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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 298

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Episode 298:

I glanced at Lee Se-hee.

Even though it was said that they would risk the group’s fate, they did not seem that surprised. This means that there was a high probability that Lee Se-hee also knew about it in advance.

Following Jin Se-jeong, Lee Se-hee and even Lee Young-moon.

It felt like a huge current was trying to take me away.

Is that really a good direction for me?

I haven’t thought much about this part yet.

One thing is clear: what is required of me is the will to power, and this will inevitably cause various noises.

[You are talking as if there is no noise now?]

After listening to it, I see that what you are saying is not wrong.

Actually, since when have I been quiet?

However, this was an issue that required some thought.

Even without my involvement, Korea has become one of the best countries in the world to live in. They were free from the threat of monsters, and as they began importing various resources, they were able to quickly enjoy the benefits of the old civilization.

It’s just that I gave permission.

In order to strengthen this influence, an oil company was established, and the president, Cheon Myeong-guk, who matched mine, was appointed.

In a situation where everything is going the way I want, is there any need to strengthen Choi Jun-ho’s Republic?

I glanced at Lee Young-moon.

The Chairman of Shinsung Group, who is currently taking a step back, hides himself behind his cold rationality, but is more greedy and reckless than anyone else.

Choi Jun-ho talks about the Republic and bets on the group’s fate because he is confident.

As I was lost in thought, Lee Young-moon continued speaking.

“Our group believes that it would be better for South Korea to become Choi Jun-ho’s Republic.”

Um, what is it?

“We can help.”


It’s too blatant.

Negotiation is a process of hiding one’s true intentions and revealing one’s cards one by one. I know it’s annoying, but don’t they prefer it that way?

No, considering Shinsung Group’s information power, I think they are acting that way to suit my tastes.

I blocked the access of the bold Chairman Lee Young-moon.

“I haven’t thought about anything yet. However, I wonder if this is something where the Chairman of Shinsung Group will personally shout out ‘all in’.”

“Because it is already happening that way.”

“A little more detail.”

“This country was changed by the superhuman Choi Jun-ho. The things we enjoy are made up of things we could not have enjoyed without you. “Even if you enjoy them, you have to pay a very high price for them.”

“I see.”

“The people, hunters, politicians, and businessmen know that. And it can be said that the outcome of this presidential election is determined by controlling the minds of the people.”

Lee Young-moon, who stopped talking, shifted his gaze to Lee Se-hee and then looked at me.

“In such a situation, there is no point in hiding or delaying the facts. “This trend will not change even if the Adept does not become greedy.”

“It sounds like some kind of problem is going to happen.”

“It will happen. If you follow the Adept, interest will follow, and people who take advantage of this will appear. “Those are things that a superhuman should have in his or her hands from the beginning.”

“Just kill those who abuse it.”

“Even if you kill him, he will continue to rush at you as long as he is within sight. “The way to eliminate confusion is for the owner to share with his/her permission.”

The words suggested confusion, but let’s be honest.

It was a bit annoying.

“What good does that do me?”

“…By itself, there will be no one who can defy the Adept. Even if he is the president of this country.”

In that sense, I said it was Choi Jun-ho’s Republic.

Even if you don’t plan on doing anything, I’m telling you to take it into your own hands.

I think I know what you meant.

However, there is something I should point out.

“What benefit does Shinsung Group gain from this?”

“Just being able to stand next to the Adept is a benefit.”

Being close to Choi Jun-ho. With that alone, Shinsung Group was able to create an insurmountable gap with the second-place group.

There were many parts of Chairman Lee Young-moon’s words that were annoying, but I was attracted to the fact that he would act preemptively to prevent troublesome things from happening.

I don’t like any more troublesome things happening.

What was bothering me disappeared and I felt tempted.

“So what do I have to do?”

“First, we have to show how we deal with those who disobeyed the Adept.”


I thought everything was already taken care of?

Of course, if you combed through the area with a dragnet, you would find the ones worth killing, but it wasn’t suitable for showing off.

“There is someone to kill in a place that cannot be seen by the Adept.”


I don’t think there’s anyone who could find and kill someone as meticulously as I did.

But what I heard next was shocking.

“I don’t know how it may sound to say this to a superhuman, but you are too soft.”

“I’m soft?”


Yongyong and I both thought we heard wrong.

* * *

The moment that hurt my pride the most after returning to the past was when I heard from Jung Joo-ho, when I was a member of the National Defense Bureau, that Berserker was the craziest of the villains.

Of course, I came back to my senses, but in the past, I was an incomparable villain called a hematoma.

Putting that hematoma aside, I was secretly proud of Berserker when he said he was the craziest.

And today, I once again heard something that hurt my pride.

It was just a story about me being soft.

Are you saying that I, who searched for and eliminated the villains who came out of the sunny area, are soft?

However, Lee Young-moon’s next words shocked me greatly.

“The part you overlooked is the media.”

I think I used my hand mercilessly, but they say my treatment of the media may seem very lenient.

In the end, the problem was caused by the fact that he did not use his hands directly other than breaking the reporter’s limbs in the beginning.

I think the media can chew, tear, taste, and enjoy. However, in the eyes of others, the media is fine even if I criticize them, so it can give them the idea that they are softer than they think.

[Are you convinced?]

Of course. This was the first time I realized that my indifference could act as such a frame.

This is an issue that needs to be reflected on.

[Why are you even reflecting on that?]

Of course, I am neglecting to properly promote myself as a person.

I basically don’t think much about the media. Since the days when I was a hematoma, reporters have been writing about me unfavorably and I have taken it for granted. If you threaten them moderately and they shut up, it’s fine, but if they run wild, threaten them.

“And there is one more thing. “This is a problem that was created only by the media world, which only you don’t know.”

Chairman Lee Young-moon handed me a document prepared by Shinsung Group’s Planning and Strategy Office.

The contents organized inside were shocking.

“It’s pretty old stuff.”

“yes. We didn’t think it would be good for us to intervene in a situation where the situation was being resolved on its own. “In the beginning, I thought Junho had his intentions in mind.”

“I saw you for the first time today.”

“Yes, I found out about it quite late. And a lot of time had passed by then. I had a lot of concerns about whether I should make this known. “It’s not someone else’s problem.”

If it was about me, I wouldn’t have cared much.

But what was handed to me was an article about my parents and Yunhee.

The exchanges and transactions that took place behind the scenes were written down in detail, including how and why the media wrote the articles.

“In the case of Yunhee, it didn’t matter because she was a hunter who was directly cared for by the Holy Guild. I had reached a point where I knew it was an expression of interest and enjoyed it. In fact, what was more problematic than that was Junho’s parents.”

I had the same thought. I thought it was inevitable that stories about the family would come out, but if the family was harmed because of it, the story would be different.

In particular, in the case of the mother, there was history of receiving psychiatric counseling and being prescribed medication.

“Does Shinsung Group have this?”

“Thanks to Yunhee.”

Yunhee belongs to the Shinsung Guild and her family also receives medical benefits. In my mother’s case, it was recorded because she visited the Shinsung Hospital with the best ability.

“Thanks to preemptive measures, no major problems occurred. However, given that Junho did not move, there is room for thinking that the family is the weak link.”


After seeing this, I think I understand why they said I was soft.

“Do Chairman Lee’s thoughts agree with yours?”


Lee Se-hee answered without the slightest hesitation.

“The plan for Junho has already been prepared. If you don’t get your hands on this, there is a high possibility that many people watching will make a misjudgment like the media case. “The longer it is left unattended, the more it will become a mess with people smelling the smell and running towards it.”

Lee Se-hee explained that in the process, things that would bother me would happen.

It’s not wrong. You might not pay attention at first, but once you get involved, you might want to deal with it all.

It is not good to ignore it, leave it until it rots, and then do something about it when it is about to fester. It’s best to apply preservatives in advance.

[Oh, you can calculate quite quickly?]

If you can’t calculate even this much, you’ll die.

Today I realized a lot of things I didn’t know.

That my indifference can be seen as soft and that my lack of greed can actually lead to trouble.

These things happened because of me, so it would be right for me to fix them.

“I will look at it positively. I’m especially grateful that you pointed out things I didn’t know. Thank you, Chairman.”

“No, this is for the benefit of the superhuman and the group.”

“What. On the contrary, I am worried that I have personally revealed something that Yoon Hee-na’s mother and father were keeping secret.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t blame you for that. It’s my family’s business and I should know. And can you tell me who was bothering me?”

“I already have the materials prepared.”

Sehee Lee presented the prepared materials to me without the slightest hesitation.

It’s also good because it’s fast.


Why didn’t this catch my eye?

“Maybe you didn’t want to worry your children?”

Who cares about whom?

“They say that’s what parents think.”

* * *

As I headed towards my parents’ house, I asked them about the article that had appeared before. My mother, who was embarrassed at first, began to speak carefully, perhaps because she remembered the situation at the time.

“That’s right, I did it because I didn’t want to worry you. It’s not like the article said anything wrong…”

“It’s true.”

I don’t know since when words that should be beaten become correct.

Even at my words, my mother shook her head.

“It is true that a superman who will do great things for the country should not have his family become a burden. It was obvious that if he got caught up in gossip as a family member, he would be further embroiled in controversy, being called a villain or something. “I thought I shouldn’t let my family hold me back.”

In the end, was the villain image the problem? Or it could be because of the perception that he cannot be a burden to his son.

I didn’t feel well.

I didn’t become a superhuman to make you worry like this.

I felt bad because I felt like I was creating a new problem by simply wanting to show my son that he was doing well.

“Then why did you go to the hospital?”

“Ugh, I was a bit surprised at that time, so I went because Yoonhee told me to go to the hospital. I was very surprised because it was my first time receiving this kind of attention and criticism. The hospital said it was no big deal. “A lot of time has passed, so don’t worry.”

My mother said it as if it was nothing, but I, who had already received all the information from Lee Se-hee, could only snort.

There is no way a person with nothing would be diagnosed with panic disorder.

Only then did I realize why my mother only hung out with people she knew.

I know that you were quite outgoing when you lived in Cheongju, but the reason your interpersonal relationships became narrow here was not because you didn’t know anyone, but because you didn’t have anyone you could trust.

My appetite was bitter.

“Aren’t reporters contacting you or something like that?”

“They came a few times in the beginning, but I blocked them all. “What am I going to do by talking to a reporter?”

“Good job.”

It was more beneficial to my mother than it was to me.

I was definitely complacent.

I thought that if the attack was focused on me or directed at my family, I could catch it and deal with it, but I didn’t think that they would worry about me and hide it.

[You should worry about the people you worry about.]

Yes, Yongyong’s reaction is the correct answer. Anyway, I could see that in the eyes of parents, no matter how strong their child is, they are still a source of worry.

“Does your father know?”

“I do not know. Before he knew it, Yunhee took care of it. “I didn’t tell you. Don’t tell me because you’ll worry more for no reason.”

“all right.”

In that sense, my father is also a victim.

No, it’s not that my father was oblivious, so he may have known but pretended not to notice.

It feels like family members are being deceived and deceived because they are trying to be considerate of each other.

If that’s the case, there’s no need to give the impression that I’m scratching and making flakes.

My mother, who was watching me closely, seemed to think that I wasn’t going to do anything else, and her expression softened.

I guess I can act quite well now.

“Now that you’re here, eat and leave.”


“Do you want to eat something?”

“Make me soybean paste stew.”


As I smelled the soybean paste stew my mother was making, I started thinking about how to deal with the guys who had targeted my family.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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