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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 278

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Episode 278

I finally finished the story and left the suite. Daniel Logan asked as he watched Herbert wiping off dried sweat.

“Herbert why did you do that?”

“Because the opponent is the best in the world. If you don’t receive it, it’s obvious that you won’t trust it, but that’s only natural. Anyway, the results of testing the world’s strongest are harsh. The hands are much more cruel than what was reported. Especially when Jack and Chris couldn’t do anything…”

Daniel exploded at Herbert’s joke.

“You throw yourself at it just to check it? “You are the president!”

“Haha throwing. Something from the past was revealed unexpectedly. It’s a shameful past. But you learned about Choi Jun-ho’s tendencies through that, right? “That’s enough.”

“It’s like you’re doing well with a hole in your ankle.”

Daniel Logan made a fuss, but Herbert’s face was smiling.

“He’s a guy who only uses his energy sense. Even if I tried to hide it, it would come to light someday. This is what minimizes the damage. “It’s a high price to pay for a passenger plane in my youth.”


Daniel Logan shook his head.

No matter how much I thought about it, it was an idea beyond imagination. Neither he nor Choi Jun-ho are normal. That’s why this conflict occurred and ended in such a strange way.

Don’t you know that you almost got brainwashed?

‘No, you can’t know.’

Although Herbert seemed infinitely light, he instinctively carried himself perfectly.

There are many cases where that choice becomes a paving stone that reaches places that you had not even looked at.

The same may be true in this case.

Using Choi Jun-ho to oust the league power is a dangerous idea, but there is no one who can make such a bold and decisive cut.

“Being among crazy people makes me feel strange too.”

“Oh, but it’s too much to drag me in.”

“Think about what you did and talk about it.”

“When I think about it that way, it seems like they blocked it cheaply.”

Daniel Logan, who made eye contact with Herbert, burst into laughter.

“It’s a gun that could blow a hole in our heads at any time, but we succeeded in turning the gun towards the other person.”

“From that perspective, it’s a huge success.”

“We ended up with holes in our bodies, but to what extent will the guys in the league minimize the damage? Probably not. Then this place will be in our hands again. “We can relive the old glory.”

Herbert muttered with an expectant expression.

* * *

The next day, Zolaman visited the room I was staying in and was astonished at the horrors unfolding in the room.

“Jun Ho! what’s this?”

Anyone who looked at the room, unable to completely erase the traces of the previous day’s battle, could see that there had been a bloody conflict.

Anna Christine said she had to clean it up, but it was unnecessary to bring someone in just to clean it up. There was no need to tell the neighbors what happened here, and I didn’t want someone I didn’t know to enter my room.

So, despite being offered to change rooms, I just rested comfortably in the broken room.

“not a big deal. “We figured out each other’s status.”

“That’s the end?”

“Oh look. “It’s not like it’s going to kill anyone, right?”

“Is there a blood stain over there?”

“Who would die if they shed that much?”

“But ha! “You’re so hot.”

The guy who shook his head didn’t ask any more questions about what happened yesterday.

It’s okay to pretend like you’re not going to find out anyway.

However, there was a high probability that they did not know that the US President was a former follower of the League. There’s nothing good about being known.

Instead, I explained the reason for coming to see me.

“I told you last time. There are a lot of talented people in my lab! “I’ll show you around the university and introduce you today.”

“I guess so.”

“It’ll probably be really helpful.”

“To me?”

“huh. There are a lot of people who have a lot to ask Junho. And this will be helpful to Junho.”

If Zola Man hadn’t come by, I would have thought about exploring the city today, but you can tour the city any time. Zolaman said he graduated from Stanford, and this place was once the birthplace of some of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs.

It would be nice if I could hire good people to go there, but I was curious about what it would be like.

And I was curious how it could be of further help to me.

[What if it doesn’t help?]

Then we’ll have to spar a few times, which Zolaman likes so much.

After getting ready, I went outside with my friend and got into the car. On the outside, it didn’t look like a place where all sorts of forces were mixed together like a hodgepodge.

It just seems like a nice city to live in. That would mean that the balance of various forces is being maintained precariously. The decision to break that balance must not have been easy.

“Has anything changed since I told you?”

“there is. “There are so many.”

As we drove, Zolaman talked about the changes throughout California.

First of all, we have become very insensitive to the crimes that occur in the city. When visiting all stores, indoor parking facilities were used, and ordinary citizens were also required to carry guns.

The number of gun accidents that occur as a result is increasing explosively every year, and most of them are caused by misunderstandings due to people not trusting each other.

The seeds of evil are so deeply entrenched in the ground that they become difficult to uproot, causing serious deterioration in public order.

“You can’t say that’s not right. The lower class who couldn’t join the league often loot stores and all kinds of criminal organizations are promoting the name of the league. “If it shows even the slightest sign of weakness, it will be eaten immediately.”


Even though it is a world where the might of the jungle is tough, is it because it is possible to carry guns that maintains order? This would have been unthinkable in Korea.

It was then.


Doo doo doo doo!

A loud gunshot rang out along with the sound of glass breaking. From a distance, I saw masked villains attempting to rob the store.

What’s even more surprising is the reaction of those around you. Nearby stores lowered their shutters as if looking across the river, ready to guard against the intrusion of villains.

The series of processes was as natural as flowing water.

“Stop the car.”


The little man reflexively stopped the car and I got out and headed straight to the place where the sound was coming from.

A gunfight was already taking place there. The store owner was alone and there were ten villains, so it was clear they wouldn’t be able to last long.



I twisted the villain’s neck and looked around. When the villains saw me suddenly appear, they looked dumbfounded and turned their guns.

Pibit! BBBBIT!

The bullet could not penetrate my force shield and slipped away. The other villain seemed to think that using a gun would be too much, so he used force on his sword and struck it down, but it didn’t leave a scratch.

“Everyone run away!”

My judgment was quite quick, but after I got the sniper, no one could escape my hand.

puck! Plop!

The heads of the villains hit by my sniping exploded. In an instant, all but one person’s head exploded and they collapsed.


The last remaining guy left those words as his last words and then collapsed with his head crushed. After completely repelling the blood splatter with the force shield, I raised my hand towards the store owner who was watching blankly and headed towards the place where the slim man’s car was.

“let’s go.”

“Are you just going to leave like this?”

“Then what else is there?”

“Oh no.”

The slim man drove off again. There was silence for a moment.

I had a question, so I asked the guy.

“Does this happen often?”

“Oh, that one?”


“It’s more than I thought. “If Junho hadn’t helped, the store owner wouldn’t have been able to survive.”

“What if I can’t hold on?”

“Everything is being robbed.”

To speak calmly. Anyway, I could tell that it was coming to an end when I saw that it was a daily routine.

So we arrived at Stanford not long after.

My plan was to meet talented people there and recruit people to do research for me.

What unfolded before my eyes was an unexpected sight.

“Is this a gym or a research lab?”

Moreover, all the people that Zola Man introduced were in better shape than most bodybuilders. They were all people who had graduated from Stanford’s doctoral program, which is famous for being vicious, but they looked healthy, as if they could live to be 200 years old.

What’s even more absurd is that

“Jun Ho! “If you have any secrets to being strong, please let me know!”

“Why are you so tired that you can come out without mercy?”

“The principle of this gift is so complicated, how did they solve it so easily?”

“Jun Ho! “I’m asking you…”

They were all adding a question to every word they said, as if they had learned Korean from a person who was asking for help.

There are not just one, but many sluts.

It’s ridiculous.

But it wasn’t that there was no harvest.

“The principle of the gift is quite unique, isn’t it? Does this mean that the Gift has the ability to think for itself?”

“Then, can you stimulate yourself with a gift so that you can grow on your own?”

“Is there a theory of evolution following the gift personality theory? “It’s so refreshing!”

These doctoral bodybuilders interpreted the gift theoretically and combined their professional fields to unleash a variety of imaginations.

After hearing those words, I felt interested.

I was inferring it without knowing whether the Gift actually had an ego or could evolve on its own.

Aren’t they normal heads?

I was curious about what results I would get if I studied my gift with this head.

[You may be treated as an experiment, but are you okay?]

Yongyong made a sound that was close to a scream.

Ah, you might think so. But it doesn’t matter if you can become stronger, right?

Anyway, poisons and drugs cannot affect me. I survived being covered in poison from the Heavenly Demon Armor, but I wonder if there is something more poisonous than that.

Now, I was interested in becoming stronger.

I looked at the little guy smiling bitterly and asked.

“Are these people really like this?”

“I’m crazy about research. However, I believe that this research will make humanity stronger and enable us to survive the threat of monsters.”

“The reason you brought me here was to show you this.”

“I know Junho needs my friends. That will definitely be helpful to humanity. But I want to dig a little deeper. And this will help Junho more directly.”


It’s not wrong.

Zolaman’s persuasion continued.

“The choice is Junho’s! “I don’t blame Junho no matter what he chooses!”

[Do you think he’ll cry if you reject him?]

His words were cool, but his actions weren’t like that at all. I was momentarily troubled by the desperate look in the man’s gaze.

Although I said I was worried, my heart was actually leaning towards cooperation with them.

You have the opportunity to use the smartest people in the world, but if you don’t take it, you don’t deserve to become strong.

Especially now that we have an enemy called the Thunderbird in front of us.

Rather, it would be more helpful to extract the diverse imaginations of smart people and apply them rather than trying to wrap my head around thoughts alone.

“Let me show you one.”


“Things you are curious about.”

At my words, the eyes of the doctoral bodybuilders widened as if they were about to tear out.

“Jun Ho! You can’t lie! “Then we’ll all cry!”

“You know it’s ugly when we cry, right? “You have to show it.”

Their voices were so loud that they rang throughout the lab.

The muscles that looked like bodybuilders threatened to cry, so I didn’t even pray.

“Okay, I need something.”


“Bring the most toxic monster poison from this lab.”

The best employee should set an example.

* * *

All monsters have their own poison, and in particular, monsters with poison as their main weapon were mixed with the Force and turned into deadly poison.

Naturally, monster poison was an important research material. What Zolaman brought to my request was a powerful poison that met my expectations.

“This poison is from the brown fox caught in the Nevada desert…”

The poison of the brown fox, a level 8 harmful monster, was a powerful poison that melted everything upon contact.

This poison, which was barely stored in a container with 12 layers of special coating, was acidic, causing hallucinations wherever its scent touched and melting everything on contact.

“This poison can kill even superhumans. Dangerous.”

Zolaman spoke to me with a serious expression. But I didn’t care about that and just looked at the poison in the special container.

He looks very scared, so it looks like he’s perfect for Mandeuk’s performance.

“Look Carefully.”

I just picked up the container, opened the cap, and poured the contents into my hand.

“uh! danger…!”

As soon as the container was opened, intense toxicity spread. It was about to spread throughout the laboratory space in no time.

At that time, what was done was to attack all poisons. Mandeuk caught the poison that was trying to run wild and began to show a performance of instantly detoxifying the poison that fell into my hand.

It was like erasing writing on a whiteboard with an eraser. Dokdo, which is said to be capable of killing even superhumans, was useless against Mandeuk. This is a performance worthy of an excellent employee.


“That’s ridiculous!”

“You’re the best!”

Surprised with a Mandokbulchim gift.

What’s even more surprising comes next.

“This is just using a gift, and this is also possible.”

I turned my hand over so my palm was visible.

A poison with a terrible smell began to form on the palm, which had been completely detoxified and left no trace.

It was the brown fox poison that Mandeuk had deciphered a little while ago.

It is not just about detoxification, but it is also possible to create poison by recording information about the poison.

This was an achievement achieved purely by Mandeuk. And according to my instructions, the poison was destroyed without a trace.

I also didn’t know that Mandeuk could do this. The fact that the gift self can think and move on its own provides the scope to utilize more gifts and breaks down the limitations of the gift application field.

What kind of synergy effect would result if the world’s leading minds suggested a direction for further development?

I’m looking forward to it.


I glanced around and saw that everyone could not hide their shock.

I asked, curling the corner of my mouth.

“how is it?”

There is nothing more to ask or do.

I’m completely over it.

Now is the time to drive a wedge.

“I am willing to let you study if you meet my requirements.”

Everything turned upside down at my words.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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