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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 299

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Episode 299:

I returned from having dinner with my mother. No matter how delicious soybean paste stew I eat, the taste my mother made suits me best.

What should I say? Should I say it’s the original taste?

In terms of taste alone, there are better ones, but you can’t shake off the familiar taste.

[It’s surprising, by the way.]

This is what Yongyong said to me.


[I thought you would run right away. But you should listen to your parents’ story first, right? It seems like they are following a different procedure than what I have shown so far.]

“If it were any other normal son, he would have done it this way.”


“It’s because I think this is a normal process. “Because it might seem more normal.”

Of course, I think I am sane and not crazy anymore. However, I know that this part of me is still missing and that may cause my family to worry.

Since I’m not crazy, I should follow the path of a normal person.

[Being ordinary is difficult.]

Of course, it is not easy.

But you have to try. Being normal is not easy.

[Was it not normal to stay still?]

Yongyong doesn’t seem to know that he has to put in effort to be normal.

I thought it was because there was a difference between a human and a divine beast.

I went home and called Yunhee. He was confused at first, but began to visibly stiffen when I mentioned that his mother had gone to the hospital.

“Why did you hide it?”

“How did you find out about that?”

“I’m more curious about why you didn’t tell me.”

“If I had told you that, my brother would have killed them all.”

I think they all think that if they get caught in my hands, they will all die.

But I think they would have killed my parents for messing with them.

[Then it’s not wrong, right?]

Is that true?

“Couldn’t you have told me later?”

“It was resolved with difficulty, so why rekindle it? It happens to all celebrities. So I thought there would be no benefit in raising him any further.”

“Is that your idea?”

“I think that’s right.”

When I answered confidently, people immediately said I was wrong, but I held back.

After all, humans have their own strong thoughts. Changing that is more difficult than any kind of persuasion, and I gave up trying to persuade someone through past experiences.

So what I got my hands on was brainwashing. If they didn’t have what they needed, they would kill them by breaking their heads.

Each person solves the problem in their own way.

[Would you do that to your human younger brother?]

Is Yongyong crazy? No matter how hard he tries, he would still do that to his own younger brother.

[I thought I had made up my mind again. Yongyong,

who was held in my hand, trembled as if he had been electrocuted. If you thought you would get away with talking nonsense, you were mistaken.

From the beginning, I gave up because I thought there was no way Yunhee would change her mind.

While I was thinking this, Yunhee continued to urge me.

“So how did you find out?”

“Lee Se-hee told me.”

“No, she asked me to keep it a secret, so why did you tell me?”

“Is it normal for me not to know that my mother is sick?”

“But, this is not something that is so easy to think about. Ugh!”

As Yunhee sighed, I could sense her own difficulties. Actually, I guess I was trying to solve it on my own. Maybe I’m the only one who thinks I’m dissatisfied.

“You can think of it like a tax on fame. Because my brother’s presence was such a sensation. Of course you are curious about your surroundings. “I enjoyed the attention, but I think it was quite burdensome for my dad and mom.”

Yunhee explained that while her father consolidated his power through external activities, her mother went through quite a bit of trial and error.

Yes, even if it was the guys I had planned, they would have tried to focus on targeting the mother, who was the weaker link, rather than the father, who was holding up relatively well.

That’s what attacking an opponent is all about.

And it’s the same reason I deal with those who messed with my mother.

The difference is that it doesn’t matter if I’m not the weak link.

“You shouldn’t think of going to the hospital as a tax.”

“Then should I come forward and tell my brother and make a mess?”

“There’s nothing you can’t do.”

“My brother’s attitude now tells me why I had to hide it.”

“Are you saying I’m the problem?”

“huh. Still, I understand how you feel. So I had no choice but to listen to my mother who told me not to talk.”


Silence fell between me and Yunhee.

[It looks like they have no intention of changing their minds.]

Now that I’ve come this far, I don’t feel the need to change Yunhee’s thoughts. Everyone just goes in the direction they think.

“One thing is clear.”

Yunhee’s eyes turned to me.

“If it were me, I wouldn’t have thought taxes were natural.”

Although he is now the most conscientious model taxpayer in Korea, in the past he was a villain who did not pay a single penny of taxes.

“Because you need the courage to refuse taxes.”

“Hey, then I’m being forcibly conscripted?”

“If you can, try it. Do you know that I will be obedient to you?”

“No, what are we going to do?”

Either that or not.

In conclusion, the conversation with Yoonhee did not change my thoughts one bit.

* * *

If you think about it, this is the first time.

A guy who openly harms me and yet eats well and lives well.

Since we are family, can we say that it is not a direct harm?

Although I was indifferent to the media from the beginning, I was unaware of it until now due to my mother’s unwillingness to worry me and Yunhee’s actions that she thought were appropriate measures.

So I may have been mistaken.

The kind of illusion that I can get away with harm being done to me through the media.

Of course, there was a process of pressing down once, so the heat was reduced, but the important point was that I was still eating well and living well.

It was different from Jin Se-jeong’s case.

They proudly posted malicious comments in front of me under the pretext of doing it for me, but they got away with it even though they acted with sinister intentions from the beginning.

I was wondering if this was just me, so I went to see someone who might have been through a similar situation.

“Of course there is.”

Berserker looked at me with a new look on his face. I wondered if it felt like such an unnecessary question.

“What’s going on?”

“Immediately, articles poured in while I was being released from being wanted as a villain.”

In addition, as Berserker’s history became more detailed, intensive coverage of his family continued.

The damage suffered by the family as a result was significant.

“But you handled it well?”


“Wasn’t it so quiet that nothing else was said?”

If it had been the Berserker I knew, it would have gone on a rampage, but the fact that I didn’t hear it means that it was handled secretly with great care.

I thought this guy was pretty good too.

“No way. “I didn’t respond in any way and just tolerated it until it quieted down.”




It was an unbelievable statement. That Berserker is going to tolerate it?

“It wasn’t easy for a guy who was a villain and then came back to have an accident right away.”

“Was that something like that?”

Well then, it wasn’t that I was holding back, it was just waiting for the right time.

Anyway, I felt a sense of closeness knowing that this guy had gone through something similar to me.

There was a difference in that he had endured it for a long time and I had just found out about it.

[Isn’t that person overwhelmingly great?]

There isn’t much of a difference, so why are they dividing who is great and who isn’t? Yongyong, after learning about society, seemed to be more sincere in dividing ranks than humans.

[Wow, do you really have to say that much?]

Think of it as a reward for being rude to me.

“So are you ready to buy and hit now?”

“You mean it was an accident? Are you saying you want to recall old memories and seek revenge?”

“It’s not about revenge, it’s about settling old grudges. As time passes, I feel refreshed. “I was thinking about moving too, but I was wondering if something similar might happen to you.”

And the prediction was correct.

If you’re a Berserker, it’s not a problem to work with.

I guess I can take care of the annoying stuff.

“Let’s do some work with me.”

* * *

The first thing I did before moving with Berserker was to check what happened to him.

What makes Shinsung Group so capable is that they analyzed not only articles about me but also people around me, my family, and others. I also looked at articles about Berserker, and not only the person himself but also his family were thrown into a mess.

You held out well. If it were me, I wouldn’t have stayed still.

“Are you going to endure that?”

“Usually I just say good job.”

“Let’s say so.”

Berserker was clearly showing how weak a person who has possessions can become.

In my last life, I was much weaker and ran wild, but now, even though I am much stronger than that, I still get noticed. You have to be free from these restrictions to avoid being tamed.

[That goes for you too.]

I’m not one of them, am I? I don’t normally forgive people who talk in front of me, to the extent that I consider this case a mistake.

[That person named Jin Se-jeong is a special case.]


That’s true. It’s true that I couldn’t do anything about Jin Se-jeong, who was calmly posting malicious comments in front of me, no matter what excuse I used.

“For now, let’s use this guy first.”

I pointed to the Y Daily newspaper. This guy was a guy who persistently messed with the Berserker family, and he boasted a close connection with Red Snake Kim Young-hwan when he was alive.

He completely did not touch me and only touched Berserker.

Well, since Berserker has never touched the reporter directly, he may have believed that part.

There is no reason to care about me being attacked by Berserkers.

Berserker clicked his tongue when he saw his first target.

“Youngtaek Joo, the owner of Y Daily News, is a big man. “Even though he has faded now, he is a formidable talent.”

Y Ilbo is one of the so-called top five daily newspapers. Although Y Ilbo itself is not very profitable, it exerts great influence on hotels and distribution based on the media.

This was also achieved through collusion with Kim Young-hwan. They are quick-witted and very careful in their actions, so they are nicknamed oil eels.

That’s right, it was something that caught my eye.

“How do you plan to handle it?”

“I have to catch it. “Kidnapped in two words.”


Working with Berserker was not a legal means to begin with.

“This is the guy who messed with your family. Do you want to deal with the law or anything? “This thing has completely lost its wild nature.”

“No way.”

I scolded him with words, but Berserker was already showing his evil side little by little. Now, the guy I used to know is finally showing up.

“Let’s catch him.”


* * *

Catching Joo Young-taek of Y Daily was an easy task. I know this because I infiltrated Shinsung Group’s headquarters, and the level of security provided by our country’s leader was lower than expected.

Is it because the country is safe from monsters, or is it because the hunters have a solid system that prevents them from doing more than necessary?

Although various cutting-edge equipment and awakened people were deployed, that was all. There were no proper defenses in place to prevent those who tried to invade with genuine malicious intent.

Thanks to that, I succeeded in digging through that gap and bringing him back.

Joo Young-taek was the living embodiment of corruption. It is no exaggeration to say that everything was built up through corruption, so much so that it was even bothersome to list the crimes committed.

“According to the Shinsung Group report, it looks like he was trying to rip off the remaining forces of the cartel that had gathered around Kim Young-hwan by messing with you.”

“…You can’t believe you’re messing with my family with just that.”

“There will be a hidden story, so look for it carefully.”


I wasn’t going to care what Berserker did with him.

Joo Young-taek is a kind of sacrifice. It’s like a showcase before starting the actual work.

Even if you keep him alive, he’s just a waste of air.

It was time to see how Berserker would cook.


Blood flowing on the floor with a dull sound. And a corpse with its head missing was rolling around on the floor. It was the corpse of Joo Young-taek until a little while ago.

“Have you already killed him?”

“Well, that’s it.”

Berserker noticed me. I clicked my tongue and said.

“If you kill him this quickly, it will be painless. That’s a very lenient punishment.”

“…was that it?”

“This is why you can’t do it.”

I should think about causing as much pain as possible before sending him off.

“I don’t think that’s what you want to say.”

It seemed like Berserker had shallow faith in me.

You don’t know that I’ve changed my mind.

“Watch carefully.”

I decided to teach you a lesson.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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