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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 344

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Episode 344

The atmosphere in the hall became heavy.

In it, two people were sitting face to face.

One person was a Westerner with a gentle smile, and the person sitting across from him was a young Asian man.

The expression of the researcher sitting across from Westerner Eric Clarkson was gloomy.

“This is too much…”

The amount of report he requested just now was too much for a single researcher to complete.

You can handle all of this? This is absolutely impossible.

Eric Clarkson was not swayed by the negative researcher’s words.

Rather, he had a gentle expression and spoke fluent Korean that did not suit Westerners.

“I think you underestimated your own capabilities.”

“No, Professor. “My abilities don’t reach that level.”

“Look at you, Mr. Kim.”

“Yes, Professor.”

“You graduated with excellent grades from Korea University, the most prestigious university here in Korea. During his school days, he must have been one of the brightest students in his class and a dependable son at home. “Am I wrong?”

“That’s true, but…”

“Does it make sense for a son like that to speak weakly? You are the best talent in Korea. “He has the brains to be called a genius and had excellent results before coming here.”

The expression on the face of the researcher called Mr. Kim was full of pride.

Competing in a place where only geniuses gather, my self-esteem was diminished, but it would have been impossible for me to come this far without being a genius.

Eric Clarkson hit the nail on the head here.

“I believe you will overcome this and become a better researcher.”

“I will try.”

“Good. I always believed Our research center has a voluntary work schedule, so come to work at a convenient time. “I don’t mind leaving work early as long as I achieve results.”

“But we’re running out of time.”

“You just have to send it efficiently. Ask for help whenever you need it. “I believe Kim can do it.”

Kim’s voice was full of faith, and determination appeared on his face.

“…That would be correct. No, that’s right. I’m sorry for disappointing you, Professor. “I will burn everything I own as soon as you want.”

“Take care of your health. Especially make sure to sleep. “If you don’t get enough sleep, your health will suffer.”

“yes. Thank you for caring me.”

Kim, who kept his head down, went out.

It was clearly an impossible mission, but a few words from Eric Clarkson made me feel like I could definitely accomplish it.

I’ll probably have to push myself to do that.

It’s always an amazing feat.

I quietly watched and entered the room.


Eric Clarkson, who had already sensed my presence, smiled leisurely as he stirred his coffee cup with a spoon.

“This isn’t that difficult. Because performance is thoroughly evaluated, a high salary is guaranteed. “It is easy to get researchers who still have enthusiasm to work sincerely.”

“How is this possible?”

“It’s about stamping one’s rank and giving recognition based on one’s skills. “Men want to show results for those who recognize them.”

It was a tactic carried out by clearly looking into people’s psychology.

“More than anything, it is important to narrow the scope of decisions and allow them to decide for themselves. Because you make your own decisions, not because others force you to do so. “A person who has accumulated this level of knowledge has a sense of responsibility.”

It is said that the trick is to exquisitely control the gap.

It was a method that became more admirable the more I listened to it.

I should have done that too.

Then an unexpected word came out.

“He lacked that skill when he took care of us.”

[Did he notice?]

“Did you know?”

“They need us, of course they noticed. “I’m sure all my other friends noticed it too.”

“I was immature.”

It was probably a natural result, since they were trying to exploit graduate students who were specialists.

“But Junho’s suggestion was so good that we found people to do the work for us. “If those people gain practical experience, it will be helpful to this country.”

“Should I say thank you?”

“No, because we both got what we wanted. are you okay.”

I can’t stand it. I also learned that fooling an expert is difficult for me, a beginner.

At the same time, I felt like I had a lot to learn.

It’s a skill that can voluntarily change the minds of people who have already gone through graduate school and are fed up with it.

What is even more surprising is that the achievement was made in Korean rather than the familiar English.

Although it was only one case, there was a lot to see and learn.

“I will learn a lot from now on.”

“Anything you want is welcome.”

[Gift kids are going to die.]

* * *

[Is there a reason you want to become stronger here?]

As I was leaving the lab, Yongyong suddenly asked me.

“reason? “Why is that?”

[Just curious. You’re already strong enough to make it difficult to find enemies, right? Both humans and monsters. Shinsoo, I don’t want to be hostile to you.]

Don’t lie.

There was definitely curiosity, but it seemed like the desire to figure out my intentions was stronger.

“Because I want to meet God.”


“I want to meet God.”

[What does that mean? God does not exist.]

Yongyong said as if he was certain, but I did not believe it.

“From a human perspective, Shinsu was similar. It was a transcendent being that existed in a world where only humans and monsters existed. But Shinsoo existed. Then God can also exist.”

[They say there is no God. Why are you so sure that God exists?]

That’s because if it weren’t for God, my return to the past wouldn’t be explained.

Since even divine beasts say it is impossible to go back to the past, only gods can create this harmony.

“Anyway, there is a God.”

[Let’s say so. But why do you want to meet God?]

“Why do you want to meet God?”

That’s simple.

When I meet God, I want to ask him why he sent me back to the past.

To give me a chance to make amends?

Or as a product of coincidence?

I don’t know what it is.

But if I meet God, I will be able to answer these questions. This is a fact that cannot be said to Yongyong.

[What are you thinking? Why can’t I read it?]

“I don’t know.”

I recently found out that even if I don’t repel Yongyong, he won’t be able to read my thoughts if I don’t want to be caught.

Does that mean I have grown that much? Anyway, it’s probably a good thing.

“There is something I want to ask God. To do that, you have to become stronger.”

[But why do I have to become stronger to meet God?]

“Of course…”

I just think that God exists. But no one knows whether it will actually exist or not.

Because Yongyong has doubts about how to meet God right now.

In times like this, I have to find it in my own way.

The best thing would be for God to come find me directly.

“If I become strong enough to threaten God, he will jump out in surprise.”


That’s the way things are in the world.

If you think it won’t affect you in any way, you watch it like you’re watching a fire across a river, and only then do you hastily react if you think it’s going to get to you.

The same goes for God.

They may attack to eliminate it, saying it is a threat.

I have a desire to deal with God, but I have a greater desire to solve mysteries.

“The gods will be similar to you divine beasts.”

[Why are you doing this? Leave me out. Hyuna too.]

“I’ll take it as that.”

That’s what they said, but Yongyong and Hyuna are also dark-hearted people.

I don’t trust it 100% either.

So, rather than believing what they say and becoming complacent with reality, I try to have the power to overcome it.

“I just need to focus on becoming stronger throughout my life.”

Then, won’t we meet God someday?

Because the me of today is stronger than the me of yesterday, and the me of tomorrow will be stronger.


Yongyong looked at me with a tired expression.

* * *

After leaving the research institute, I arrived at the Blue House at the invitation of the President.

The first thing I saw was Cheon Myeong-guk’s relieved face.

“Well done. “I believed in the Adept.”

What you believed in me is about dealing with Berserker.

But unlike the words, the feelings I felt were the exact opposite.

“I didn’t believe it.”

“…I truly believed it. “I feel sad that you don’t know my sincerity.”

“Honestly, were some of them simulated?”

Cheon Myeong-guk tried to ignore my question, but he knows that I have been diligently activating the simulation ever since I found out Basakhan’s identity as Berserker.

Cheon Myeong-guk, unable to overcome my persistent gaze, sighed and said.

“9% died, 63% had serious injuries, 27% had minor injuries, and 1% had no injuries.”

“It’s the lowest chance of just getting over it.”

“This too is rounded to 1%. “It was in the 0% range.”

“Isn’t the simulation malfunctioning?”

“It is an accurate judgment made based on information about the Adept.”

Simulation performance is also a thing of the past.

As I learned about Basakan’s identity, I started thinking about how to deal with a guy who was avoiding sparring rather than thinking about attacking Berserker.

Of course, I had no intention of killing him at all. Why kill a great guy who comes back to life like a roly-poly even if I beat him to my heart’s content?

I am not the one to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.

“Superman, what you are saying just now….”

“Oh, I guess my true feelings have come out.”

“Yes, I heard everything.”

“Anyway, that’s right.”

One way or another, it is clear that I have no intention of killing Berserker.

“I was relieved that at least Berserker-sama would not be killed by Superhuman-nim. Instead, please control your strength carefully. “The human body is more fragile than you think.”

“Be careful.”

Even if that were the case, there was no way Berserker would die so easily. Rather, as your skills improve, your body will become stronger.

Instead, even if you endure well, it would be difficult to increase the frequency or intensity more than necessary.

“Oh, please keep this a secret from Berserker. “I’ve been seeing him playing around with his petty hair lately, so I’m planning to start with discipline.”

“Berserker, you are now a respected superhuman, so don’t you plan on treating me as well?”

“Nothing at all.”


“Berserker may seem sane, but he is fundamentally crazy. He’s the crazy guy that no one should interact with. “If I don’t beat up a guy like that regularly, the madness inside me can come out at any time.”

“is there any other way? For example, drug treatment.”

“Would you admit that a guy with soaring self-esteem is crazy and get medication?”

Right now, he claims that the hematoma is normal.

I know this well because I have encountered a lot of crazy people.

A crazy person never admits that he is crazy.

[I think so.]

Yongyong immediately admits that he has had a taste of human society.

“…That is correct.”

Cheon Myeong-guk, who paused for a moment, also obediently accepted my words. It seemed like he was admitting that Berserker was crazy and that I had been pressing him on a regular basis.

[But is it real?]

It may or may not be real.


One thing is clear: violence is a special medicine for crazy people who cannot communicate. I have never found a better remedy for Berserker than violence. So this is the treatment with the least side effects.

[…I started to feel pity for that human.]

Shinsu pretended to pity the human.

Anyway, after finishing the story about Berserker, I moved on to the next topic.

“So, tell me your business.”

“Did you know?”

“I don’t think you called me just to ask about Berserker’s condition.”

You could have confirmed that Berserker was safe through other means, but the fact that they called me and asked for help is strange in itself. Of course, I thought there would be other matters besides that.

“Well, that’s right. However, rather than a request, I invited you because I thought it would be right to share it with you.”

“Please tell me.”

“That’s it…”

He pauses as he activates the simulation until the end.

You’re probably wondering whether it’s a good idea to tell me or not.

It was said that even after repeating it dozens of times, using it one more time at the end was such a serious issue.

And what came out of Cheon Myeong-guk’s mouth was just as important.

“Chairman Lee Young-moon has collapsed. This is Chairman Lee Young-moon of Shinsung Group, whom you all know.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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