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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 230

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Chapter 230

I accepted with a grateful heart that he would help me with the novel logic of friend rain, and I went on to point out the parts I was curious about during Yongyong’s explanation.



“Do you know how gifts are complemented?”

[Oh, that?]

Yongyong said it indifferently.

[Are you talking about human gifts? Even divine beasts don’t know much about this part. But I think I can tell you what kind of flow it leads to.]

The gift that Yongyong refers to is literally a gift. There is talent and effort in it, but there is a realm of God that goes beyond that.

That’s why it was named Gift, not Skill or Ability.

[But gifts, like those that represent humans, are not perfect. [There are holes called restrictions here and there.]

Yongyong explains that the more you make up for it, the more perfect the power of the gift becomes.

Now that I think about it, I was curious about how gifts are made and how they are engraved in blood.

Especially since it is God’s domain.

“These wings are meant to make up for those shortcomings?”

[huh. Because the existence of a divine beast is closer to perfection than that of a human.]

“Because it has the power of wind, it is connected to movement and space?”

[Efficiency varies depending on the attribute.]

Making the gift more perfect. It is said that Yongyong used the wings of the divine beast as a means to make the gift more perfect.

“for a moment.”

So, even if it’s not the Divine Beast’s Wings, wouldn’t it be possible to make the gift close to perfection in another way? Even if it doesn’t have to be that way, what if you take the strengths and combine them?

First off, the hint I got seemed pretty good. I didn’t think of it as a complement to the gift, and I took it for granted that the higher level gift would eat up the lower level gift.

But I saw Yongyong moving around me diligently.


[You don’t give me friend money?]

“What do you mean?”

[I said I was a friend too! Then I should give it to you too!]

Is that the logic? Well, a friendship shouldn’t be one-sided. I wouldn’t mind it, but seeing Yongyong making a fuss, I think I should give it to him.

The worries didn’t last long. I handed Yongyong the items I had kept well-maintained on one side.

“It’s the eyeball of the Heavenly Demon Armor.”

[Ugh! Why are you giving me something like this?]

“I was originally going to give it to the dog as a special treat, but I thought it would be okay to give it to you. Take it.”

[Are you saying I’m the same as that ignorant big monster?]

“That can’t be true. “The dog said it was crazy that these eyeballs smelled delicious.”

It’s funny to compare a monster’s eyeball to eye candy, but since it was said to be a doggy special treat, I thought it would be okay to give it to Yongyong.

“I cleaned it thoroughly because it was for a gift.”

[Well, it’s not the stuff that’s important, it’s the sincerity that’s important.]

The doggo who said that bit into the eyeball and started to eat it, as if it tasted better than expected.

[It’s delicious!]

If you’re going to like it that much, I don’t know why you hate it.

But is it really delicious?

I suddenly wanted to try adding it to soybean paste stew.

* * *

The effect of the wings of the divine beast that Yongyong gave as a gift to his friend was clear. It was said that a reaction would occur if assimilated with the wings of the divine beast through force attunement, and it appeared to be combined with transference.

The change was amazing.

Originally, there were two activation conditions for transfer. One is distance restrictions and the other is possession of my belongings.

However, improvements have been made so that if I am aware of the surrounding situation, I can move there. The hassle of having to hand over my items to someone is gone.

Does this have one more feather?

“The distance is disappointing, though.”

Still, I feel like I can move freely. After listening to Yongyong’s words, I feel like the improvement of the gift is going more smoothly than I thought.

There is no need to suffer alone.

Coincidentally, there are gift experts around me.

If you ask who that is, it is Berserker.

His skills may be low, but isn’t he a talented person who has made a full recovery, has no stamina against poison, and has even opened up his intuition? I thought Berserker had something that could make a good gift.

If you just leave this unattended, you don’t deserve to become strong.

I asked him how he came to have such a good gift.

“Making gifts is a talent. And it can provide variety through bone-chilling experiences.”

Although I didn’t like the triumphant look.

There was great persuasiveness in the words.

Well, I’ve had my heart pierced several times, so it’s bound to be special.

Plus, there must have been a dramatic change since I was driving a camper van and doing all sorts of strange things.

“After listening to what you said, I understand that it was named Gift. “Because it seems that there exists a realm of God that cannot be explained in words.”

“How can we improve further?”

“As I said before, it is a diverse experience.”

It was thought that a new type of gift could be created by applying the technique of experience to the gemstone of talent.

“Then let’s do it.”


“It’s only natural that you are the one who has done well so far.”

Berserker flatly refused.

“I don’t need any more gifts.”

“You can become stronger with more gifts, so why refuse?”

“That’s true, but blessings that exceed resentment lead to misfortune.”

Berserker: Have you noticed that this guy can go crazy if he has too many gifts?

But from what he said next, I realized I was mistaken.

“It seems like you only do good things when I have gifts.”


I was mistaken. Berserker This guy was so stubborn that he didn’t want to do anything nice for me.

Suddenly, I feel like punching him in the face.

“So you won’t do it?”

“…But it’s an interesting theory. I found a way to become stronger, but I can’t let this go. “I will give it a try.”

[I think he changed his mind after seeing your bloody face?]

Even so, he’s a Berserker, so would he change his mind just because of my facial expression? He must have thought that he could become stronger.

First, try using this method. I also came up with another alternative.

“And let’s change the way we spar from now on.”


“I’ve put in a lot of effort to train you.”

Berserker was able to become this strong thanks to me holding him and rolling him. Even he won’t be able to deny me credit.

[It doesn’t look like recognition at all?]

As expected, Berserker’s face showed a look of confusion.

“…Is that so?”

“Then you say no?”

“No, you are right. So what do you want to say?”

“When we spar from now on, let’s stick together without using force or gifts.”

This was a way for me to maximize my physical training. It would be nice to get something like skin strengthening or super regeneration, but I haven’t secured enough gifts, and it’s not like gifts like that are falling out of the sky.

In the meantime, I chose to sharpen my body.

Because the human body is so fragile.


“Why are you looking like that?”

“It’s a sparring match without using Force gifts. “Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!”

Suddenly Berserker started laughing. Why is that guy doing that?

[I guess he thinks he can beat you?]

No way. There’s no way I could go out of my mind like that with just that.

But after hearing Yongyong’s words and seeing Berserker’s reaction, I thought it might really be that way.

Do you have that kind of hope just because you don’t use the Force or gifts?

“It looks really exciting. Should we give it a try right away?”

“Don’t regret it.”

I had a fight with Berserker in the training room using pure physical ability.

It feels like every corner of my body is stimulated by using only my physical abilities.

The pain accompanying the muscles being stretched and overloaded was also new.

But maybe it’s because it’s an unfamiliar method.

I almost killed Berserker. It’s not because you have any hope that you can beat me. Because I’m not that petty.


I didn’t kill him, so that’s okay.

* * *

After chatting with Berserker, I continued meditating in the personal training room.

While listening to Yongyong talk about gifts, I got a few hints, and one of them was about complements.

Just as slash was included when obtaining Bladestorm and it was part of Hye-Gwang Sim-Eo when obtaining Monster Language, we had to know that Gift is a being that moves organically like a living being.

I had been caught up in stereotypes all along. The ego exists in the gift and is freely integrated and integrated depending on its nature, but without thinking too much about it, I thought it would happen naturally.

“But what if this could be controlled artificially?”

This is where the idea was born.

I cannot artificially control the gift that Yongyong calls God’s domain.

But the Gift itself, the Gift Self, can do this.

And there was a gift that contained my ego. Hyegwangsim-eo, the main character of blood feeding and Mandokbulchim, is the main character.

Since we can’t expect anything from Hematoma, there are only two left.

After entering the world of imagination, I immediately called Mandeuk and Gwangsimi.

The two, who were very disciplined, appeared in front of me as soon as I called them. As I looked at the two engulfed in white light, I came up with the idea I had in mind.

“I think you two are an incredible gift that cannot be compared.”

Ugh! Ugh!

The two expressed their approval by saying yes. Yes, both were legendary gifts, and their abilities showed great performance to the point where I was satisfied.

So I trust that they will do an excellent job of carrying out what I order.

“Mandeuk, you have shown superior ability in the face of attacks from monsters comparable to those of divine beasts, and Gwangsim, you have perfectly protected my mind so that I cannot be shaken. “Both are the best.”

Ugh! Ugh!

Although they both agreed, they seemed anxious as if they couldn’t understand why I was praising them.

It’s very simple. Things we’ve both already done.

I said after reassuring the two anxious selves.

“I’m going to give you two a new job.”

The task I was assigned was the consolidation of gifts.

As Gwangsimi swallowed the monster language and became one with Hye-gwang mind-word, but the monster language function was still exercised, I thought that Mandokbulchim and Hye-gwang mind-word could include more gifts.

I can’t do it, but those two were gifts. If Slash is included in the Bladestorm but cannot be ordered because there is no ego in the gift, Mandeuk or Gwangsim can move as I tell them.

Just as the Monster Language does not count as +1 to my gift, if I have two other gifts, the number of gifts I have will decrease.

In business terms, it involves acquiring another company and merging the two companies into one.

My plan is to create space like that to increase other gifts.

Although it was still only a concept, I was 100% confident.

“Is it possible?”

Mandeuk and Gwangsim neither confirmed nor denied.

These are missing their discipline.

I asked again.

“Is it possible? “Aren’t you going to answer?”

Ugh! Ugh!

The two responded that they would give it a try.

“It’s not about trying, it’s about doing it.”

First, I asked the two gifts to select which gift to merge.

Hyegwang Simeo’s choice was simple. Since it is a spiritual gift, it was announced that intuition would be integrated.

The problem was that it was impossible to attack Germany.

Because this gift was specialized for detoxification, I couldn’t easily get my hands on other gifts.

In battle, it moves quickly as instructed, but in times like this, it is slow.

Come to think of it, I’ve done Hye-gwang planting before, but I’ve never done Man-dok-bulchim.

Is it a difference in experience?

I forcibly assigned it to Mandokbulchim, who could not choose until Hyegwangsim-eo entered into consolidation.

“You combine brainwashing.”


Mandokbulchim asked me if that was possible. Hye-gwang Shim-eo says that it is easy to merge gifts only if they have the same tendency. The question of ‘mandok-imchimpo’ is different from brainwashing.

It’s different from what I thought.

Of course, I took that into consideration and decided because I thought we had similar tendencies.

Why is brainwashing so unstoppable and has similar tendencies?

“It takes away all the worries and worries that are complicated in my head.”

If this is not true detoxification, what is?


Mandokbulchim gained enlightenment at my words.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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