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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 46

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Episode 46

“No damage from monsters.”

“Nuri is alive and well.”

“The avant-garde guild… failed.”


The moment the report was posted, the President closed his eyes tightly.

Although Choi Jun-ho assured us that it would fail, he secretly hoped that the avant-garde guild would succeed.

Although he is the president, he is also a citizen of the Republic of Korea. While he did not want the power of large guilds to grow, he wanted at least one citizen to live longer.

I thought that Lee Chan-taek, one of Korea’s top 3 guilds and an ‘iron heart’ who keeps his cool and makes the best judgment in any situation, could catch Nuri.

Yes, Lee Chan-taek can do it. Because he is a superman who has made the impossible possible.

…But the result was a failure.

“It’s on a different level.”

It was a different despair than before.

Daon, the 7th monster, tormented hunters across sea and land, but succeeded in hunting when his full power was applied.

However, Nuri lost even though all the avant-garde elites came forward in an open field.

And that wasn’t even a hit.

In this situation, Choi Jun-ho, who is second in line, must step forward.

But unlike the avant-garde guild, Choi Jun-ho is alone.

Can he really stop it?

Although Choi Jun-ho has never said anything wrong so far, the fact that he travels alone and that he has just become a superhuman keeps bothering him.

How about having him join the Reaper Guild to intercept Nuri?

“Where is Choi Jun-ho?”

“Well… I went straight to where Nuri was.”


The President and Cheon Myeong-guk were shocked. You went alone when all your strength wasn’t enough?

However, we could not blame the person responsible for failing to stop it.

The judgment at the scene was based on the superman’s will.

Subsequently, reports came in one after another.

“Retreating avant-garde guild members are joining the follow-up unit. “It is said that Superhuman Lee Chan-taek has stayed behind to stop Nuri!”

“You look like a foolish man.”

“Tell them to leave quickly!”

Lee Chan-taek was about to pay for his failure with his life.

“Choi Jun-ho is superhuman! “I collided with Nuri!”

“Is this the end?”

The moment the president was about to give up, Cheon Myeong-guk shouted in surprise.

“uh? But it doesn’t push me away!”

“In fierce battle! “It’s tight!”

It was not possible to capture the hunting process on video. However, explosions of force that far exceeded the observation limit were detected one after another.

The president was not an awakened person, but his expression hardened when he saw the displayed force amount.

This was a figure that went beyond common sense.

“···Is this the amount of force that can be unleashed alone?”

It seemed as if two monsters were fighting.

Cheon Myeong-guk, who was watching with a stern expression, added his words.

“It is clear that he is superior to other superhumans. “This level of numbers seems only possible for foreign superhumans who are classified as the strongest.”

“Choi Jun-ho is the world’s best? Does this make sense?”

“I can’t believe it either.”

I became an awakened person this year at the age of 25. But in less than a year, they are the world’s strongest ranks?

I couldn’t imagine what kind of awakening would be possible in which country.

Choi Jun-ho completely deviated from common sense.

No, if you think about common sense in the first place, it would be ridiculous to face a level 8 monster alone.

Meanwhile, the fierce battle continued.

As time went by, the tense battle between forces suddenly turned to one side.

“Nuri’s reaction is weakening! Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman force is still the same!”

When it was said that Choi Jun-ho had the upper hand, everyone had their hands full.

“Nuri’s reaction disappears!”

“Nuri is dead! Superhuman Choi Jun-ho successfully hunted!”


When the success of the hunt was announced, everyone cheered.

Afterwards, breaking news broke and the falling stock market began to soar all at once.

Citizens who were anxiously awaiting the results of the hunt cheered.

The President wiped the sweat from his hands on his pants and sat down with a relaxed expression, muttering.

“Just waiting for the results is exhausting. “This is also hard labor, hard labor.”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Chief Cheon had a hard time. Hehe, anyway, it’s going to be a mess.”

“The chaos has already started.”

Cheon Myeong-guk joked that he was receiving calls from all directions.

“As a result, Choi Jun-ho’s judgment was correct. And it even produced results.”

“The right to speak will increase in the future. Those who say this is half-baked, I’ll get in trouble. Director Cheon will suffer even more.”

“Mr. President.”

“But they say they deleted 3/4 of it, don’t they? “At least we’ll keep the line.”


‘Choi Jun-ho doesn’t even follow that line! If you get involved with Choi Jun-ho, you’ll poop every day!’

Cheon Myeong-guk’s complexion darkened, unable to say.

“Anyway, in the future, the need to work abroad will become more severe. Especially America.”

“yes. “We are already receiving a lot of requests from countries including the U.S. to take the hunting course.”

Each country’s hunting process is top secret information, but is also shared to ensure smooth hunting.

Since the hunt involved an unimaginable amount of force, it could not be captured on video, but there is a lot of information that can be obtained through the movement of force, total amount of hunting time, etc.

What we can gain from this in the United States will be significant.

The President grinned.

“If you’re curious, just ask me to come in person.”

Through this hunt, the national prestige of the Republic of Korea will rise vertically. I plan to enjoy it to the fullest.

“There were a lot of people who criticized Choi Jun-ho and criticized us. “How would you rate the contract we signed at this point?”

“There will never be another contract as successful as this one.”

“There will be less nonsense. “It must be fun to watch the news.”

“The approval rating will also rise significantly.”

“I’ve been under a lot of stress, so of course it has to go up.”

The president declared that he was going to score a big goal.

“The problem is, isn’t the contract next?”

Choi Jun-ho is 33 years old when his superhuman contract ends. The awakening in one’s 30s is often referred to as the period when one’s physical prime and experience coincide. Most likely, people from all over the world will be drooling over your next contract.

However, neither the President nor Cheon Myung-guk were worried.

“It doesn’t matter. “I won’t be at the Blue House then.”

“I wasn’t there then either.”

“Let’s hope our successor does well and enjoy our current success.”


By trusting that the future ruling power will do well.

The two burst into cheerful laughter.

* * *

“Thanks to you, I survived. thanks.”

After the Nuri hunt, Lee Chan-taek, who had been watching from afar, approached me. Although his appearance was a mess, he survived with the vitality of a superhuman.

“I just wanted to survive.”

Actually, I don’t really care about Lee Chan-taek’s life.

If you survive, you survive. If you die, there is nothing you can do. Since you said thank you to me, I guess I won’t curse behind your back from now on.

“The Avant-Garde Guild will not forget this favor and repay you.”

“I don’t expect anything in return.”

“But I was saved. “You have to pay the price.”

“I’m the one who sets the price for saving you.”


In a short moment, Lee Chan-taek’s expression changed dozens of times. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I don’t want to bother seeing him again.

“thanks. If you need my strength, come to me anytime. The avant-garde will be your friend.”

I never thought making friends would be this easy.

I gave Lee Chan-taek a recovery potion to commemorate becoming friends.

“Let’s go quickly and get treatment. “I have to wait for the post-processing team.”

Chan-taek Lee nodded silently and left the place. A short time later, a team arrived to move Nuri’s body.

* * *

The most praised part of this hunt was the capture of Nuri’s body intact.

Each carcass was captured in such perfect condition that it was worth money, so it was evaluated as being the best of the best.

In one word, it is expensive.

When the post-processing team came and I was about to start dismantling, I decided to postpone the dismantling due to the president’s strong request.

When I asked what it would be used for, I was told that Nuri’s body would be put on display to show citizens the process of moving it to Seoul.

It was used as a means of broadcasting the news of success in hunting harmful level 8 monsters.

Shouldn’t I just announce that I was hunting?

“This works.”

But the response was explosive.

Citizens who had only seen fragments of the creation of the level 8 harmful monster gathered at the scene to see Nuri’s body broadcast live.

And cheers erupt.

After seeing that, I thought it was a good idea to avoid sleeping.

In fact, in addition to displaying Nuri’s corpse, I was also offered a car parade of sorts to greet the citizens. I refused right away.

Is this because of the time when it was a hematoma? I wasn’t scared of being noticed, but I wasn’t happy about it. Even after becoming a nationally recognized superhuman, his personality did not change much.

Unnecessary attention was a specification. Thanks to my refusal, the spotlight fell entirely on Nuri’s body.

“The approval rating will rise considerably.”

It is said that if the hunt is successful, the approval rating of the president who commanded the operation will increase. In this case, the effect would be more dramatic since Nuri’s body was revealed. The opposition party pointed out that it was a show to raise approval ratings, but this was a meaningless statement.

The next day, I clicked my tongue when I saw that the approval rating for the government exceeded 80% in an emergency opinion poll. It soared 20% in one day.

“If you look at things like this, it means you’re not an ordinary nobleman.”

I think that kind of performance is essential to becoming president of a country.

Anyway, I was able to identify an amazing opportunity to increase approval ratings. Since the approval rating is high, the president’s power will be strong.

There is one interesting item in the opinion poll and it is about me. When asked about my actions, 62% supported it, 27% did not support it, and 11% had no thoughts.


I also received support.

Anyway, the President’s successful show and I also received a lot of attention.

I heard that he wants to meet me in a foreign country and that he wants to visit, but it’s not something I can stop. I just thought something annoying would happen.

I stopped by the Blue House and left a record of the battle process. I didn’t even bother mentioning what I was trying to do with brainwashing, but instead replaced it with destroying the brain.

It was morning when I returned home. Now that I’ve earned a lot of money, I thought I should move. Wouldn’t it be nice if the Blue House and the National Protectorate Holy Guild were close by?

Since it was morning, I thought Yunhee would be sleeping, but when I went inside, the light was on.

“Didn’t you sleep?”

“You don’t know whether your brother will live or die, so are you going to sleep peacefully?”

“You’re safe. “Have you not seen the news?”

“Of course I saw it.”

“Then I guess I know you’re healthy.”

“Is it okay if I worry about you now?”

Yunhee’s eyes sparkled as she looked at me. Because I was worried, it always felt awkward to see someone worrying about me.

“If you look at things the same as usual, you seem to be really fine. Is it true that you caught Nuri? Actually, it’s not a lie? “The government mobilized a huge number of people to catch him, and they say it was you who caught him.”

“It’s not. I make noise alone. I eat everything I catch by myself. “Thanks to you, I made a lot of money.”

“Why does money come up there?”

“Everyone talks about money?”

Rather, he seemed more interested in the money I would make than in me, the person involved.

“So how much did you earn?”

“About 1.5 trillion?”

“···The scale is different. I need to go hunting a few times. scent!”

If I catch a few more level 8 monsters, I think I will become the richest person in Korea.

“Dahyun and Sehee also contacted me to ask if my brother was okay. “Why can’t I contact you?”

“Oh, I turned it off when I went hunting. “I forgot.”

“Oh, burns.”

He shook his head and clicked his tongue. Now that I think about it, I think the only person who treats me like this is Yunhee.

“Were you very worried?”

“Welcome back. Please contact me from now on.”

“I’ll take care.”

“huh. And… give me some pocket money.”

Well then. I chuckled as I saw Yunhee making an unexpected smile.

“How much do you need?”

Available from 10,000 won to 1.5 trillion won.

* * *

Is it because the president’s approval rating has soared? Suddenly, requests for meetings from politicians are flooding in.

I had no business being involved with those people anyway, so I declined them all. If you want to be involved with me, you can become president.

“Our savior!”

The face of the President, who was hit hard by the approval rating, was very shiny. Is this the power of approval ratings? It feels like the person’s energy itself has changed.

From what I heard, your approval rating is at its highest since you took office. They say that when a politician’s approval rating drops, they go crazy. That’s exactly what the president looks like now.

After the President took a moment to come to his senses, he brought up something he was curious about.

“I’m curious about how Nuri’s body was disposed of.”

“First, the body needs to be appraised.”

Cheon Myeong-guk, who had been quiet, came forward.

Nuri was one of the smallest level 8 harmful monsters, but Cheon Myeong-guk said this was not something to worry about. Rather, if the carcass is small, it becomes tougher and harder to handle the large output.

Since it costs a lot of money to make something tough and sturdy into a small size, the value will be higher.

I said I would leave the evaluation of the body to the Shinsung Group and Cheon Myeong-guk agreed.

“Nuri’s body, which has been appraised, is scheduled to be sold to Korea Horsepower Corporation.”

Cheon Myeong-guk looked at me and said.

Korea Horsepower Corporation, as its name suggests, is a public corporation. This is a place where the government-affiliated hunting team purchases the corpses of monsters hunted, processes them into equipment, sends them to research institutes, and distributes them. Of course, the scale is large and the interests are enormous.

Since this is the first time such a large transaction has been made, Korea Horsepower Corporation also said that preparations were necessary.

The reason why Cheon Myeong-guk noticed me was simple.

“It’s because of President Gu Byeong-do, right? it’s okay.”

“Old soldiers too? Why does that name come up?”

“Oh, it wasn’t a blacklist… it was in a confidential document. “He cursed at me a bit.”

Koo Byeong-do, the president of the Korea Horse Power Corporation, was inaugurated as the president of the Korea Force Corporation after being defeated as a member of the National Assembly who followed the president when he was the leader of his faction.

I made a big fuss that if I couldn’t hunt monsters, I was worthless as a superhuman, so I should be disqualified, but when I became a nationally recognized superhuman, I guess I was expecting to be dumped with the corpses of the monsters I was hunting.

It wasn’t something I cooked separately, but I was told that I was close to the president, so I passed on it.

But the president seemed to think differently.

“I can’t be that friend.”


“Wouldn’t it be annoying to Choi Jun-ho’s eyes if he continues to be the president? This was disrespectful not only to Choi Jun-ho, but also to me. “I didn’t trust my own eyes, which believed in Choi Jun-ho’s superman.”

Is the story connected that way? It seems like the president identifies too much with me.

I’m not bad.

Meanwhile, the president made a decision.

“If you lose your senses, you should quit.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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