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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 226

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Episode 226

“Thank you for the gift. “I’ll use it well.”


I thanked the bloodied Berserker. He resisted fiercely when I told him to give me a gift, but the outcome was decided from the beginning.

So, I’m going to submit it to you obediently, so why are you resisting so much?

I did my best to resist, but the result did not change.

Berserker’s illusion is that he thinks the reality he belongs to is a movie or drama. However, the world is mainly dominated by bad endings where justice does not triumph and the stronger one wins.

By opening its chest and soaking its blood with my hands, I succeeded in stealing my newly acquired gift, intuition.

Originally, it was a gift that seemed to have an intuition but had a faint presence. So it is true that it was not easy to feel its utility. But as my intuition disappeared, I realized that its importance was greater than I thought.

I felt the fullness of filling in the empty space, as if the last puzzle piece had been filled.


“Do you think this is a little different?”

I felt a strange sense of heterogeneity. It didn’t take long to figure out what it was.

The intuition I got before was Jeong Da-hyun’s, and the one I got now was Berserker’s, so it was different.

The use of the gift changes depending on the person, and the nature of the gift becomes fixed accordingly. While Jeong Da-hyun mainly used his intuition to judge the situation, Berserker appeared to use it intensively in battle.

So my newly acquired intuition feels sharper. When I entered battle, I felt like my senses were extremely expanded.

Instead, when returning to reality, the scope of use has decreased significantly.

If I had already acquired two gifts, I would have applied them to various fields, but it was obvious that I focused all my intuition on combat.

“What a useful gift for everyday life.”

I clicked my tongue lightly. The fallen Berserker shouted with an expression full of resentment.

“Are you saying something like that after piercing your heart three times?”

“You sprayed the restorative agent well.”

“So I don’t know if I’m a partner or a gift storage unit.”

[I thought that too.]


I was a little embarrassed to say both, so I didn’t answer.

Then it stopped.

“for a moment.”

Is this a gift-only storage?

I think it’s pretty good.

Berserker already possesses two gifts: Invulnerability and Intuition.

Wouldn’t it be easier to increase the number of gifts from two to three than to increase them from one to two?

What if the number of Berserker gifts increases?

I too will be able to copy quality gifts from this guy.

Full recovery – Invincible to all poisons – Looking at his intuition, Berserker’s batting average was close to 100%.

I was worried that Berserker would go crazy, so I asked him if he wanted to increase the number of gifts.

“I’ve heard of a dual gift, but I’ve never heard of a triple.”

“Don’t think it’s impossible from the beginning. Isn’t it okay to try it? And thanks to me, you got two gifts, right?”


[It’s a very absurd face?]

I guess I’m embarrassed now that the truth is revealed. Even though I beat up Berserker without thinking, I am telling everyone to do well.

I couldn’t convince him right away, but looking at Berserker’s cold face, I think he’ll come over soon.

Yes, this is all for Berserker and me.

“It seems like dealing with monsters wasn’t easy, seeing as you came to me right away.”

“I almost died.”

“Is it that much? “I’m curious.”

“He was a monster and a very cunning guy. “If we had been given a little more time, it would have been difficult to deal with.”

So, I guess I missed full recovery. Thinking about it now, it was a good move to get rid of the Heavenly Demon Armor even by using full recovery.

“is it.”


“And I got beat up.”

“I’ll repay you with something better next time.”

“I would have been disappointed if those words didn’t come out.”

After receiving my confirmation, Berserker left the spot with unsteady steps.

I sat there without going back.

[What’s wrong?]

“This time, I realized I was lacking.”

Although he was victorious against the Heavenly Demon Armor, if you look into the contents, it was a series of poor battles. I overlooked his cunning and underestimated his ability to apply gifts. And I didn’t know that at the last moment, he would commit suicide and try to take me with him.

If even one thing had gone wrong, I might have been the one to die. Although it was the first two-horned monster to appear, I felt that there was a long way to go due to the insufficiency of the process.

“To capture the divine beast, we must achieve full recovery, but what is more urgent than that is reforming this weak body.”

I muttered, looking around my well-trained body. He did not neglect training so that he could return to the past and demonstrate his former martial ability, but he was weak and weak in front of monsters.

Even if the difference in physical abilities was severe, the difference in physical abilities was too great as the arm was broken and the distance that had been narrowed widened even if the attack was allowed to be a single hit. Also, the fact that full recovery was used due to the last self-destruction was due to weak recovery.

If there had been a gift that increased recovery, such as super regeneration, Mandokbulchim would have detoxified the poison while blocking the effects of self-destruction, and he would have recovered without major injuries. However, because we were unable to overcome human limitations, the speed at which we received blows became more severe than the allowable limit.

To blame Mandeuk, he did his best. If I were stronger, this wouldn’t have happened.

“Mandeuk needs to work hard, but the fundamental thing is that it is urgent to make the gifts organically interconnect.”

What I needed was a gift that increased self-recovery, such as super regeneration, and a type of reinforcement that could withstand attacks from monsters.

[Wouldn’t it be a problem if I got all of that?]

“It wouldn’t be a problem.”

If I add full recovery to super regeneration and strengthening gifts, the number of gifts I have would be a whopping 13.

That means that the permitted number must be far exceeded.

I realized which field I should move into.

“I need to grow my own food.”


“A bowl that can accept more gifts. The number I decided to give as 10 gifts was a number I set after realizing my limitations. “We need to increase that so we can accept more gifts.”

[Can’t I just delete things I don’t use?]


If there’s a gift I don’t really need, there’s something like clairvoyance or telekinesis. In particular, it can be seen that the utility of transfer has virtually disappeared since Yongyong was able to use spatial movement.

But I had no intention of deleting it. Delete the gift by relying on Yongyong? That means entrusting my needs to Yongyong.

Although he is currently accompanying me, I have no intention of trusting Yongyong and throwing away what is mine, as I never know when he might end up becoming a stranger at any moment.

[Then how do you grow a bowl?]

“That’s right.”

As I searched for a solution, another challenge emerged.

How can I grow a bowl? I felt frustrated because I couldn’t increase the gift unless this issue was resolved.

[I don’t think it will be easy.]

“Do you know anything?”

[Is it possible?]

“I didn’t even expect it.”

Right away, I didn’t think that was possible either. However, the proposition that vessels must be raised has become clear. That way, I can increase the number of gifts I have.

Otherwise, I’ll have to try another method.

[Can’t you ask the child inside you?]

“Are you okay?”

If you can become stronger, you should ask the hematologist.

It’s actually better than being a loser because you can’t get stronger.

Should I go to Hyuna and ask her to fix the hematoma and allow us to meet again?

But it hurt my pride to ask for help from a hematologist before I tried anything, so I decided to find a way.

“I mean, it’s not enough. “I have to become much stronger than I am now.”

Only then will you be able to hunt additional monsters and divine beasts that will appear.

[I think it’s okay to stop getting stronger…]

“There’s nothing to lose by becoming stronger.”

[That’s right. And.]


I noticed that Yongyong looked different than usual and looked at him to see if something was wrong.

[I’m going to visit Mt. Baekdu for a while.]

“What’s going on?”

[huh. I’ll take care of it right away.]

“Take care of it.”


He probably needs some time to organize his thoughts.

Yongyong turned around and disappeared.

* * *

After returning home, I immediately went to my parents’ house to reassure them.

No matter how strong I was, my parents worried about me whenever I went hunting. I guess this is the heart of a parent who cares about their child. And I have regained my sanity to the point where I can figure it out.

The biggest advantage of returning to the past is that I can see my parents.

The biggest drawback is that I have a younger sister who is even more vicious than the villain.

I certainly hoped things would go well when I returned to the past, but now I was left speechless at the majesty of Yunhee, who had become an annoying nag.

After the meal, I watched TV with my father. In the news that deals with political current events, there was talk about the opinions of the political world.

Then the news topic changed to something related to me. Although the Heavenly Demon Armor that appeared in China has disappeared, my reaction has also disappeared, and we are discussing how the political situation will unfold in the future if I am wrong.

The ruling party had an overwhelming lead in the upcoming presidential election, but that could be overturned at any time depending on how much damage the ruling party suffered from the introduction of the Dongwha fostering system.

“It means that your influence on the political world is that strong.”

“It seemed like he wanted me dead.”

“Your existence, which appears while doing whatever you want, cannot help but be an object of fear. As long as nothing happens, it will stay there for a long time. “You should think that their reactions are not strange, but normal.”

“I have no intention of understanding anything.”

“That is the mindset of the powerful.”

Are you accepting it more readily than I thought?

When I looked with new eyes, I saw my father smiling.

“You can handle it whenever you put your mind to it. So why not just wait and see what kind of reaction you get?”

“Is it wrong?”


My father shook his head resolutely.

“The world’s pie is limited, and in today’s world, it is distributed mainly to the powerful. There is no way to lose as much as to be looked down on. “Your actions are your natural rights as a powerful person, so there is no need or reason to compromise.”

Apart from playing golf and hanging out with people in the political and business world, my father supported me.

Well, I often said that those people were all people I met because of me.

“It seems like there are a lot of people who will jump out if they think I’m dead. “I’m going to take a few days and see what’s going on.”

The Heavenly Demon Armor has died, and no news has come of me. It would be difficult to think that the monster that massacred tens of millions of people in China could have been hunted safely.

No, you probably want me to die this time.

A lot of people will react if they think I’m dead.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’ll just leave it at that.”

And I’ll just watch. Then I can handle it when I need it.

My father stuck his tongue out.

“I’m sure a lot of people will be shocked to hear that.”

“It’s about distinguishing between enemy and enemy.”

“Then I will assist you from the side.”

The father announced that he would cancel his attendance at the scheduled meeting and stop his official activities.

If my family goes into hiding, the rumors that I may be dead will gain more strength.

It feels like the scale of fishing is getting bigger and bigger. A big catch may be caught.

“Is there anything else you want?”

“does not exist. “I thought it would be better to use this opportunity to organize my network.”

My father revealed that while participating in golf clubs, his unnecessary connections increased a lot. If it is known that I am dead, many relationships will fall apart.

This is a natural water change time.

“I will clearly distinguish who the enemy is.”

“okay. And…”

The conversation was over, but my father still seemed to have something he wanted to say.

As I waited to hear what he was saying, my father hesitated for a moment and then spoke to me.



“Isn’t that a bit harsh?”


I looked at my father, wondering if I had heard wrong.

As if that weren’t enough, my father started talking about Berserker.

Because of me, I resolved the misunderstanding and became a member of the nation, but the treatment I received from being part of my team was inadequate. My father’s story was that outstanding superhumans were treated too poorly.

“Did you know Berserker?”

“It’s because it’s worse than that. “I can be your strong partner in the future.”

“That’s right.”

Because it was a useful card that could be moved when I was not around.

But why does my father take care of Berserker?


The way he drank his coffee while avoiding my gaze looked very suspicious.

* * *

[I’m here.]

Hyuna welcomed Yongyong, who entered her territory without hesitation.

“what’s the matter?”

[Because of what happened in the human world this time. Did you see it?]

“I saw it.”

The appearance of the Heavenly Demon Armor was also a subject of interest for the divine beasts Hyuna and Yongyongi.

Yongyong watched the entire process from the side, and Hyuna also watched from afar.

Perhaps the divine beasts who intervene in worldly affairs are also interested in this confrontation.

The appearance of a human who can threaten even the divine beasts will make the divine beasts nervous like Yongyong.

[What do you think about that person?]


[That’s not it.]

“What did you think of the dragon?”

[Dangerous. It’s too dangerous. This has gone beyond the limit.]


Hyuna did not answer.

Yongyong’s eyes towards her became harsh.

[That person will even go out of his way to kill the divine beasts. It’s still dangerous and I’m trying to become stronger. They’re targeting the Thunderbird!]

“I see.”

[Why is the answer like that! This is really dangerous!]

Yongyong exploded at Hyuna’s indifferent answer.

“Then what do you want to do? Are you trying to kill that person?”


“Then you know how big a tragedy it will be.”

[know. That’s why I’m worried. I don’t want to fight either.]

But Choi Jun-ho was so dangerous that it was hard to ignore him any longer.

“It seems simple to me.”

[really? Is there a way?]

“Yes. “Very easy way.”

[What? Please let me know quickly.]

“Wait a moment.”

Hyuna left Yongyong to rummage around in the corner and came back with a few items in her hand.

“If that person gets close, we can go together regardless of race.”

[Become friends?]

“Yes. If you want to become friends, gifts are important.”

[Is this enough?]

“They say that in the human world, you can become friends if you pay a friend fee.”

[I see.]

Hyuna looked serious and Yongyong also nodded seriously.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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