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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 250

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Episode 250

I looked at Hyun Young-mi’s outstretched hand.

Hyun Young-mi, the opposition party’s presidential candidate, is a name I have heard of even though I am not particularly interested in politicians.

A prosecutor-turned-politician famous for being tough on the awakened. Even before he became a politician, he was famous for imposing strong sentences on the awakened.

There is a high probability that what the opposition party is talking about came from that woman’s head.

“What brings the famous presidential candidate here?”

“I felt like there was a misunderstanding between Junho Choi and I wanted to talk to him.”

“I don’t think there’s any particular misunderstanding.”

“I don’t think I misunderstood either. “You might think differently.”

“So what’s your business?”

“Can we sit down and talk first?”

Hyun Young-mi withdrew her awkward hand and spoke, so I agreed and sat down. My father, who was watching the situation, also sat a little away.

“First of all, I would like to apologize for making comments that could be misunderstood. “The party also pointed out that the expression was excessive.”

“I don’t really care.”

“For something like that, the numbers they put out were strong, right?”

“It is my habit to completely trample on anything that gets on my nerves. “It is a characteristic of this world that if you look weak, you will be trampled.”

“I guess that’s how we acted.”

“Are you really going to say no?”


“Then they misunderstood, so you can take it easy.”

I returned exactly what Hyun Young-mi said.

Hyun Young-mi chewed her lip and spoke with difficulty.

“Even if Superhuman Choi Jun-ho doesn’t care, we have no choice but to care. “Even more so when I heard that I was going to donate the heart of a Plus Plus level monster for the ruling party.”

“I just felt like it.”

“Do you mean we don’t go against Choi Jun-ho’s wishes?”


I neither confirmed nor denied. It’s a bit awkward for the players to think about among themselves.

Hyun Young-mi sighed and continued speaking.

“It may have been excessive to express it, but this measure was also for the benefit of Choi Jun-ho.”

“what do you mean?”

You insisted so strongly that superhumans should be controlled, and then you said, “Is this for me?”

When I see my hand trying to move, my bullshit allergy is about to kick in.

Either way, Hyun Young-mi said.

“I think the current government treats Choi Jun-ho as a hunting dog.”



Hyun Young-mi, who was confident, gave strength to her voice.

“Superhuman Choi Jun-ho is the strongest superhuman in the world and a level 9 awakened person. Such talented people should not be treated as hunting dogs, but should be treated as socially respected figures. “I think Choi Jun-ho is not respected enough by the government.”

“That’s an interesting perspective.”

“I guess so. “The president must have tried to manipulate Superhuman Choi Jun-ho for his own benefit.”

She criticized the president and the government, while also accusing me of being busy moving around as a trick of the government to deceive an innocent person.

But Hyun Young-mi was mistaken.

“So what?”

“The government is using superhuman Choi Jun-ho! “Don’t you feel bad being treated like a hunting dog?”

“It’s not bad?”


Did you really think I would feel bad for being treated like a dog? If so, it was a one-dimensional idea.

“What does it matter if I don’t think so? “It’s okay if I don’t think that way.”

“…I was mistaken in thinking that it might be unpleasant.”

“So what you want to say is join hands with the opposition party?”

No matter how much I twist it around, I can only hear those words.

“is it so. “We can make Choi Jun-ho a more sophisticated and respected superman than he is now.”

“I don’t see how that’s any different from stimulant control. “Isn’t this a real hunting dog?”

At least now it seems like he can walk around freely with his leash off.

What Hyun Young-mi is talking about is putting a leash on.



“It means having dignity as the world’s strongest superhuman.”

“So doesn’t that mean you should refrain from acting more now?”


“Isn’t it?”

It’s okay to try to play around with sophistry. If you take off the fancy packaging and check the contents, you can find out what the other person’s intentions are.

If this is all you’re talking about, it doesn’t seem worth listening to any more.

“This is a story for Choi Jun-ho, a superhuman.”

“You don’t have to give it to me. “I did well on my own.”

On the contrary, if there had been no interference, I would have been quietly doing my own thing.

That’s the one I keep touching.

Hyun Young-mi’s expression begins to distort.

“Choi Jun-ho is superhuman. “Do you think acting as recklessly as you are doing is helping you?”

“There is no one who can touch me other than the crazy opposition party.”

Hyun Young-mi’s voice rose in response to my words.

“Superman Choi Jun-ho keeps putting us in a corner.”

My composure has been broken.

There is no point in saying any more.

“If you’re going to nag me unnecessarily, let’s end the conversation.”

“I know Choi Jun-ho won’t leave this country anyway. If we take power, shouldn’t we get along like the current government? “Why are you rejecting our outstretched hand?”

Well definitely.

Given what I have been through so far, leaving this country is not an option.

But do you think that will be my weakness?

If that were the case, it would be a big mistake.

“This country is where I was born and where I have put a lot of effort into it, so this is where I will live for the rest of my life.”

“that’s right. So what a foolish choice it is to turn the opposition party into an enemy…” “

But there is something you are mistaken about.”

Why does the opposition party think they can take power?

The place where power is taken is basically Mercury. Mercury means power, and power allows you to do many things.

More than anything.

It was funny to think that I would stay still after hearing that sound.

I reached out my hand and grabbed Hyun Young-mi’s neck.



Surprised, he stopped the security guards who tried to approach him. They were frightened and when they made eye contact with me, they became restless and took a step back.

This level of loyalty is everything.

I looked into Hyun Young-mi’s eyes. I just looked into his eyes without any particular emotion, but he began to tremble violently, like an aspen tree trembling.

“I’m allergic to bullshit, so my hands move like this. and.”

I paused for a moment and looked at Hyun Young-mi. The person whose neck was held in my hands was just an ordinary person waiting for my disposition.

That’s what power is. It dismantles the various shells of people who do not have it and reveals their true colors.

Hyun Young-mi, a presidential candidate and a hard-line prosecutor, is just a stranger who can do no harm to me.

“Did you think you would be safe if you said that?”


Hyun Young-mi’s struggling eyes began to fill with fear.

Yes, it is correct to view an overwhelming being that one cannot overcome in this way.

“As long as I am alive, the opposition party will never take power.”


“If you want to tell me whether it was a foolish choice, please let me know.”

However, Hyun Young-mi was astonished and could not open her mouth.

In the end, I let him go because he couldn’t say anything. Hyun Young-mi, who was coughing while lying on the floor, looked at me and said nothing. The behavior you are seeing now is what you should have done from the beginning.

Maybe I should have just twisted his neck.

No, that is no different from a hematoma. Killing him is a good punishment, but what this person will suffer the most is the rapid disappearance of his hope of reaching the pinnacle of power.

“Let’s assume today’s meeting is just a greeting. “Wouldn’t that be good for both parties?”

“…you might want to think carefully about what I said. “Because that is the path for Choi Jun-ho to become a superman.”

“You can’t keep talking nonsense.”


Hyun Young-mi was startled by my answer and left the place as if running away. The bodyguards, who were only watching, followed Hyun Young-mi.

Only me and my father were left in the room.

Now that I think about it, I was a little worried about how my father would view my actions when others saw them as extreme.

But the answer from my father was different from what I expected.

“Good job.”

“I thought you were going to get scolded.”

“What is scolding? Rather, I’m just sorry that I came here and ended up in a bad situation. But it is no one else but the presidential candidate. “It was difficult to block it from my line.”

“it’s okay. I thought it might be like this. “It’s okay for me to scream, but will it be okay for you, Dad?”

Anyway, if Hyun Young-mi touches my father, I won’t stay quiet, but there are probably one or two people who are mistaken and run wild.

At that time, there were many people who saw the evil, so it wouldn’t have mattered if they twisted their necks, right?

“I’m fine too. “Even if you are a presidential candidate, you have to be elected to be valuable.”

Then he looked at me and smiled.

“I don’t think you’ll let that woman get elected anyway.”

“of course.”

I also have quite a bit of power.

I cannot become president, but I can at least prevent others from becoming president.

“I’ll take care of the rest.”

“I’ll be there to help you too.”

* * *

Hyun Young-mi said she moved quietly, but it seems inevitable that it will leak out.

The fact that he was scolded during a meeting with me spread widely, and he became a subject of ridicule for saying that he ran away as if he were running away.

I went about my daily life quietly without anything to say.

The daily routine included guiding Jung Joo-ho to become a superhuman, collaborating with Lee Se-hee, resolving issues when superhuman calls came in, and solidifying the fandom at Jin Se-jeong’s request.

Among them, the thing that put the most effort into was improving Berserker’s skills.

One thing I’ve realized while playing Berserker is that working hard every day doesn’t have as much of an effect as you think.

Anyway, my skills in dealing with people have improved, and the field I’ve been focusing on these days to improve my Berserker senses is hunting monsters.


If its biggest strength is its unyielding bravery even when facing monsters, its biggest weakness is that its intelligence is synchronized with that of monsters.

I furrowed my brows as I watched him abandon the fight and attack like an animal, crushing the monster.

Just because you met someone you can beat up to your heart’s content, you beat them up like crazy.

“Are you going crazy?”

“I hunted the monster as you ordered.”

“Are you bragging just because you hunted that one thing?”

“…It’s absurd that there are very few superhumans who can hunt a harmful level 8 monster alone.”

“That skill is not enough. “How can I trust you and go abroad with peace of mind?”

“It seems like they don’t trust me and just move on as they please.”

“It’s all nearby. “If you put your mind to it, you can come here right away.”

The reason I take advantage of my limited time to look after Berserker is to prepare for when I am not around.

There are sluts and other superhumans, but their skills aren’t that great. At least it was effective to grab the Berserker that showed signs of action and focus on it.

“Everyone is telling you to do well, so let’s focus on training. huh?”

“I think it’s more grumpy than that.”

“Are you arguing now?”

“no. “Then let’s keep going.”

After working diligently, Berserker gained the skills to hunt level 8 remains on his own. Still, it would be nice to be able to hunt plus level monsters alone, but it seemed like it would take time.

Berserker seemed displeased with my assessment.

“Still, I think I can deal with plus-level monsters…”

“It’s possible. But you died in a close fight.”


“Why are you dissatisfied?”

“I was just disappointed because my skills were only at that level.”

“So you have to become stronger.”

“What should I do?”

“You get excited when you fight. So it causes unnecessary injuries.”

To begin with, his nickname was Berserk, so it was a natural style. If you collide with a monster recklessly and collide with a plus stage monster equipped with a piece of brain, you will only suffer one-sided damage and be turned into a piece of meat.

Even though I gave him this kind advice, Berserker looked unconvinced.

“It’s hard to get the rhythm right.”


“At one point, you said that you timidly cared for yourself. “Now you’re taking the lead?”

“Did I do that?”

“I hope you at least remember what I said.”

If anyone sees it, it will look like I made a big mistake.

“Then why don’t you become stronger?”


“If you’re dissatisfied, why not come forward and prove your skills?”

“It’s sad that you’re weak.”

Even so, I didn’t feel pity at all.

* * *

It’s unsatisfactory, but as Berserker’s skills were improving to a certain level, an incident occurred in Japan.

The League forces boldly attacked the Tokyo Research Institute. In the League, Hell Master, a member of the Three Evils, stepped forward and the laboratory was completely robbed.

I realized that this happened due to information leaked from the government.

I thought it would take a little longer, but it’s moving faster than expected.

If I had known Wang Geon would come, I would have been waiting in Tokyo.

“Hell Master is a dangerous superhuman.”

Zolaman told me that of all the awakened people in the world, Hell Master is the most dangerous.

So wouldn’t it be better to remove it when it can be removed?

“Hell Master has an instant death gift! “It’s dangerous!”

This is because of the gift possessed by the Hell Master.

This gift, which kills the opponent instantly if certain conditions are met, is considered the most dangerous and powerful.

I’ve certainly seen many gifts, but this is the first time I’ve heard of a gift related to instant death.

It’s a gift that can definitely kill the opponent.

…I want it?

Isn’t this enough to kill monsters and divine beasts?

I want it, I want it.

“no! I told you so! “It’s so dangerous!”

The little man read my expression and jumped up. I don’t know how to read it accurately.

“So what brings you here?”

“I came because I heard you’ve been making a fuss about politics these days. “Junho doesn’t like that kind of thing.”

“It’s inconvenient.”

“Tell me if you need anything. Because America is always begging to support Junho! You can also declare support!”

“Is that okay?”

I think it’s not a big deal, but America’s support is still meaningful to this country.

The little guy brought a gift.

Of course, this can’t be free.

“What do you want?”

“Do you know that I always want something from Junho?”

“Then isn’t there?”

“That is, if there is something to give and receive from each other…”

In the end, it is a play on words when the United States is trying to receive something in return for support.

“Starting with business.”

“You said you could sell the heart of a Plus Plus stage monster this time.”

What James Reed wanted was, of course, a two-horned monster.

Originally, it was planned to share fragments related to monsters, but it was canceled due to the small amount obtained when the Heavenly Demon Armor self-destructed.

This time, I said that I could sell the heart of the Two Horned Monster and expressed my intention to buy some of it instead of selling it all to Saudi Arabia.

“As I said last time, the amount is not enough to distribute to the United States.”


A limp, floppy man.

But you shouldn’t give up right away.

“Because this isn’t the only chance.”


The two-horned monster is not the only one in the world, and if you wait, it will appear someday.

Of course, you will need my power.

The damage to be endured is still too great to hunt the two-horned monster.

This is also a kind of pre-order.

“Next time I catch it, I’ll give it to you.”

At that time, I was planning to prevent self-destruction.

Now that I’ve dealt with it once, I think the next time will be easier.

James Reed’s expression brightened as he realized what I meant.

“Jun Ho! Thank you! Thank you so much!”

* * *

And a month later.

A two-horned monster has appeared in Europe.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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