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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 347

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Episode 347

When I headed back to the hospital, everything had changed.

The security system, which seemed like no one would come in due to the tight security, was disarmed, and the bodyguards from the Shinsung Group who had blocked my path disappeared as if they had evaporated.

Entering what had become a ghost ward with no one around, I arrived at Lee Young-moon’s hospital room and could see him lying down with a normal complexion.

[I guess it burns off the last of my vitality? If you do that, there will be big side effects. Ah, it was already the last time, so I just skipped it without having to think about it.]

It was a question-asking-and-self-answering style, but after hearing those words, I realized what kind of state Lee Young-moon was in.

I thought the advancement in medicine was amazing, but I was literally risking my own life.

That fact didn’t really surprise me.

“Thank you for coming.”

“It’s better than I thought. Shinsung Group’s technological prowess is amazing.”

“I only thought about making money with that technology, but I had no idea it would benefit me so much.”

“The world has become better. “There are still many people dying without leaving a will.”

Of course, I do not think that all human lives have the same value.

Lee Young-moon also answered without changing his expression.

“I know very well that I have been blessed. “I am grateful that I have been able to endure so far despite my serious illness and that I am able to leave my final words like this.”

“So why did you ask to see me instead of using that precious opportunity to meet your family?”

“It’s because I thought the group might disappear if I don’t talk to Superhuman right now.”

“For me, Shinsung Group is a very useful tool.”

“I know very well that even if it disappears, it will only be a brief inconvenience and not last long.”

[Are you looking at it correctly?]

…It’s like a ghostly spirit.

Even before he died, his eyes on the world were still the same.

“You can rest assured that we have no intention of taking action unless it is an unavoidable situation.”

“If I die, that inevitable situation may occur.”

Lee Young-moon said that and smiled bitterly.

“Do you know why Shinsung Group created a guild and tried to make it the best in the country?”

“I’m not really curious.”

He paid no heed to what I said and continued with what he had to say.

“During this time, if you didn’t have direct power, everything could be taken away. This was the case during the military dictatorship in the past, and something similar happened when the Awakened dictatorship came into power. Knowing that, we moved faster than anyone else and invested an amount that even the government could not afford. “I overcame the crisis like that and thought that if a big problem were to arise, it would be caused by a monster, but the story changed with the presence of the Superhuman.”

And then he looks at me.

Well, since I know myself well, I think something could happen where I have to take action against Shinsung Group.

Since I am normal, predictions like this are possible.

[Is this how it can be interpreted?]

I passed Yongyong, who was astonished, and asked Chairman Youngmoon Lee.

“What does the Chairman see as an inevitable situation?”

“Something like Sehee’s assassination.”

Say crazy things calmly.

“Do chaebols assassinate these days?”

“It is also a method that has become more prevalent since the appearance of monsters. “My health has deteriorated in part because of the danger of poison.”

I guess there were quite a few insidious things going on in places I didn’t know about.

“What did the criminal do?”

“It was erased without a trace. However, I have suffered a loss since I have already suffered and lost my health.”

What Lee Young-moon meant was that someone could be targeting Lee Se-hee.

What if Lee Se-hee is assassinated? Hmm, I think it will taste quite bitter. And Shinsung Group without Lee Se-hee will no longer be a trustworthy partner. In such a situation, if something goes wrong, I won’t hesitate to take action.

Looking at it this way, I see that Chairman Lee Young-moon saw it correctly.

“In that case, the chairman just needs to properly control traffic.”

“How do you mean?”

“Shouldn’t we just fire everyone?”

Chairman Lee Young-moon shook his head.

“You can’t carelessly dismiss someone who is doing well in a successful situation. “Even that was progressing step by step, but my health couldn’t support it.”

“Isn’t it possible if you are the chairman?”

“It is possible. However, there will be aftereffects.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

These are words I have heard over and over again since I was a hematologist.

Let’s be patient for now. There will be another opportunity.

But what I’ve seen is that in the end, you have to seize the opportunity when you have it.

Perhaps Chairman Lee Young-moon will think of a more sophisticated method.

Aftereffects may be a problem that can be considered later.

“It’s up to the remaining Lee Se-hee to do well.”

“I think I will do well.”

“Then isn’t it resolved?”


The answer came without any hesitation.

Chairman Lee Young-moon and I knew very well what the problem was.

“Lee Se-chan.”

The idiot had been declared in a vegetative state, and as the stalemate continued, there was talk of finding a way to restore the vegetative state.

If you look at how much medical science has developed since the appearance of monsters, it is quite possible.

“I have a feeling that Cho-in had a hand in making Se-chan like that.”


I looked at Chairman Lee Young-moon without saying yes or no.

“But I am self-employed. If you don’t know your topic and are lazy in understanding your opponent, it means you lack the skills to lead a group in this era. If the group had been inherited like this, its success would not have lasted long. “I think it was well-filtered in that regard.”

“Weren’t you pushing Lee Se-chan?”

“I thought it was a natural phenomenon, but Sehee’s injury changed my mind. “It’s still not enough, but with Sehee’s ability, we can grow the group further.”

In the end, Chairman Lee Young-moon’s choice was not that he had no choice but that he realized that Lee Se-hee was better in terms of ability.

“Before I die, I plan to nominate Sehee as the next president.”

“It’s not a bad choice.”

“It’s natural. “Isn’t that also the intention of the Adept?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know that the stocks of major affiliates are in Choin’s hands.”

“Oh, that’s it.”

Chairman Lee Young-moon spoke resolutely, but I was putting it off beyond my memory.

I have money left over and want to use the useful Shinsung Group for a long time.

So I just took the advice of those around me and bought it.

“Even that amount would have a pretty big impact.”

“It’s good.”

Shinsung Group Chairman Lee Se-hee doesn’t stick to his mouth, but he will do well.

“I just hope that Choin will grant me a favor so that Sehee can become president smoothly.”

“If I don’t listen, does that mean Lee Se-hee can’t be the president?”

“It could be done, but it would result in unnecessary energy consumption.”


It wasn’t a way of speaking that I really liked.

Perhaps because he was a person facing death, his sense of refinement was disappearing.

“Would you like to listen?”

“Please tell me.”

“My last request is….”

Chairman Lee Young-moon’s calm request was quite surprising.

It wasn’t like he was losing his mind before he died. Chairman Lee Young-moon’s eyes, looking in from the other side, were very clear.

“All right. “I will listen.”

“thank you. “Then I will rest.”

Chairman Lee Young-moon closed his eyes and I left the hospital room.

* * *

As Choi Jun-ho went outside, Baek Gun-seo, who had been waiting outside, came inside. Subsequently, the head of the security department deployed bodyguards, completing a tight security network.

Lee Young-moon, who had maintained his tension until then, burst into coughing.

“older brother!”

“It’s okay, I’m just a little tired. “It’s a natural result, since you’ve used up your vitality to this extent.”


“I’m fine, Gunseo.”

Despite Lee Young-moon’s words, Baekgunseo did not relax his stern expression.

It looks consistent.

Lee Yeong-moon, who had seen countless people defect in the face of wealth and power, liked the consistency of Baekgunseo.

So I was able to trust him and entrust him with the work until the end.

“I was able to solve difficult problems because of you.”

“Did you use the final spark to persuade Choi Jun-ho?”

“Because he’s worth it. The group and Choi Jun-ho are already too deeply intertwined. “If we don’t manage it in advance, we are bound to be eliminated at any time.”

“So you chose Sehee?”

“My only child now is Sehee.”

“There’s Sechan too.”

“How long will I last in a vegetative state? In reality, he is nothing more than a corpse.”

“older brother…!”

Baekgunseo was shocked as he almost raised his voice without realizing it. A bright glow was coming from the eyes of Lee Young-moon, who was losing strength.

“It’s effective. “I thought it would be over once I met Choi Jun-ho, but I think I can burn it some more.”

“You may recover.”

“Don’t talk nonsense. “The burnt-out ashes have managed to catch fire.”


“Now I’ll have to use the remaining energy to change the leadership team.”

“Still, they are people who have devoted themselves to the group.”

“Dedication is a good word. Because when someone hears it, it seems like something that is used and then thrown away. But you know full well that that’s wrong.”

“older brother.”

However, Baek Gun-seo was overwhelmed by Lee Yeong-moon’s force and could not continue speaking.

“The servants are being greedy with the life of a man who cannot make his own decisions. “Even though I knew that its usefulness had expired, I couldn’t give up my greed.”


“If you won’t go away, I’ll have to tell you directly. “Gunseok, bring those guys.”

If Lee Yeong-moon feels that his life is at an end, he will never back down easily.

In any case, that’s their thinking.

‘Is that really possible?’

Look at what it looks like now. CEOs who remember Lee Young-moon from the past will never be able to endure.

These are the people who were tamed and lived that way.

“All right.”

“I feel reassured because you are there.”

The idea is not to think about anything else.

Baek Kun-seo bowed his head and quietly left the room.

* * *

On my way out after a conversation with Chairman Lee Young-moon.

Yongyong, who had been quietly observing the situation until then, said something.

[Humans are truly amazing animals.]


[Sometimes they try to protect their babies by giving up their own lives, and sometimes they throw them away when they make a mistake. I thought it was really amazing how things change depending on the situation without consistency. Still, he is someone you once thought of as your successor, right?]

The reason why Yongyong says this.

That’s because of Lee Young-moon’s last request.

“It is true that he is precious because he is his child. In fact, he must have thought about making him his successor. “But that’s only when my mind is sane.”

Even if Lee Se-chan had been of sound mind, I think Lee Young-moon would have chosen Lee Se-hee.

However, as Lee Se-chan entered a vegetative state, the choice disappeared.

“I’m trying to block them because I can see their intention to play around with it. “It means that even if your children are important, they are not more important than the group you have built over your entire life.”

That conclusion was Chairman Lee Young-moon’s request. The content of the request is Lee Se-chan’s death.

I also wanted Shinsung Group, which was useful to me, to continue its current success with minimal damage, so I had the same interests as Chairman Lee Young-moon.

[Humans are really fun when they see things like this?]

From Yongyong’s point of view, these things are nothing more than entertainment.

This might be a sad result for Lee Se-hee, who was trying to compete fairly.

I was now at the hospital where Lee Se-chan was admitted. It is ironic that although they are family, the two are hospitalized in different hospitals.

Chairman Lee Young-moon had collapsed and the number of security guards for Lee Se-chan had increased significantly, but by the time I arrived at the hospital, bodyguards began to leave one by one.

It’s probably Chairman Lee Young-moon’s resourcefulness.

I don’t know who arbitrarily increased the number of Lee Se-chan’s bodyguards, but it was not enough to surpass the orders of the still-living chairman.

[It even creates a situation naturally? Well, numbers aren’t important to you anyway.]

That’s right, it’s meaningless.

The reason is simple.

This is because I had gifts that had never existed before and I developed a new method by combining them.

I climbed into the air and opened the window of the hospital room where Se-chan Lee was.

There was heavy security at the entrance, but there was no one in the hospital room.

Lee Se-chan, who was lying on a bed in a luxurious hospital room, had such a bright complexion that he seemed ready to jump out of bed at any moment.

“I’m sure medical advancements are scary.”

However, I could not unravel the threads in my head that had been twisted by brainwashing.

I placed my hand on Se-chan Lee’s chest. And then a small amount of mine was poured into the chest.


A small but powerful mine struck Lee Se-chan’s heart. My heart, which had received strong stimulation, began to pound. The excessively violent movement is a flow that I have artificially adjusted.

The white-burnt heart will not be able to withstand the overload and will stop.

That’s it.

Having taken all precautions, I quietly climbed out the window and left the hospital.

[Can’t that be prevented?]


It is a heart that has been hit by a mine like nothing else. Even if we take measures with modern medicine, we will not be able to find a way to overcome it, not only now but even decades from now.

The reason I know this is because I still see it decades later.

If someone who doesn’t know you sees it, it’s definitely a natural death.

“If I had taken care of it back then, there wouldn’t have been this hassle.”

[…You are real.]

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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