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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 253

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Episode 253

The answer to Franz and the saint’s announcement of his intention to hunt the two-horned monster came back.

In conclusion, it was ‘rejection’.

What I meant was that if we dig deeper, it would be difficult now, so could we wait a little longer?

I decided to think of it as rejection.

“It’s just as written.”

I was expecting this result.

The situation was progressing according to the information provided by Nasir. According to Saudi intelligence, Europe is currently trying to push out the representative of the era represented by Franz and create the era of Harry in England and Antoine in France.

It is said that they are preparing to revive the perception that Europe is the center of the world, dismiss Franz’s will as opposition for the sake of opposition, and hunt down this two-horned monster in their own way.

On the good side, it’s like you’re being smart, but on the bad side, it’s like you’re digging your own grave.

They are running the happiness circuit as they please, but I can see the end clearly in my eyes.

It doesn’t matter to me. I don’t feel the need to stop the stupid guys as they go to their own places of death.

Eventually, after being defeated, he will reach out to me.

All I have to do is pay the expensive bill then.

“I can pull out more next time.”

One rejection will move me to the next opportunity, but it will create a situation where I will ask for what I want.

What I feel as I return to the past is that with just a little patience, I am willing to create the version I want.

But it was hard to bear.

What I am certain about these days is that I am allergic to bullshit.

People around me say there is nothing like that, but when I see my hands moving on their own, I am convinced that I have developed a new allergy.

If you still don’t believe it, I’ll say it’s an aftereffect of being poisoned by a monster’s poison.

…You’ll believe this, right?

Anyway, there are a lot of guys in the world that I can’t handle, and I need my power to get rid of them.

However, as I got a taste for it, there were some regrets.

I just wanted to catch two rabbits at the same time.

“If I had known this would happen, I would have gone after the league.”

It was an opportunity to catch the Hell Master, who is said to be a member of the Three Evils. The complacent mind that I was trying to just complain and watch ended up holding me back.

I’m curious about what kind of instant death gift the Hell Master is said to have.

Seeing as I’m becoming more curious about what will happen when the little guy makes a fuss, I guess I’m the type of person who doesn’t really listen to what other people say.

Even if you regret the past, nothing will change.

It was just a little disappointing.

In the meantime, some good news was delivered.

“Are you done with your education?”

After hearing the news that Mandeuk and Gwangsimi’s education had ended, I entered the world of imagery.

As a result, the training was completed satisfactorily.

And after a few days.

At the time when the superhumans of Europe were colliding with the Two-horned Demon, they boarded a plane to Bucharest at the request of a saint.

It takes a long time, equivalent to three nights, to get to Italy in a world where flying monsters are rampant.

But there is no reason to endure that tedious flight.

“Give it to me.”

[No, where in the world can you find a friend ratio like this?]

“We are all trying to be nice to each other. “You don’t like boring flights, right?”


Yongyong muttered, but was persuaded by my words and handed me the ‘claw’.

If the majesty of the Divine Beast is true, nothing can come close to the majesty of these claws.

I looked at the sullen Yongyong and comforted him.

“Toenails grow back anyway, right?”


* * *

“Anyway, old people have a lot to worry about.”

Italy’s windbreaker Matteo Colacci clicked his tongue. Plus Plus level monsters are one of the monsters after all, so there were too many to worry about.

Think back to when the level 8 harmful monster first appeared. Even at that time, there was a lot of fuss about the world being destroyed, but humanity reorganized its battle lines and succeeded in hunting down monsters.

The same goes for the plus stage that appeared later.

Mateo thought that Plus Plus stage monsters would also be possible.

Isn’t it only by overcoming these difficulties that one can become a true hero?

“The world demands standards like Headbreaker. “They say he’s amazing, but who can be sure that he hunted alone?”

Choi Jun-ho said that he faced the first Plus-level monster, Heavenly Demon Armor alone, but Mateo thought that several people would have helped him.

It’s just Choi Jun-ho who monopolizes the ball.

It would be a lie to say that he, the youngest superhuman and the world’s strongest, does not have a competitive spirit. Considering that both Franz and Maxim Geddes have recognized him, his skills must be clear. But if he could do it, she believed she could do it too.

Of course, the top priority is to preserve life. So Mateo invited his friends to join him for a sure hunt.

It is a group of people under the age of 40 who are currently leading Europe.

Made up of twelve people, they set out to hunt the newly appeared Plus Plus level monster Draculea.

The fact that twelve superhumans set out to hunt monsters was proof that they were not letting their guard down.

They, including Mateo, were confident about hunting.

“There are twelve people coming forward, so what is there to be afraid of? “I’ll go right away.”

Kieran, a British deity and the youngest superhuman in the group, showed strong confidence. He was over 210cm tall and agile, and was a superman known as the best physique on earth.

Kieran clicked his tongue as he looked at Mateo.

“We failed to bring the saint.”

“Is there any way to bring the princess to that dangerous place?”

“Are you doing this knowing that restoring a saint’s divinity will be of great help?”

“I want to bring you, but what should I do if you refuse? Are you asking me to become a villain who kidnaps the princess?”

“You said you could seduce any woman, but that was bullshit. “You can’t even do this much.”

“Are you insulting me now?”

That’s what he said, but Mateo also felt disappointed that he couldn’t bring the saint.

As a saint chosen by God and the owner of a dual gift, she was a powerful person who could be of great help in hunting monsters.

However, his way of thinking was so old-fashioned that even Mateo, a natural playboy, could not carry on a conversation properly.

To put it nicely, it’s classic beauty.

“She also had beauty and elegance.”

“You’re firmly in it.”

“Isn’t it strange not to fall in love while looking at her?”

“And then he goes around spreading rumors everywhere.”

“Because romance and desire are different things.”

Mateo shrugged his shoulders with a natural expression and looked around at his colleagues. Although we headed to Romania with one mind and one intention, everyone had different expressions.

Some people were full of anticipation about hunting, while others could not shake off their worries.

Among them, Mateo spoke to Laura Ann, a German superwoman with a clouded expression. She was also Franz’s student.

“Laura, stop making facial expressions. “It’s completely possible for us.”

“I agree we need to figure it out, but this is too fast. “Is there any reason to be in such a hurry?”

Laura was in favor of hunting Draculea, but was a typical cautious person.

Her suggestion to go hunting after thorough preparation was ignored.

“Will the old people laugh and watch us because we are being careful? Especially your teacher.”


Since Franz was also a typical cautious person, Laura frowned and was unable to continue speaking.

“It is true that Draculea is strong, but let’s show that we are no easy feat either. “If you thoroughly familiarize yourself with local materials and prepare, you can hunt as much as you want!”

“Oh, I’m looking forward to it?”

Kieran actively sympathized with Mateo’s confidence.

Laura looked at them and sighed.

She didn’t really like the way things were going right now. I need to be a little more self-respecting. However, the young and energetic superhumans could not think of restraining themselves from doing so.

Nevertheless, the reason we are together is because we agree that we must solve the disaster that has befallen Europe on our own.

I know Choi Jun-ho’s strength better than anyone else because I have experienced it myself. However, if they rely on that power, their growth may be delayed.

‘What are you thinking?’

While I didn’t understand Franz’s thoughts, I also didn’t like his colleagues who had a secret inferiority complex towards Choi Jun-ho and were recklessly trying to go hunting.

When they arrived in Bucharest, Romania, they immediately acquired information about Draculea.

The Plus Plus level monster is named Draculea because it is a bat-shaped monster. The evil nature of this monster, which not only has the ability to fly but also hunts humans with extremely cunning behavior, has thrown all of Romania into fear.

Not only that, the storm generated by the wings was fiercer than a typhoon, and the ultrasonic waves emitted were powerful enough to destroy the human brain.

Draculea was a complete monster with literally no weaknesses.


Those who looked at the information curiously at first began to become more serious as they went down.

Even Mateo, who was smiling, hardened his expression and looked at the information several times.

“Is this true?”

“It’s true. Please save us!”

Romania, where Draculea appeared, was currently facing the worst situation. The two superhumans they had blocked Draculea to give the citizens time to evacuate, but they could not hold out for even 10 minutes and disappeared in a handful of blood.

Romania is the country that produced Dr. Constantina in the past, but it is classified as a place with not very strong awakened power even in Europe.

The fate of Romania, which lost all of its superhumans due to this incident, was as precarious as a candle in the wind.

“This won’t be easy.”

Mateo was a playboy, but his talent was said to be the best in Italy. Twelve superhumans came, but Draculea was on a different level from the monsters they had faced so far.

“It would be a coward’s move to back down from here.”

Kieran, on the other hand, looked confident. He said he was confident he could withstand Drekulea’s attack.

If hunting in a group, Kieran will take on the role of a tank at the forefront, catching the monsters’ aggro and suppressing it.

“What about you?”

“You can try.”

The person who added strength to Kieran’s words was Nkeita, a French superman who immigrated from Ghana.

He had a quiet personality and wanted to fit in with the mainstream due to the trauma of coming from an immigrant family, but he was a person who gained a lot of trust within the group because he always played his role quietly.

Mateo seemed shaken when he heard that Kieran and Nkeita could do it.

It was Laura who intervened here.

“I am against it.”

Laura explained that the danger from Drekulea was greater than expected and that if they overexerted themselves and got hit, hunting would become more difficult.

“If Kieran and Nkeita hold up well, I think we can do it.”


“I don’t plan on insisting unilaterally either. “If you think it’s hard to endure, you can just step down.”

“You go into battle with a monster and think it’s going to be easy?”

“I think that’s possible.”

“I have already experienced failure.”

“That was when it was just the two of us.”

Mateo seemed confident about running away.

That made Laura’s anxiety grow.

Draculea was a monster that showed more cunning movements than humans.

“But it’s the opposite.”

“Then let’s decide by voting.”

Mateo voted for or against hunting, and the result was overwhelmingly 9 to 3 in favor.

The decision has been made.

Let’s find out just how dangerous Draculea is.

When the results came out, Mateo looked at Laura and said.

“If you think it’s dangerous, you can leave.”

“…No, I will participate.”

If the power deviates further from here, our colleagues will be in danger. Even the opposing superhumans, including Laura, agreed to hunt together.

“Okay, let’s go.”

And a few hours later.

News of the failure of the twelve superhumans, who were called the future of Europe, to hunt Draculea was delivered.

* * *

British superman Harry Carlson is called the unlucky second-in-command in Europe.

When he was young, he was pushed out by Franz and was ranked second in Europe. He tried to surpass Franz and succeeded in becoming a member of the top ten through endless efforts.

However, his ambition to surpass Franz was not achieved. Franz, who stepped down to make way for his juniors, became a legend, but Harry Carlson, who was narrow-minded and only knew about himself, did not have a wide network of people.

Harry Carlson is such a troublesome figure in Britain that there is even a saying, ‘The only thing that can control the deceased Harry Carlson is the British royal family.’

Nevertheless, the reason he exerts this level of influence is because his skills are certain.

The reason he came to the Vatican was not to add strength on a Mahayana level, but to interfere with the work being done by the saint and Franz.

It was his actions that best suited the phrase ‘opposition for the sake of opposition’ better than anyone else.

Contrary to the negative reviews, he had a kind face and comforted the saint with a gentle voice.

“Hehe, saintess. “I’m speaking kindly, right?”

“Even if you say that, it’s impossible.”

“Even if I ask you this?”


“This is starting to make me feel bad. “It’s for all of us.”

“I don’t understand why you came here before Bucharest.”

The superhumans called the future of Europe failed to hunt Draculea. Of the twelve, five were killed and seven were seriously injured.

The damage was too great to say it was a momentary act of recklessness. Harry Carlson, who had instigated this from behind, was also responsible, but he passed the blame on as if it was nothing and urged the saint not to call Choi Jun-ho.

And visiting the Vatican before Bucharest was like revealing his dark intentions.

“I was planning on leaving after we finished talking.”

“Good for you. Then you can come with me. Headbreaker is going to be there too.”


Harry Carlson’s once personable eyes changed. A subtle murderous look came out of his sharp, raised eyes.

“You called me already?”

“Because the matter is urgent. Do you really think we should wait for all of Romania to be trampled for the sake of pride?”

“Hmm, that can’t be possible.”

Harry Carlson could not put any more pressure on the saint due to the harshly penetrating voice.

But his expression was distorted.

The saintess paid him no heed and spoke with confidence.

“If you don’t want him to intervene, talk to him directly.”

“…Let’s go to Bucharest.”

So the saint and Harry Carlson headed to Bucharest.


Choi Jun-ho arrived in Bucharest much sooner than expected.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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