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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 323

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Episode 323

The difference in position between the party and the U.S. government may be natural. There’s no way I wouldn’t expect a proposal like this to come.

“Let’s listen to the story first.”

“It’s an obvious story. The government doesn’t want the party to get any bigger than this. Even if the party is faltering, its influence in America is still powerful. However, the separation of the Atlantic Ocean and the division of the League gave the government a new opportunity. “The president wants this structure to continue for a longer period of time.”

“Do you have any other plans?”

“The disadvantage of being discovered by Junho is greater than the benefit of hiding it.”

You know it well.

Well, I guess it’s strange that I don’t know since I’ve been destroying the heads of the guys that Gungkung owns.

[Do you feel satisfied with it when you are being treated like a bomb outright?]

Whether it is a bomb or a land mine, the intention to deceive me is important. If anyone gets caught, they go. And this proposal brought by Anna Christine was clearly intended to the point of being transparent.

And my answer is fixed.

“I refuse.”

“As expected.”

That’s it.

Anna Christine didn’t ask me why or anything.

“I didn’t mean to convince you.”

“In the first place, there was almost no material to persuade Junho. But from the government’s perspective, they wanted to try their luck. That’s why I came forward. “Of course, I knew I would fail.”

“Are you saying it was an intentional failure?”

“Yes. I don’t have high expectations from the government and I’m glad to know Junho’s thoughts. “Because I took on the difficult task myself, I will receive more work in the future.”

In short, this proposal is nothing more than a stab at it without any expectations.

“Are you saying the government cares a lot?”

“yes. In particular, if Leviathan disappears, the party will be able to absorb the power of Europe.”

“I don’t think it will be easy.”

“It won’t be easy actually. But it’s a scary thing that even that could be possible. The actual item is important, but expectations also determine the value. “If it’s a party, the influence is even stronger.”

So the government is taking it seriously.

That’s none of my business.

“But is it true that you are not interested in Jeong Da-hyun?”

Rather, I was feeling suspicious about the attitude he showed towards Jeong Da-hyun.

From my perspective, the effort that the United States put into Dahyun Jeong was unusual, and I wondered if Anna Christine would give up so easily.

Anna Christine relaxed and narrowed her eyes.

“Of course it’s a lie. It is clear that he will become a superhuman in the future, he has no problems in his personal life, and his personality is upright. Plus, she looks beautiful. “If Dahyun becomes America’s superhuman, she will rise to the ranks of world stars in no time.”

Appearance is important here too. Well, I actually benefited from it, so I know its power well.

Anna Christine says that Dahyun Jeong’s presence in particular can be a symbol that can increase the loyalty of people from Asia.

“Then why did you say you weren’t interested?”

“It’s all strategy.”


“Women aren’t just attracted to bad men. There are various methods when recruiting superhumans. One of them is that if you pretend not to be interested, curiosity will arise.”

He expressed his pride by saying that he had brought in several superhumans using this method.

If it were me, I would have just paid no attention, but I realized that there are so many different tastes in the world.

“But in this case, I’m not really interested. It would be nice if Dahyun voluntarily becomes a naturalized person, but I know that Junho won’t sit still if he starts a plan. “I don’t want my head blown off, so I take a step back.”

As time passes, people who know me well are starting to appear. The more this happens, the more I want to do something unexpected.

Because people who are overconfident that they know about me are always trying to take advantage of me.

[The human in front of me will be scared if he hears it.]

It’s okay because I triggered the tree frog’s evil warning and I have no intention of doing so. And what I feel these days is that the more people know about me, the more people are careful not to provoke me.

Being predictable means that accidents can be prevented in advance. If you kill all the people who use it for bad intentions, something good will happen.

“I will leave it up to the individual doctor, but Jeong Da-hyun is like a disciple.”

“So, if we bring Dahyun to America, there’s a chance for Junho too?”

“Why is it being said like that?”

“Just? “I’m curious.”

A light appeared in Anna Christine’s eyes. Are you trying to bring not only Jeong Da-hyun but also me to the United States?

“You don’t know what happens to people.”

“There is already a contract period, so I will instruct you to prepare a great proposal. “I think the place that suits Junho best is the United States.”

Anna Christine said she would even sacrifice a state in the U.S. to bring me there.

Even though it’s meant to lift me up, it’s an extreme exaggeration.

“Will the government accept it?”

“sure. “If Junho was there, the party wouldn’t be able to run wild anymore.”

And the prospects laid out seemed quite plausible.

If I come to the United States, the party may not be as active and the entire force may go to Europe, and a more stable balance will be achieved than now, etc. They were pulling out plans one after another as if they had been waiting.

It seems like this was prepared from the beginning.

[I think the target was you in the first place?]


Yongyong’s thoughts and mine coincided for the first time in a while.

* * *

While rejecting the government’s offer and considering Phantom’s offer, I met several people in the United States.

Among them were American oil companies called the Oil Cartel and Awakening equipment companies that distributed the Big Bang series.

As the shipping routes that united the world were destroyed, countries that were unable to supply oil experienced a drastic change in using the hearts of monsters as an energy source, while the United States, which was able to supply oil on its own, saw fierce competition between oil and energy sources using the Force. It was like making money.

This is an advantage of being a country with abundant resources.

The oil company wanted to use my safe navigation methods, and the equipment company wanted to hear how to further improve the quality of the Big Bang series.

Since I don’t have much talent in business, we only had a general conversation, but one thing was certain: the scale of the United States was on a different level.

Among them, the most impressive encounters were with Zola Man and doctoral bodybuilders.

The main thing they talked about when they met while still showing off their physical beauty was how to deal with graduate students efficiently.

Since he is an expert in body modification, I asked him if it would be possible to create a body strong enough to withstand high-speed flight, but the answer was negative.

“Jun Ho! A strong body is only at the human level. There are only two ways to overcome that limitation. Gifts and drugs.”

However, he said that it would not be strange if a gift of the level I wanted could be called legendary, and that strengthening through drugs could not predict what side effects it would have.

Naturally, drugs were not an option. Then the only thing left to do is to get a gift.

I also heard that I had an expert in body modification, so I thought it would be possible with that. When we got together every day, I looked forward to talking rather than hitting a few threes, but it turned out to be pointless.

If there are expectations, there is also disappointment.

“But Junho has a huge advantage even if he doesn’t use it.”


“That’s because Junho has excellent graduate students!”

“They say it’s already at its limit.”

After a little bit of fussing, I found out that the gift-gifters’ rampage these days is no joke.

At my words, the little man widened his eyes and burst into laughter.

“Nonsense! “All of that is making me tremble!”


“It’s because Junho never really pushed me! “The more you squeeze, the more you will get as a graduate student!”

“It’s not some kind of inexhaustible spring.”

But Zola Man’s attitude was serious.

“Squeeze it! Then water comes out even from a dry mop!”

I think the dry rag will be torn to pieces before then.

But what Zolaman says makes sense. In the following words, graduate students are just graduate students and have no choice but to be passive in what they are told. Don’t be fooled by the proactive appearance that you sometimes see, but I sympathized with the fact that even if you push yourself to your limits, you will find something to squeeze out.

Don’t expect a sense of ownership from graduate students. This was Zolaman’s advice.

That is very correct.

Why am I so sure of that?

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

Because the egos inside me are going crazy. Although it is not a human language, his clear intention to kill anyone who is strangling him gave me confidence.

This direction is correct.

“Thank you, I put it to good use.”

“Tell me whenever you need to. “I will do my best to help you.”

* * *

There was no reason to worry about Leviathan for a long time.

At the meeting with Phantom after all the scheduled meetings, I told him about the commission.

“I want to hear how you will take care of me.”

“We share the essentials we have.”

Phantom unfolded the gift package as if waiting.

These were gifts that clearly conveyed my will not to miss out if I was willing to accept the request.

Food Inorganic Energy.

In the United States, the most blessed land in the world, I promised to export abundant grains and provide the world’s most advanced Smart Hunting System (SHS). He also mentioned America’s oil and force processing know-how that processed the hearts of monsters.

It was a story about giving up something belonging to a party that holds what is most needed in today’s era.

It was safe to say that he risked his life and death to hunt Leviathan.

At this rate, I would have no reason to refuse.

“I accept the hunting request.”

“You gladly accept it. “Good, good.”

A smile that had never been seen before appeared on the Phantom’s lips. I could see how much pain Leviathan had caused me.

In fact, he has definitely achieved a high level as a monster, and has even absorbed the essence of a divine beast. Moreover, with the ocean as the background, hunting would be impossible.

Even if you can’t do it, sea monsters are usually evaluated one level higher, so it was safe to say that they were at the plus plus plus level.

However, the two horns are nice to the mouth, but the three horns are so-so. I should just say he’s a guy like Yongyong.

[Why am I here?]

Still, since I absorbed the essence of the divine beast, wouldn’t I be as strong as you?

[I am much stronger.]

He says it strongly, knowing that it cannot be confirmed. This is Yongyong’s behavior.

Anyway, looking at it like this, it seems like a guy worth trying.

“Since they accepted it so warmly, we will also provide service.”

“What service?”

“We will take care of Jeong Da-hyun’s parents.”

This was completely unexpected. Phantom explained that this was a minor service.

It was not a story that could come out overnight. They must have done some research on the relationship between me and Jeong Da-hyun and will wait until I come to the United States to solve it.

“Tell me in detail.”

“Unlike Jeong Da-hyun, my parents were greedy. However, it is not satisfied due to racial limitations and personal connections. That frustration is on the verge of blocking my daughter’s future. “Our party will fulfill that.”

He said that since his skills were not bad, the party would make up for what he lacked.

Of course, this is something to say when you look at it positively.

If you look at the reality, it sounds like they are trying to hold Jeong Da-hyun’s parents hostage.

Is it really necessary?

“Wouldn’t it be better to just get rid of it?”


“I think we’ll be more comfortable that way.”

“Are you going to get rid of it just because it caused some concern? Those two are greedy but talented. And aren’t they the parents of your favorite student?”

“Yes, but.”

People who are greedy always end up in accidents. So I think it’s better to get rid of it than to wait and see.

“You shouldn’t do that even for Jeong Da-hyun’s sake.”

“Of course, I have to keep Jeong Da-hyun from knowing.”

I’m just blowing my head off because it’s annoying, but it’s not a problem to pretend it was a natural death if I wanted to.

Still, Phantom said he would come forward, so I guess I’ll have to watch it at least once.

“Then just watch and decide.”

“It’s a wise choice.”

Phantom sighed and shook his head.

[Fake madness is meaningless in the face of real madness.]

Yongyong must have been impressed by the Phantom’s madness.

[Isn’t that it?]

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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