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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 266

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Episode 266

: Man-deuk’s impotence Man-deuk was elated.

There was a time when his pride was soaring high without even knowing that he was the oldest of Choi Jun-ho’s gift egos.

I hoped that the owner would recognize that and treat me well, but I realized that I had chosen the wrong person when we first met.

It was literally broken. The owner did not treat it like a gift.

Because of that, Mandeuk was depressed. I wondered if I should spend my meaningless days like this, receiving cold treatment from my owner.

At that time, Gwangsim appeared. In the beginning, he was so proud as if he was looking at himself, but then got beaten up by his owner.

I endured this difficult time by feeling sympathy for someone in a similar situation. Still, I felt less lonely because I wasn’t alone.

Then Jelyeon appeared and made Mandeuk open his eyes.

The owner is incredibly strong. And he uses the abilities of the object he hates (blood species) to extort gifts. In the process, Gwangsimi and Jelyeon, including himself, came in.

We are confident that this number will increase and not decrease in the future.

So how long will the relationship be equal? Absolutely not. However, the owner is a thorough meritocrat and has shown no ups and downs.

He will not allow himself to be treated as a senior just because he came in first.

If so, you need to show your skills.

So I looked for a way to help the owner. If you had no dreams or hopes until now, a new goal has been created.

And the owner was surprisingly generous to those who achieved success. They did not make me work 168 hours a week, nor did I hit or mistreat them.

Mandeuk looked for ways in which he could be helpful and administered mine poison to the guy (Harry Carlson) who was being rude to his owner.

A short break that I got like that.

It was literally a short break, but Mandeuk felt like he owned the world as he looked into Gwangsim and Jeryeon’s envious eyes.

Being able to rest while others are working.

Anyone who has experienced its sweetness cannot pass it by.

Mandeuk was once again able to help his master deal with a difficult enemy (Draculea) with the water he had prepared, and expected a reward that would lead to his master’s admiration.

However, no reward was given. There was no sign of giving up either in Saudi Arabia or in Seoul.

So Mandeuk demanded compensation for his achievements. If you are yourself, you deserve it.

But the voice that came back was eerie.

“Are you out of your mind?”

Man-deuk, who briefly ran away from home, came back to his senses and realized that he had gone out more than necessary, but he had already crossed the river of no return.

“I will take care of it for you, but are you asking me to repay you?”


Mandeuk said that was not the case. All he wanted was for his owner to recognize the hard work he had gone through, not to show a calculating side.

“If I keep doing this any longer, you will stand on top of me and give me orders?”

There is absolutely no such intention.

Mandeuk shouted in surprise, but the owner’s stern attitude did not ease one bit.

In the end, Mandeuk’s choice was to ask for forgiveness. He said that he was wrong and that he would receive recognition from the owner with better performance and that only the owner would take care of his performance.

He just wanted to be recognized.

Mandeuk was completely discouraged and was just waiting for his master’s actions.

The owner looked at the scene for a moment and said.

“It’s true that you are doing well these days.”


I almost burst into tears at the sudden voice that came to me. The owner had not forgotten his hardships!

“But you have to stay in line. “It’s your first time, so I’ll understand this time.”

Mandeuk was so thankful for the owner’s words. Although he made a mistake, he did not forget that he worked hard.

“The light has been refined.”

Suddenly, the owner called Gwangsim and Jeryeon. Is he really trying to point out his mistake in front of them and scold them?

Mandeuk, who was very nervous, paid attention to the words that would come out of his owner’s mouth.

“You, too, should follow Mandeuk’s example from now on.”


Mandeuk drew a question mark at the completely unexpected words. The owner paid no heed to that and listed what he did well. He was not satisfied with the gift’s original ability and tried to improve it to help, and he recorded it meticulously and made it his own, etc.

The owner stood up for himself in front of Gwangsim and Jelyeon. That helped Mandeuk, who had been depressed, to straighten his shoulders.

Mandeuk made a decision. He said he would dedicate himself to his master from now on. He said that he would be helpful to the owner as the first gift self.

* * *

I was wondering how to fix Man-deuk’s habit of demanding results, but I thought about what he did well and decided to end things on a good note. So, after scolding him, I chose to cheer him up.

In the end, this method seemed to be the right one. Man-deuk was so moved that his motivation was high, and Gwang-sim and Je-ryeon pledged to follow in the footsteps of their seniors who were ahead of them.

In particular, Gwangsimi’s tenacity, which was not very different from the timing, was scary.

Yes, if we create a structure where people compete instead of killing each other like this, I will be able to use gifts in a more expanded form.

Not bad. It’s good for me to work hard, but it’s also good to see the results of other people’s efforts.

Isn’t there a saying that the most delicious thing in the world is eaten raw? There is a sense of pride in the results of one’s own efforts, but the most efficient thing is to bring about the results of other people’s efforts.

What is mine is mine, and the efforts made by Gifts are also mine.

[Isn’t that exploitation?]

I give rewards in return for exploitation.

[They only let you rest for a few hours?]

Mandeuk was satisfied? Isn’t that enough as long as the person receiving the reward is satisfied?

[…You are the real devil.]

If you give it away from the beginning, it will only make you worse. You have to be harsh and give it to them one by one so that you can be thankful for even the little things.

In the end, Mandeuk became happy and I achieved results.

This is a happy ending that is good for everyone.


I listened to Yongyong’s admiration with one ear and ignored it with the other, and headed to the training room in the office.

Oil-related companies were being promoted at a rapid pace, with Kim Yun-gi in full charge, coordinating with the government.

As Korea was unable to properly import oil, all related infrastructure was abandoned, but what remained was in need of restoration.

In particular, oil carriers had already been cleaned and polished, so they looked fine on the outside.

It runs just fine without me having to worry about it.

I was able to see a very exhausted Jung Joo-ho and a greasy Berserker in the training room.

Jung Joo-ho’s project to create a superhuman is still in progress. While I was on a business trip, Jung Joo-ho’s level improved several levels.

“You worked hard?”

“So you thought I would be playing around without you?”

“The results seem to be better than I expected.”

“The good thing is that we are overcoming the danger of death every day.”

“It’s a great result to be safe.”

Of course, this may be due to Jung Joo-ho’s hard work, but it may also be due to Berserker’s good guidance.

“I did what you taught me.”

As I spoke with a grin on my face, Jung Joo-ho interrupted and asked as if he couldn’t stand it anymore.

“I have a question. When you taught that Berserker, did you teach him that it was okay to die?”

“I did.”


“I did.”




Jeong Joo-ho became dumbfounded by my answer.

“No matter how many times I told you, they didn’t believe me.”

Berserker responded triumphantly.

What do you mean by saying you’re good?

If I had to point out, Berserker actually died a few times. I survived based on my tough vitality.

In some ways, Berserker is one of the people whose fate changed the most when I returned to the past.

I guess he remembered what I taught him and applied it well to Jung Joo-ho. Well, it’s best to keep all the teachings in your head first and then force them into your body.

“Do you think you teach better than me?”

“It’s because I have a great teacher.”

“You can trust me.”

“This training course gave me confidence.

“…exchanging compliments in front of someone who is almost dead?”

Joo-ho Jeong intervened in a rough voice. Even if a student had a hard time, it’s okay as long as the results are good. When you say it like this, it sounds like some kind of college entrance exam academy.

So, should we gather good level 7 awakeners and build a superhuman training system?

“For your information, if that guy takes charge, it will be more than three times more extreme than what I did.”

“…Is this a true story? “That’s pushing you to die.”

“There is endless things to be gained from the border between life and death. “You can catch a star moment.”

“Just kill, kill, kill.”

“You can rest assured. An awakened person who is close to being a superhuman does not die that easily. Isn’t that guy so delicate that he could just die? “I need to get a special recovery medicine from Shinsung Group.”

For some reason, it feels like Berserker and Jung Joo-ho’s words are playing separately.

And the first one to get tired was Jung Joo-ho.

“Now you don’t even allow me to die as I please?”

“Don’t worry. “You will get a taste of superhumanity before you die.”

“Do whatever you want, whether you live or die. “I don’t think I can die on my own anyway.”

Jeong Joo-ho’s attitude of giving up was great. If you leave your complicated thoughts blank and follow the instructions, your skills will build naturally.

Because enlightenment is already engraved in your mind. When you engrave it into your body, if you follow the guidance, you will naturally reach the level.

I spoke to Jeong Joo-ho, who was in despair, to give him hope.

“We will create a superhuman within this year.”

“What if I can’t?”

“It’s bound to happen.”


Because I will make it happen.

Jeong Joo-ho’s face turned white at my assurance.

* * *

After completing a satisfactory check on Joo-ho Jeong’s condition, I greeted the man.

“Jun Ho! “Thank you so much!”

The reason he immediately thanked me when he saw me was because the sale of Draculea’s body was approved in the United States.

The parts salvaged during the Cheonma Gapgui were so small that they could not be sold, but Draculea was brought back in its entirety and it was possible to sell a certain portion of it.

Negotiations were easy because the government also took a positive approach on this issue.

Even if you pay an astronomical amount of money, you can’t get it. I just kept my promise, so I don’t know why they’re making such a fuss.

“I’m carrying out what I promised.”

“But thank you so much! “This is not an easy task!”

I don’t know if it’s particularly difficult?

It wasn’t a big deal, but I decided to do it because the little guy was very grateful.

Zola Man began to repay his gratitude to me by unpacking the bundle of information.

Even after losing world hegemony, America’s intelligence power was still the best.

“The League says that Hell Master got stronger after getting his hands on a Japanese experiment! Junho, be careful too! “The Hell Master’s gift is very dangerous!”

“So you tell me to run away if I see you?”

“No, that’s not true, but…”

“Since you say that, I’m curious about when we met.”

“paddle! “Then it looks like I was begging you to do it!”

Wasn’t that what it meant? I looked at him to gauge his intentions, but he seemed so innocent that I couldn’t tell what he was thinking.

What a manipulative guy.

But despite that, it feels like there is less news about the league.

“Maybe it’s because you’re desperate to avoid getting noticed by Junho?”

“Why is that?”

I didn’t understand so I asked, and the guy made a rather absurd expression.

“You pretended to lose against a monster that caught plus-plus level monsters! Of course you should try not to be noticed!”

That too. They say the league doesn’t even go to East Asia, but targets the United States and South America, and only after I come to Korea does it secretly make a move on Europe.

They’re only going crazy where I’m not around.

“The league is like that, so you can ignore them. Instead, I begged and prepared a nice gift for Junho.”

“If you’re that confident, is it okay to look forward to it?”

“You can look forward to it!”

When I said this, I got excited for no reason. There’s no way a slimy man would call something so flimsy a gift.


“You said you were bringing in oil this time.”

“It did.”

“The United States is a country that is self-sufficient in oil. “The know-how is considerable.”

So is there anything you can give me? Zolaman said that what he would give me was not things, but information.

“I understand that they are working hard to secure infrastructure. But you need to know that!”


“Even if Junho tries to do everything, he has no choice but to leave some parts to others. “Especially in rural areas, that’s inevitable.”

That’s because even if the state strengthens its control, it cannot completely exert its administrative power over the whole. It is not easy unless the state government acts independently or has autonomy recognized, as in the United States.

In fact, although it is the same country, there are many places where the government does not have control, so they play separately like other countries.

It’s amazing that the United States maintains that well.


“There are a lot of villains among those involved in the local infrastructure! “They are also completely washed villains!”

I felt like I came to my senses after hearing Zolaman’s words.

Maybe it was because I had seen the villains on the sunny side the other day, but the words resonated with me.

Those villains are going to get involved in my business? By what means?

“Tell me in detail.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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