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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 305

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Episode 305

: Why does your expression look so bad when you talk to me? Sometimes I feel embarrassed when I talk about it.

If you say that because you like it, it’s not a good thing because it doesn’t look very good, right?

Or is it good, but you have to manage your facial expressions?

[You don’t really believe that, do you?]

…Actually, I didn’t believe it either.

I guess you don’t understand my sincerity. I’m starting to feel a little sad.

“But I have a question.”

“Please speak.”

“It’s related to the presidential election.”

“If there is no problem, I will answer.”

“If there is only one candidate in the presidential election, is he elected without a vote?”

If this trend continues, it is certain that Cheon Myung-guk will become the ruling party’s presidential candidate. And since he showed overwhelming competitiveness in the finals, he will be elected with ease.

If the outcome is obvious, wouldn’t the opponent be able to give up? They say election costs are high.


But I think Cheon Myeong-guk misunderstood what I said.

He looked even whiter than before and now seemed to be having difficulty even breathing. Which of the gift egos did the trick? no. I didn’t do anything.

If anyone sees it, it will look like I attempted assassination.

[I heard you said you were going to kill all other humans, right?]

No way. Even if I was the last one, would I do something like that? And it seems like the other person believes that…

…believes it?

I set the facts straight to Cheon Myeong-guk, who seemed to be out of breath.

“I’m saying this in case anyone misunderstands, but I wasn’t saying that I would deal with other candidates.”

“yes. Yes. “I guess so.”

“It’s real. “I just asked because I was curious.”

“I believe it too.”


I don’t think you believe it at all.

An awkward silence fell between me and Cheon Myeong-guk. It’s sad that we live in a world where jokes are not taken as jokes.

[Think about what you usually do.]

I didn’t really like what Yongyong said.

* * *

“Now that you say that, of course you think that.”

When I visited the Blue House and complained, the President burst into laughter. They say that my words are 100% bound to be interpreted in that direction.

I guess it’s karma for what I’ve done so far.

“So, with the new gift I got, I can move around with that much freedom? This is like a tiger gaining wings. “Our position as the world’s best will become even more solidified.”

“The President reacts differently from Director Cheon.”

“How was Candidate Chun?”

“He was freaking out.”

I still remember that shocked reaction.

They reacted as if I wasn’t even a hematoma and was going to kill everyone.

“I would have had a similar reaction if I had a long time left in my term. Thinking about what you have to endure makes me feel like I’m getting older by a year every day. “Hehehe!”

I think I tried to say it in a nice way before, but I feel like I changed to be more direct after I went to America.

Until then, he would have been masked as a politician.

This must be his original personality.

“…Are you saying that right in front of me?”

“It’s true, but it can’t be helped. And what does the soon-to-be-retired president have to see?”

“I didn’t know this was my true intention.”

“It’s all like that. Just know that I worked hard to please you. “I am someone who will disappear soon, but if I have that gift, it won’t be difficult to come visit.”

“I visit you often enough to be annoying.”

“I’m fine. “The retired president is treated like a piece of trash, and your visit alone will raise his status.”

As I looked at the president smiling brightly, I felt like I couldn’t stop him.

On the other hand, seeing him show a thirst for power despite having achieved everything he wanted to achieve made me think that he had to have this level of greed for power to become president.

“So, is there anything to do in the future?”

“I’m trying to focus on improving my gifting skills. And look around.”

Now that I’ve dealt with the annoying Thunderbird, I plan to become stronger based on the loot.

I haven’t crossed the line yet, but the guy pretending to be a god is also catching my eye.

“You’re going to go everywhere with that gift, right?”


“It’s going to be noisy everywhere.”

“We will handle it quietly. “It’s not that difficult to deal with it anymore.”

“I don’t know if I should call this good.”

“It’s a good thing.”

I learned that many people get stressed out when things are noisy.

As I become stronger, assassinations disguised as annihilation will become more perfect.

That’s what I said, but actually I don’t really care. After you kill it, you don’t have to worry about the after-treatment.

* * *

Lately, I’ve been feeling like Mandeuk is a skilled trainer in training my ego.

At first, I was immature, but after becoming a graduate student, I began to yearn for the presence of colleagues who could ease my burden, and I developed myself into a graduate student who could act as a limb every time a new person appeared.

At first Gobi was like, ‘It’s actually good.’ He embarrassed the Mandeuks with his mode, but soon they began to fight back with the pride of the power of the Divine Beast.

But are there any ordinary guys here? Mandeuk and Gwangsim were the selves of legendary gifts, and Jelyeon was the self-proclaimed power of God.

Since I had nothing to lose in terms of experience or skills, I shook off the mental difficulties and went through the process of becoming a graduate student rather than becoming a great slave.

It feels like a voluntary slave has been changed into a skilled slave.

My job is to watch the process and intervene when he is having the most trouble.

“Is it difficult?”

Gobi said yes and tried to complain to me.

But I don’t have any intention of listening to that. I blocked him in advance and said something for him.

“You understand. It’s because work is busy but there aren’t enough hands. “Isn’t that why I’m doing this because I need you that much?”


The guy who needed recognition seems to have relaxed a lot after hearing those words. A guy who craves affection considered how much recognition he received was important.

Of course, I need Gobi’s strength. We already have three great graduate students, but with four, there will be more room to utilize. Of course, you have to bring it in and run it.

Gobi seemed to be misunderstanding my thoughts. Perhaps because he thought he had been recognized, he expressed his affection for me with an expression of emotion.

Then, he wanted to gossip, so I changed the topic.

“You can do well and put all the others under you. “This is a merit system.”


Gobi reacted violently when he was told that he could rise to the top. It is true that anyone can rise to the top if they do well. It’s just difficult to show that performance.

What is clear is that everyone thinks they can show great performances.

You should know that the world is wide and that there are many beings who can do as much as you.

My role is to instill hope, but the rest is up to him to show his skills.

If you show a good performance like this, you can evaluate it based on that.

“I look forward to your performance in the future.”

That’s the end of appeasing them. All I have to do is pamper the guy who has completely become my follower.

I feel like Mandeuk’s loyalty has increased even more, no matter how much hematoma was arrested before.

As long as I treat her well, that’s enough.

“Then let’s see the newbie’s skills.”

* * *

European Union Headquarters in Berlin.

Until then, Germany, centered on Franz, led the European Union, but after his retirement, the European Union moved under the leadership of Britain and France.

However, after the appearance of Draculea, all of Europe experienced measles, leading to major changes in the European Union.

The leadership of Carlson and Antoine suffered a major blow, and the return of Franz from retirement forced a return to the old direction.

When the two superpowers were in power, the European Union supported a move centered on great powers, while Franz emphasized strengthening the capabilities and ties of each country.

I can’t say which is better, but the final blow was the appearance of Draculea.

I watched with my own eyes as the logic of power was put forward in front of overwhelmingly strong monsters, and weak countries were reduced to a situation where they had no choice but to rely on the magnanimity of powerful countries.

As a result, Franz, who had retired from the front line, received enthusiastic support.

His close relationship with Choi Jun-ho, the world’s strongest superman, also played a part in this.

“It’s clear that he wants me to die from overwork.”

The problem is that most of the people who worked closely with Franz have retired.

Since there was not enough time and manpower to make a new change, we had no choice but to handle work in a staggered manner.

Naturally, the work Franz had to do increased.

Franz, who had been working overtime again today, sighed.

According to the original plan, it was a place where he would have retired long ago and passed it on to his juniors.

Franz, who was brought back thanks to Choi Jun-ho, knew well how useless power was.

Carlson and Antoine, who were only a few years his junior, showed an unusual obsession with power and realized that their good intentions could not be passed on to their juniors.

So, while taking care of the actual work himself, he also paid attention to nurturing juniors who could carry on his cause.

Meanwhile, the news that came made his sigh deepen.

“That guy is coming?”

This is a message I just received.

Junho Choi contacted me saying he would visit Berlin soon. It’s heartbreaking to think that a storm broke out just when he came, but I can’t stop him.

“I heard that it was a big deal in the United States.”

I thought that if I only analyzed the incoming information, it would become increasingly difficult to handle.

However, Choi Jun-ho’s visit helps him reform. Since it is said that trade with Saudi Arabia has been opened, it seems that the European Union will also have something to gain from Congo.

Since it would take time to get to Berlin anyway, I decided to prepare gradually.

However, before I had time to control my surprise, an uninvited guest arrived.

“Bonjour Franz. How have you been?”


A middle-aged man with fair skin and blonde curly hair dressed in free-spirited clothes sat across from Franz with a stern expression.

It’s never a welcoming face. In a way, he was the party who overturned the system he had established in an instant.

His identity was Antoine, a French superman and member of the Ten Superhumans.

Antoine, who was watching Franz’s distorted expression as if he was savoring it, curled the corner of his mouth.

“Even if it’s a sudden visit, don’t you hate it too much?”

“…What brings you here?”

“I heard that you were overdoing it, so I gave you encouragement. “It’s amazing to see him so active at that age.”

“Who do you think it’s because of?”

“Stupid British guy?”

“You’re still deferring responsibility to others.”

“Don’t you think that my way is right when you see people getting punished for doing things the way they want?”

Franz frowned when he saw the unlucky smile on his grumpy face.

Although he is infinitely free-spirited, I am well aware of the inferiority complex and desire for power in his eyes.

He controlled it only when he was alive, but as he grew older, Antoine’s ambition was spiraling out of control.

“So what is the real reason you came?”

“How long will you continue to covet power?”

“That’s how you view what I’m doing right now?”

“Then you thought it wasn’t?”

“…Because of you and Carlson, Romania was devastated and superhumans responsible for the future died. “Do you covet power without feeling responsible for aiding and abetting such a disaster?”

“It’s my fault? “That’s nonsense.”

Antoine shrugged his shoulders. It was a natural virtue that had nothing to do with him. It made it look even more pretentious.

“If you hadn’t brought in the Headbreaker, Draculea could have been dealt with in our lines.”

“Countless blood must have been shed!”

“Then you thought you could develop your capabilities without shedding blood? “There is no progress without sacrifice.”

The sacrifice is not my own. Those words, which sound correct at first glance, were Antoine’s life. Countless people were enthusiastic and cheered at that sophistry, but all those involved with him were destroyed.

We all knew that even now, attempts were being made to form forces behind the scenes.

“Actually, you guys are so good at giving orders and talking behind your back.”

“I just give advice. “You hear everything and decide, so you have to take responsibility as well.”


Franz glared at him with sharp eyes, but Antoine did not avoid it either. As the air between the two tightened, a suffocating tension began to surround the room.

The momentum of the two people, who seemed as if they were going to clash at any moment, calmed down because of a noise suddenly heard from outside.

Quad deuk!

Suddenly, the window was torn open and a figure came into the room as if seeping into it.

They were both shocked because it was a secret approach that deceived even their senses.


Franz’s eyes, who had been reflexively calling the name, widened in shock. Antoine also opened his eyes wide in surprise.

A person who should not be here has appeared.

“It’s been a while, old man.”

The identity of the person who calmly greeted me was Choi Jun-ho.

But his appearance was extremely bizarre. Even though he was wearing a coat, his facial muscles were distorted, and red muscles were exposed on the right side of his mouth, as if the skin had been torn off.

Choi Jun-ho was the one who didn’t get that much of an injury while dealing with Draculea, a plus-level monster.

Where on earth did you get injured like that?

The sight of it recovering in real time for a moment and returning to its original form shortly afterwards gave a strong sense of discomfort.

Choi Jun-ho’s eyes turned to Antoine. Antoine, who had always been relaxed, became nervous for the first time.

“this person is?”

“This is Antoine from Paris.”

“Antoine? “Antoine is a name I’ve never heard of before.”

“It’s the name you know.”

It was already a mistake that Choi Jun-ho remembered the name.

Antoine’s center of gravity, instinctively feeling a sense of crisis, was moving backwards.


Choi Jun-ho’s eyes were fixed on Antoine. At the same time, Choi Jun-ho’s hand dug in, aiming for Antoine’s neck.


As Antoine barely managed to dodge, Choi Jun-ho’s hand crossed the air. The aimless killing spattered into the air and tore up the air.

Franz, who was watching, felt cold in his heart.

It hasn’t been long since I saw Choi Jun-ho, but he has gotten faster in that time.

‘Is it a monster?’

It was an attack that would not have been easy to avoid even if he was in his prime.

I had no idea how strong that guy would become.

Even though the surprise attack failed, a smile appeared on Choi Jun-ho’s face.


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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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