from talking about Choi Jun-ho. “I heard it was like this?”

Joo-ho Jeong said to me with a smile. It seemed like he was acting slyly and trying to secretly get information.

“Maybe so, maybe not.”

“The way I see it, this is 100% correct. The President had fun with his approval ratings, so we followed suit. Isn’t that right?”


“Anyway, if you look at this, you should look good in the future. “If I go against the grain, won’t I get fired?”

“Don’t worry, that won’t happen. And if you get cut off, there will be a line waiting to take you there, so do you worry about that?”

“Hey, I guess you don’t have anything to worry about. “I have a lot of thoughts.”

That’s all too serious.

Jeong Joo-ho made a great contribution in the large-scale villain eradication operation before Nuri appeared.

The National Defense Bureau led the operation to catch more than a thousand villains. As a result, it is evaluated that Jung Joo-ho was the first in the three countries to seize the opportunity to be promoted.

In fact, Jeong Ju-ho’s Yongin skills were highly regarded as he succeeded in an operation that encompassed all three kingdoms.

The only flaw is that Jeong Da-hyun’s hand is too strong? Isn’t that a compliment?

“What is Nachalnyeo? Nachalnyeo! “Dahyun was walking down a gorgeous flower path, but you ruined it all!”

“The compliment is a bit strange.”

“That’s not a compliment, you bastard! why? Are you dissatisfied with me yelling at a superhuman? ok?”

“I have no complaints. “This was Dahyun’s choice.”

“You are the one who had that influence. Making you my second-in-command was the biggest mistake of my life. “I thought Dahyun could control it, but she got tainted, and now that pure and righteous child said that the villain should first cut off his legs… and when she hit the grenade the villain threw and put it in her mouth, it was like, wow!”

I think he cared about Dahyun Jeong a lot. So shouldn’t we be happy? Da-hyun Jeong, before and after meeting me, gained strength on a completely different level with just one mindset.

I think the current choice is actually the right one. If I work harder, I think I will reach level 7 sooner than in my last life.

I comforted Jung Joo-ho, who was in despair.

“Stress is bad for hair loss.”

“That’s because I talked to you. And I’ll take care of it, so don’t worry. “If anyone else hears it, it just makes them feel bad.”

“I saw Yoo Heung-ryeol the other day and it seemed like he would rather push it coolly. Director, you have a pretty head, so please consider it…”

“Get out now!”

I had no choice but to leave the director’s office as if I was being kicked out by Jung Joo-ho, who was furious.

Is it my imagination that things seem to be getting more and more hysterical? They say he’s the most likely to get promoted, so he’s being a little lenient. But I really thought it would look good if I shaved it off and grew a mustache.

I’ll have to recommend it again next time.

I was thinking of going to see Jeong Da-hyeon before leaving the National Defense Bureau, but she is patrolling outside. She succeeded in this villain eradication operation and was promoted to team leader. She raised the villain task force to a team level.

I left a message saying hello. My talk, which was quite empty, was full of content about Berserker’s trip around the country.

In any case, Dahyun Jeong’s growth is encouraging.

“Once you decide on a route, progress goes quickly.”

That confidence can eat you up, but it can also give you the strength to move forward instead of being confused.

Everyone around me is amazed at my hunting skills, but Nuri hunting is not that special to me.

What’s really new is that it was the first level 8 monster I caught in my right mind? It was trickier than I thought, but that was it for me.

But the world’s perspective on me has changed. To the point that Oh Jong-su said that the number of calls had increased so much that it was difficult to handle. The solution is simple. I told them to unplug the phone line.

If it’s really necessary, I’ll do it to Director Cheon. There are a lot of employees there, so they will sort it out for you.

The place I arrived after leaving the National Protection Bureau was the Holy Guild headquarters. I went straight from the parking lot to the team leader’s office without having to go through the front desk.

“Welcome. Why does it feel like it’s been a while since I last saw you?”

“I saw you at the last meeting with Jeon Gil-yeon.”

“At that time, I saw it from afar. Sit.”

Lee Se-hee, who welcomed me, was as gorgeous as always. She wore a white jacket over a black two-piece with voluminous wavy perm. It was a clear contrast to the calmness I saw last time.

The reason I came to Sehee Lee was because I wanted to hear stories from people around me and ask for advice. I was curious about how the requested item worked.

First of all, the potion for attaching the cut area was in poor condition. I decided to invest more once the money came in, and Lee Se-hee readily accepted.

“The foreign countries went into an uproar when they saw Junho.”


“Because I caught level 8 remains on my own. “The theory that he lost a lot of power in the avant-garde guild gained weight, but my curiosity is growing as he firmly answers that he is not Master Lee Chan-taek.”

“Is there anything that will grow?”

“Of course, it is a matter of great interest how Superhuman Choi Jun-ho captured Nuri.”

I also watched Lee Chan-taek’s interview. Avantgarde officially apologized for looking down on my skills, saying I had no credit for this hunt.

I thought that was a good way too. Now that I am not a villain but a nationally recognized superhuman, I decided to give the guys on the blacklist some time to apologize.

Lee Chan-taek’s apology highlighted the blacklist once again.

This is a desirable phenomenon.

Even if I can’t step forward in detail, I can make the other person anxious and afraid just by saying those words. I could apologize for everything.

Sehee Lee asked me with curious eyes.

“How did you catch it?”

“I just hit him.”

“How is it so simple? Just figure out your habits and use them to fill in the gaps! “Aren’t there a lot of targets and strategies hidden inside?”

“doesn’t exist. All I had to do was get close and hit him on the head.”

“···If it were that simple, all hunters wouldn’t have so much trouble hunting monsters.”

It’s true, but you don’t believe it.

“And it’s also amazing that you attracted Lee Chan-taek, a superhuman.”

“Should you just do it?”

“I’m nothing?”

Lee Se-hee, who pretended not to be, was a real fox.

Considering that my parents were defenselessly bewitched by Lee Se-hee. It was even more so.

“The fact that Junho captured Nuri intact is also attracting attention. Usually, corpses don’t arrive that unharmed. “Is there a secret?”

Because I brainwashed until I died.

When I think about it now, I think Nuri was watching my actions without reacting.

Maybe it was timing?

Actually, I had never tried timing before, so I couldn’t tell if it worked or not.

We can try again next time.

Although Lee Se-hee put foreign reactions first, she was well aware that she was gaining information through these conversations. It was a spiteful attitude, but since we had something to exchange, we decided to let this go. I just have to tear off more later.

“Many people will come to Korea to see Nuri in real life. At the same time, Junho would also like to see it. “It’s probably going to be annoying to a lot of people.”

“If you don’t think it will be a bother, you don’t have to participate.”

“It’s not easy, but if Junho does that, Director Cheon will suffer again.”

“He is a capable person.”

“but. “He’s actually famous.”

It was decided to hand over communications from all directions and foreigners to Cheon Myeong-guk. At least if you’re going to come, you’ll need to be able to speak Korean to deal with me.

“I would like to say that we would like to purchase the monster’s heart, but it would be difficult, right?”

“I heard they are purchased by government agencies.”

“yes. Since Junho belongs to the government, the government has rights. It’s completely stipulated by law. “If the government gives up on purchasing, we can try to be next in line, but we never get a level 8 heart.”

“If it’s the law, there’s nothing we can do.”

I don’t like the law, but it would be a good idea to at least pretend to follow it.

Lee Se-hee looked regretful.

“But there are some parts that Junho cannot ignore.”


“Junho, you can process the heart of a monster, right?”


“When the government measures the value of a monster’s heart, it is based on the raw heart. “If Junho can process it and be evaluated, he will be able to receive much more.”


This is something unexpected. I received 3 times the amount from a stage 6 heart, but how much is a stage 8 heart? Level 6 has a lot of impurities, so I refined it well to change 10 to 30, but the level 8 heart has already been largely refined, so even if I process it, no innovative effect will occur. At most, about 1000 or 1500?

Still, if the efficiency were 1.5 times higher, 1 trillion would become 1.5 trillion, so it would be good.

“Yes, but it won’t be easy. “Government agencies also have a lot of pride.”

“doesn’t care. “If they keep being stubborn, they won’t sell it and they’ll just sell it to the Holy Guild.”

“I’m looking forward to it.”

* * *

The heart of a monster is an excellent source of energy.

The hearts of all monsters contain a certain amount of force, and this energy is eco-friendly and safe, so all power plants are being replaced with the hearts of monsters.

The problem is that a huge number of them are needed. And the key power source is that it has to be a level 8 heart.

If a place like a nuclear power plant were attacked by monsters, an irreversible situation would arise, so it was an unavoidable choice for the government. In fact, several places were attacked and the worst happened.

So, once the governments of each country obtained the heart of the monster, they attempted to supply electricity through eco-friendly power plants.

However, there were countless fields other than power plants that required the heart of a monster.

The guild used the hearts of monsters to create weapons that amplified power and armor that improved defense, and continued research to apply them to various fields needed for hunting.

Therefore, an implicit rule was established in which hunting by government-affiliated hunting teams was assigned to the government, and hunting by guilds was assigned to the guild.

In the beginning, there was a time when government-affiliated hunting teams were powerful, but as the situation turned around, the amount of money earned by large guilds began to increase significantly.

How could it be said that the Holy Guild Research Institute is better than the National Scientific Monster Research Institute?

Then I caught Nuri. The President said that as soon as the news broke that Nuri had been caught, the National Research Institute for Science and Technology contacted him 15 times.

“Oh, this is the heart of a level 8 monster!”

A middle-aged, scholar-like man who identified himself as Lee Myeong-hak, director of the National Science and Monster Research Institute, let out an exclamation of admiration when he saw Nuri’s heart shown to me.

The fist-sized heart had a shape that a stranger would mistake for a jewel. The force flow within it had the power to attract souls and captivate those who saw it.

“It’s definitely a level 8 heart.”

“How much does it cost?”

“This is easily enough to win 1 trillion won!”

Myunghak Lee spoke in a voice two levels higher than usual.

If it goes through processing here, more money will come in.

“I understand that the price goes higher after processing.”

“Yes, the best craftsmen will work at our laboratory to process it.”

“How much will the efficiency increase if I process this?”

“Level 8 hearts are already refined and do not increase to dramatic levels. “Efficiency usually increases from 1.1 times to 1.2 times if processed well.”

After all, it would be better for me to do it myself.

“Then it would be better for me to take charge of the processing.”

“What do you mean!”

“I know how to process.”

“Still, it’s level 8 cardio! “The lab has skilled people who have performed 8 levels of heart processing!”

Considering that I have processed the heart when it was a hematoma, I can’t say that it is more than yours.

Sometimes I felt frustrated trying to pretend that I didn’t experience something I had experienced in my last life.

“What I do will be more efficient.”

“Absolutely not!”

“You can do well.”

“Even though······.”

I was completely shocked and couldn’t be persuaded.

I changed my ways. I thought about what these people are most afraid of.

Civil servants also preserve their positions.

huh? But why wasn’t I scared when I was a civil servant hunter?

“Then let’s do it like this. If you don’t process it properly, I will provide the heart for free when you kill the next level 8 monster.”

“…Do you mean over 1 trillion?”

“yes. Instead, the director hangs his head.”

Lee Myung-hak’s expression turned white. Why is it like that all of a sudden?

“I have never cursed you behind your back. Rather, I looked forward to a successful hunt and a safe return.”

The reaction was strange. He began to retreat back, covering his neck with both hands.

The President and Cheon Myeong-guk, who were watching quietly, were looking at me like I was crazy.

I was wondering what was wrong and then remembered that I mentioned the neck.

“Not really, just your neck. It’s about your seat.”


“It’s true.”

It seemed like he had no intention of believing it at all.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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