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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 265

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Episode 265

Even if I become normal, being annoying is still being annoying.

If they talk about their imaginations as if they were just imaginations, it’s bound to get on their nerves.

Even if Lee Se-hee tells you not to worry, people around you will hear you if you make noise.

Since when did I start paying attention in the first place?

If they got in trouble, they would crush their heads or twist their necks to silence them.

Should we make it like that?

No, the purpose of my return to the past is to be able to control these impulses. You have to build up a cause and wait for a reason to arise. If I can’t do that, what’s the difference between me and a hematoma?

[From what I can see, they are similar.]

Let’s ignore Yongyong’s gentle tackle.

In any case, it is ultimately in the media’s interest to make such a fuss. The wealth and power that oil would bring must have made them turn a blind eye.

Of course, I have no intention of giving my rights to anyone else. Aside from not being greedy, I also don’t like doing good things for others.

Rather, it is a matter to think about separately to see if I am not greedy these days.

I’m not very greedy about money, but I became greedy in many ways.

I want the power to deal with two-horned monsters and divine beasts, and I have a desire to strengthen my influence so as not to be treated as a villain in Korea, which I am familiar with and feel like my home.

If you say you have no greed when you have these things, it would be hypocrisy. I have no intention of being hypocritical, and I hope that those who try to oppose me will know what to pay attention to and be careful about when dealing with me, and will not come forward.

I thought that if I killed a few people and scared them, they would be more careful, but that wasn’t the case.

If that’s the case, you need to make it so that you don’t have to worry about other things at all.

One of them is using oil.

Then, the President introduced me to the selected personnel. He is said to have worked for the Korea National Oil Corporation in the past and is currently a capable bureaucrat belonging to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance.

Although he is a civil servant who is about to retire, his well-maintained body and neatly combed pure white hair were impressive.

“My name is Kim Yoongi. “It is an honor to meet you.”

“This is Junho Choi. Nice to meet you.”

After shaking hands with Kim Yoon-gi, I got straight to the point.

The main content is, of course, related to the establishment of an oil refinery company.

Although I knew nothing about this field, the direction I wanted to pursue was clear.

“I plan to make it a company that encompasses everything without any separate elements.”

“You mean everything?”

“I have no intention of giving away things that I can handle myself.”

For example, something like this. Currently, oil carriers are not being manufactured, but there are companies that have built them in the past. Since the old know-how remains here, we will give orders there without having to touch anything.

However, transporting oil, storing it, and distributing it are things that can be accomplished with the help of the government.

There is no need to take away the existing pie, and there is no reason to entrust the task of reviving it to someone else rather than to myself.

“Hmm. Then we cannot guarantee efficiency.”

The efficiency that Kim Yoon-gi is talking about here refers to profit.

Money can solve everything.

It’s the easiest way.

“Then it doesn’t matter.”

“Excuse me, but what direction are you pursuing?

“I want this company to have a strong impact.”

“Indeed, that will happen.”

“I’m not saying this for profit.”

They’re saying similar things, but the direction they’re looking at feels different.

I said it out loud.

“I hope this company will become a pillar of Korea. “With influence, not money.”

“I understand what you mean.”

Once oil is used, the repercussions of not being able to use oil again are severe.

To that extent, the influence of the company I will build will be stronger, and that influence will become my strength.

“It seems that there is no cooperation with the political world to expand the influence that you think.”

“Is political cooperation helpful?”

“It’s possible. By guaranteeing a seat, you can create the appearance of reaching out to the political world. With that, it is possible to block unnecessary attacks from the political world. The power secured in the meantime can be projected in the direction desired by the Adept.”

It seemed like the president had sent the right person. I see that they know what direction I want and give appropriate advice.

I don’t really like cooperation with the political world, but it doesn’t matter as long as it doesn’t bother me.

“In that case, it is okay to receive recommendations from the political world. Instead, I hope that person’s abilities can be helpful to the company.”

“Of course we will insist on that as well.”

“I thought it was a pretty difficult order.”

“no. Rather, if the owner’s requirements are clear, you can accurately understand and move on that part. “If you tell us what you want, we can link it to the company’s interests and make a move.”

He can read the direction I want and move accordingly.

Sweet words.

“Is there anything you would like?”

If you show your ability, you should be given something commensurate with it.

“It was a course where success was guaranteed if you joined Korea National Oil Corporation. However, as unlucky monsters appeared and work disappeared, they were torn apart and scattered throughout the civil service organization. And only now has the opportunity presented itself.”

Kim Yoon-gi said that he achieved his goal by being recommended and standing in front of me.

“If you faithfully follow the will of the Adept, wealth, fame, and power will follow. “What I want is to reach a high position and maintain it according to the will of the Adept.”

It’s better to be honest like this. It’s clear what you want, so I just have to satisfy it. The most unbelievable person in the world is someone who has no greed.

It was a satisfactory meeting, so I held out my hand.

“As long as we don’t do anything unto death, our relationship will last for a long time. i look forward to.”

“I will try not to do anything unto death.”

* * *

While preparing a plan to establish a company with Kim Yoon-gi at the center, it was decided that everything else needed would be handled through the Shinsung Group.

Perhaps because I decided to give the political world a piece of cake in order to expand my influence, the obnoxious noise disappeared, but this time, there was an uproar over the Shinsung Group.

< To what extent are Shinsung Group’s special benefits? >

< Shinsung Group ranks unrivaled in the business rankings. Are you aiming for the Holy Republic? >

< Choi Jun-ho of Shinsung Group, who does not know coexistence, is giving a one-sided push to Choin! > < Will the state be privatized as is the secret relationship between Choin and Shinsung? >

< The government stands by while giving preferential treatment to Shinsung Group. >

They are attacking Shinsung Group from all directions.

But I guess I got beat up harder than I thought? If he is number one in the business world and can be called a Holy Republic, his power must be enormous.

Jin Se-jeong summarized this briefly.

“It’s probably for image management.”

“Is there really a need for that?”

“Yes, Shinsung Group is BtoC, not BtoB.”

Therefore, it is said that it is better for consumers to see the image of a unilateral leader being beaten rather than attacking someone.

Although the Big Bang series has secured an irreplaceable product line, the better the company’s image, the better.

“At the same time, we are steadily taking profits. Silly doesn’t let go, and I think that’s what’s really scary about it.”

In fact, as the export of the Big Bang series was included in the soon-to-be-started deal with Saudi Arabia, Shinsung Group’s big hit was almost certain.

As a result of my relationship here, I have been able to take on all the little things, so the extra income will be good.

I guess it means I can handle being beaten up enough. Rather, sympathy may arise because of the feeling of being molested.

“But the superhuman is different.”

“Well, I really don’t know what’s wrong.”

The media is talking about collusion between me and Shinsung Group, but what in the world is not like that? Judging by my experience working together, I will leave it to a partner who is good at working.

“The political world was satisfied with the food provided by the Adept, but the business world was not.”

“If only you were too greedy.”

“This offensive is likely to continue. “It’s a kind of protest.”

“Do I have to listen?”

“Do you want to listen?”


“All choices are made by the superman. And other people must obediently follow that disposition.”

It is said that this is a fact that does not change no matter how popular the conglomerate is.

That’s what I said, but in the end, I have to tie the knot.

When I finished talking with Jin Se-jeong and came outside, reporters who had been waiting for me smelled the scent and approached me like a swarm of bees.

Then, they started asking me the same questions they had asked Shinsung Group in the morning.

The main contents were things like giving preferential treatment to Shinsung Group and the relationship with Lee Se-hee. Looking at the direction in which the story is developing, it seems like I am joining hands with Shinsung Group and trying to take over South Korea.

Looking at the big picture, I don’t think it’s a big mistake, right?

When I raise my hand, the reporters flinch and take a step back. If anyone saw it, they would think he was trying to hit him.

Ah, now that I think about it, I did hit a reporter. But that’s a long time ago, so you can forget about it.

Anyway, I looked at the reporters and asked them.

“I have one question: What’s the problem with this?”


Silence spread among the reporters. It continued for a moment, and then he spoke as if he was protesting from afar.

“So you are acknowledging that only Shinsung Group is given preferential treatment?”

“I don’t know since when entrusting work to a good company became considered a privilege.”

I literally just left it to a place that does the job well. If I couldn’t do the job, I wouldn’t have entrusted it to you.

I was starting to feel a little offended by the incomprehensible torment.


I delved into something a little more fundamental.

“I am the one who resolved the matter and obtained the rights in Saudi Arabia. “Why are you saying that I will use my rights?”


No one answers.

I pointed to the male reporter right in front of me. He turned white at my point and hiccuped.

“What is your affiliation?”

“This is Jeonjin Ilbo.”

I searched for an article published by Jinjin Ilbo. It’s the height of extravagance.

The reporter’s face turned blue when he confirmed that I had seen the Jinjin Ilbo article.

“Why do you insist that the rights I have earned should be distributed equally?”

“I’m sorry!”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, I’m just curious. I said I would leave it to a good place, but I’m curious as to why they asked me to leave it to someone else. “What is the reason?”


I asked because I was really curious, but I thought I wouldn’t get the answer I wanted.

If so, just give me some more time to think about it.

I looked around at the reporters and said,

“I will ask the company that published the article why they made such a claim. If there is a logic that can persuade me, I will follow its argument. “If you can’t send me that answer instead.”

Um, how do I do it?

You can’t twist a reporter’s neck just because you don’t like what he published.

Everyone probably has their own interests, so I’ll have to think more about how to handle this by looking at their answers.


I was just lost in thought for a moment, but the reporters’ faces turned white as they looked at me.

Why are they like that?

“For now, let’s wait for an answer.”

I guess I’ll have to talk to Jin Se-jeong and ask her to make a questionnaire.

I said that and walked past the reporters.

The reporters who had been clinging to each other like a flock of anglerfish just a moment ago obediently stepped aside.

[It’s because of your actions.]

It seemed like I didn’t understand the changes in the reporters, so Yongyong said something.

What’s wrong with my behavior?

[If you don’t tell them what to do there, what will those imaginative people imagine?]

Well, they will imagine whatever they want.

Judging by what they said this time, they all seem to have great talent for novels.

[Imagine that that imagination is connected to the actions you have taken.]

So, are you saying that they are ultimately admitting that they are being unreasonable as well?

[Then will humans reflect on themselves?]

That is not wrong either.

But since they made a fuss, they should take responsibility.

Basically, you should only make as much noise as you can take responsibility for.

After deciding to request a response from the media, I returned home.

Although I suffered quite a bit, I didn’t feel bad because I was finding a solution.

This kind of complexity is probably the taste of Korea.

However, at an unexpected time, Mandeuk’s request for a meeting came in.

Why are you doing this all of a sudden?

I asked if it was urgent and he said it wasn’t.

So, Mandeuk says it is for personal reasons.

Before entering the world of imagery, I asked Mandeuk about the reason for requesting an interview.

So what he said.


He asked for incentives to reflect his performance in Europe.

It was pretty great. I did see some benefit.

So are you asking me to take credit for it? Are you trying to negotiate with me about it?

Mandeuk’s attitude as he made his claim was quite confident.

It is a spirit that has never been seen before.

“…is this ridiculous?”

I entered the world of images with the intention of opening my head to see what he was thinking.

It seemed like a lot of conversation was needed.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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