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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 343

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Episode 343:

I heard that Basakan’s true identity was Berserker, but I wasn’t really surprised.

“It’s no big deal.”


“I kind of expected Basakhan to be Berserker. “It’s not that difficult to predict because they have different names or similar connotations.”

“Is that so. Actually, it’s similar. haha!”


The sight of Cheon Myeong-guk and Jin Se-jeong smiling could be said to be the height of awkwardness.

“But I can’t just ignore it.”

The two of them looked like they had been struck by what I said.


“I heard you say it wasn’t a big deal just now.”

“It’s not a big deal, but the fact that people were swearing at me behind my back means that they may have other thoughts. “I need to hear what they are thinking and fix their bad hair.”

“But you’re Berserker…”

What followed was about Berserker’s status.

There was talk about him being a talented player who could compete on equal footing with the three evils of the league and becoming one of the leading superhumans in Korea.

“It’s not that you can fight against the three evils of the League, but even if you are stronger than them, if you have developed bad habits, you have to correct them.”


“You don’t have to worry. “I won’t kill you.”

“I hope you can at least protect Berserker’s pride.”

“of course. “I’ll knock in a place where no one will see, so you don’t have to worry.”


Cheon Myeong-guk looked at Jin Se-jeong with a helpless smile. Are you really asking for help?

“sorry. “I can’t reach it.”

“Please help resolve this issue.”

It’s resolved well.

Cheon Myeong-guk probably thought it was already an established fact, but changed the topic.

“What about Macho Man and the Doctors?”

“They were satisfied and focused on their research.”

“Fortunately, the. This is a significant opportunity for our country as well. “Thank you for your permission.”

“I was just making a suggestion. “They are the ones who accepted it.”

My original plan was to bring in the latest research facilities to Korean universities and have all the helpers and doctors sit there and do all the research.

However, these clever people, as if they could not be defeated, pulled out the trick of nurturing younger students, and the government, which was thirsty for nurturing talented people, quickly took the bait.

“Since ancient times, the top in the field of awakened research has been the United States. China may have achieved great results, but there was an unseen dark side. “Now we have taken a step back from hegemony, but as we are still the world’s most powerful country, I think we will be able to learn a lot from this opportunity.”

I was caught by them and even my marrow was pulled out.

For me, as long as the speed of research progressed, there was no major problem.

“We ask the government to take care of that.”

“Please leave it to me.”

Someday the truth will be revealed.

After leaving the Blue House, I headed to the office with Jin Se-jeong. In the meantime, I was able to listen to Jin Se-jeong’s tearful story.

“So, Berserker-sama’s activities were done as a way to get Choin-nim’s attention…”

“Berserker-sama doesn’t show it, but he has a lot of respect and affection for Choin-nim.”

“The transformation from a villain to a respected superhuman is entirely due to the superhuman….”

In summary, Operation Saving Private Berserker is underway.

“First of all, I understand what you mean.”


“But the awakened need conversation with the awakened. “We will solve it well so that there is no noise.”


Seeing his devastated expression, I gave him a reassuring smile.

[I’m getting more fed up?]

It’s everyday life anyway, so is there anything complicated about it?

In fact, I don’t think much of it even if a malicious comment is posted under a different name. What impressed me when I was active with the Basakan account was not because I was good at cursing, but because of my lively activity and the ability to pretend to know everything.

If you think about it, since you’re next to me, you can’t help but know me well.

I found Berserker in the training room. The guy, who is currently concentrating on training, looked at me and greeted me with a happy expression.

“What’s going on?”

“Let me ask you just one question.”


“Are you Basakhan?”


Berserker’s expression hardened.

* * *

How did you know? How did know? How did know? How did know? How did know?

Berserker felt confused. I felt like my mind was turning blank as I didn’t know how to respond to all the random words.

Basakan was a place of liberation for Berserker. Although he never left any profanity or obscene remarks, he was able to draw people’s attention to his heart’s content through the power of anonymity.

At the same time, I was able to throw a sharp check on Choi Jun-ho that I couldn’t normally do.

But it got discovered.

And I got caught by the person I least wanted to be caught by.

“I didn’t say anything harsh, so why are you so surprised? Or do you have any other accounts besides Basakan?”

“does not exist.”

“Then it’s nothing. “Acting as Basakan was nothing more than an indulgence.”

“Well, that’s a shame. “Honestly, I didn’t know I would get caught like this.”

“I guess I have a good sense of humor. Anyway, have I been in trouble for a while?”


Berserker became nervous at Choi Jun-ho’s words. I also relaxed my expression when I saw Choi Jun-ho laughing for a moment.

“What are you doing? Did you think I would make a fuss over just a little comment? “It’s all like that.”

“Of course.”

“I was just surprised to see that you were better at these activities than me. “I still can’t get used to commenting.”

“I was free when I was a villain, but now I am not so, so I rely on anonymity. Still, I have something to protect, so I’m trying to keep the line.”

“Oh, they kept the line well.”

“Thank you for thinking that way.”

It’s true that all I could think about was what would happen if I caught the pod with this.

However, because Choi Jun-ho was convinced, Berserker was able to relax for a while.

If only the next words hadn’t continued.

“Shall we end this here and check my skills for the first time in a while?”

“Why why? “Are you really trying to get revenge for being a malicious commenter?”

“No, that’s different. It’s been a while since we’ve been together, right? So, I need to get it right once and check it out.”

In the end, one way or another, Choi Jun-ho’s intention was to carry out beatings under the pretense of sparring.

They say it’s a separate issue, but I didn’t feel that way at all.

Was it a predetermined ending?

Choi Jun-ho’s smiling face was so disgusting.

“I also wanted to see Berserker’s skills against the three evils of the League.”


If you can’t avoid it, you should enjoy it. Even as he thought about that, Berserker gritted his teeth. Yeah, I didn’t think I could avoid Choi Jun-ho for a thousand or ten thousand years.

“Let’s have a good fight. “I haven’t been playing for a while either.”

“Oh, confidence is wonderful. Let’s do it right.”

Looking at his grinning face, I felt like I had pulled out the nose hairs of an angry lion, but I soon made up my mind.

He himself was no longer the Berserker he used to be. Even though he was pushed back, didn’t he fight against Blackhound? I was confident that I would be able to properly beat him next time.

Once the three evils of the league were captured, Choi Jun-ho was next.

“Let’s stick together.”

And then the confrontation began.

Berserker rushed at Choi Jun-ho with great motivation, but the result was a miserable destruction.

I suffered from tremendous pain, as if my flesh and bones were separating, and I lost consciousness.

The words were mild, but I couldn’t tell what the difference was in the results.

* * *

With the full support of the Korean government and Choi Jun-ho’s active cooperation, James Reed and his friends were gradually achieving results.

Awakening and Gift. The relationship between the two has been a question and mystery that has been raised for a long time, and was considered one of the keys to humanity’s victory over monsters.

The reason there has been no progress so far is because there are very few awakened people with a high understanding of this relationship, and even if they do appear, they are unwilling to engage in such experiments.

However, with the appearance of Choi Jun-ho, research reached an important turning point.

This research allows us to explore new developments for the awakened, but at the same time, it was enough to raise these questions.

“Why do you think Junho brought up the topic of research on gift bonding?”

“Could it be to throw away the gift?”

“No, Junho already has the ability to delete gifts.”

“Isn’t that just an assumption? Junho has so many gifts that we can’t even count them. “Maybe it’s just not taking out things you don’t need.”

“That is impossible. Isn’t it already a proven theory that as the number of gift holdings increases, the burden on users increases? If you’ve kept all the gifts you’ve copied, you’ve probably caused a surge in some way. “I wouldn’t be able to maintain my sanity.”

The more outstanding the gift, the stronger the ego, and it is like oil that is difficult to mix with other things.

Naturally, as the number increases, the dissonance grows and the probability of a runaway increases exponentially.

In that respect, Choi Jun-ho’s ability to freely utilize multiple gifts was a mystery.

“So, rather than saying I kept all the gifts, it would mean deleting what I didn’t need.”

“Why are we doing this research if we can delete the gift? “I don’t understand it anymore.”

“That’s something I don’t know.”


James Reed remained silent while listening to his friends’ discussion.

“Hey James. “Please don’t remain silent but add your opinions.”

“It is difficult to think of Junho in terms of common sense in the first place. Have you ever observed common sense?”


The doctors, including Eric Clarkson, were silent. Nothing makes sense in terms of common sense.

The youngest superhuman can be said to be like that. But none of the gifts he had were ordinary. On top of that, he has combat intelligence that has been through all sorts of battles.

All enemies that stood in his way collapsed before his skill, as if he had fought more battles than anyone else.

“Our choice is simple. “As a researcher, will you run toward the truth or will you lead your country to make foolish decisions?”

What James Reed was saying was clear.

Obtaining Choi Jun-ho’s data meant that his power could be measured.

Being able to guess the level of power of the world’s strongest superhuman was information worth noting for anyone interested in him.

At that point, James Reed and his friends were faced with a choice.

“I think it’s better not to reveal this to the world.”


“You still don’t know? Junho’s strength cannot be determined by the numbers written on this paper. The most frightening thing about Junho is his combat intelligence that allows him to win in any situation, and each of his gifts is legendary. “An enemy will appear who will just look at this number and calculate it arithmetically before attacking you.”

And the forces that can prepare that force can only be counted on one hand.

League Party Finally, the United States.

It doesn’t matter what misjudgments the league and the party make, but when the United States makes misjudgements, the situation is different.

“Could it be so?”

“The current regime is friendly to Junho, but crazy people always appear. What do you think will happen if we incite people to get rid of Junho just by looking at these numbers? “Do you think Junho will get hit?”


There was silence in the hall.

They are powerful people who have entered the path of awakening by directly modifying their bodies following James Reed.

Since he looks knowledgeable, he knows very well how absurd what Choi Jun-ho demonstrated was.

No matter how many people you mobilize, you can never catch it. That is the implicit judgment between them.

“So, use your conscience. “This is the last way to prevent misjudgment.”

“It’s too attractive a fact to keep to ourselves, but we can’t trust politicians.”

“Okay, I’ll keep it a secret. “What I’m getting now is enough.”

“If it gets leaked, let’s just do what Christensen, who is the cheapest, says.”

“What are you talking about! “I have the biggest mouth here!”

“As long as you don’t drink alcohol.”

“But you drink every day!”

“Do you want to try an experiment? Do you want me to tell you?”

“Then I think we should at least have a party today for the first time in a while.”

“That’s good too.”


James Reed smiled as he looked at his friends giggling.

Although they don’t think it’s a big deal, the pressure on them was enormous.

Because right now, pressure was being put on even the most free person.

“If you attack, everyone will die.”

James Reed decided to remain silent to prevent himself from being slaughtered in a clumsy attack.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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