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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 249

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Episode 249:

The opposition party’s preemptive attack threw the Republic of Korea into turmoil.

Although it had attractive packaging, if you look at the contents, it was actually an idea to ‘control’ the stimulant within an appropriate range.

People from all walks of life expressed concern about this idea.

He expressed his thoughts that the reason South Korea was able to become the safest country in the world was because it had a relatively free awakened system.

However, there were also opinions in favor of this.

They are people who showed a negative attitude toward the awakened people’s sense of privilege and their acquisition of wealth and fame.

I know that the awakened are suffering, but there are many people who recklessly wield their power and suffer harm. Their idea was that some restrictions were necessary as various side effects emerged.

Of course, not all non-awakened people reacted this way.

Many of them knew that this peace was maintained by the Awakened, and that Choi Jun-ho was at the top of it.

However, not all of them had the same thoughts, so the Internet space quickly became chaos.

-Choi Jun-ho Do you think wearing a leash will work? Anyway, they are trying to get tickets.

-But isn’t control necessary within an appropriate range? I think Choi Jun-ho’s rampage right now has completely gone beyond the limits.

-You can use the internet comfortably because Choi Jun-ho is there, so that’s what you’re saying? And if you control it, how do you control it? Can you control it?

-Isn’t Choi Jun-ho putting in the effort because he has an attachment to this country? Then we will coordinate and compromise at an appropriate level.

-There are still naive newbies who don’t know about Choi Jun-ho. ㅉㅉ This country will be annihilated before Choi Jun-ho comes to his senses.

-The bigger problem is that the opposition party pulled Choi Jun-ho’s nose hair while he was still there.

-But when did Choi Jun-ho stay still? I believe that just recently, they issued a warning at the hearing and started arresting the people involved.

-I feel like I am calm at this level. We’re getting used to Choi Jun-ho.

-That’s right. I thought it was going to be crazy, but why did I take it for granted? I got goosebumps for a moment.

– I know they used tricks to win the presidential election, but this is a bit scary. It looks like Choi Jun-ho won’t stay still.

-Still, the opposition party used their brains well. If Choi Jun-ho reacts clumsily here, public opinion will shift towards the opposition party.

Regardless of their love for Choi Jun-ho, most netizens thought that Choi Jun-ho would not stay still.

Because that’s what he’s shown so far.

The unstoppable use of his hands brought about as much cheer as concern. In addition to eliminating monsters and villains, those who were even more vicious than the villains who pretended to be normal were swept away by Choi Jun-ho.

It was refreshing to see vested interests, who committed all kinds of corruption in the news and were punished lightly, collapsed at the hands of Choi Jun-ho.

But where there is light, there is also darkness.

Every time Choi Jun-ho crosses a line, more and more people worry that it will ultimately lead to Choi Jun-ho’s absolute dictatorship.

However, we cannot be more intimidating than necessary.

The moment Choi Jun-ho left, Korea was inevitably exposed to the threat of monsters.

People who had been plagued by demons for the past time were realizing how much safer Korea had become after Choi Jun-ho appeared.

In that respect, many people were impressed by seeing the liver through this announcement. This is because if Choi Jun-ho threatens to leave the country, it could have the opposite effect.

For a moment, think of it as an exquisite political move.

When Choi Jun-ho’s response came out, the Republic of Korea was shocked once again.

< Is Choi Jun-ho preparing for the presidential election? Reveals intention to sell the plus-plus level monster's heart.... >

< Donate to the Blue House and use the sale proceeds to fund the presidential election? Controversy over Choi Jun-ho’s intervention in the presidential election. >

< There is no current law. Even if the legal controversy is resolved, the results will not be released until after the presidential election. >

< Is the proceeds from the sale used as presidential election funds? The unprecedented plutocracy election in history! >

< The ruling party has an overwhelming advantage in the next presidential election, which could degenerate into a fight over money! > The

plus-plus level Demon’s Heart, in which Choi Jun-ho expressed his intention to donate, was a game changer that could literally change the game.

There was an uproar in the opposition party, but since nothing was enacted into law, regulation was virtually impossible.

Although they say they avoid plutocracy, this is because several constitutional amendments were made after the attack by the demons, making it possible to provide almost unlimited funding.

However, in the case of existing conglomerates or guilds, regime changes occur periodically, so there is little focus on one side, so it did not become an issue.

However, with Choi Jun-ho coming out so blatantly, the opposition party had a backlash hundreds or thousands of times stronger than expected.

So how much is the heart of a Plus Plus level monster worth?

This was overturned once again by a follow-up article.

< An official from the King of Saudi Arabia revealed that he is willing to purchase Plus Plus' Heart of a Monster for 100 trillion won.... > < An official from the King of Saudi Arabia says even 100 trillion won is insignificant compared to Choi Jun-ho's achievements! >

< Choi Jun-ho will save the world from the threat of monsters. Saudi Arabia bet 100 trillion won on becoming friends with him! >

– Wow, that’s crazy. The game is over. gg!

-So why do you act like this by messing with Choi Jun-ho?

-By the way, Choi Jun-ho is also amazing. If you look at the fact that he said he would donate an item worth 100 trillion won to the Blue House just because he didn’t like it.

-You can drag him out illegally by doing various things, but the problem will only be revealed after the presidential election, and Choi Jun-ho has the privilege of not being arrested. -The very fact that you think you

can legally sanction Choi Jun-ho in the first place is proof that your head is a flower garden.

-You mean to suppress the opposition party. These guys are behind now.

-In the end, it is unconditionally beneficial to go with Choi Jun-ho.

-I was trying to run for president and got into trouble with Choi Jun-ho.

-It wouldn’t be surprising if the heads of opposition party members were torn apart tomorrow.

The opposition party, overwhelmed by the amount of 100 trillion won, eventually gave up.

A spokesperson for the opposition party dismissed the statement, saying, “The control over the awakened was not aimed at Choi Jun-ho, but was merely an announcement of a pledge to reduce the crime rate of the awakened, which is increasing day by day.”

But everyone who watched the news knew.

The opposition party’s surprise attack and Choi Jun-ho’s counterattack. The power struggle that took place in the process.

The winner of that fight was Choi Jun-ho.

* * *

“Aren’t you happy?”

“It’s good, but it’s also burdensome.”

“but. “I was surprised when I heard that it was 100 trillion won.”

The President was surprised to learn that Choi Jun-ho was thinking of donating the heart of a plus-plus level monster to help the Blue House win the presidential election.

I watched with interest to see how Choi Jun-ho would respond after the opposition party’s announcement, but this move easily exceeded his expectations.

Choi Jun-ho is not the head breaker he used to be, breaking his head when he made a mistake.

I have even developed the political sense to instinctively point out the point where the opponent is most hurt.

“I knew there was a plan, but I didn’t know it could move this fast.”

“The opposition party must be in such an urgent situation.”

“Compared to that, you have plenty of time.”

“Wouldn’t it be better to make a dramatic appearance?”

The opposition party was not the only one in an uproar due to the ‘Choi Jun-ho donation rumor of 100 trillion won’. There was an uproar on the ruling party side as well, as winning the presidential election was a given as long as he could become the ruling party’s presidential candidate.

The ruling party also showed a poor performance as it fought to somehow secure 100 trillion won amid a flurry of minor candidates.

The President watched all of these situations and estimated the timing of Cheon Myeong-guk’s appearance.

As disappointment with the ruling party and the opposition party piles up, the emergence of Cheon Myeong-guk, ‘the person who can handle Choi Jun-ho’, will become more dramatic.

“I wanted to give you some advice.”

“I will listen carefully.”

“There’s no need for that. “I usually get excited or something, but there’s nothing like that.”

“It’s because I haven’t felt it yet. And getting excited is a shortcut to mistakes. “I’m trying to stay calm through the simulation.”

“That gift is amazing.”

Cheon Myeong-guk, who does not make mistakes through simulation, will be the scariest ruling party candidate of all time.

And the presence of Choi Jun-ho, who adds strength to this, will give us wings.

“The point will be that you can handle Choi Jun-ho.”

This incident revealed Choi Jun-ho’s fear.

Even though he is the youngest superhuman, he never gets excited. Not only did he run in a straight line for his goal, but he also showed that he could change direction at will.

The president was able to solidify that idea when Saudi Arabia actually contacted him following the rumor of a Plus Plus level monster heart donation.

Above all, the scariest aspect of Choi Jun-ho is.

The point is that it is not attached to wealth.

Usually, he establishes countless relationships for his own wealth and fame and becomes part of vested interests in the process, but that does not apply to Choi Jun-ho.

When he heard about Article 100, the President felt his heart beating in rhythm.

However, even after hearing the story, Choi Jun-ho had no reaction.

This was possible because there was no greed for real wealth.

If you get caught, go.

This time we showed how scary a superhuman who is not tied to material things can be.

“I don’t know if I should say it’s good because I don’t have to worry about money issues, or if I should worry about running wild as I want because I don’t have anything to worry about.”

“Just because there is no corruption, we are the best as a partner.”

“Well, the corruption shown by superhumans has been severe.”

“yes. “I wish I could just write down how to buy and hit.”

“That is impossible. It doesn’t matter. Director Cheon will take good care of it.”

“I think your words were a bit harsh.”

The President burst out laughing as he saw Cheon Myeong-guk speaking awkwardly.

* * *

As expected, in a capitalist society, money has great power.

The situation turned upside down to the point that even I was confused.

But is the price of the heart of a two-horned monster worth 100 trillion won? In terms of efficiency, I don’t think it’s that good.

It was Go Ye-jin who published this exclusive report. I couldn’t believe it because his aggro ability was so great, but I firmly answered that it was true this time.

“It’s symbolic. “It is also true that there was actual contact.”


“yes. And although this is symbolic, there is also a desire to form a relationship with the superhuman in Saudi Arabia.”

Go Ye-jin said that not long after humanity faced a plus-level threat, with the appearance of two-horned monsters, it became more important to have strong superhumans with clear skills than to have multiple superhumans.

However, the number of strong superhumans is very small and they are tied to various interests.

In this situation, there are many people keeping an eye on me as I am the only one with a record of hunting two-horned monsters.

“You can think of the superhuman as being that great!”

I don’t know why Go Ye-jin looks proud as she speaks, but I can roughly understand what it means.

The situation was resolved easily when Saudi Arabia unexpectedly intervened.

Here, the power of 100 trillion was added.

It may be an amount that would be surprising to others, but honestly, 100 trillion did not make much sense to me.

“For now, hold off on selling it and ask the person who said he came from Saudi Arabia to take a look.”

“yes! “My role ends here. I will pass on the rest to Team Leader Jin.”

If you leave the rest to Jin Se-jeong, she will take care of it.

“Good job on this one.”

“no! It’s about blowing away people who attack you! “You don’t know how difficult it was to refine the expression so that as many people as possible could see it.”

Was there anything left to aggro here?

I once again thought that Go Ye-jin’s talent for attracting so many people with just one article was amazing.

This time I benefited a little.

“Call me whenever you need it!”

Go Ye-jin, who was excited by my praise, left and I went into the mental world in the personal training room, rolled out the gift, and headed home.

No, I was going to head there.

A sudden call from my father made me change my route.

There is someone who wants to see me.

It’s funny. If you want to see me, you can come to me, but you have to go through my father.

Anyway, from one to ten, there is nothing I like.

The place I arrived was a golf course I had visited once.

The entrance to the golf course felt more secure than usual. There was a security guard who I couldn’t see last time, and when he saw me, he quietly left the room.

“Welcome. “I suddenly feel sorry.”

It was my father who came out to the entrance of the golf course and greeted me.

“Why do you make it a bother when you don’t ask me to come find it in person?”

“I thought this could at least lighten the mood.”

“Do you want to do well?”

“Do as you think. “All I do is make you soften like this.”

“If I don’t like it, I’ll throw it down right away.”

“I will completely respect your wishes.”

My father and I entered the golf course. Then I saw the person who was looking for me.

In a cafe located inside the golf course, a woman who I had seen several times on TV was sitting there.

When she saw me, she stood up, approached me and held out her hand.

“nice to meet you.”

The person who reached out to me was Hyun Young-mi, the opposition presidential candidate.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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