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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 247

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Episode 247

After successfully catching Yongyong, it was time to leave Okinawa. That day, Josuke and Tamaki came to see me, and I thought they were going to tell me some nonsense about asking me to lend them their strength again, but when I saw them bow their heads deeply to me, I knew that wasn’t the case.


“The Adept’s advice is right! “We were in a hurry and made a mistake!”

Did I eat something wrong?

Usually people don’t easily admit their mistakes.

Still, I was reflecting on it, so I decided to accept it.

“I’m glad you understand.”

“yes. “If we borrowed someone else’s power to solve the problem we needed to solve, the essence would be obscured, which was foolish.”

“Hmm, I guess so.”

“I am truly reflecting.”

Well, honestly, I think it is better to achieve the goal by any means necessary.

It was because my way of thinking rather than pursuing a cause was pathetic, but I decided not to say it.

“What are you going to do next?”

“It will be a struggle within.”

Josuke spoke in a stern voice. He said that Okinawa must raise its voice in order to be treated better, and that he will raise his voice in the political world to achieve this.

“Luckily, there are people who view me favorably, so I will try to persuade them as much as I can.”

It’s a combination of Josuke and Tamaki. Just looking at it, it looks like hitting a rock with an egg, but I guess the two of you can figure it out.

I achieved my purpose for coming to Okinawa.

“Internal struggle is good, but don’t neglect honing your skills. “What you can trust in any situation is your own ability.”

“Thanks for the advice!”

“That’s all I have to be thankful for.”

So I finished my trip in Okinawa and boarded a yacht.


Now that I think about it, the doggie guy didn’t do anything during this expedition.

I guarded the yacht for a few days, but that was all.


As I looked into my eyes, the doggie guy started to show off his merits.

He’s a ghost-like guy with a keen sense of humor.

It might come in handy next time.

[I’ll go too.]

Yongyong also decided to go see Hyuna.

“Yes, bring a gift when you come.”

[Is that gift a friend’s gift?]


[I think that’s right.]

“If you feel like it, bring it back.”

[I don’t like it.]

“Then don’t bring it.”

I thought it was okay if I brought it or not, but Yongyong took it more seriously than I thought.

[It feels like something is stopping the lady.]

As expected, the strategy of feeding her and putting a lot of pressure on her worked well. Yongyong answered sullenly and disappeared to meet Hyuna.

* * *

After returning to Korea, I headed straight to Seoul. And when I was called to the Blue House, I realized that Cheon Myung-guk was nowhere to be seen.

“Director Cheon is on vacation.”

“A sudden vacation?”

“It’s going to be incredibly busy soon. So shouldn’t we spend our last vacation comfortably?”

“That’s right.”

If I become president, I will be in a position where I will have to work hard for five years.

Next, I thought it would be nice to be able to work 168 hours a day since I would be a superhuman when I become Jung Joo-ho.

by the way.

I guess the point is that neither the President nor I think that Cheon Myung-guk will fail.

During Cheon Myeong-guk’s vacation, I had a private conversation with the President for the first time in a long time. The main story was also related to the surrounding situation.

As if he had planned to do so, the President served soybean paste stew that the First Lady had cooked herself.

Just as class lasts forever, the taste of the first lady’s soybean paste stew was excellent.

Thanks to this, meeting the president was pleasant.

The President also honestly said that soybean paste stew was a big part of it.

“When my term is over, come visit me often. “I don’t make it, but my wife said she wants to serve it.”

“I will be indebted to you often.”

The president was surprised by my answer.

“You’re going to find me even if I become an old man in the back room whose power has expired? “Just listening to it gives me strength.”

“Who would ignore the President?”

“No one else thinks so.”

“You shouldn’t think that I’m the same as everyone else.”

“That too. I was thinking wrong. “I thought I was just going to be the old guy in the back room.”

What about the old man in the back room?

Just by looking at it, it looks like a monster with hundreds of snakes inside.

Even if I step down at the end of my term, I will never become an obsolete person. You can bet all your money on this.

I conveyed the information obtained in Okinawa to the President.

“Anyway, I’m having another vain dream in Japan. “If you keep using unreasonable measures, you could end up with a serious nose injury.”

The President said with a worried expression.

“Since you have excellent technology, why not make something fun?”

In this way, the essence of the Japanese research team’s blood and sweat was reduced to a special meal for a dog.

“But frequent development can cause problems. “This Aoi Wazawai was also a risk that could be controlled.”

“Then how about giving it a shot?”

“Do you have a method in mind?”

“We are leaking this information to the league.”

“In the league? her!”

The president stuck his tongue out. Isn’t the enemy of the enemy the enemy anyway? I continued talking without worrying about the reaction.

“Looking at what they were doing near Dokdo, it seemed clear that they also wanted the essence of Shinsoo. If they say it’s being developed in Japan, I’ll do my best in some way. “The rest of us will cook and fry together.”

“Wouldn’t it get more serious if it gets into the league’s hands?”

“If a minnow asks about Yeouiju, it’s just a minnow.”

Besides, the horse was the essence of an artificial divine beast, and it wasn’t that great.

I didn’t give it to you as dog food for nothing.

Above all, if you make a fuss near me, I can just break your neck. The President also looked thoughtful, thought about it, and nodded repeatedly.

“It doesn’t look bad. “I will quietly pursue it.”

“Thank you for accepting me.”

“I was more surprised than that. “It originally seemed like this was far from a scheme.”

“It’s good to fight in person, but I’m feeling these days that watching fights is also fun. “There are limits to visiting and interfering one by one.”


The president just laughed. The way he looked at his grown grandson was a little uncomfortable. If you add in the experiences from my last life, it’s not that big of a difference.

“You’re sick because you ate more than usual. Would you like to go out and walk for a moment?”

“Of course.”

The President and I went outside and walked along the promenade. The well-decorated garden was reminiscent of a paradise on earth, completely different from the world where villains and monsters run rampant.

What are you taking the time to say? I took a walk and waited for the president to open his mouth.

When we entered a place with few people, the President spoke in a low voice.

“People are people who change endlessly. “The thoughts you have, your way of thinking, and your thoughts change.”


“It’s changed a lot.”

“You mean me?”

“okay. Are you feeling a change in yourself?”

“I’m feeling it.”

There was a big difference between me when I was a hematoma, me when I first returned to the past, and me as a superhuman. I felt like I had changed myself. I feel that the change was not in a bad direction.

“Human thinking is faster than anything else. But it is impossible for the state to follow a person’s thoughts. “A country is like a huge living organism, but it takes time to change.”


“What I want to say is that it is difficult for the country to keep up with the speed at which your thoughts change. Depending on your thoughts, it can be frustrating and something you don’t like can happen.”

“What do you want to ask me to do?”

“Even if it’s frustrating and you don’t like it, can you be a little more lenient and look at it?”

I don’t know what the president wants to say.

“Chief Cheon is competent. But I am not a person who has been exposed to politics. To that extent, their calculations and behavior will be different from those of existing politicians. It will be different from what you experienced first. “It may not be to your liking.”

“Are you worried?”

“of course. Why would I support Director Cheon? “I guess it’s because there is no one in this country who is a better fit for you than Director Cheon.”

The president’s jokes have increased a lot.

“Director Cheon’s work ability is much better than mine. But exercising political skill may take time. That could lead to misunderstanding. What I want to ask is the sincerity of Director Cheon and this country.”

“I don’t doubt that.”


“yes. And I’m more patient than you might think.”

“…I see. “I had no idea.”

I could tell that the president answering did not acknowledge it one bit.

I’m very patient.

“Anyway, please take care of our Director Cheon.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“Yes, even if the opposition party gets on your nerves, don’t attack right away.”

“What do you have?”

“It may or may not exist.”

The president did not elaborate.

There is something, but I don’t know what it is.

Time will tell.


The president’s request was similar to the plot of a drama that Yunhee watched at home.

“This is similar to the son-in-law who came to get permission from his father-in-law in the drama.”

“I was thinking about that too just now.”

“In those dramas, each son-in-law gets a slap on the cheek.”


“I’m kidding.”

I had to do my best to appease the president, who was astonished after joking for no reason.

It’s a society where it’s hard to tell a joke.

* * *

Jeong Joo-ho, who set a firm goal to become a superman, devoted himself to training to the point that some say 24 hours a day is not enough.

Berserker’s training was described as incredibly violent, but the more he was beaten, the more his skills increased, so he had to concentrate and not even dare to refute it.

He said he taught Choi Jun-ho exactly what he learned, but I had no idea under what kind of environment he learned it.

Meanwhile, Cheon Myeong-guk, who came to visit saying he was on vacation, suddenly exploded with a bomb.

“I’m thinking of running for president.”


I knew that the president was trying to push Myung-guk Cheon as a presidential candidate. However, I had no idea that the person involved would speak so calmly and with such determination on his face.

“Are you calmer than you think?”

“I guess everyone around me guessed it.”

“I never said it, but you know.”

“That’s because it’s obvious. So, have you made up your mind?”

“They say I am the only one suitable for the current situation. “I also don’t want to leave the achievements I’ve achieved so far in the hands of someone I don’t know.”

In political terms, this is called ‘will to power’. Jeong Ju-ho found it surprising that Cheon Myeong-guk, who had no great desire for fame, had changed like this. Does power change people, or did Cheon Myeong-guk have big intentions?

I guess it’s good.

Jeong Joo-ho, who had seen countless politicians while working in public office, realized that there was no one who could compare to Cheon Myeong-guk.

Han Jeong-moon, who was the strongest candidate before that, was a scum who was greedy for power.

“If you become a candidate, I will fully support you, so do your best.”

“You have to do well. “Because I have no intention of breaking the game that we worked so hard to build.”

“Well, there’s no way our brilliant Director Cheon would make such a mistake. “This is especially true if the tutor is a sitting president.”

“I think you guessed it because you weren’t that surprised.”


Jeong Joo-ho laughed at the look in his eyes filled with subtle resentment. I had to survive, but I had no time to worry about Cheon Myeong-guk.

“I need to work harder to not be the younger brother who is embarrassed by my older brother who will become president.”

“To become a superhuman?”

“Once I’ve made up my mind, I have no intention of doing it in vain. In fact, all the rust has come off and my skills are improving quickly.”

“You will do well.”

“Thank you for trusting me.”

Even if it was just empty words, it was a powerful cheer. While I was here these days, I realized how insignificant my skills were.

“They say that when you become a superhuman, your body changes completely. “It’s like being rejuvenated to when you were younger.”

“Berserker said it’s not that bad. They say that explosive power returns to when you were young, but that control of pace and speed is more important for endurance.”

“But wouldn’t he be better than most young people?”

“That’s right. Why are you suddenly curious? “Do you want to become a superhuman too?”

“I can’t do it because I’m not as talented as you.”

“What is talent? “What I feel painfully every day here is how insignificant I am.”

The world of talent was structured so that it could not help but be eaten. Jung Joo-ho, who thought of himself as a genius when he was young, thought he was a little better as he got older, but when he joined Choi Jun-ho’s team, he returned to the level of being a little better than a bug.

“Still, you’re doing well. “I’m challenging the president, and you’re challenging the superhuman.”

Although the field is different, the fact that I am taking on a challenge gives me comfort and strength. I got a little goosebumps because Jung Joo-ho had the same thought.

“Even if you become a superhuman, you’ll still be on Choi Jun-ho’s team, right?”

“Wouldn’t that depend on how you treat them?”

“Then I need to prepare an attractive offer.”

“My brother becomes president and I become a superman who protects the country. What a wonderful composition! Let’s work hard and reach our goals.”

“If I become president, they will help me a lot.”

“Watching that?”

“If not you, who else can I trust?”

“Well, that’s true too.”

I thought Cheon Myeong-guk must also be very lonely. I guess I need to be strong myself.

“He’s a superhuman, so I think he’ll do a good job even if I work on him all week.”


“No, it’s nothing. “Let’s have a drink.”

The two looked at each other and clinked their glasses while laughing. Jung Joo-ho took a gulp of soju and then tilted his head at Cheon Myeong-guk’s smile, which seemed to indicate that he was up to something.

I guess it’s an overreaction.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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