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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 312

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Episode 312

King Ahmed was startled by my change of momentum. Of course, I only said that I would kill the person who would kill me, but the reaction was stronger than expected.

“Friend, are you really planning to go to Egypt?”

“The canal has become my business area, so if there is a rig in it, I think it would be a good idea to get it out of the way.”

The rig is similar to a cockroach. When you see one or two, they are already coiled, so if you don’t exterminate every one you see, their numbers will grow out of control.

Since we brought in a league that is not just a dictator, we need to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Otherwise, they will resort to tricks after seeing the opening of the Suez Canal.

I don’t want my area infested with cockroaches.

King Ahmed shook his head.

“That’s right, but we don’t usually come up with that idea.”

“It won’t take long. and.”

There will probably be quite a bit of pain if the dictator is blown away and a new government comes in.

The chaos will mean it will take a long time for Egypt to function properly.

Of course, if a legitimate government comes into power, things will be better than before.

The actions I take are ultimately helpful to Egypt.

However, there are bound to be by-products in the process.

“If there is anarchy, there is no need to give them their share until normalcy is achieved, right?”


[Wow, you really….]

King Ahmed was silent and Yongyong was astonished.

Anyone who sees it will think it’s because I don’t want to give it to them. I’m just saying that since there is no one to pay for the land, is there any need to give it to them?

King Ahmed, who understood my thoughts, also expressed his agreement.

Look at that.

When I was about to leave for Egypt, they stopped me.

“Friend, please check this before you go to Egypt.”

King Ahmed beckoned, and Nasir came carrying a bundle of documents. It was a brief summary of the current situation in Egypt.

I took it and looked at King Ahmed.

“Did you know I was going to Egypt?”

“It was one of countless possibilities. “I prepared this in the hope that it would be helpful to my friend.”

Well, if Egypt gets out of dictatorship, it will function properly, so it can’t be good for neighboring countries.

I decided to accept King Ahmed’s favor. Then he quickly read what was written on the document and destroyed it.

“Thank you for your help. “After work, let’s go to Riyadh.”

“I hope it works out well. “Friend.”

I parted ways with King Ahmed and called in my new subordinate, Horus.


The guy who quickly descended in front of me proved his loyalty by bowing his head to the floor.

He was a guy with a treacherous charm every time I saw him.

“Don’t touch anyone until I get back.”


Rather than touching people, it roared that it would kill all monsters that touched people.

There’s no need to go that far.

After leaving a message to Horus, I moved from Suez to Cairo.

Since I was taking a long-distance, high-speed flight, moving within the country or moving to a neighboring country did not have much of an impact.

[Aren’t you getting used to it?]

“The problem is that I’m the only one getting used to it.”

[but. It was quite difficult at first, right? It’s still the same now.]


What Yongyong pointed out was my clothes.

High-speed flight is so damaging that even I, who has a body stronger than that of most humans, cannot withstand it. Naturally, the clothes on the body could not withstand the high-speed flight, and neither could the electronic equipment.

When I first got it, the clothes and underwear I was wearing couldn’t withstand the high-speed flight and were torn to shreds. The only thing that held out was the coat made of draculea leather that Zolaman gave him as a gift.

It had to be that much to endure.

As a result, I gave up on bringing electronic equipment and made clothes using the skin of plus-level monsters.

“I need to improve a bit more when I go.”

[Do you really need to wear it? Anyway, it’s not like anyone is going to say anything if you don’t wear underwear.]

“Stop it.”

[No, it looks better because it’s freer. There’s a sense of liberation, right? I don’t know why humans wear underwear.]

“Stop it.”

It was clear that this Shinsoo guy knew and was criticizing me.

Even though I was a fugitive when I had a hematoma, I wore my underwear cleanly. That is the minimum good that humans can enjoy in civilized life.

I looked at Cairo from afar, suppressing the urge to crumple the face of the guy who pretended to know nothing and had an innocent expression on his face.

“It feels different from Riyadh.”

[It’s really messy.]

The city was disorganized and chaotic. Starting with the collapsed houses, huts barely able to protect themselves from the wind and rain spread out on the outskirts.

That could have been sorted out, but I didn’t do it on purpose.

[Just looking at them, it looks like they are just trying to kill time when the monster attacks?]

“That’s right.”

Humans who cry out for their lives are great for dispersing aggro from monsters.

That’s what dictators are all about. Just by looking at him, I could see how he was handling his petty hair.

“Then let’s secure someone useful first.”

The reason I came to Cairo this time is to deal with the president who is trying to consolidate his power by bringing in the League and its guys.

There is one premise here: stabilizing Egypt’s political system.

In order to smoothly operate the Suez Canal, which is now under my jurisdiction, the political systems of neighboring countries must be stabilized. In that respect, there is more stability in someone elected through a democratic process than in a dictator who cannot predict where things will go.

There is no guarantee that Egypt will be better than when the country was a dictator, but that is from my perspective.

Of course, I don’t care if the worst happens.

It’s not my job anyway.

If you can’t stabilize it, endless chaos would be better.

I recalled the information King Ahmed had given me.

“Mohammed Kamal.”

An Egyptian superman and independence activist, he was a political opponent who put Mustafa’s regime in jeopardy. His symbolism is so great even among the Egyptian military and awakened people that Mustafa was unable to remove him and instead imprisoned him.

My intention is to first rescue this Mohammed Kamal, eliminate Mustafa, and then leave the rest to us and give Egypt a democratic president.

[If I were a superhuman, I wouldn’t listen to you when things went well, right?]

“That doesn’t matter.”

It is natural for things to change during the independence movement and after taking power.

This is because the nature of power is something you have to grasp once to discover. It doesn’t matter because that’s not what I’m worried about.

“If it goes to the worst case scenario, just remove it again and that’s it.”

[If someone sees it, they will think you are replacing the remote control batteries.]

“That can’t be possible. “People don’t die that easily.”

[You’re easy to kill.]

“They won’t die easily, so when you send them, you have to be sure to send them.”

It just means that we will take action if such a situation arises.

I headed to a political prison camp located on the outskirts of Cairo. It is a place where Mustafa’s political opponents are imprisoned, and the chief who manages the prison is also a superman.

I was able to see how much they value security when I saw that they used superhumans to manage the prison.

[It’s different from what you thought?]

Yongyong said after looking at the prison atmosphere. This place, which I thought would be full of horrors, was more peaceful than I expected. Despite the fact that they were fighting against dictatorial power, their political opponents seemed to be doing well.

I’ve never seen a case where one leaves one’s political opponent so unharmed.

After sneaking inside, I arrived at the place where Mohammed Kamal was. He was sitting with a calm expression, with a charred face and white hair and white beard.

Is it strange? There was no ban of any kind. You’re leaving this guy who became a superhuman in prison?

I stood in front of him.

“Mohammed Kamal.”


“Someone who has business for you.”

I thought we might not understand each other, but you manage to speak English. The guy’s eyes opened wide as he looked at me.

“…Surely it’s a head breaker?”

“You seem to know me.”

“How did you get here? Could it be because of Mustafa?”

“I heard they joined hands with the league.”

“oh my god.”

Mohammed, who was shocked, held his head with both hands and screamed. I didn’t know what that meant, so I just watched quietly.

The information King Ahmed gave me and what I saw were quite different.

“So what are you doing?”

Mohammed seemed too free to be said to be imprisoned as Mustafa’s political opponent.

Normally, when you say a political opponent, doesn’t that mean you have to make it so that he can’t act properly?


“Are we conspiring against each other?”

It’s a story with nothing special.

When I was a member of the clan, the National Defense Bureau or government-affiliated groups would estrange the villains and make them betray each other and repeat it.

The idea is to have internal enemies and prevent them from uniting as one.

Conversely, there have been times when villains used this to attract and annihilate awakened people belonging to the government.

Leave the silence unharmed. What if you could control those who are rebellious with that?

The quote came out right away.

“It doesn’t matter if there is no answer.”

Since when did I rely on information readily provided by others?

“Now wait…!”

Mohammed struggled to avoid my hand and swung his hand, but I simply broke his arm and placed his hand on his head.

At first, I strongly resisted the brainwashing, but after a while, my eyes relaxed and I began to blurt out the information I wanted.

The content wasn’t much different from what I expected.

“You wasted your time.”

Although he was known as Mustafa’s political enemy and had participated in the independence movement, Mohammed’s faith was weakened as he was exposed to his weaknesses as the father of a daughter.

He was imprisoned and acted as a deterrent to prevent the independence movement forces from acting recklessly, and while buying time, he was eliminating the independence forces.

[If this happens, the plan is ruined.]

“It doesn’t matter. “You just have to go with the second plan.”

[Was there a second time?]


[What is it?]

“Kill everyone and leave.”

Power never allows a vacuum. As various forces fight to fill that gap, someone will emerge as the ultimate winner.

Instead, it will be a long way back to stabilization.

[There would be a lot of confusion.]

“It doesn’t matter.”

[What if they join hands with something called the League again?]

“We can deal with it again.”

[It’s simple.]

It’s important to unravel the original complexities and see only the essence.

I left Mohammed, who had become an idiot, and headed to the Egyptian Presidential Palace.

Like a dictator who was concerned about his own safety, he boasted of tight security.

As I looked around at the guards at the Presidential Palace, I reaped an unexpected harvest. Among the presidential palace security forces, there were league villains.

It’s one of two things. Either the league manager is at the presidential palace, or he is staying at the presidential palace in the first place.

It doesn’t matter to me. rather.

“You’re lucky.”

Thinking that they could handle it all at once, they infiltrated the presidential palace. As we went inside, the security became tighter, but we were able to avoid the guards and disable the alarm system and reach the deepest part.

There, an elderly man and a middle-aged man were having a conversation. Both were Arab, and while the older man had a rough look, the middle-aged man had the look of an elite bureaucrat.

It was just a disguise, but he had quite a bit of momentum.

I showed up right away because I wasn’t interested in the conversation they were having.

“Who are you?”

The older man, presumed to be Mustafa, got up from his seat in shock, but the middle-aged man was looking at me with calm eyes.

He probably didn’t detect my presence, so his ability to judge the situation was good.

“It’s an honor to meet you, Headbreaker.”

Mustafa was shocked at those words.

“what? Headbreaker? The worst and worst villain?”


[See, this is the general perception of you.]

I don’t like it.

Mustafa’s face became thoughtful as if he understood the situation.

When he saw the guy’s more confused face, he quickly lowered his head as if he sensed a crisis.

“I would like to explain. “Can you please listen?”

“say it.”

I decided to listen to what kind of sophistry he would come up with.

“My second name is Janus, and I am the person in charge of this area in North Africa. As someone from Egypt, I decided that order could not be maintained without strong power, so I committed myself to the League…”

So, this is what the guy who introduced himself as Janus said.

Since the confusion would not go away due to the merger of several forces of similar power, it was an inevitable choice to bring in the powerful force called the League. With that power, Egypt became stable.

Mustafa is called a dictator, but Egypt was able to survive because he was a leader with strong charisma. If it had not been for him, Egypt would have been destroyed by demons.


The League is clearly evil, but his argument was that it could be a means of peace in a world that asserts its power.

I heard your excuse well.

“So you’re saying the league is a necessary evil?”

“That’s right.”

“You hope I understand?”


He looked at me with expectant eyes.

Are you hoping that you will listen to that story and sympathize with it?

“Okay then, I’ll tell you how to end it as quietly as possible.”

“What is it?”

“Commit suicide.”


“As long as you, the League Villain, die, everything will be buried quietly.”


The guy’s face turned an earthy color.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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