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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 306

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Episode 306

My coming to Berlin was, so to speak, a surprise visit.

The high-speed flight that I tried after getting the upper hand was definitely improved. The load on the body was evenly distributed, and efficiency improved thanks to the cooperation of Gobi, who has a high understanding of the gift.

So the road to Europe was smooth.

When I arrived at Franz’s office, I noticed a guest and knew who it was.

I still remember it. When I came to hunt Draculea, things went in a strange direction, not the direction Franz was pursuing.

I later found out that the superhumans in England and France acted as they please.

Among them, there was a British adept who met me and touched me properly. In the process, we were able to discover unexpected developments in Mandeuk.


When I praise him, he comes out like a ghost and shows off. But I didn’t think the opportunity was bad. Because voluntary graduate students are precious.

I told the triumphant Man-deuk that you would have a chance to be active.

Anyway, the atmosphere of the conversation was not very good.

Until then, he had been harassing Franz for various reasons, so it must be strange that he was in such a good mood.

If so, the conclusion is that it is better to get it out of my line.


It’s just annoying.

And if he’s a guy who’s trying to trick people behind his back, he can’t be a proper guy.

Antoine, who saw my momentum, got a look of anger on his face and stretched out his hand towards me.

“Glace Fleur (Ice Flower).”

A sharp blade was created as a cool breeze swirled around my bare hand. However, an abnormality was detected.

As the ice formed, the moisture inside me was strangely drying up.


I destroyed the ice blade with a mine and stretched out my hand once again. Antoine used the cold air like a glove to shake off all my attempts to grab it.

Is it because my mine originated from Franz? It was visible that he had been preparing to deal with Franz for a long time. The grumpy-looking guy had been preparing to attack Franz in a sinister way for a long time.

by the way.

The strange feeling I felt every time this guy’s gift was activated was annoying me.

It was a subtle change that went against my senses, but it was a change that I wouldn’t have noticed unless I was very sensitive. But I noticed it from the beginning, and the excellent graduate students assisting me were informing me about the changes in real time.

“That fancy gift is a trick.”


“He’s as sinister as his face.”

I don’t know what his gift was, but the ice flower that was called Glass Fleur was not the actual body.

I thought it was a flashy gift for a guy who was said to be a teenager and had no substance, but there was a trick going on behind the scenes.

His gift is.

“It’s a gift that steals moisture from the other person.”


“It’s easy to figure out a shallow trick. “Let’s get this over with now.”

I reached out my hand to the astonished guy.


The guy who heard everything gritted his teeth and activated the gift. However, when I noticed the gift and interrupted the moisture extraction, the ice blade creation rate subtly slowed down.

Slow creation speed meant a delayed response, and blocking me with an incomplete gift meant accumulating losses.


My hand struck his collarbone through the pointlessly broken ice blade.


Those guys who were definitely called teenage superhumans were so hard that you could feel the taste of breaking bones.

He grabbed the guy who was screaming and twisting his body and gently pounded him from his shoulders to his arms. And when I broke my leg, I sat down in vain and my perspective changed.

I looked into his eyes and said.

“That suits you well.”



When I kicked him in the stomach, all of his organs were twisted and he vomited blood on the floor. It was a look that suited a guy who was mean and committed fraud behind the scenes.

If it had been any other villain, his organs would have ruptured and he would have died from the shock, but he was able to withstand it well, perhaps due to his vitality.

How do I cook it?

Franz’s voice penetrated me while I was in trouble.

“Isn’t that enough?”

Do you not know who I am acting like this for?

But Franz’s expression was stern.

I’m impressed by that belief, but I’m also frustrated.

That’s why he almost lost what he had achieved his whole life.

“You’re the guy who was mean to the old man, so why do you sound comfortable like that?”

“Even though he was a bad guy, he was a great help in protecting Europe.”

“You mean this guy?”


“It’s only going to get in the way, but wouldn’t getting it out of the way be more helpful in concentrating your energy? “This is an opportunity to quietly clean it up.”

Who would have expected me to come all the way from Korea? All you have to do is just deal with it.

“You’re going to set it up with a mine and not raise any suspicion? “Everyone in the world will think it’s me?”

“That’s not it.”

How does an old man who was mortally wounded by Draculea catch a still young superhuman?

“You would think it was just an accident. If you want, you can destroy it without leaving a trace.”

“…Goyan guy.”

Franz shrugged as he gritted his teeth.

I was just teasing him because I wanted to see how he would react.

You can’t just let it go instead.

“Since we can’t leave a refund, let’s just give the same sanction we left to the British superman. “It’s a sanction that won’t cause any problems as long as you don’t think about yourself in the future.”

“Isn’t that the biggest problem?”

“So we have to try. They say they are in the early teens, so they can do it. “If you don’t like it, you can become stronger than me and lift the sanctions.”

“…That’s why Carlson sometimes has fits.”

Didn’t you know? Come to think of it, I was being treated at the hospital at the time.

“It’s very efficient.”


Franz, who was frowning and making a disapproving expression, nodded.

I guess he didn’t think he would be spared if it wasn’t for this.

I guess it would be good.

I planted a mine poison on Antoine. This is a very dark poison that causes me to have a seizure just thinking about it. It is a technique that is very helpful in preventing the desire to live and regret. As expected, Mandeuk does a good job.


Mandeuk makes an appeal.

Yes, if there are so many places to use it, we should give it an appropriate reward. Instead of being presumptuous like before, I appealed cautiously, so I became quite lenient.

I personally poured the recovery agent on the fainted guy and helped him recover. I’m not particularly trying to fix it.

“go away.”

This is to let me go out on my own feet. The fear filled in Antoine’s eyes put my mind at ease. You won’t bother me anymore.

“After going to America, I became more outspoken.”

“This is a lot of improvement.”

“that is?”

I guess you don’t know about hematoma.

If you see something so crazy, you won’t be able to say such things.

However, there is no need to bring up the hematoma to reveal its true nature.

I asked, looking at old Franz’s bare arms.

“Is it worth living without your right hand?”

“Because humans are animals of adaptation. In the past, my colleagues who dealt with monsters suffered more serious injuries than these. “This is enough for a medal.”

Franz was wearing a prosthetic hand on the right hand that was blown off by Draculea, and it looked uncomfortable at first glance. I’m probably in a situation where I can’t demonstrate my skills with that.

“I heard you made a big deal out of it in the U.S., so tell me about that. “I tried to find out why there were so many secrets, but he wouldn’t tell me.”

“Nothing much. I received a request to eliminate villains and earned some extra income in the process. And I captured Shinsoo.”

“Yes, Shinsoo… Huh? “What?”

Franz, who had been casually agreeing, got up in shock. I guess it’s surprising that even this old man, who thinks he knows everything about the world, has caught a miracle. Actually, I think catching the thunderbird was a great achievement.

“I was lucky.”

“No matter how lucky you are, you’re still a divine beast? Huh! I thought it was amazing that I had hunted a plus-level monster, but my opponent was a divine beast. How can I catch that divine beast? “Huh huh!”

I leisurely enjoyed the sight of Franz continuously making exclamations of exclamation.

“It must be an ability related to the Thunderbird that allowed it to fly all the way here in one go.”

“The damage is enormous. “The body suffers significant damage.”

“You could have overcome that by taking away Kieran Woodley’s super regeneration.”

“It was a lucky coincidence.”

“No, I’m not lucky. You probably planned it from the beginning. I’ve been thinking about catching a thunderbird for a long time. Yes, I guess the reason I came to capture Draculea was to improve my sense of practical combat before dealing with the divine beast.”


This is why I am scared of young people who have gone through all kinds of hardships. The ability to infer something close to the truth based on one’s own experiences is like a ghost.

Old Franz didn’t say anything more, probably because he didn’t intend to interrogate me.

“So what are you curious about here?”

“I want to hear about this guy named God.”

I think Old Man Franz would know very well about this guy who calls himself God.

“No way…”

“I have no intention of dealing with you. “I’m just curious about what kind of guy is pretending to be God.”

“I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything. It’s not that I don’t want to know, but God only contacts those who are qualified and blocks everyone else. “I am equally unqualified.”

Just listening to him made me think he was a cunning guy. Are you saying that you are protecting the mystery by thoroughly screening people and minimizing contact, and projecting influence on the world through a small number of ‘qualified’ people, including saints?

I guess we have no choice but to meet through the saint. Looking at him like this, he seems to be a smart guy who can’t be compared to Yongyong or Hyuna, but I was wondering if it would be better to deal with him when the opportunity comes.

Of course, I’m also thinking about the case where the raccoon-like old Franz is pretending not to know.

It was Franz’s voice that captured my thoughts.

“Don’t think anything of it. “Don’t think about making a fuss.”

“I have no intention of causing an accident.”

“Should I believe you?”

“It’s very bad that you have developed the habit of not trusting people just because you have a high-ranking position.”

“Who am I to end up like this?”

Anyone who sees me will think that I grabbed people by the collar and made them feel strange. Well, old Franz, who is shouting, probably knows that and is shouting like this.

There was that level of trust between us.

“I will discuss that with the saint. “I don’t plan on sticking around like you’re worried about, so don’t worry.”

“I don’t care about that, so you can take care of it yourself.”

For that matter, it looks like you’re paying a lot of attention.

I didn’t feel the need to argue further, so I changed the topic.

I guess I’ll have to go see the person involved for more detailed information.

“Once you finish all the urgent work here and resign from your position, come visit Korea.”

“What are you doing in a faraway place with no connections?”

“I don’t have one, but I have one. Because of me, Korea has now become the safest country in the world from monsters.”

Old Franz snorted.

“At the very least, by experimenting with this and that, I would have caught a monster like catching a mouse. They say they built a trade route to Saudi Arabia? “Let’s discuss it with us while we’re here.”

“Let’s consult with the government, which is not my area of expertise.”


“Let’s send someone. “What about coming to Korea?”

“My hometown is here. But since you ask so earnestly, I may be able to visit you at least once.”

In the end, I am proud to say that I am going to visit. Anyway, I felt at ease when I heard that old Franz was coming.

I got caught.

Yongyong, who had been watching until then, said something.

[Why on earth are you asking me to come? Because that old man likes humans?]

That can’t be possible.

Although he has now retired as a symbolic figure, old man Franz is a man in his teens and a proven teacher who has raised countless awakened people in Europe. If you bring it and roll it around, you will be able to use it frugally.

[Trying to pamper people who come to rest? Wow, that’s really amazing.]

These days, I’m into the fun of pampering talented people.

Old Franz, unaware of my thoughts, was absorbed in his own thoughts.

“It is the safest country in the world, so it would be useful to refer to how they took measures.”

“We will pass on the know-how from start to finish.”

Instead, I will have to pull out the bone marrow and eat it.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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