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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 281

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Episode 281:

I don’t know what they believe in to catch Gao like that. I looked at the energetic guy and stretched out my hand to touch the airflow surrounding him.


The results were surprising. Even though what I was carrying in my hand was a mine, the space held up without any cracks. It was much sturdier and more resilient than I thought.

When I turned my head, the dealer was smiling.

“Isn’t it a great environment to enjoy games?”

Anyone who sees me will think I am a prey caught in a spider’s web.

But that’s just his illusion.

I didn’t jump into the spider’s web, but I found my prey and attacked it.

More than anything.

I didn’t like the guy’s attitude.

“What on earth do you believe in and are so relaxed?”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m sick of pretending to be polite and polite when dealing with villains.”


“The weak guys just did it to hide their weakness.”

The guy’s expression hardened for a moment, but then relaxed again. Trying to smile seemed like trying to put on a mask again.

“haha. As expected, his wit is as sharp as his skills. “It’s not for nothing that my colleagues are having a hard time.”

The more you pretend to be relaxed, the more you want to see what your bare face looks like.

I immediately stretched out my hand towards him.


The force bullet that flew through space hit the guy’s head. However, only the sound of bullets scattering was heard, not the sound of explosion.

I guess it wasn’t the main body.

The figure of the dealer who had been crushed by the bullet wriggled and regenerated.

I attacked with a sniper once again, got close, and swung my hand as if to snatch it. The mines in my hand blazed brightly and burned up the surrounding air.

But what I felt at my fingertips was emptiness with nothing. I couldn’t feel any remnants of the main body as the dealer dispersed like a ghost.

When you see this, there are one of two things. The guy is not in this space, or the space itself is the guy.

The dealer’s voice rang out above me.

“In this space, I am like a god. The only way to get out safely is to win the game with me. Would you like to try it?”

“I don’t really want to do it.”

“You will have to do it. “If you want to live.”

“Can you kill me?”

I like games where I can change the rules at will, and I have no intention of conforming to the rules established by others.

“For those who hate games, there is only death.”

Pajik! Puzzle!

The entire space began to howl. At the same time, the pressure on me became stronger. Artificially controlled pressure and subtly disturbed flow in someone else’s space.

A strong sense of discomfort was conveyed. It felt like they were intentionally trying to upset me by being annoying.

It is true that my mood affects me.

The dealer was acting like a god controlling everything in the space he had created.


I spread my senses and read the surrounding flow. The space realized as a gift is, as the dealer assures, his space. Therefore, those who enter this space will first discover their own helplessness and feel the gloom of not being able to kill the dealer no matter what they do.

To be precise, we are making it ‘feel’ that way.


Here is a force blade that secretly targets and attacks from behind.

It was a sudden, unplanned attack.

I reflexively swung my hand to block it, but my reaction was a little late as it was out of my control.

That attack wasn’t just one attack. It flooded so secretly so many times that even I, with my sensitive senses, could faintly sense it.

“This is…”

Even the attack that was perfectly dodged twisted its trajectory and rushed right in my face.


I crushed it with my hands, but one thing was clear.

The attack does not end when I dodge it.

This sneak attack doesn’t go away until it hits me. Watching him change his trajectory freely, I thought he looked like a true god.

No, the word choice was wrong.

I was imitating God.

“This is fun.”

I felt like I knew what the dealer’s methods were. He called himself a god in this space. It seemed possible to demonstrate godlike inaction in this space created with his gift.

Especially this attack. There is no life and the momentum is very faint.

This would have brought a sense of despair to the enemy dealing with the dealer. You cannot break through this space, you cannot attack the dealer directly, and attacks are infinite.

At first we look for a breakthrough, then we face fierce resistance, and then we fall into despair.

Human imagination has developed endlessly, increasing fear, which will elevate dealers to a level that is impossible to compete with.

The keyword that comes from here is fear. This may have been the source of the dealer’s strength.

I remembered what the dealer first said.

“Because God is something that cannot be opposed. So I mentioned that and made it remind me of God.”

At this level, it was safe to say that the modification had reached the level of art.

I realized this when I saw him disappearing and pretending to be a god inside.

The guy who torments saints and calls himself a god is so petty, so why should I be afraid?

Above all, the reason I came to America was to catch Shinsoo. If God exists and is annoying, then he is nothing more than my prey.

“God is just a passing point that I have to pass by.”

This is exactly what dealers do. The idea is to make a sand castle that you can control, place a sea crab inside it, and play god.

God is omniscient and omnipotent, but he is not omnipotent, so his power is wasted maintaining this world, and while he is wasting his power trying to hide himself, his power is weakened when he tries to attack.

I didn’t avoid the dealer’s attacks.


There was a fairly deep wound where the dealer’s force blade grazed, but that was all. As super regeneration activated, the wound healed in an instant.

The fact that the attacks of a superhuman, and even a zodiac, only causes this much damage means that it is substandard.

No, to be precise, it means that it can only produce this much power.

I got a sense.

I reached the edge of space and stretched out my hands.


Fierce backlash. Just looking at this, it looks like this space is so solid that it can never be escaped, but when you peel off the shell, the substance is revealed.

Those who were hit by dealers would probably have escaped to this world if they had used all their strength.

However, his notoriety was maintained because he entered his space and never escaped, called himself a god, and gave up on fake attacks.

If you take off the outer packaging, the real thing is not as special as you think.

“Let’s finish.”


The world the dealer built was torn apart by my hands.

And what appeared before me was the dealer’s face full of astonishment.

God’s bare face is so weak.

“Do you like having fun fooling weak kids?”

* * *

The dealer’s expression as he looked at me was covered with shock and fear. It was the facial expression of the weak in front of me.

It was fun every time I peeled away the fake hypocrisy that I first showed and saw my real face.

I should have shown this facial expression originally. It is not about using the mask of omniscience and omnipotence, which is not possible.


“Did you think I would be scared if I pretended to be a god for nothing?”


“You are no god. “I’m just a lucky kid.”


As he stretched out his hand towards me with a murderous face, the force blades that were shown in the space a moment ago were created and rushed towards me. It was faster and more powerful than before.

However, the attack of the guy who lost omnipotence was only honest.

He easily caught the attack coming in a straight line with his left hand and threw it away, then stretched out his right hand and grabbed his left arm.

And they poured out mines generously.

Quad deuk!


The mine, whose power had been greatly increased through smelting, shattered every joint of the dealer’s arm bone. The screams of a self-proclaimed god are truly humane. The guy screamed and struggled, and I used all my strength to tear off his arm.


When I threw away his arm and got closer, he hesitated, backed away, and then collapsed.

Still, I could only snort at the low standard shown by the guy who was called the 12th sign of the league and was feared.

“He’s a typical guy who only runs wild in his own area.”

All questions about the dealer’s gift have already been resolved.

His gift was similar to a trap. Demonstrating one’s capabilities in a given area.

It probably took a lot of time and effort to build this area.

Normally I would have to drag it out and fight it instead of entering this space, but I don’t need to do that.

“It’s an ugly sight for someone who claims to be a god.”

If the Thunderbird is brought down, will it have the same face as this guy? For a noble god, he seems like a guy with a lot of interest in the world of things. I wondered what his face would look like when his wings were broken.

I have to deal with this guy first.

I approached the guy.

“Do you want to live?”

“Save me…”

“I don’t like it.”


I just stepped on his head and broke it. As I watched the body collapsing helplessly, I thought it was the end of a miserable god.

At that moment, I heard a voice that I had not heard before.

[Are you done?]

“Where have you been?”

[I don’t know, but a wall suddenly appeared and we were separated.]

I guess I was able to approach again by destroying the dealer’s space. We went in together at first, but was it different before and after the gift was activated? I do not know.

Yongyong looked at the dead dealer’s body with his head missing and said to me.

[You just killed him? Don’t you eat heart blood?]

“It’s useless.”

A dealer’s gift that creates its own space and displays absolute majesty within it. At first glance, I like it, but it’s useless to me since I’m only using my 100 power.

It would be better to focus on those 100 as one. It occurred to me that even if I wasted my power, I wouldn’t be able to catch the Thunderbird with this.

It should just be meaningful to catch a league villain.

Just when I was thinking that since I had taken care of one guy who could be called Wang Geon, I should deal with the lower level members in turn, a huge figure appeared.

He is a tight man.

“Jun Ho!”

“Didn’t you go?”

“How can I leave Junho behind? “I’m a very loyal person!”

“I’m not impressed by things like this.”

“okay? “It’s a shame.”

In fact, it was more likely to be annoying, so it wasn’t that great.

Anyway, the little man looked around me and couldn’t hide his shock when he saw the dead dealer.

“I wasn’t too worried because it was Junho, but it was so easy to deal with the dealer…”

“It was quite annoying.”

“Is it enough for Junho to say that?”

“It was just annoying.”

“Still, it’s amazing. The result was that my head was blown off!”

I don’t know if he’s praising me or the dealer.

“Let’s go back to the lab. “Let’s talk there.”


“I want to receive something as a dealer gift.”

I was thinking about going back to my dorm, but I headed to the lab because I had some inspiration on how to activate the dealer’s gift. However, it should not be limited to inspiration, and with the cooperation of brilliant geniuses, they will be able to break it down piece by piece and point me in a helpful direction.

“But can I be recognized as a dealer by smashing his head?”

“You have to believe it! “If you don’t believe me, I will take the lead and destroy everything.”

Come to think of it, this guy is a famous superhuman in America. Macho Man was from California and had a reputation for being an absolute force in LA.

Just hearing the name sounds like a professional wrestling ring name.

Anyway, after handing over the dealer’s body to Hunter, a public servant from LA, who rushed out, he went to Stanford and had time to discuss the dealer’s gift with doctoral bodybuilders.

The results obtained by analyzing the gift principle at the nanoscale were…

“…nothing much.”

The dealer has been deceiving the five senses based on a kind of show map. By exquisitely distributing the energy of 100, he led the team in the direction he wanted through psychological warfare based on the atmosphere and situation.

What I figured out was correct.

If you ask me to do it, of course I can’t. I thought there was something to be gained, but there was no harvest.

I intended to brush it off cleanly, but the doctoral bodybuilders seemed to have a different meaning.

“I’ll break it down and research it!”

“Just give us some time!”

“that’s right! “I won’t disappoint you!”

Well, there’s no reason to refuse if you call yourself a slave.

Their expressions brightened when they said they would come and listen next time.

Is your expression like that even after receiving an assignment? They must be great perverts.

It was around dawn when I returned to my accommodation after completing my schedule. When I entered the room, I had no choice but to stop.

Some kind of ghost was standing there.

The ghost’s identity was Anna Christine.

“Are you late?”

“Why are you there like that?”

“I was waiting to deliver information to Junho, but I couldn’t do anything. In the meantime, a lot of work has been done.”

There must be something upsetting, but I have no way of knowing what it is.

[really? I think I know.]

Then he communicates better with Shinsoo.

I didn’t take Anna Christine’s complaints seriously.

“As long as the results are good, that’s all.”

“It’s not like you don’t need help from the government, right?”

“It’s not necessary. But I have no intention of moving as you decide.”

“…But thank you for saying that it was necessary.”

“Because we can eliminate villains only if we receive information. “You are also credited with eliminating the dealer this time.”

It is true that it provided information on how the villains in LA are structured and what their habits are.

Because I was familiar with this part in advance, I was able to move up the ranks smoothly.

“We’ll talk in more detail this morning.”

“all right. Don’t go in the morning. “I have a lot of things to talk about.”

“Then rest.”


Anna Christine’s bewildered face.

If anything, I was even weirder.

“Take a rest.”

“W here?”

“Then it must be somewhere else?”

There are a lot of rooms here, so I don’t know why I’m trying to go home.

Since the U.S. government lent it to us anyway, we can just get a room and rest.

“Junho is also a man.”

I paused for a moment before Anna Christine spoke to me with a provocative expression and pose.

Why are you doing that with your dark circles and haggard face?

[I think he’s imagining something sexy right now, right?]

It was clear that Yongyong had also watched porn. If you look at the development of imagination in that direction.

[no it’s not! Because you are a eunuch!]

I pointed to the floor with my index finger.

“Stop talking nonsense. Go to the room below.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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