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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 261

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Episode 261 Choi

Jun-ho’s map story reminded Ahmed a lot. He was someone I had kept an eye on since I was a civil servant hunter.

A person who is passive and maintains his beliefs in a position where he can overcome injustice. The results he achieved were extraordinary, and dealing with the Awakened was a shock.

Not long after, he became a superman and won the title of the world’s strongest. As Ahmed watched his achievements, he thought he had never seen a more brilliant superman.

“I got to receive the teachings of the world’s greatest superhuman.”

“It is clear that he had a good opinion of His Majesty the King.”

Ahmed smiled at Nasir’s words. Although he is the king of Saudi Arabia, who claims to be the leader of the Middle East, Choi Jun-ho’s recognition as the world’s strongest man as a superman was special.

“thank god. “I thought he might be viewed negatively because he is a king.”

“I was rather worried that His Majesty the King might have been uncomfortable. “Head Breaker seemed too comfortable with me. Are you okay with it?”

“of course. He deserves it.”

It is no exaggeration to say that Choi Jun-ho’s existence is the most noble thing in the world to humanity suffering from the threat of monsters. Didn’t even the Plus Plus level monster that was supposed to destroy Europe fall by his hands?

Ahmed wanted to follow in his footsteps and gain power comparable to his.

So he invited countless adepts and interacted with them. Although I still have many shortcomings, I thought I would grow step by step and become a comparable superhuman.

“Let’s learn as much as we can.”

“Your Highness, you can bring everything from Head Breaker.”

I know it’s just lip service, but it was a powerful statement for Ahmed.

He has been evaluated as a genius talent since childhood, and has shown such progress through achievements. It was because of this power that he ascended to the position of king.

Ahmed entered the King’s exclusive training room and faced Choi Jun-ho. The escort offered to follow, but Ahmed refused. If Choi Jun-ho puts his mind to it, getting rid of them wouldn’t be an easy task.

Once you have shown favor, you should not attach a reason for it. I thought that the purity of goodwill was the driving force that would continue a good relationship.

Even though Choi Jun-ho, who was in the training room, did not feel any force, he felt a sense of intimidation pressing on his whole body.

It was like the unique energy radiated by Choi Jun-ho. Ahmed, who had already received guidance from several superhumans, felt his expectations growing about what Choi Jun-ho’s method would be like.

While I was lightly warming up, Choi Jun-ho asked.

“How would you rate Desert Nightmare?”

“I think it’s a plus plus step.”

“Probably not.”

“What if not?”

“The fighting horn stage is when you have full-fledged intelligence. “If it had reached that stage, it would not have stayed in the desert and would have appeared to destroy the city in earnest.”

The nightmare of the desert is not just a monster that causes fear in Saudi Arabia. Starting with Jordan, Iraq and Kuwait, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Oman and Yemen all had to suffer from the nightmare of the desert.

Places with small territories were prevented by concentrating all their efforts, but areas with large territories, such as Saudi Arabia, suffered fatal damage while defending multiple areas.

In Ahmed and other Middle Eastern countries, the desert nightmare was seen as an unofficial plus-plus phase.

But it’s not the Plus Plus stage?

“If not at that stage.”

“It looks like a plus step. And monster hunting at that stage is not that difficult.”


It was a perspective I had never thought of. A monster that strong is a plus level?

No plus level monsters have yet appeared in Saudi Arabia. However, as someone who has hunted level 8 remains, I thought the plus level was also worth a try.

I wanted to object, but looking at the actions of the plus-plus level monsters that had appeared so far, there was a high probability that Choi Jun-ho was right.

“The inability to demonstrate full power in the harsh environment of the desert may have led to overestimation of the monster’s strength. Have you ever chased a guy to the end?”

“…doesn’t exist.”

“I thought so.”

Choi Jun-ho’s words were painful. Did he avoid and be afraid only because of his appearance? I thought I could sacrifice my life to hunt monsters. I was embarrassed.

“Let’s see your skills.”

The moment I’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. For a moment, Ahmed felt ashamed, and all his senses arose.

“My teaching style is to ingrain strength into your body.”

“In your body?”

“Keep your wits about you and try to block it.”

“What is that…”

But I couldn’t finish my sentence. It felt like stars were twinkling before my eyes, and intense pain spread throughout my body.

Ahmed rolled over without even having time to scream. Flash! As the light arose, the floor of the training room cracked. If I had been a little late, my body would have been torn in two.

I managed to avoid the attack, but I was unable to counterattack. When I got up from my seat, I collapsed again and had to roll around without even having time to catch my breath.

This is a phenomenon I have never experienced since becoming an awakened person. In an instant, I felt my breathing become difficult and I stretched out my hand. It was the first counterattack attempted, but it was shattered by Choi Jun-ho’s hands before the force could move forward.

Rather, Choi Jun-ho appeared in front of him.


He clicked his tongue lightly and stretched out his hand, and Ahmed, who had been hit by a mine and broke his arm, retreated in pain. Choi Jun-ho’s hands were unstoppable.

Choi Jun-ho’s attack was like a ghost. He went beyond the allowed movements of humans and mercilessly exploited his own gaps. Even if I tried to stop it, I was clearly shown to be helpless and unable to do anything.

Are you saying you were this helpless? Ahmed was shocked as he watched himself being repeatedly attacked by Choi Jun-ho without being able to do anything.

What followed was shocking.

“It’s not really strong either. “Are you a fashionista?”

“Fashion superman….”

Ahmed’s expression crumpled as he felt insulted.

* * *

The strength of a superhuman is literally subjective. If you meet certain standards, you can be called a superhuman, but in the process, there are countless superhumans who do not meet the level.

King Ahmed was one of them. He has built up his skills through his natural talent, and considering the total amount of his power, he can easily be called a superhuman.

However, he lacked practical experience and how to utilize his own strength. If you face off against another superhuman, you may be on equal footing at first, but you will not be able to hold out for long and will collapse.

You probably don’t have much hunting experience.

A superhuman who is not good at arresting villains or hunting monsters.

I call these superhumans fashion superhumans.

If you are dissatisfied, try proving your skills. But the result was that I fainted without even trying anything. This must have made you shiver, thinking it was a nightmare in the desert.

I briefly summarized about King Ahmed.

“Hmm, I guess I can’t hunt in this condition.”

“No, I don’t understand that.”

Ahmed staggered to his feet. His eyes were shining brilliantly. Is it pride as a royal?

All of that is useless when hunting monsters or arresting villains, but it’s enough to give you motivation to train hard.

“I know that everyone was taking care of my situation because I was a member of the royal family. But what I have done so far is sincere.”

He said that both the will to hunt monsters and the will to become stronger are true.

What filled my eyes was an intense will.

I guess it’s not the king’s playhouse.

“Help me, dear friend.”

“If you say that, I understand.”

Because human modification is my specialty. I decided to listen to Ahmed’s will.

[But it seems very favorable?]

I guess it seemed that way to Yongyong.

No, there is no need to deny that.

The reason I granted King Ahmed’s wish was simple. Because you did me a favor first. And since they decided to sell the oil cheaply, it would be perfect for Yongyong to pull out his claws and try it out.

Above all, it is a good place to understand the situation in Europe.

[Are you really trying to rip out my claws?]

How could I rip out the claws of a great divine beast?

Shinsu, a good friend who likes me, gave it to me ‘voluntarily’.


Looking at Yongyong’s attitude, getting the claws will be easy.

In any case, the reason I treat Ahmed favorably is because it is helpful for my personal and human interests.

They’re trying not to get on my nerves, so there’s no reason to be hostile.

“From now on, I will start working on throwing away the bad things I have as a fashion superhuman.”

“How do you mean?”

“Survive. “If you survive, all your bad habits will disappear.”

Of course, I will do my best not to kill myself. I smiled at Ahmed, who felt anxious.

* * *


It was a terrible nightmare. Ahmed groaned and remembered what he had experienced.

I thought he did his best to develop his skills as a royal and king. However, I learned why he said that during the sparring under Choi Jun-ho’s guidance.

What you have built up is a lie. I realized how useless and vain I thought I was as a good superhuman.

He’s a fashion superhuman.

The destructive power of that word was truly powerful.

Nasir approached with a worried look on his face.

“Your Majesty the King! Are you okay?”

“There’s no way it’s going to be okay.”

“Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman behavior was too harsh.”

“Is it serious?”

“Yes, it was severe. Even if it’s not this way, there’s a good enough way…”


Ahmed flatly denied it.

If Choi Jun-ho hadn’t shocked me like this, would I have been able to accept it?

I found this method to be the most efficient because I was thoroughly impressed with my skills.

I am weak. From Choi Jun-ho’s perspective, it would be nothing more than a trivial level. So I had to throw away unnecessary and bad things. Choi Jun-ho was gracious.

Nasir did not see the training scene, but he spoke with a worried expression.

“Why don’t you give up now?”

“You can’t do that.”

Even though he felt like giving up, Ahmed strengthened his resolve after hearing Nasir’s words.

If you give up because you are afraid of not being good enough, you have no choice but to stay in that position forever.

Choi Jun-ho, who taught us, would not want that either.

“Headbreaker fills in what I am lacking. This will be of great help to our future hunting direction. “I will learn as much as I can from him.”

Nasir’s face was filled with emotion at the determination and nobility.

“I will do everything I can for His Majesty the King!”

“Believe it.”

Although he succeeded in impressing his closest associates, to be honest, Ahmed’s arms and legs were shaking.

Choi Jun-ho’s training method of directly injecting food into the body to maximize survival instincts was hell itself. Now I could understand why the superhuman Berserker who accompanied him had grown so much in such a short period of time.

‘How on earth did I survive?’

Just being next to him for a long time made me think again about the monster called Berserker.

I thought he was a superhuman with great skills despite being a villain.

Perhaps it is stronger than what is known to the outside world.

Right now, the week that Choi Jun-ho agreed to take care of seems like an eternity.

That’s what a week meant to Ahmed. However, what is clear is that the speed of skill development is so fast that you can feel it as each day passes.

As I rolled around to avoid Choi Jun-ho’s cruel hands, I realized what ‘instilling skills’ meant.

A week passed like that.

“It would have been clear if there had been a little more time, but it’s a shame.”


“Why are you doing that?”

“This is enough.”

“is it so? “I felt a little disappointed.”

Those words made me break into a cold sweat. Especially when I was wondering whether I should take more time, I almost tried to stop him.

“Still, your basic skills are sufficient, so if you don’t develop bad habits again, you will be able to hunt plus level monsters.”

“The teacher is great, so of course you can do this.”

It will never happen that you develop bad habits.

The voice of promise made me feel determined without even realizing it.

“Let’s go end the nightmare.”

Ahmed led the elite awakened people to the desert to achieve his greatest achievement as king.

The scale was significantly smaller than the original size for hunting monsters, and the reason for this was Choi Jun-ho’s advice.

They accepted the saying that it would do its job well if it consisted mainly of awakened people who were at least level 6. And Ahmed had the confidence to hunt.

It was right after receiving guidance from none other than Choi Jun-ho. As much as he said it was possible, Desert Nightmare, which is a plus level, will not be in Subak when it announces its end.

Ahmed looked around at the awakened people he had brought along for the hunt. The number is thirty. It was no exaggeration to say that they were level 7 and 6, and were the entire power of Saudi Arabia.

These are people who were willing to stay for their country and family even in a chaotic situation with monsters.

We will hunt down the nightmare of the desert and regain our former glory once again.

“Everyone listen!”

Eyes gather. Ahmed looked around at his trusted subordinates and then shouted.

“Until now, we were afraid of that monster and considered it an obstacle that could not be overcome by gods.”

From then on, I thought that the nightmare of the desert was a disaster that could not be overcome. So, some tribes living in the desert believed that the nightmare attack in the desert was a revelation from God and meekly accepted their fate.

Because it’s an opponent you can’t compete with. It was easier to give up and conform than to live in fear every moment.

But it is neither a revelation nor a teaching from God. It was just a desperation that let go of everything without being able to dare to confront it.

“There is nothing in this world that cannot be overcome. Look at what has appeared in China and Europe! “Everyone in the world said that the world would be destroyed because of monsters.”

However, the result was a hunting success.

I hunted down a monster that was said to be impossible to fight with the power of mankind.

That sight gave me hope that I could make it.

“That person is my close friend and gave me strength. “My close friend told me that through our own strength we can overcome the nightmare of the desert.”

That was an amazing experience.

It occurred to me that I could hunt down the nightmare of the desert just by Choi Jun-ho’s words.

This is not due to false confidence, but to the strength he has accumulated over the years and the guidance of Choi Jun-ho.

Ahmed shouted, lifting the knife in his hand.

“Today the desert nightmare will end!”


Although their numbers were small, their thunderous shouts shook the desert.

* * *

The hunting team led by Ahmed set out in earnest to search for the nightmare of the desert.

Although the Arabian Desert is better described as vast rather than wide, this place, their territory and home, was as clear as their front yard.

They skillfully entered the desert and began a search.

Choi Jun-ho, who came next to me, asked.

“Has the desert nightmare made this desert its home?”

“This entire desert is its territory, playground, and hunting ground.”

“It’s a hunting ground.”

“The desert nightmare has had an impact not only on us but everywhere that touches the desert.”

Saudi Arabia, whose territory is mostly covered by the Arabian Desert, was the biggest victim.

“It’s monopolizing the hunting ground.”

Choi Jun-ho’s expression was quite serious.

Ahmed asked, sensing something strange.

“Is there anything strange?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

After that, Choi Jun-ho didn’t say anything and the search proceeded quickly. And after receiving a report that traces had been found, they started moving there.

Soon, the traces of the desert nightmare were revealed.

The area where nomads once lived was buried in the sand, leaving only faint traces. The sound of screams seemed to come from the blood splattered everywhere.

Ahmed clenched his teeth.

“If only it had been a little faster…”

Then someone shouted as if screaming.

“It has appeared!”

At those words, the tension began to rise rapidly. Ahmed grabbed his equipment and went forward. Although it wasn’t noticeable on the outside, cold sweat was forming on my hands. Choi Jun-ho came up next to him and said.

“You just have to do what you trained for. “This is an enemy we can easily deal with.”

A smile appeared on Ahmed’s face, which had been stiff from tension.

“The only person who knows my condition well is my close friend. I will do my best.”

Ahmed, who finally came to the front, showed appropriate tension and confidence on his face. This is my first time feeling like this before dealing with a monster. You are dealing with no other opponent but the nightmare of the desert. I felt like I could really do it.

The presence of the monster in the distance began to grow little by little. What was small at first quickly expanded like a snowball and covered the desert.


“Everyone bow down!”

The desert sand cracked and poured down like rain. Ahmed clenched his teeth and swung his shield to block the sandstorm.

A huge body revealed through the gap.

Ahmed, who realized that it was a desert nightmare, took the lead and swung his sword.


I swung my sword almost simultaneously, bouncing off something sticking out of the sand. But it bounced off without being able to cut it.


Ahmed, who was pushed back in shock, gritted his teeth and charged again. I tried to cut through the sand pouring in from all directions and cut down the body of the desert nightmare.

These are the words of the world’s strongest superman, not anyone else. Since he said he could hunt, he just put it into practice.

With the help of his men who reorganized their battle lines, Ahmed encountered the nightmare of the desert several times. Although we were unable to hit the Desert Nightmare with our attack, our confidence grew that we could do it just by exchanging attack and defense.

It was time for Ahmed to move forward with more confidence.

“for a moment.”

Choi Jun-ho, who was watching from behind, stopped him.

A look filled with curiosity fell on him.

“You were mistaken.”

“what do you mean?”

“That would be hard to hunt.”

Choi Jun-ho shook his head.

“That guy is on the verge of turning into a bullhorn.”


Ahmed as well as the gathered awakened people were shocked.

The desert nightmare they were dealing with was at the Plus Plus level?

“I’ll take care of it.”

After leaving those words, Choi Jun-ho entered through the sandstorm.

Soon, a loud roar began to echo across the desert. If the battle that took place just a moment ago had been a child’s play, now it was an all-out war with all the power mobilized.

Ahmed and his subordinates who remained were standing awkwardly.

“Uh um.”

Ahmed, who was giving a speech to his subordinates and exuding a determined spirit, cleared his throat and spoke.

“We are withdrawing.”

The atmosphere surrounding them as they walked away from where the battle took place was very awkward.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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