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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 255

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Chapter 255:

I, who was planning to talk to the saint, had no choice but to postpone my schedule.

As awakened people belatedly realized that the Satan had broken out, they came and took away Harry Carlson, and they postponed the conversation by saying that they would talk after treating the saint.

Normally, I wouldn’t have been able to make that excuse, but the Romanian president happened to be visiting, so I decided to see him later.

“By coming like this, I know that God has not abandoned Romania. thank you.”

President Philip of Romania gave me a thank you that was almost a compliment. The speed of the speech was so fast that the interpreter was sweating.

It must have been very urgent.

To that extent, the current situation in Romania was not good. President Philip was thrilled that I had arrived ahead of schedule, giving him time to react.

The northern and central regions were devastated by the appearance of Draculea, a bat-shaped monster. This guy is a very cunning monster, and it is said that he attacked central Romania in the early days and moved north.

As a result, Moldova was in turmoil, and hundreds of thousands of people were evacuating, and they were preparing to deal with it.

An unusual event occurred there.

The guy who had approached the border and devastated the area suddenly changed course and headed south toward eastern Romania. As a result, the area near the border was in chaos, and eastern Romania, which was one step behind in preparation, was devastated.

It is currently approaching Galachi, a large city in eastern Romania, and just past it is Bucharest.

From Moldova’s perspective, it was like a night out, and Romania was engulfed in fear and despair.

“The coalition is unable to do anything in a state of emergency in southern Serbia. “If we had responded to the coalition earlier, this tragedy would not have occurred.”

President Philip, who is of German descent, is said to have deep respect for Franz and actively supported his initial plan to invite me. However, Romania took all the damage due to Harry Carlson and Antoine trying to keep Franz in check.

Although the details are not detailed, as the general story became known, uncontrollable anger toward Britain and France was gripping Romania. The good news is that public opinion has calmed down to this extent because young superhumans have come forward to hunt Draculea.

“Romania and South Korea have shown cooperation when disaster strikes. Please save Romania.”

“When have you ever collaborated?”

“of course. “Romania and South Korea have been strong friends for a long time.”

When I asked what that meant, it was a story about providing a vaccine when the coronavirus was at its peak.

You somehow found everything you could find to get my help.

“Monster hunting is positive. However, this part requires negotiation.”


“Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”

“Thank you. If there is anything we can do, we will do it.”

But there is nothing Romania can do about it.

President Philip’s expression, knowing that, was not very bright.

* * *

Whatever the Romanian president may think, he has no decision-making authority in this hunt.

That’s what it means to have no power. Romania’s fate will also be decided in these negotiations, contrary to his intentions.

Of course, it’s me who decides that.

Meanwhile, I received a report that Je-ryeon had obtained Super Regeneration.

It’s pretty quick, isn’t it?

Mandeuk must have been quite stimulated by being given a few hours of vacation. With this, the number of gifts has been reduced from 11 to 10. I still didn’t know what was changing in me.

Anyway, I succeeded in setting the number of gifts to 10 before going on the hunt.

A few hours later, I sat down with the saint. Originally, the two of us were going to conclude the conversation together, but Franz, who should be concentrating on his recovery, was also present.

I’m not the type to feel sorry for you.

“Let’s decide the price.”


The saintess looked nervous. If anyone saw it, they would think it was being eaten. You can consider yourself fortunate. Because I prefer things to be neat when doing transactions.

“What can I give you?”

“What I gave you last time won’t work, will it?”

“You are the ones who threw away that opportunity.”

“Yes. “I see.”

It seems that the saint also spoke without any expectations. But my voice has no strength.

“Is there anything you want?”

“Whatever you want.”

Originally I was going to tell them to bring in the gift holder involved in Super Regeneration. However, I was lucky enough to get it and had the opportunity to use it as a favor.

Yes, if I want to manage my friends, I have to pay a decent friend fee.

[Are you really trying to help me?]

Then, are you going to lie to me?

[No, that can’t be possible! thank you! I really thought I was the only one getting ripped off, but you were a good friend!]

Although what Yongyong was talking about was very impure, I decided to think positively of him.

“It’s something you have to do.”



“Which one is it?”

The saint seemed to have prepared her heart.

“I want to meet the god you serve.”

Of course, it’s Yongyong, not me.


But that alone makes the saintess look astonished.

“Wouldn’t it be better if I restored my divinity?”

“I don’t really want it.”

Actually, that’s something I’ve thought about as well. However, gifts involving gods were more likely to have egos, like Jellyeon. If the gift has an ego, it can be manipulated, but the problem is that there are currently three Mandeuk Gwangsim and Refinery inside.

Jelyeon, who was openly rebellious, has lost his spirit, but we don’t know how that will change if a guy who can be called a colleague comes in.

It is best not to accept new employees for the time being so that they can continue to work silently as they are doing now. The hardest time is when you are the youngest, but I can’t help you get rid of your military number.

More than anything, I also wanted to see the face of God that Yongyong wanted to see.

“Take your time and think about it.”

Because we’re going to hunt monsters anyway.

Even if you say no, you can enforce it by force.


Franz came forward on behalf of the devastated saint.

“Isn’t that too much to ask? “I would rather give you my gift.”

“I don’t need that.”

“Still, it’s a gift you’ve developed your whole life, so you immediately reject it? “How useful this is!”

There was no need for it because I had already swallowed the gift I had been training for a longer period of time.

Franz seems to misunderstand it in a different way.

There is no reason to clear up that misunderstanding.

“What happens if I say no?”

“A little coercion will have to be used.”


The saintess and Franz’s faces turned white at the word coercion. To anyone who sees it, it will seem like you are forcing yourself to go there. It’s about getting drunk quickly and quickly with a little force.

…I don’t think you would believe me even if I told you.

After finishing what I wanted to say, I got up.

“Then try to persuade the gentleman who is your god.”

* * *

Draculea has become an object of fear because its movements are difficult to chase.

It swept through the central part of Romania, devastated the north, and moved irregularly down the east.

As if to maximize fear.

Not only that, but the speed of movement was also different, so people had to be engulfed in fear as they did not know when the monster would attack.

From what I see, he’s a guy who enjoys it. In terms of cunning, I think it’s a step above the Heavenly Demon Armor.

[That’s right, the evil guy. My head works well too.]

Yongyong even said the same thing.

It sounds like the level of difficulty is increasing, but I didn’t think it was a bad thing. No, rather, it was what I hoped for. If you’re going to deal with a divine beast, it’s better for the monster’s head to work well.

I entered Galachi one step ahead of Draculea. If this place collapsed, the next target was likely to be Bucharest.

There was already a large-scale evacuation of the city, creating an eerie atmosphere.

I shared Draculea’s location in real time and went out of the city.

If I collided with that guy, the aftermath would be so strong that I could not imagine, so I tried to get as far away from the city as possible.

Yongyong is impressed by my thoughts and asks.

[and! Are you coming up with such a brilliant idea to reduce sacrifices?]



“It’s annoying when buildings get in the way when you’re in the middle of trying your hand at it.”


Yongyong looked at me with eyes full of absurdity. Just looking at that, it looks like I made some kind of mistake.

“If you have something to say, say it.”

[No, it’s okay.]

If I have something to say, I’ll say it, but don’t make people worry. After catching a glimpse of Yongyong, I began to gauge Draculea’s presence as her presence gradually grew.

The behavior of the guy who started appearing in the distance was extremely bizarre. It flew at a low altitude and landed lightly, probably because it had spotted me. Then, it began to approach, walking on two legs like a human.

“It’s not that big, is it?”

The size of Draculea appeared to be about 4m. It had a shape similar to that of a bat, but felt solid as if its entire body was tightly packed together.

Just looking at it, it wasn’t an average bet. However, it is also true that the majesty of the two-horned monster is relatively less. When you think of monsters, there is usually a strong image of them being big and destroying everything around them.

However, anyone who has hunted monsters will know well that a guy that maintains such a small size is much more dangerous.


It howled lightly and turned into an invisible wave and ran towards me.

Pajik! Puzzle!

However, the power was unusual. A crack appeared in the force curtain I had wrapped around my entire body, and for a brief moment, the force stored inside my body boiled over.

I made a blade with my hand and cast a bladestorm to tear up the aftermath it caused, but the aftermath that remained was still strong.

Was the attack just related to ultrasound? I thought it would become a nuisance if I didn’t deal with it properly.


The guy with a fierce spirit spread his wings and flew up. And then it descended towards me at an incredible speed.


I dodged by jumping to the side. But the guy followed me persistently. They were not just chasing, but were simultaneously casting ultrasonic attacks a moment ago.

It’s quite annoying.

But it could be said that his intentions were successful. In the end, it attacked with that huge body.

I didn’t back down any further and fired mines at him.

Pajik! bang! Kwazijic! Pretzel Gwang!

Sparks flew as my hand and his claws became entangled. If you see Mandeuk moving, it looks like his claws are poisonous. Anyway, this is a guy who uses cunning tricks.

He repeatedly tried to push me down, but when it didn’t work, he landed and flapped his wings. Mandokbulchim was moving actively to see if it contained deadly poison.

Fit! Phoebebit!

I shot a hole in Draculea’s wing with a sniper shot to reduce its mobility, but it quickly filled up and recovered, as if laughing.

From the first collision, I was able to confirm that he was a guy with a good head. I wonder how strong it will be since it is a combination of monster abilities and intelligence comparable to humans?


At that time, I noticed a wound on my arm where the skin was slightly peeled off. This is a common wound that can occur during combat. I saw a faint amount of blood seeping out and thought it was nothing special.

In the past, it would have recovered slowly, but now there is a super regeneration.

As the gift was activated, it instantly returned to its original state.

No, I tried to come back.

It was then.

[Oh, be careful!]

As soon as Yongyong shouted, the blood that was flowing began to be sucked out as if something was pulling it.

Mandeuk was moving around diligently, but I thought it was poison, but it wasn’t. What on earth did you do?

First, I cut the invisible string created by Draculea. No more blood was sucked out, but an amount the size of a child’s fist was collected and approached Draculea. Then the wound healed instantly.


The guy looked at me and laughed with a strange look on his face, then ate the blood.

Was it not named Draculea solely based on the relationship between vampires and bats?

I have to be careful that if I get injured during the battle, my blood will be sucked out.

For me, this would have been a scary scene for any other awakened person. It’s becoming increasingly addicted to its poison, and when it bleeds, it sucks it up and uses it as a source of energy.

It may have seemed like a despair that could never be overcome.

Of course I don’t mind.

It was then.

Kiek? Kieeek!

Draculea suddenly looked distressed and began spitting out the blood it had eaten. It was like eating milk that was a month past its expiration date.

[what? Why are you doing that?]

How could he know that it was me?

What is going on?


At that time, Mandokbulchim reacted. I had no idea, but he said he had done it.

They say that when Draculea tried to drink my blood, it planted a mine poison inside it.

He didn’t stop there, but gave me a list of recipes for the deadly poisons that had entered my body, mixed by type.

He combined different types of poison into one and ate it.

So, you mean I became a German without even knowing it?

It was a harmful effect caused by indiscriminate incentives.


Meanwhile, Mandeuk was demanding praise for a job he did well.

Could it be that it was because they gave you a few hours of vacation?


I said no, but why do you think I’m expecting it?


Meanwhile, Draculea was glaring at me, letting out a roar that was incomparable to before.

The taste of the poison must have been quite thrilling for even the Two Horned Monster to react like that.

It looks like he’s going from having fun to giving his all.

I knocked away the claws of the guy that was running at me like a moon, then hit my thigh and pushed him away.

“You’ve tasted poison, now let’s taste my hand.”

Now it’s time to taste the real Choi Jun-ho.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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