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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 225

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Episode 225

That’s it!

The Heavenly Demon Armor’s struggle was so chaotic that it would be an understatement to say that it was annoying.

The guy desperately tried to shake me off, as if he would never die a nice death.

Cooking monsters that were on the defensive was my specialty. Applying pressure step by step, I succeeded in cornering him and breaking his neck. And then the mine storm that followed hit my head mercilessly.

But at the last moment, something unexpected occurred.

“This is true.”

I quenched my appetite as I looked at the head of the Heavenly Demon Armor that remained in front of me.

Although he succeeded in hunting down the two-horned monster, all that was left was his head and heart.

Its gigantic body was shattered and disappeared without a trace.

I didn’t do it. This is what he did.

“Is this a self-destruction?”

At the last moment, the Heavenly Demon Armor’s choice was self-destruction. He said he would face the end together with me and his entire body exploded. I wasn’t too worried when I was covered in his blood and flesh.

However, I was underestimating the final struggle of the two-horned monster.

Its toxicity far exceeded the expected power, and it ended up surpassing the detoxification speed of Mandokbulsim. As a result, addiction progressed rapidly and reached a point where his life was in danger.

What was activated at that time was full recovery.

“Full recovery is a one-time gift.”

I didn’t know that anyone other than Berserker had this. Thanks to you, my life was saved, but I couldn’t help but feel regret.

By belatedly activating the Mandokbulchim, I was able to save the head and heart of the exploding Cheonma Armor.

Thanks to this, even minor injuries were completely healed. In my current condition, I felt like I could catch even a two-horned monster if it appeared.

Next time, I’ll have to keep in mind that the two-horned monster will self-destruct.

[Are you thinking about that during this time?]

You have to be careful.

I grabbed the heart of the Heavenly Demon Armor and tasted its blood. His gifts are starting to come out. [Tail swing] [Poison breath] [Rapid reproduction] [Plague] was seen.

…These are all gifts that I find difficult to take.

Tail Swing and Rapid Breeding are eliminated, but Poison Breath and Flaigran are eliminated. One is to spew poison from the mouth, and the other is to divide the cells of the entire body into infectious bacteria to spread infectious diseases.

When this villain appeared in Europe, he was captured and burned alive.

The gift I was most interested in was nowhere to be seen.

“Why isn’t there space warping?”

This attack, which causes distortion in the attack, was a draw of draws that could take away the opponent’s timing.

But there is no gift list.

“It wasn’t a gift.”

[Or is it because the blood is not in its perfect form?]

That might be true.

Yongyong’s point was valid. While he was self-destructing, he was belatedly saved by detoxifying it with a deadly poison.

It was a shame to think that way.

If I had gotten my hands on it in its intact form, I would have gotten my hands on a space warp.

[What are you going to do?]

“I have to throw it away.”

I ate it, then gave up, took the head and heart of the Heavenly Demon Armor, and called the dog.

The guy waiting in the distance saw the head and heart I was holding, his eyes sparkled, and he spun his tail furiously.

What are you expecting from this glutton?

“This is mine.”


The dog watched with lingering eyes and eventually gave up. Does he feel like he’s full because I often feed him special meals?

If you look closely, it looks like you’ve gained a lot of weight.

[The things you gave me so far were generous.]

If you think about it, it was true.

Still, this is a monster with two horns that will be recorded as its first appearance, so it would be a shame to have it disappear into the stomach of a dog.

Seeing that it has become plump, I need to be diligent.

Woof woof!

The dog looked at me, shivering as if he felt chills.

“let’s go.”


I started moving with the dog.

[uh? Why are you going in that direction?]

* * *

At that time, the Northern Army based in Shenyang sensed that the Heavenly Demon Armor’s energy response was unusual.

“It is believed that we are engaged in combat with Choi Jun-ho!”

“You went to take a look, didn’t you?”

“That doesn’t matter now! So what are the circumstances?”

“It’s not accurate, but it’s fierce!”

It was impossible to properly observe the battle between a superhuman who far exceeded human limitations and a monster with transcendent strength.

I simply understood that two beings surpassing humans were colliding in the aftermath of a clash of powers.

The North Korean military leadership desperately hoped that Choi Jun-ho would win at this time.

Although it was only for a short period of time, the existence of the Heavenly Demon Ghost Armor that destroyed their territory was an unstoppable disaster itself.

“If possible, I wish both of them would disappear.”

Someone’s murmur was everyone’s thoughts. Choi Jun-ho’s effortless behavior when he came to Shenyang left a deep afterimage in them.

Violence itself without the slightest consideration for their status.

For politicians who reign like kings in their own fields and seek to gain greater power, Choi Jun-ho’s existence was as much of a disaster as the Devil’s Gap. It was best for the two of us to come up with a two-way plan.

About 3 hours had passed since then.

Breaking news poured in from all directions.

“The 9A monster’s reaction has disappeared!”

“There is no reaction from the monster! “It is presumed to have disappeared.”

“What about Choi Jun-ho? What happened to Choi Jun-ho?”

“There is no response whatsoever!”

“Quickly send someone to assess the situation! “We have to find out what happened!”


9A The atmosphere in the hall began to heat up as the reaction of the Demon Heavenly Demon Armor disappeared. If the monster that had pushed the Northern Army to the brink of destruction disappeared, it meant that they could take the initiative again.

The Northern army, which had already made too many sacrifices, desperately wanted the blood of the Southern army.

“I hope Choi Jun-ho dies as well.”

“Looking at the lack of reaction, it’s quite possible.”

“He may have suffered serious injuries. It would be better if we took advantage of this opportunity and put solitude in it…”

“Wouldn’t it be better to deal with it?”

“Considering the consequences, it might be better to get rid of it.”

“Still, I’m disappointed in the power I have. “If you turn them into puppets, it will be easy to deal with them…”

Everyone offered words filled with hope.

The investigation team that arrived at the scene a while later reported that neither the monster nor Choi Jun-ho was visible.

Yu Hao quietly tried to connect the call using the satellite phone. However, only a connection tone was heard and the call with Choi Jun-ho was not connected.

It is also possible that it was placed somewhere else before the battle. However, Yu Hao thought that Choi Jun-ho did not answer the phone on purpose.

Once the call is connected, you can specify the location.

He was also a strategic partner with Choi Jun-ho, but he was ready to stab at any time if a gap was revealed.

Especially since Choi Jun-ho knows about biopsy.

“It is clear that Choi Jun-ho is alive. Mobilize all your might to search the surrounding area. “He may have been seriously injured, so we will definitely find him.”

Once new soldiers are secured, the Northern Army can handle the rest as it pleases.

The leadership knew this, so they voluntarily gave up their power.

A search team of the largest size ever was organized and searched the surrounding area thoroughly.

But even after a full day, Choi Jun-ho could not be found. And not long after, a call came from Choi Jun-ho on Yu Hao’s satellite phone.

-The monster has been disposed of according to your wishes. Don’t forget to repay the favor.

“Are you okay?”

-Of course you’re safe. Are you sad that I didn’t die?

“No way.”

– Let’s not put ourselves in a situation where we all know each other. With your eyes lit up like that, did you think I wouldn’t know?


Yu Hao felt a chill run down his spine. Choi Jun-ho never leaves the person who has expressed his feelings toward him alone.

“There are people who have bad feelings, but they are only a very small minority. “I hope you give us a chance to repay you.”

-I’ll go get that later. In the meantime, take care of your situation well. hang up

“Wait a minute…”

Yu Hao tried to say more, but Choi Jun-ho unilaterally ended the call.

While answering the phone, Yu Hao, who was already tracking Choi Jun-ho’s location, urged his subordinate.

“Where is Choi Jun-ho?”


“Say it quickly!”

“This is Incheon, Korea.”

“what? When will we get there?…”

“Judging by the speed at which it moves, it appears to be on a boat. “I’m sorry.”


I got hit. Choi Jun-ho had no intention of returning from the beginning. Since he was conducting a search to secure Choi Jun-ho without knowing that, he was playing into his hands.

“…I was completely defeated.”

Yu Hao, thinking that he would suffer from Choi Jun-ho’s bullying in the future, held his head.

* * *

After hunting monsters, I went to Qingdao, China, rented a boat and headed to Incheon.

Humans are animals whose minds are different when they come in and when they leave. It was clear that I would be a bother if I returned to Shenyang, so I chose to return with only the loot.

I thought a few monsters would bother me along the way, but I was able to arrive in Incheon without any hindrance.

Why is that?

[Isn’t that why?]

What Yongyong was pointing at was the head of the Heavenly Demon Armor. It’s already a dead monster, but it won’t approach you because of its body odor? That head functions as a kind of monster extermination device.

Looking at it like this, it looks like I can use it in the future? If it had no special purpose, I thought it wouldn’t be a bad idea to use it as a tool to exterminate monsters.

When I arrived in Incheon by boat, I could see that Korea was turned upside down.

When I watched the news, they were talking excitedly about the possibility that I and Cheonma Gap-gwi had formed a two-party plan.

But why does the anchor’s voice sound excited?

[I think the country will be excited too, right? The bomb is gone.]

“Am I the bomb?”

[I did not know? People treat you like a bomb.]

“That can’t be possible.”

[Is it true?]

You make me feel sad once you say it. There’s no way he would be that happy that I’m gone.

[Are you asking this because you don’t know? Are you asking with a predetermined answer?]

Yongyong has a great ability to make people angry.

Anyway, after the battle between me and the Heavenly Demon Armor and the reaction disappeared, I thought it was inevitable that something like that would come out. This time, I thought I might actually die during the battle.

However, thanks to one hit, I was able to raise my guard.

I let my guard down just because I had become stronger. I think I can prepare more thoroughly when catching a thunderbird.

When I arrived at the Blue House to report my survival, Cheon Myeong-guk personally came out and welcomed me privately. There was a deep sense of relief on his face as he looked at me.

“I was worried something might happen.”

“Director Cheon was worried about me.”

“…You are stating the obvious.”

Even though I admit it, my expression immediately gets worse.

As I was about to ask what was going on, the president appeared and I decided to ask him later.

The president came running towards me and hit my arm.

“this person! “If you were safe, you should have contacted me!”

“I was careful when using a satellite phone because I was worried that my location would be identified. Thank you for your concern.”

“I was worried, but I had faith. “Where can you go and die so easily?”

“On the news, it seemed like a lot of people wanted me dead.”


To be honest, I wasn’t particularly impressed. I just wanted to see the faces of the people who were talking about wishing I was dead.

Would you be able to stand in front of me and say you wish I were dead?

The President said in shock, as if his true feelings were coming out.

“Honestly, you’ve made a lot of enemies.”

“Did you?”

“There are more enemies than you think.”

“I only caught bad guys and monsters, and they want me dead.”

“Isn’t that the way the world is? Likes and dislikes differ based on one’s own interests, not on good or evil. Anyway, I was relieved to see that you came back safely.”

“I see.”

Since when did I start working to worry about other people? I just started working for my own satisfaction.

I am suffering from a very serious illness. A disease that makes your hand go out on its own when you see a villain. A disease that makes your hand go out on its own when you hear bullshit.

“Now that we’ve returned safely, I’ll have to share the news with you.”

“Can’t we wait a few days?”

“You’re back?”


“Why but?”

“I want to see who will like me when I die.”

The faces of the President and Cheon Myeong-guk turned white.

“…It’s because each of those people has their own interests at stake. Isn’t it something that anyone can like or dislike? “If we deal with that alone, there are only a few people who will survive.”

“Who is killing it? I’m just curious who it is. “Really.”


But the President and Cheon Myeong-guk’s eyes when they looked at me showed no faith at all.

[I don’t believe it at all, but can these people believe it?]

This is so frustrating.

* * *

After leaving the Blue House, I checked the time. It was 4pm, past lunch time.

I set my destination as the office, not home.

“There’s still plenty of time.”

[Why the sudden change in time?]

“I’m going to the office.”

[Why don’t you go home and rest?]

“Oh, I have something to do before then.”

[What happened?]

“The trick I had hidden while hunting monsters this time has disappeared.”

Full recovery, which could be considered an extra life, was lost in the self-destruction of the Heavenly Demon Armor.

As a result, I currently have 9 gifts.

It was a situation where adding one did not cause any problems.

So I thought I would re-add the intuition I had deleted before leaving for China.

If you make up your mind, it’s better to deal with it right away.

When I checked the time, it was the time when Berserker was in the office.


While Yongyong was appreciating my diligence, I quietly entered the office and met Berserker.

“You’re safe. “Well, even if you were a Plus Plus monster, there’s no way you would die.”

“Oh, I had a really hard time this time. He was strong. “I almost died a few times.”

“Oh, that much?”

Berserker’s eyes lit up as if he was interested.

“This time the damage is not that great.”

“is it?”

“So, I need you to help me out.”

“Is there anything I can help you with?”

“there is. “It’s something only you can do.”

To be precise, Jeong Da-hyun also possesses intuition.

But Dahyun Jeong has never had a gift taken away from me.

On the other hand, Berserker was a person with a lot of experience.

Wouldn’t it be better for someone with extensive experience to step forward?

And Berserker was more formidable.



“It smells suspicious.”

“It will be over soon. Shall we go to the training room for a moment?”


[no! Don’t go! If you go, there will be a hole in your heart!]

Even though Yongyong cried out in pity, nothing changed.

So I took Berserker and headed to the training room.

And I was able to add the intuition I had deleted.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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