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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 40

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Episode 40

The news that Berserker eliminated the executioner was delivered to the Blue House through the Awakened Security Office.

I thought bad things would come out because I brought in a crazy person, but the response was very good.

“Berserker is an awakened person who will be a great help to the country. “I want to thank you for bringing him along.”

It was my first time seeing Cheon Myeong-guk with such a bright expression. I guess Berserker’s power is that great. Is it to the point of borrowing the help of a crazy person?

Well, even in his last life, he showed the vitality of a cockroach, surviving for 15 years, so it must have been quite annoying for the government.

“Just the fact that a villain like Berserker does not act as a variable provides a great sense of stability. Because you never know when a crazy person will go on a rampage. However, it is unfortunate that this is not easy to reveal to the outside world.”

Berserker’s current position would be that of a villain hired in the name of the government. Money and equipment were mentioned as compensation, so I have to ask what is needed.

The government revealed that it has long been keeping a close eye on villains who commit relatively few evil acts and are unable to adapt to society.

He said that the plan to mobilize them was pushed forward, but the problem was that it was postponed indefinitely because there was no one to control the viciousness of the villains.

Then, I took a step forward by becoming involved with Berserker.

I was chased my whole life.

Berserker This guy should be thanking me. He also told me that I could get a cure for all poisons. I have a desire to be immortal, so I need to research whether there is a way to get it without killing Berserker.

“Just forming a chase team to chase down the villain is a lot of burden, so it’s encouraging that this has been reduced.”

Is that kind of person making a grand compromise to kill me in my last life?

When I think about what I suffered back then, I still feel dizzy.

This is starting to make me a little upset?

“Superman, did I do something wrong?”

“it’s nothing.”

“Fortunately, the. If you think I am offending you, please let me know at any time. “I will correct it.”

“However, Berserker is a self-willed guy, so it’s best not to expect a cooperative attitude.”

“yes. I know. Still, that’s fine.”

His calculation method was simple. Of the Black Reaper, the Berserker puppeteer executioner who was the most threatening threat in Korea, two died and one became an ally, greatly reducing the villain’s power.

The League has taken action and the monster hunt is going smoothly.

Although more than half of the country is still a den of monsters, the situation is better compared to other countries where 70 to 80 percent, or even more than 90 percent, is occupied.

“The Black Reaper is a villain whose true identity is difficult to identify, so a dangerous villain among the independent villains has disappeared.”

The last remaining assassin, the Black Reaper, is an unidentified villain.

I had never seen it in my last life either, but its notoriety was great.

Rumors say that he is from a villain organization operating secretly within the city, while others say that he is not just one person but an organization.


Cheon Myeong-guk looked at me and changed the topic.

“Shouldn’t we soon form a hunting team?”

“Hunting team? Why do you need that?”

“Superhumans form hunting teams to maximize their power.”

“Oh, is that so?”

“…You didn’t know?”

I guess I just ignored it because I didn’t see much point in hunting. I recently learned that this is very important in evaluating myself as a superhuman.

But do you need a hunting team?

In my last life, I hunted monsters alone.

I’ve never felt like I needed it?

There was no need for the high-level guys to rush in without understanding the topic and attract aggro.

Is it because they are dismantled after hunting? But there is no one who can break it down as perfectly as me, who has the Slash Gift.

“I don’t know, I’ve never thought about it.”


Cheon Myeong-guk’s face changed to the expression I often see.

Do you really think of me as half-hearted?

First of all, I will have to add Cheon Myeong-guk to the preliminary list in my head. Of course, if you are innocent, you can fall out at any time.


“There are strange rumors going around because you haven’t formed a hunting team.”

“That means we need to form a hunting team to dispel the rumors.”

I thought they were starting a rumor because I wasn’t going out hunting, but they must have guessed it because they didn’t form a hunting team.

It may be difficult to open my mouth, but it will be easy to open the mouths of my hunting team members.

But I didn’t feel the need to dispel the rumor. The people who will criticize me will be cursing me anyway, so wouldn’t it be mutually beneficial if we take this opportunity to bring them all out?

It’s good for them to relieve stress by swearing at me, and for me to know who is swearing at me.

Is this a win-win? Those are beautiful words.

“Superman, this is not someone else’s story. “Many eyes are now watching to see when we will form a hunting team.”

“I will think about that. “I don’t think a hunting team is necessary.”

“her! A hunting team is very, very important to a superhuman.”

“I’m not important.”

“Superman, please…”

It was a time when Cheon Myung-guk was almost clinging to me. A call came with a loud notification.

“This is Choin’s Choin call.”

A superhuman call refers to a request made when superhuman power is needed from outside. Whether or not to dispatch is determined based on the judgment of the Awakened Security Office and the Adept.

Most of the time, it is decided at the Awakened Security Office, but telling me about it meant that it was a matter that needed discussion.

“It is said that a harmful level 7 black wyvern has left the territory and the hunting team is in danger.”

“We’re all going to die.”

“If we don’t move out, the hunting team will be wiped out.”

The problem was that the hunting team was not far from the city, so the city could easily be attacked.

Cheon Myeong-guk’s eyes turned to me. There was a mixture of difficulty and earnestness, and he also seemed unsure.

“Let’s go.”

“I will prepare a helicopter.”

Cheon Myeong-guk and I headed to the Blue House heliport. In the meantime, he gave me brief information about the black wyvern and how to respond.

It can identify prey from 10km away and kills all prey it sees, even if it is not prey.

It seems like the information is weaker than what I know.

In addition to this, Black Wyvern has a hard time understanding the theme.

In short, it is a story of stretching out without knowing whether it is a place to die, and getting hit.

“The important thing is the survival of the hunting team. They will assist the Adept.”

Since I did not form a hunting team, I was told to use it as a hunting team in the field.

In it, I felt a desire for me to hunt properly and a desire for the government hunting team to survive.

The current location of Black Wyvern was the border between Anseong City and Jincheon County.

Before boarding the helicopter, I asked Cheon Myeong-guk.

“My instructions are top priority on site, right?”

“Yes, that’s right, but…”

“All right. “Let’s go.”

Looking at Cheon Myeong-guk, who had a somewhat uneasy expression on his face, I told myself that it was the correct answer.

* * *

– Jiwon departed. It is scheduled to arrive within 40 minutes.

“40 minutes.”

Lee Chang-su, leader of the government hellhound hunting team, muttered the word 40 minutes repeatedly. Normally, I wouldn’t have thought it would be that long, but I thought this moment would be a very bloody time.

“I answered the initial call. From now on, I will do my best to escape. 40 minutes. “In 40 minutes, a superhuman will take on a black wyvern.”

“If a superhuman comes, will we be able to survive, Team Leader?”

Lee Chang-soo turned his head at the dissatisfied voice. There, Han Jung-seok, a third-year member of the Hellhound team, was looking dissatisfied.

“I can live.”

“I am skeptical.”

“What do you want to say?”

“Choi Jun-ho has not yet been verified through hunting.”

Han Jung-seok, a young hunter who is 28 years old this year, is a talent that Lee Chang-soo cherishes. His ability to judge situations is sharp, and his love for his team is so great that he protects his colleagues despite being bold.

In support of Lee Chang-soo, we are making efforts in various ways to increase the hunting capabilities of hellhounds. Han Jung-seok’s goal was for the Hellhound hunting team to surpass the large guilds and become the best.

However, he had a negative perception of Choi Jun-ho.

“The appearance of Choi Jun-ho could actually lead to confusion by taking back the team leader’s command authority. “Your chances of survival will be higher if you don’t come.”

“So are you saying we should ignore the superhumans who are coming to save us now?”

“It’s not that, but…”

“At this very moment, other hunting teams, including us, are being targeted.”

The closest hunting team was attacked by a black wyvern. Even at this very moment, several hunting teams are being attacked and losing contact one by one.

They were retreating in fear of being targeted at any moment.

Han Jung-seok sighed and confessed his feelings.

“Honestly, I don’t trust Choi Jun-ho, who has no hunting experience.”

A superhuman who appeared half a year ago and only caught villains. My most significant experience was catching a puppeteer.

It’s good that we caught hundreds of villains. However, the monster hunting history cannot be found anywhere. His strength can be acknowledged, but it is not surprising that concerns arise when considering the various side effects that awakened people experience in the early stages of monster hunting.

Among the awakened, there were cases where they suffered trauma while hunting monsters and were unable to hunt for the rest of their lives, and there were also cases where they were frozen by the monster’s life and died in vain.

It’s not for nothing that the most sacrifices occur in the first monster hunt, and large guilds don’t hire veteran hunters to help new hunters get used to hunting.

Very little is known about Choi Jun-ho compared to his skills.

“That thought is also correct. But I don’t think the government made a poor decision. Becoming a superhuman at that age means you have genius talent. Genius is different. “It easily overcomes all the trials and errors we have gone through.”

Although the media covers many geniuses, none of them have reached level 8 in their 20s.

The person who took that position was Choi Jun-ho, whose name was completely unknown.

Lee Chang-soo does not know Choi Jun-ho. However, I believed in Choi Jun-ho’s genius.

“If we hold out until Choi Jun-ho comes, I think everyone can survive. Believe it. “That is the only way for us.”

“All right.”

Han Jung-seok nodded in a voice full of firm faith. Now, this was the only way.

* * *

The helicopter boarded by the Blue House passed Seoul in an instant and escaped to the outskirts of Gyeonggi Province.

In the meantime, communication became active and real-time reports were received on how many casualties there were and where the black wyvern was located.

Since I have a helicopter, I’m not envious of most space-related gifts.

“We will soon enter the border.”

I nodded at what the pilot said. The helicopter arrived near the Black Wyvern at high speed.

“Should we land nearby?”

“Let’s keep going like this.”

“yes? But if we continue like this, there will be a black wyvern.”

“It doesn’t matter.”


The pilot turned his head and looked at me in surprise.

We’re going to a place with monsters, so why are we so surprised?

“You have to approach the black wyvern to catch it, right?”


Black wyverns can identify prey from 10km away.

This is assuming there is game on the ground. It was clear that the field of view would be wider in an unobstructed sky. If it’s in its line of sight, it will come to you anyway.

“let’s go.”

“···All right.”

Even without activating the on-site command authority, the authority of the superman worked. The conflicted pilot nodded and steered toward where the Black Wyvern was.

“There is a black wyvern. “Within 10km.”

The black wyvern must have already come into view. The pilot started shaking. The helicopter wasn’t shaking.

I said to the shaking pilot.

“Let’s keep going.”

“Yes yes yes!”

The helicopter approached the Black Wyvern at high speed. The more it happened, the more the pilot trembled.

“5km away from Black Wyvern!”

Black wyverns began to appear. Its lizard-like body was up to 20 meters long and its wings were similar to those of a bat. It was amazing every time I saw how it flew even though its wings weren’t that big.

For your information, black wyvern meat is not very tasty.

“3km away from Black Wyvern!”

“Keep going.”

“2km away from Black Wyvern! Looked this way! “It’s starting to fly!”

It was a report mixed with screams. I’m watching too.

Black Wyvern’s flight speed is fast. As we got closer to each other, the distance instantly decreased.

“1km away from Black Wyvern! Superhuman! What should I do.”

“I will catch you.”


“Once I get out, you can do evasive maneuvers.”

I opened the helicopter door.

An incredibly strong wind blew. I looked at the black wyvern flying in front of me. It has the intelligence of a lizard, not knowing that it is prey and running at it thinking it is prey.

If you think about it, the higher the level of harmfulness, the more likely it was that it would not be able to understand its subject and run rampant. Rather, low-level monsters had specialized survival instincts, so they were able to avoid them on their own.

This means there is no need for a hunting team. Why form a hunting team when all you have to do is catch something that jumps to its death on its own. As the number of people increases, things become more troublesome.

I kicked the floor and threw myself into the air.


As the force flowed out, a force platform appeared on the soles of my feet. I stepped on the steps and rushed at the Black Wyvern.

Since I didn’t have a flight gift, I used a huge amount of force to maintain my body. Anyway, it’s just being pumped from the sea to the basin.

The Black Wyvern saw me approaching and opened its mouth wide. Trying to shoot the breath.

He thinks of me as the prey he caught. So this guy must be a bird head.


Flame breath was fired. I spurred on the force platform and jumped high to avoid the breath. The surrounding air heated up, giving off a feeling of scorching heat. It’s annoying when a forest fire breaks out because of this guy.

As I dodged upward, the black wyvern’s eyeball moved upward and chased me.

The reason why flying monsters are difficult is because they fly freely in the sky, so they have no choice but to give up the initiative, and when they attack from the sky like Shot Breath, there is no suitable means of counterattack.

However, as I also moved freely in the air, all of his advantages disappeared. On the contrary, since the movement stopped when the breath was fired, it was nothing more than a large target.

“This is the most common mistake bird heads make.”


The black wyvern’s head was dented. Although it could not pierce the hard leather, the brain inside the leather was swept away by the mine and turned to mush.

No matter how tough the life force of a living being is, its brain is destroyed and it cannot survive.


The black wyvern let out a deathly scream, rolled its eyes and died.

When I was a blood species, I hunted numerous bird heads in this way. Bird-heads think they are predators, so if you approach them like this and plant a mine in their brain, they will definitely get one hit.

The level 8 harmful monster Nuri is also a flying monster, but I don’t know if it will work. I’ll get a chance to try it soon.

“Quackling loudly.”

I stopped in the air, looked down at the falling Black Wyvern, and then moved toward the returning helicopter.

It was a more difficult hunt than coming by helicopter.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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