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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 248

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Episode 248


After finishing my conversation with the President, I got lost in thought as I came out of the Blue House.

Today’s conversation was a moment that made me think about quite a few things.

Does it mean that you have to be extraordinary to become the president of a country? The President accurately pointed out what areas he was worried about, areas that I could easily lose focus on. If you point it out like this, it won’t rush in suddenly, so steam will escape and it won’t overheat.

Normally I would share this conversation and get advice, but I didn’t want to do that this time.

I didn’t really want to share the thoughts I had in my last life and the changes I felt in myself.


What was the only part of the conversation where you thought the President was mistaken?

“You think my attachment is lower than I thought.”

I looked around. Seoul, South Korea is a city that has completely succeeded in rebuilding after a monster attack. Most of the monsters were hunted before they could even approach Seoul, and countless people gathered to restore the city to its former glory.

This place, now one of the world’s greatest cities, is a place I desperately longed for in my last life.

Being pursued as a villain makes it impossible for him to enjoy the comforts of civilization.

No matter how much you get what you need from the black market, persistent tracking only makes it temporary.

Cheon Myeong-guk did it really well. That kind of person is aiming to become the next president.

When I was a hematologist, I swore to myself that I would twist Cheon Myeong-guk’s neck if I saw him, but now that I am helping him, it’s really funny how human fate is.

Having gone through that process, I know better than anyone else about the importance of civilization.

“There is no way I can let go of that precious thing.”

It will not lead to a conflict as the president feared.

The existence of a nation is like a living organism. Although it moves slowly, I am willing to maintain a partnership if you can listen to and reflect my opinions.

“I’m sick of the chase.”

Well, if you think about it another way, I don’t think I’ll be chased because I’ve become much stronger than in my last life. Rather, it seems easier to eliminate all those who oppose me and take over Seoul.

…Does it really seem possible?

If you think about it that way, it seems like there’s no need to endure being sick, right?

“Isn’t this it?”

I headed to my parents’ house, thinking that the president would have been shocked if he had heard. As I have been traveling various places these days, I was forced to call.

But the smell of soybean paste stew that filled the house made me forget all my feelings.

In terms of taste, the first lady’s soybean paste stew may be better, but there was a wall that nothing could overcome when it came to my mother’s taste, which I had accumulated memories of since childhood.

I still had the longing to try my mother’s soybean paste stew again when I had a hematoma.

The seasoning called earnestness is better than any other seasoning.

“Don’t you even eat properly? Why are you so skinny? Eat a lot.”

“I have a lot of work to do these days.”

“What’s going on so much?”

“Even though it looks like this, they are making great efforts for world peace.”

Is it because of force refining? The feeling of cringe that I had before was completely gone.

My mother looked at me blankly and sighed.

“No matter how fine it looks on the outside.”

“Does it look strange?”

“I’m just not used to it.”

“Which one?”

“Everyone around me is worried about their children finding jobs, but my son is a superhuman who is recognized all over the world.”

My mother’s attitude as she said something was subtle.

Is it so strange that your child is a successful superhuman?

“Don’t you believe it?”

“I believe it. It’s because I can’t get used to it. “Do you know how crazy the neighborhood is?”

My mother said that it was difficult to meet people because of all the requests, from offers to standing positions.

I guess I’ll have to direct traffic sometime soon.

After finishing the meal, I drank coffee and talked to my father.

“The political flow is very complicated.”

My father says that since I disappeared and reappeared, the political and business worlds have been in uncontrollable chaos. In particular, there are no signs of the confusion calming down as a large number of people from the business world have been arrested in the wake of the brainwashing incident.

Is there any problem? In any case, power does not allow a vacuum. Even if all those who have done bad things are caught, there are more than enough people to take their place.

“The ruling party suffered a big blow, which was good news for the opposition party. “But I don’t think the president will let the regime change happen like this.”

“Even though the ruling party is having a hard time, do you still look at it that way?”

“The ruling party is having a hard time, but the Blue House is not having a hard time.”

I’m not an expert, but my father’s vision was quite good. The president also said something similar. The ruling party has suffered a major blow, but there are things to look at separately from the Blue House.

The president’s intention is to draw that line intentionally. My father saw it clearly.

“I think the president’s plan is probably in the Blue House.”

“Do you see it that way?”

“Otherwise, we will not allow the ruling party to suffer a blow that comes close to annihilation. There is a high probability that there will be a successor within the Blue House. And he probably knows you well.”

My father, who was talking to me as if he was looking at me, suddenly brought out my name.

“Are you Director Cheon Myeong-guk?”

“that’s right. “Are you amazing?”

“…I said it was a low-probability but high-probability plan, but I had no idea they would actually proceed.”

My father shook his head and stuck his tongue out at the President’s boldness.

I was just watching from the sidelines and thought it was amazing, but I think it was a bolder decision than that.

“Do you think Director Cheon has any chance of becoming president?”

“In normal circumstances, I would say it is not possible, but if it involves you, there is a possibility.”

What does it mean to be related to me?

My father must have seen my puzzled expression and laughed.

“You don’t realize the premium that your presence brings. “It has the power to instantly turn someone who has no presence in politics into a presidential candidate.”

But being close to me doesn’t only have a positive effect.

“Sometimes that can be a fatal weakness.”

The opposition party is also said to be taking advantage of the opportunity.

“Then shall we try to get along?”

“Is that possible?”

“Of course not.”

“Then let’s keep doing what we were doing. “Because I’m doing well now.”


“by the way.”

My father, who was staring at me, briefly clicked his tongue.

“I feel sorry for Director Cheon Myeong-guk.”

There was no answer as to why he was saying that.

* * *

My personal hope is to hunt the two-horned monster that will appear in Europe first, and then catch the thunderbird.

As he experienced a lot of trial and error while dealing with the Heavenly Demon Armor, he raised his experience to the level of mastery with the newly appearing Two-Horned Demon and then faced the Thunderbird.

Although I myself think highly of Shinsoo, the overwhelming power that Yongyong showed was still vivid in my mind.

Since the Thunderbird would be comparable to it, I wanted to compete against it myself in its completed state.

If Shinsu is cornered, will he show his survival instinct like other monsters?

And how will Yongyong, who has a special affection for his fellow Shinsu, react when he sees the results of the confrontation?

Just thinking about it makes me excited.

“The timing has to be right.”

It’s just that I can’t wait a thousand or ten thousand years for a two-horned monster to appear in Europe.

I was thinking of waiting up to a year to refine myself and then make a decision.

In fact, the probability of a two-horned monster appearing within a year is less than 1%.

If I were to talk about my last life, this is because monsters with two horns did not appear in Europe during this time.

However, since my appearance brought many changes to the world, the possibility of my appearance cannot be ruled out. While waiting for that, I plan to digest the gifts I’ve gotten.

“That’s ambiguous.”

However, it felt awkward to hope for the appearance of a two-horned monster for my own personal satisfaction.

The fact that you are thinking like this is proof that it has become normal.

I decided not to think long about it.

This is because I did not create the Heavenly Demon Armor like in China, and I am merely dealing with monsters that will appear naturally.

If he doesn’t appear, that would be a good thing.

“It’s unreliable, but Berserker will take care of it…”

Still, I can’t let down my guard, so I have to catch it and use it to increase my monster-hunting ability.

If I went to Europe, I was thinking of leaving my dog behind.

The idea was that Berserker would prepare for monsters and Doggo would protect the family from close range.

All that remains is for Mandeuk and Gwangsim to mobilize Jellyeon and carry out gift consolidation after Jellyeon completes his training.

Since it is force refining, I am thinking that it might be possible to integrate mines and controls.

That leaves one seat left, and the range of choices increases.

I wish Mandeuk and Gwangsim could move a little faster, but it feels like it’s taking longer than I thought.

Well, except for this, everything was going smoothly enough to make me feel uncomfortable.

Until suddenly news broke out that made headlines.

The opposition party, which had early elected a presidential candidate through a single party, made a shocking announcement.

< Opposition presidential candidate Hyun Young-mi: “Awakened people need control....” >

< “The reckless actions of awakened people cause chaos.” Presidential candidate Hyun Young-mi's well-reasoned decision! >

< Will the Awakened be controlled? The opposition party's presidential election strategy predicts massive chaos! >

The target the opposition party was targeting was me, not anyone else.

What are we going to do with this now? Should we give it a try?

* * *

The news announced by the opposition party immediately covered the Republic of Korea.

No matter how I thought about it, the target they were targeting was me.

I felt bad, but I was also curious.

I thought the ruling party would be more antipathetic toward me, but why is the opposition party going wild?

Lee Se-hee evaluated this behavior as follows.

“The opposition party also bet everything.”


“yes. It is a strategy to attract as many people as possible. “It was a way to firmly divide the enemy, but it was probably the choice that seemed most likely to succeed for them.”

Lee Se-hee said that the reason the opposition party is using this strategy is that no matter how much they use, they cannot become closer than the ruling party.

This is an action that occurred due to hostility towards the attitude I have shown to the political world.

“I thought I had a chance of winning if I could attract people who think Junho’s actions have crossed the line.”


“Junho can protect the Republic of Korea alone, but in voting, he has the same one vote.”

“That’s amazing.”

“We didn’t just target Junho. “We also suffered a lot of losses this way.”

It occurred to me that politics is a task that requires a lot of mental effort.

At the same time, I think I understand why it came out that way.

However, I had no intention of just watching.

“I got hit once, so I have to fight back.”

“yes? Are you countering this?”

“Then just leave it alone and watch?”

“Well, it’s a political matter, so if we leave it alone, the opposition will take care of it…”

“Do you think the ruling party will step up for me?”


This time, Lee Se-hee was speechless. Yes, there are not many people in the ruling party who like me, so there is no way they will counter this action from the opposition party.

If so, it was a problem I had to take action on.

“What do you want to do?”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to just sweep it all away just because you’re in a bad mood.”

“Of course it is!”

“As a democratic citizen, we should use peaceful methods.”

“Is there something on your mind?”

Why do you think I’m saying I won’t think about it?

As I stared at him, Lee Se-hee smiled awkwardly.

“I’m curious what kind of plan Junho has.”

“Isn’t the best thing to let people know that it is better for the ruling party to take power?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Should we say that if the opposition party takes power, we will make a fuss?”

“That’s a bit…”

Lee Se-hee’s face became thoughtful.

This doesn’t work.

“Then I wonder how about supporting political funds.”

“In our country, there is a set amount of money that an individual can donate.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s in kind.”

Lee Se-hee was astonished when I told her that I currently had about 50 hearts of level 8 harmful monsters.

Come to think of it, Yunhee was also shocked when she saw this when she was storing it at home.

“It’s not even the heart of a level 8 harmful monster. “That is also subject to regulation.”


“yes. How many tricks do chaebols devise to avoid taxes? Of course, they also attempted money laundering by converting cash into core. This also caught the attention of the institutional circles. By the way, congratulations. “With that number, Junho is the richest person in Korea.”

I don’t think it’s a title I’m very proud of.

Anyway, regulating the heart of a monster. I asked just in case and was told that the same goes for the plus level.

“Then what about the fighting horn?”

“Plus plus level? “It’s only appeared once so far… Ah! Really?”

“So you’re saying it’s not subject to regulation.”

The Heavenly Demon Armor self-destructed, so I wasn’t able to save much, but some of it is in my hands.

This will be worth the price.

Since it is not subject to regulation, it seems like a perfect way to show my will.

“Yes, of course there will be an investigation, but the National Tax Service will also be under the control of the Blue House.”

“Then we should do this.”

Seeing as they are already starting to fire up the presidential election, which is still a year and a half away, it seems that they are quite displeased with me.

The threat of leaving this country if the opposition party is elected seems too cliché, and I just plan to use what I have to sabotage the opposition party.

Even if it is illegal anyway, it will be enough if Cheon Myung-guk is elected.

Isn’t it the privilege of immunity from arrest that I was given to use in times like this?

“…Junho, if I did something that offended you, please tell me right away.”

Lee Se-hee spoke as if pleading.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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