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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 289

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Episode 289

James Reed had no special thoughts about the pseudo-religion that believed in thunderbirds.

The United States is a place where there are as many different religions as there are diverse ethnic groups, and with the advent of monsters, pseudo-religions that sell the apocalypse have emerged.

Some of the ideas were radical and others were completely avoided, but I thought it was a natural phenomenon that occurred in a world that could have been destroyed.

Naturally, the Thunderbird-related pseudo-religion also remained at that level of awareness. It’s a religion that people with no place to go turn their hearts to.


However, as I watched the man who fell down with his head broken in front of me, following James Turner, I realized that I had been thinking naively.

“He’s a sneaky guy.”

It was Choi Jun-ho, who had just smashed the head of the mayor of Seattle and calmly let go. James Reed was fed up with the series of steps it took to get here.

We’ve already seen them chase down villains in LA, but the cult gave them a completely different feel.

Although he was disgusted by the sight of people going crazy with faith and rushing towards him with their eyes turned upside down, Choi Jun-ho didn’t care and smashed the heads of all the fanatics. And while catching the tail, they reached where the mayor of Seattle was.

If it were you, would you have readily believed that the mayor of Seattle was involved?

No, I would have been worried somewhere in the middle. And he must have been trying to gauge what the appropriate level was.

But for Choi Jun-ho, that line did not exist. As soon as it was determined that they believed in a pseudo-religion, all those involved were put to death.

“Actually, I guess this is the Thunderbird’s territory.”

“…I didn’t know it would be this bad.”

“I don’t plan on blaming you. “You wouldn’t think a normal divine beast would do something like this.”


We know that thunderbirds are unique. Unlike other divine beasts that rarely interfere with worldly affairs, a transcendent being that exerts influence in various ways. But this time, it was intervening in a way beyond imagination.

What exactly is Shinsoo’s intention? And what are the repercussions if that intention is violated?

It wouldn’t matter if Choi Jun-ho defeated the Thunderbird, but if it was the other way around, I was afraid that I might incur God’s wrath.

“What are you going to do?”

“First, we need to convey the message that this entire city is under the influence of the Thunderbird.”

“I’ll do it.”

“And since there is a market in the direction where the tail is exposed, there is a high probability that the people below are fanatics, and it could even extend here to Washington state. “We will have to take action in this regard as well.”


Perhaps, once this report is published, a large-scale audit will be conducted. Now that we have seen what we have seen, we will take a close look at the extent of the influence of pseudo-religion.

“If that’s the case, the cleaning would have been half-hearted.”

Looking at the calm Choi Jun-ho, James Reed felt like he was infinitely lacking.


“What are you sorry for?”

“I pretended to know everything but couldn’t really help. “It was rotting to the point where it had become so serious that I didn’t even notice it…” I said this

with sincere reflection, but what came back was a snort.

“If you try to hide it, no matter what you do, it won’t be easy to find. It’s not your fault. Before I came here, I didn’t know how sneaky the Thunderbird was. “He probably knows that I came all this way.”

Are the thunderbirds already sensing their presence? A part of my heart felt cold when I thought that he must have guessed that intention.

“Dangerous. “You have to step down.”

“Of course you should.”

“What about Junho?”

“I have to go see him. That was the goal from the beginning. “It would be nice if you could at least come meet me to save me the trouble of looking for you, but I wouldn’t be that friendly, right?”

Rather, looking at Choi Jun-ho’s excited face, James Reed realized that his way of thinking was completely different from his own.

While I was doing body modification myself, I was often told that I was crazy, but whenever I saw Choi Jun-ho in action, I felt an insurmountable difference.

“You’re crazy…”

“You and your friends who are graduate students are even crazier.”

I could never sympathize with Choi Jun-ho’s last words.

* * *

Jolaman was sent back for follow-up reasons. The fact that a city that has been running peacefully for so long has actually become the territory of a divine beast will be quite shocking, so normalizing it will be accompanied by quite a lot of noise.

“Are you finally alone?”

There was significance in the fact that he became alone after sending away his petty man. Although he was a useful resource, it was also tiring to follow him around and talk about everything.

Since we finally had a reason to separate, everything went smoothly.

“Even just thinking about this is proof that I’m being lazy.”

If it were me in the past, I would have let go of something as soon as I thought it was annoying and ran towards my goal.

But now I can think about it.

All of these were side effects of returning to sanity and adapting to society.

My changed response made me feel like I had come back to my senses, but at the same time, I felt like it was annoying. In a situation where I was busy looking for someone to kill, it felt like a hassle to pay attention to being considerate of someone.

The absence of Yongyong, who always cared about someone and talked to them, is rather unfamiliar.

In particular, the absence of Yongyong, who could provide a lot of useful information in the current situation, was accompanied by regret.

It will follow you a little closer.

“They say it’s not there when you need it. “He seems like a useless guy.”

If only the waters had been opened, a stream of information about the Thunderbird would have come out. I was curious as to what this guy named Shinsoo was thinking and acting like this.

Yongyong, Hyuna, the dragon, the guy who calls himself a god, and all the gods move with their own purpose.

“You should hear it yourself. Previously.”

I frowned as I sensed the hematoma that had been raging inside me earlier.

I didn’t like the fact that the guy who had been hiding away from me was now openly revealing his presence.

I tried to just ignore it and move on, but it seemed like there was no sign of giving up. I felt that I needed to silence the behavior that was disturbing the mountain scenery.

“If you’re bothering me over something that doesn’t matter, I want to get rid of it.”

Then it occurred to me that it wasn’t fair, since I was about to get swept up in it too.

Is there any way to stop this guy from doing anything? Would you rather cut off a limb? It would be painful for me too, but I thought it wouldn’t be that bad if he didn’t recover. In the world of imagination, you can survive without eating or sleeping.

Thinking that I had to think about a good way, I quietly entered the world of imagery.

Soon a hematoma appeared in front of me.

“It’s hard to get a glimpse of your face. “I can barely see your face after calling you that.”

It’s my face, but I don’t know why it looks like I want to hit it like that. He was smiling triumphantly, as if he was sure that he couldn’t be shaken off, but I kept feeling like I wanted to break that expectation.

“Is your goal to disturb me?”

“No way. On the contrary, no one wants your victory more than me, right? “If you die, I die too, so I need to support you so you can live a long life.”

“You know very well how precious your life is.”

“You have to live long to have many interesting experiences. “If it weren’t for you, how could I have gone back in time and become an old man in the back room?”

Sharing everything can strengthen bonds, but it can also create feelings of disgust.

This is absolutely not homophobia.

There’s no way I’m of the same race as this crazy guy.

It is a lament that comes from not being able to separate the leech that was born from a simple mistake.

“Stop talking nonsense. “Please explain why you made a fuss.”

“I thought about it, and I thought it would be better to help you…”

“I said you didn’t want to do that?”

“Don’t show personal feelings.”

“There is no reason not to put it forward. “If you’re done with all the bullshit, go in.”

The smile on the hematologist’s mouth was erased.

“Do you think you can win if you stick with Shinsoo like this?”

“of course.”

“The way I see it, you lose.”


“And because of your stubbornness, I too will die. You made a stupid choice and it would be worth dying for, but I have no intention of getting caught up in it and dying. If you’re going to commit suicide, you might as well hand your body over to me. “I will kill Shinsu cleanly and return to you.”

I listened to him until the end.

“Are you done with the bullshit?”

It seemed like they were trying to scare me somehow, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. If you’re going to hold the hand of Heungjong because you’re afraid of the Thunderbird, it’s better to die.

As if he had read my thoughts, the hematologist shouted.

“You son of a bitch! “You can’t do this now!”

As I gave up my regrets, the hematoma stood up in the blood in my neck and screamed.

“Isn’t that something you have to do to know?”

“Something is decided even if you don’t try it! “You are weaker than Shinsoo!”

“But you can win?”

“Because I’m not weak like you.”

“Are you done with the bullshit? “I’m going now.”

There was no need to listen any more, so it was time to go back without hesitation.

“I’m going crazy. “Then use me instead!”

“What does that mean?”

“Use me to get rid of the Thunderbird!”


Was it true that you didn’t want to die? Hematology has promised full cooperation in eliminating the Thunderbird without making any promises.

Then the story will be different. He knows as much about me as I know about hematomas. If we exclude selfishness and cooperate fully, the usefulness is endless.

Voluntary graduate students should be utilized from head to toe.

“If you ask this earnestly, there’s nothing I can’t grant you.”

“Ha, there is no such thing as a crazy person like you who used his own life as a hostage to threaten me.”

“There is no reason to listen to such a crazy person.”

“They say a crazy person doesn’t know he’s crazy. That seems to be true. “The fake becomes infinitely smaller in front of the real.”

“I decided to stop talking nonsense and cooperate, so just provide the labor I need until I catch the thunderbird. “If you want to live, that is.”

“…You son of a bitch. “Okay, let’s cooperate at least for survival this time.”

No matter how many times I look at the severely distorted face of a hematoma, I never get tired of it.

I feel like my bad feelings have been healed because of him.

If it continues like this for another 30 years, I think about 1% of the sediment will be removed.

“We will recognize your experience and treat you like a team leader rather than a junior graduate student. “Please take care of me, team leader.”

“Stop talking about that stupid graduate student. “Aren’t you tired of playing with things that are out of date?”

“I’m not sick of it.”

“We need time to make these idiots useful. “I think three days will be enough.”

“Two days. Deal with it all in there.

“…I will drive you out at any moment and take over your body. “You will stay in a corner and miss the past.”

“If you can, try it.”

That’s how the hematoma joined.

* * *

Hematoma is like two sides of the same coin to me. As I watched him in my last life, I regretted it and longed to return to the past. On the other hand, no one knows more about its existence than I do.

This also applied in reverse. After I regained control, the hematoma watched everything I did, waiting for an opportunity beyond my consciousness.

He knows everything I have. The guy kept his promise. While he was improving his condition at the safe house for two days, Mandeuk succeeded in building a solid system using Gwangsim and Jelyeon during the two days I gave him.

“You weren’t even able to properly utilize half of your power.”


I didn’t like the boastful attitude, but it was also difficult to deny.

The guy who built a system to obey his commands made it possible for me to freely use the gifts I had.

Even if he disappears later, the system still exists, so I can eat it all up.

Basically, everything in the world tastes best when eaten raw.

“Even with this, we cannot guarantee victory. But it could make for a fun fight. “It’s a pity that I’m not the one to taste it.”

“I’ll feel free to taste your hands instead of you.”

“You’re talking nonsense until the end.”

“If you’re dissatisfied, you turn off.”


After defeating the gnawing guy, I came out of the safehouse and entered the Thunderbird’s territory.

Just because it was the Thunderbird realm, the world didn’t suddenly turn upside down or anything. On the outside, there seemed to be no change. No, to be precise, it felt like it was no different. The eerily subdued silence and the artificial force wave disguised as naturalness cannot even be detected unless it is at a tolerable level. And it will go deep into Thunderbird territory and be cooked just the way it wants.

“That’s right, he’s a sneaky guy.”

It was as if he had put on dark tint to avoid revealing himself. When the veil that had been intentionally hidden was lifted, the presence of the Thunderbird was detected.

In an environment created so that only he could see, his gaze was precisely fixed on me.

I lifted the curtain and made eye contact with the thunderbird.

“How long are you going to hide it? “Do you want me to go to your nest?”


As soon as I said that, a storm raged. The wind was so strong that it was difficult for a strong young man to hold his body properly.

In the wind, I was able to spot a thunderbird that had already arrived in front of me. The bird, which was over 100 meters tall, slowly shrunk while wrapped in the strong wind, and soon changed into a human figure similar in size to me.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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