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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 241

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Episode 241

Early in the morning, I woke up after receiving a signal from Mandeuk and Gwangsimi. The information they provided was unexpected.

“Was it legendary?”

I thought it was not normal because it was given by a self-proclaimed god. Moreover, it was a gift that changed its shape during the copying process and was created to suit me.

Naturally, there are bound to be defects compared to what the saint possesses.

There will be some areas that have improved as force conversion has been added.

What changes occurred in the process that gave rise to an ego in the gift?

The two gift requests took me into a world of imagery. What had always been two had increased to three.

He had already been grabbed by Mandeuk and Gwangsim. Come to think of it, for a guy who came here, I guess he was never obedient at first.

I don’t know why everyone is getting beat up. He will simply submit to his fate.

“You’re an unexpected newcomer. Welcome.”

The guy reacted violently to my greeting. Not only that, but they are also showing hostility, which seems different from when Man Deuk or Gwangsim did it.

It is a gift that has come inside me and is against me.

At least Mandeuk and Gwangsim used the justification that it was for my sake. But this guy wasn’t even that.

It wasn’t difficult to guess the reason.

“Is this God’s instigation?”

The captured guy trembles. I think my expectations were correct.

It’s not that I didn’t expect Shin’s moves. I’m not an amateur and I’ve met a lot of bad guys, but there’s no way I wouldn’t know their dark intentions.

I knew not to send gifts in the proper form, but I didn’t know they would send such a big surprise.

And he made a crucial mistake.

I didn’t know that there were more Gift selves like myself inside me.

I don’t think I even knew that he would be tamed and loyal to me.

This is why you have to be good at it on a regular basis.

Ugh! Ugh!

Why are these two guys flinching? Are you saying you agree with what I said?

It’s strange to see no reaction.

I guess it’s because I’m embarrassed to admit it.

Anyway, what do we do with this new guy?

“I think they were trying to do something inside me.”

Rather, for me, his appearance was a good opportunity.

At a time when Gwangsim, who has already absorbed two gifts, or Mandeuk, who is not familiar with them, are screaming, the presence of a new gift full of energy is like a sweet rain in a drought.

That’s why they both seem so happy.

They may be rebellious now, but now that they are in my hands, all I have to do is completely eradicate their hostility and cultivate loyalty.

In times like this, it’s a shame that I can’t brainwash the gift ego.

Oh, if I do brainwashing, does it make me cleaner and prevent me from having accidents?

I’m curious, but it’s a shame I can’t do it.

But even without brainwashing, this field is my specialty.

Mandeuk and Gwangsim have already defected and become specialists in this field.

“Since you are Force Refining, I will call you Refining from now on.”


Fierce resistance. He is struggling because he doesn’t like the name. Anyway, I’m the one who gives it a name.

There is nothing Jelyeon can do anyway.

“If you’re going to cry like that, don’t struggle and ask your god for help.”

But there is no way God could enter my world of imagination. If God is omnipotent and omnipotent, he wouldn’t be acting in such a timid manner as to punish me when I copy a gift.

He purred at my sarcasm, but his momentum weakened in the absence of his master.

“Smelting is a lot of work for you to do.”

The gift of having self-confidence and working diligently is precious.

I didn’t know that I would get what I was looking for by chance.

Just as if you go to Moro, you can go to Seoul, as long as the results are good.

For your information, it is impossible for an ego that enters my mental world to escape.

Gift Self’s biggest advantage is being able to work diligently 168 hours a week without rest.

What do you order them to do first? It’s really fun just thinking about this.

“First things first…”

I shifted my gaze to Mandeuk and Gwangsim.

The two were greatly encouraged by the presence of the green newcomer(?).

Well, they’ve had a hard time, so they should have some fun.

It’s hard to believe that he will work diligently in that condition.

“Take off your shoes first.”

Ugh! Ugh!

The two dragged Jelyeon, asking them to leave it to him.

* * *

After faithfully completing their schedule for several days, it was time for the Saint and Franz to return.

Old Franz may have come to assist the saint, but his role was limited to faithfully assisting the saint. A retired old man is struggling in his later years.

Is this also due to a sense of duty?

I still don’t understand. In his later years, he would be able to live more comfortably doing what he wanted to do.

The old man says that’s more enjoyable, so I can’t argue with him.

Before returning, the saint’s face was haggard.

“It was a useful time.”

“If it was useful, wouldn’t there be more?”

“That’s a bit…”

The already white face turned even whiter.

The saint said she was a superhuman with a dual gift, so we sparred with her several times. As a result, I realized that although my skills were excellent, I lacked practical experience.

I can’t just pass this up.

Whenever I had time, I called the saint and worked tirelessly to help her become a superhuman who could fully fulfill her duties. As a result, I was able to demonstrate my skills to a certain extent, but in my eyes, I was still lacking.

I want to hold on to it and roll it some more.

I had to swallow my regret when they told me I couldn’t stay here any longer.

“I will keep my promise. So don’t make complicated calculations and ask for help at any time.”

“Thank you just for your words. Thanks to you, I was able to go back with peace of mind.”

“Then I’m glad.”

Apart from that, I want to roll it out a bit more. As a talent that made me a superhuman in my 20s, I am quick to accept it, so I think it will be useful if I act quickly.

The saintess who made eye contact with me was startled and took a step back. Why is it like that?

[You’ve lost your appetite now.]

Oh, is that right?

I guess it’s because I’m jealous when I see a guy who seems to be making progress these days.

“Stop teasing me.”

I guess that’s how my sincerity sounded to Franz’s ears.

“I think I can improve further. “Please take it as a sign of regret.”

“If your followers had seen you training them, they would have rolled their eyes and attacked you.”

“I hope you at least prepare to be an asshole and tell me to attack you.”


The atmosphere became cold for a moment, but he soon brightened the mood and spoke to me.

“thanks. “When you come to Europe, I will treat you very well.”

“It would be better if I never went to Europe.”

“Then why don’t you come here for the rest of your life?”

“I hope nothing bad happens.”

“Are you serious? “It seems like a lie.”

[That person is sharp.]

Unless a two-horned monster appears in Europe, I will never go to Europe. However, it is also true that I have a desire to face the two-horned monster once again.

Well, there is no reason to say this because the two-horned monster does not only appear in Europe.

“Why don’t you come hang out sometime when you have time? “I will serve you with the utmost respect.”

“I don’t like it because I think your meaning of being extreme is very different from what I think.”

“Don’t you want to become stronger?”

“Would you want to do that at this age?”

“Of course not.”

“And will you let your guard down knowing when a plus-plus stage monster will appear? “I will do my best in my position, so if I ask for help, please come without hesitation.”

It sounds like he’s trying to buy time by burning his body.

Isn’t that what it is?

“Don’t overdo it. “Even if you give it a try, you won’t be able to hold on to the fierce monster.”

“I don’t know if you’re worried or looking down on me.”

Franz snorted and nodded, saying he understood.

* * *

The saint and Franz boarded the plane. Getting from Korea to Europe requires a tedious three-night flight.

After the appearance of the monster, the world was broken into pieces and became a faraway place.

“You cared a lot about me, right? sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about. “I just acted accordingly for this visit.”

Franz fixed his gaze on the saint and asked.

“How did Choi Jun-ho look?”

“I felt free. “I thought he was a true powerhouse.”

The saint is one of the people who knows the most secrets of the world and has met countless strong people, but after meeting Choi Jun-ho, she felt that his strength was the real thing.

Humans fear God. However, I thought that being confident even to God would be true strength.

To God, it would be seen as blasphemous.

“I still don’t like the strategy of relying on that guy. But we have to admit that our skills are lacking right now.”

“What humanity needs now is time. “If you give me more time, I will have the strength to deal with plus-plus level monsters.”

I just wanted to prevent meaningless sacrifices in the process.

Franz knew that feeling, so he agreed without saying anything more.

“I have to train hard. “I don’t want my home to be devastated before he comes.”

“me too.”

“But I refuse to train with Choi Jun-ho.”

“Me too.”

The two people who were disgusted made eye contact and burst into laughter.

* * *

I met a somewhat sallow Lee Se-hee. But I don’t know why I reacted like that.

“Did you have a good time with the saint?”

“Oh, it was good.”

“Which part?”

“It tasted good. “It has good recovery, so there is no setback.”

It was a moment when we could get a glimpse of the power of the saint’s restoration of divinity. As long as my physical strength allowed, I could hit it without thinking about the damage.

Thanks to this, I was able to pass on my experience in a short amount of time. I wondered if it was possible for the saint to become a superhuman at an early age because she recovered her divinity.

I was thinking about that when I answered, but there was something strange about Lee Se-hee’s expression towards me.


“I didn’t ask that…”


“The saint treated Mr. Junho in a friendly manner. “Skinship also seemed natural.”

“Oh, that?”

I didn’t know, but there was a crowd of reporters at the meeting with the saint, so the cheek kiss scene was a big hit that day.

I don’t know why you’re making such a fuss over just saying hello.

Dahyun Jeong already contacted me telling me to be careful.

The beauty world doesn’t apply to me, so I don’t know why people think that.

Do I look untrustworthy?

“I thought it was a poison attack, but it wasn’t.”

“Poison attack?”

“uh. As a result, he pretended to be friendly because he wanted something from me.”

It wouldn’t have worked anyway because there was no poison. If it had been possible to approach him without hostility, he would have taken that gift away.

After hearing my answer, Lee Se-hee looked somewhat despondent.

“…You have to be careful of women who suddenly approach you. “There are many dangerous women in the world.”

Meanwhile, Lee Se-hee explained about the legendary awakened beauty world named Bellus.

Belus? It’s a name I’ve heard of, but I can’t quite remember.

If you make a fuss in front of me, I’ll smash your head.

After we finished chatting, I asked Sehee Lee why she came.

“So what business is it?”

“I have something I would like to ask you regarding arms support from China.”

“say it.”

To put it briefly, Lee Se-hee’s request was that she wanted to supply the Big Bang series to the Southern Alliance at a low price. I am asking for permission to do this because there are royalties being paid to me.

It is said that there is a provision to discuss with me when adjusting the price.

I accepted without hesitation.

“doesn’t care. “Let’s proceed.”

“But wouldn’t it be better to discuss it with someone else?”

“I’m not trying to make money anyway.”

“I feel like the position has changed somehow.”

Lee Se-hee is worried about my situation, but I am doing the deal coolly.

“Then I’ll proceed right away.”


As I looked at Lee Se-hee’s brighter expression, I remembered what the president said.

The government is wary of the Shinsung Group’s influence growing. How will Lee Se-hee take that? And how should I conduct myself in the middle?

It felt easier to find and eliminate someone.

“It’s surprisingly difficult.”

* * *

As I acquired ‘Control’ and ‘Force Refining’ in places I didn’t expect, the number of gifts was fully filled.

As a result, the initial goal of rolling Jeong Joo-ho and obtaining a gift was slightly shaken.

However, since we can proceed with the gift consolidation once Je-ryeon loses his spirit, we decided to raise Jeong Joo-ho and use him as reliable insurance.

There was no reason for Jeong Ju-ho’s training to be prolonged.

In fact, I am crying because of this.

“I’m dying to die.”

He was holding me and complaining.

I clicked my tongue inwardly at that sight.

“It’s not easy to become a superhuman.”

“Who doesn’t know that? “It’s because I rush at you like I’m going to kill you every day.”

Berserker is doing well.

It would be difficult if Jung Joo-ho gave up here. In order to succeed Cheon Myeong-guk and become a president who supports me and can work 168 hours a week, I must reach the level of a superman.

[I think that person has completely relaxed?]

It looked that way even to me.

It is not easy to rebuild one’s will once it has been broken.

Even if you have a well-trained body and an abundance of force, there are cases where you lose your life in vain because you lose your mind.

Still, if you become a superhuman, you shouldn’t go somewhere and get beaten up. He tries to become a superhuman for the sake of his hair, but in the end, a superhuman is an awakened person who hunts monsters efficiently.

At this point, I need to take extreme medication.

[Is there a way?]

Yongyong is surprised, but I have a way.

“Time is money.”

“Who isn’t doing it because they don’t know about it?”

“Time is especially important to the director.”

“What do you want to say?”

Jeong Joo-ho’s mood as he suddenly opened his eyes was eerie, but I didn’t care and said,



“Shouldn’t I become a superhuman as soon as possible so I can keep at least one more hair?”


Could it be that he didn’t know this and was making a fuss?

Jeong Joo-ho’s eyes were shaking violently with an expression that showed he had been caught off guard.

“If you miss the right time, even if you become a superman, it can still look ugly.”

Currently, Jung Joo-ho’s hair is at a stage where it can be covered if it is packed with care. However, if it falls out even more, it could be in a situation where it is impossible to even cover it.


“What would you do?”

“I said okay!”

Jeong Joo-ho, who lost motivation, disappeared.

His flame of hope has not yet been extinguished.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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