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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 325

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Episode 325

was also as expected. Jeong Da-hyun, who went out of the city, hunted a level 7 harmful monster alone. After that, a handsome guy who seemed to be possessed by something came in following him.

Dahyun Jeong saw me and smiled and said hello.

“I’m back.”

“great job. “What about California monsters?”

“It felt a little more outrageous. But I think it will be easier to attack once you get used to it.”

“In a big place, strength becomes important.”

“Yes, I think so.”

Monsters also have regional characteristics, but American monsters are generally said to be straight and show off their power.

Cooking a strong fool isn’t that difficult.

Jeong Da-hyeon is the most active in hunting in Korea. There is probably no monster that can withstand a monster’s weak spot and a powerful strike.

“Your skills are improving. “Putting force first is simply ignorant, but it is also the most certain method.”

“I see.”

“Anyway, you had a hard time. And what about over there?”

I’ve already heard this, but I pointed to Alex Simon with my eyes.

He’s handsome, but not my type. It looks more greasy than I thought. Do women like faces like that?

[According to my big data, this is the face preferred by women. And he knows how to change his expression to suit the environment. Look, he’s acting like he’s interested because he makes eye contact with you.]

Well, if I saw him in a back alley, I would have used my hand right away.

“This is Alex Simone. Headbreaker.”

“He told me he was a fan of his brother. “He’s a famous actor here, and he’s actually very talented.”



Because the intention was clearly visible, Alex Simon turned his head and looked away. If I know it enough, Dahyun Jeong probably knows it too, but it’s a bit strange. Are you clueless?

[Is there a person in this world who is less tactful than you?]

There are many things I would like to refute about whether I am tactless, but with Jeong Da-hyun, it is entirely possible.

Since his perspective on justice changed, he has been focusing on hunting.

The guy next to me didn’t seem to think so.

“So you’re interested in hunting monsters?”

“I engage in various activities, but I try not to lose my identity as an awakened person. Naturally, I have a lot of concerns about how to become stronger. “Many awakened people are interested in the fact that the Black Princess here has become stronger.”

“That one too?”

“That’s right.”

Here, Black Princess was Jeong Da-hyun’s English nickname.

It seems like they put a lot of thought into how to translate the name Nachalnyeo in Korean, but they couldn’t seem to bring themselves to say devil or demon.

Jeong Da-hyeon was embarrassed by it, but after listening to the English translation of Nachalnyeo, she compromised to be satisfied with Black Princess.

Anyway, I don’t feel any sincerity in what this guy, Alex Simon, said.

“Are you really interested?”

“…That’s right.”

The expression doesn’t look like that at all. Since it was Jeong Da-hyun’s first hunt, I thought she might not have been able to show it properly.

[It doesn’t look like that at first glance…]

No, then you just have to show it’s correct.

“Then I guess I just need to show you something that works properly.”


“He said he was interested in becoming stronger. If we do it our way, we can become really strong. In fact, there are several awakened people who have become superhuman through this.”

Of course, talent plays a big part, but if you persevere, becoming a superhuman is possible.

[As long as you survive and endure it.]

“Then go.”

“Now wait…!”

Alex Simon’s expression changed and he tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Eventually, the guy gave up and followed me.

And then we hunted together for a few days.

Alex Simon, whose expression was dying day by day, ran away on the third day.

I haven’t even started properly yet.

He seems like a guy with no guts.

* * *

“They were quite capable people.”

When we met again, Phantom’s expression brightened even more. Da-Hyun Jeong’s parents said that the matter was going better than I expected.

Since I don’t have anything to prove my skills, Phantom will do well on his own.

“I don’t care anymore, so take care of yourself.”

“I guess so.”

Phantom seemed to have something more to say, but hesitated. As I was waiting quietly because he wanted to know something, he looked at me and spoke carefully.

“It was not my will to assign Alex Simon to Dahyun Jeong. “It’s a move by one of the intelligence agencies to bring Jeong Da-hyeon to the United States.”

“By seducing Jeong Da-hyun?”

“I heard the chances were low, but it was disastrous.”

It is said that the reputation of the intelligence agency, which was said to be 100% successful if it mobilized Alex Simon, was completely ruined.

That guy is like that too.

Even if Handsome Guy fails, it’s a golden opportunity to become stronger, but you can’t seize it.

“You say you want to become stronger, but you have no grit.”

“I guess you were quite shocked when you saw that hunt. “The assigned mission was a complete failure.”

The mission he was given was to seduce Jeong Da-hyun, but he didn’t pass on it at all.

Rather, it is said that they experience trauma due to hunting methods that go beyond imagination.

Is it only that much of a trauma? Dahyun Jeong’s method is an innovative method that utilizes the habits of monsters to produce maximum results with minimal effort.

It’s so traumatizing to see it that it could easily be included as a textbook on hunting methods right now. He was a weak guy with a flashy appearance.

[Not all people in the world are like you. You and that human woman are unique.]

Well, that’s right. It’s just that our methods are not yet understood. I think you will understand someday.

[You have a big dream.]

“As long as you don’t bother me.”

“Let me take care of it. “Now, I will tell you about the league headquarters.”

The information I wanted began to come out from the phantom. The League’s headquarters was originally set up separately after independence when it was under the control of the party, and it is said that it is unlikely to be used as the current headquarters.

If we had to classify it, it is at the level of a major base known as the home base.

I quietly looked at the phantom.

“Didn’t you say you’d tell me where your base is?”

“Because it’s one of the important places. And in fact, it is also a place where the three evils, including Argos, still gather.”

It’s a play on words. However, it is a place that was the home base, and if the core gathers, there is room to claim that it is the home base.

No, in fact, rather than feeling embarrassed that I had been deceived, it was strange that I kept quiet even after knowing the location of the base, which was called a fortress of natural beauty.

“Why couldn’t I fly it when I knew the location?”

“It’s because it’s a fortress.”

The League’s home base is said to be a natural fortress where the exchange fees are exorbitant even when awakened people flock there. Since this place was originally owned by a party, I know very well how difficult it is to attack.

After all, isn’t that where the awakened people are?

Besides, that’s not what I want to know.

“Can’t we just launch a missile?”

“There are no hackers here.”

“I’ve heard of it.”

“He played a decisive role in preventing us from messing with the league.”

Hackers are the League’s zodiac villains and possess a gift that can disable all electronic equipment.

As a result, the party and the United States were unable to attack the League’s base even though they knew about it. This is because when a missile is launched, the hacker who hacked it directly hits the target where the missile was launched.

After suffering great damage as a result, the party is suffering from the inability to attack the league’s clearly exposed base.

I heard about it once before, but it was a pretty interesting gift.

I feel like bringing it.

“Hackers will be annoyed.”

“If we just take care of this guy, we can hit multiple bases in the league right away.”

To that extent, Hacker’s status in the league is great, and it is said that he is a force that prevents the party and the United States from making any reckless moves.

To be picky right now, it is said to be on the same level as Argos, surpassing Black Hound or Hell Master.

It looks like they’re trying to use me to destroy that power. Since it matches my goal of getting rid of the league, I’ll just pretend I can’t win.

“It sounds like it might not be there, is that correct?”

“Maybe not. But that doesn’t change the fact that it’s the most important base in the league. “Maybe we can learn information about the league that we don’t know about.”

Are you telling me to take care of the rest?

It was a shameless thing to say, but it made me feel more comfortable.

“Okay then, give me the information.”

“I’ll make it easy for you to see.”

Phantom readily accepted.

* * *

The information about the League’s base received from Phantom only confirmed the location.

In it, it was written at length about how difficult it was to attack the fortress and its strategic value and advantages, but it was not something that caught my ear.

There were two things I wanted.

One is to destroy the league’s home base.

The second is to catch hackers.

I was coveting a hacking gift that said it could disable electronic equipment.

“But there may be no hackers.”

I wanted to attack the League’s home base with hackers present. So I thought I would have to keep the hacker inside that base.

After receiving information about the league’s headquarters, I went to see Herbert the next day.

Although it was a long way from LA to Washington, it didn’t take long to travel by high-speed flight.

Even though I had contacted them in advance and arrived, there was an uproar when I showed up at the White House. Herbert, who was actually involved, came to the White House and greeted me with a calm expression.

“It’s been a while, Headbreaker. “The speed of action is still beyond imagination.”

“It’s convenient to come here.”

“Please come inside.”

Herbert greeted me politely. I headed to the Oval Office in the White House and sat down in the seat he recommended.

He brought down the coffee for me and actually put down his own cola. He then complimented me on my high-speed flight.

“This is an ability that MLB and NBA players would be thrilled to see.”

“If I had this ability, I would work as an awakened person.”

“Well, he is like that too. So it’s no longer fun.”

Herbert smiled bitterly as he recalled the sports world that had begun to deteriorate due to the emergence of awakened people who demonstrated physical abilities that surpassed those of humans.

Still, he said he was grateful to be free from the pain.

“What pain?”

“The team I support has been in last place for 10,000 years.”

Herbert is said to have been a fan of the NBA team, the New York Knicks.

Aren’t teams in big cities usually strong teams?

I guess I wasn’t very good at it.

“So what brought you here?”

“I have a request to make.”

“If it is a request from Head Breaker, a distinguished guest of the United States, then of course we must accommodate it proactively. “Tell me anything.”

Seeing him acting like he would listen to anything, I spoke without any pressure.

“I wish we could spread the word that we are going to attack the league’s headquarters.”


“It would be better if you actually took action as if you were going to hit a missile rather than just saying it.”

“Wait a minute, do you know what that request is?”


So should I ask for something without knowing anything?

Herbert’s attitude, which seemed like he would listen to everything, became noticeably passive.

Instead, seriousness descended. This is better.

“I’d like to hear more details.”

I explained the plan I had made.

I accepted the party’s offer and decided to raid the League’s headquarters, but I also wanted to use this opportunity to catch the hacker.

However, the hacker’s location within the league was kept in strict secrecy. This is because several of the league’s bases that have surfaced are protected simply by the presence of hackers.

Intelligence agents in the United States and the party were unable to attack the hackers because they did not know their location.

Some say that it is okay to strike simultaneously, but one failure can quickly become a painful mistake. What if a missile flies where a hacker is, hacks it, and hits the city?

On that day, the politician’s political career ends.

No matter how patriotic a politician is, he cannot take that level of risk.

“If you prepare in secret, the league will hear about it.”

“Do you think they will be fooled?”

“Bet fooled.”

“I want to know the reason.”

“Because the fact that I accepted the party’s proposal must have been conveyed to the league. “When the party regains its strength, it’s clear who will be the first to fly away.”

It is the US government.


Herbert frowned and nodded.

“An impatient politician wants to make a mark. “If we announce that we blew up the League’s headquarters with a bold decision, the citizens will go crazy. Isn’t that okay?”

“It’s not a bad offer. “It’s not a bad offer.”

Herbert drank the cola in one go as if his throat was burning. I almost thought I might burp, but with a nonchalant expression, I sank into the chair and let out a long sigh.

“ha! “I’m really glad you’re not that interested in politics.”

“You can rest assured that I will not continue to be interested.”

“Instead, I want you to promise me just one thing. “If we destroy our headquarters and catch the hackers, can the credit go to our government?”

“However much.”

If the party or the government helps, I don’t mind taking credit for it.

“We will cooperate.”

* * *

[Why do you want something called hacking so badly?]

Yongyong asked me after leaving the White House.

You’ve been with me for so long and you don’t know that?

“Are you asking because you really don’t know?”

[How much do I know about humans? Are you afraid of getting hit by a missile too?]


Unbelievably, Yongyong was asking because he really didn’t know.

I can’t believe you don’t notice something that you can notice with just a little thought.

I clicked my tongue.

“They say hacking can disable all electronic equipment.”


“Then if you have that, you can disable all CCTV and cameras.”

[CCTV? camera? Wait a minute, you can’t believe it….]

Yongyong widened his eyes as if he had finally noticed.

It’s because I’m this slow.

“The restrictions of location disappear.”

For example, something like this.

One day, I found someone to kill.

However, if you kill him all at once, it can become quite annoying.

If it were me before, of course I wouldn’t care. Of course, I still don’t really care.

But what if you could get rid of that annoyance with hacking? They attack in broad daylight in a place where there are no witnesses and destroy all CCTV, cameras, black boxes, and smartphones.

Then, a complete assassination would be established.

The Republic of Korea is a country with a very good presumption of innocence. Here, I even have the privilege of not being arrested.

Even if you have suspicions, if there is no evidence, no one can call me the criminal.

“It makes a perfect assassination possible in broad daylight.”

It’s thrilling just to imagine it.


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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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