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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 223

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Episode 223

: I headed to the place where the Heavenly Demon Armor was. As we left Shenyang, everyone seemed to welcome us with one heart and one mind.

Although he was thanking me for going monster hunting, he seemed to be putting away a lot of his luggage.

[I think I’m seeing this correctly, right?]

This is how they treat the person who came to help. Yongyong, who goes along with that, is also a bad guy.

[Is there a person who comes to help and kills everyone who starts a fight?]

Doesn’t the fact that you started a fight even though you knew I was coming mean that you have bad feelings toward me?

There’s no benefit to me if I keep it alive, so it’s better to get rid of it quickly.

If you feel even the slightest bit of discomfort that could lead to regret, you should deal with it as quickly as possible.


Yongyong is so admirable.

[Isn’t that admiration?]

So you’re going to let a monster that could be a threat live just because you don’t feel like killing it?

[Of course not.]

It’s the same for me.


It seems like you don’t know much about the human world, so watch me and learn.

[It seems to me that you are the only one who is strange.]

Yongyong muttered, but did not say anything more.

After leaving Shenyang, we headed to the place where the Heavenly Demon Armor moves. The Heavenly Demon Armor’s next target is not far from Shenyang. About five cities in the middle? If you ignore the intermediate route, it is a distance that can be reached in one day.

There is a reason why the Northern army can’t help but be alarmed.

The dog moved a little away from me. Although it is a pet monster to me, it is actually a fairly strong monster, so its presence is annoying.

As I moved, I noticed the strange parts.

“But there’s one strange thing.”


“The monster is specifically targeting the northern city.”

If you can’t control it, it might have a seizure and run south.

As if they had received an order, they were only targeting northern cities.


The only thing that feels 100% controllable is that it does not pass by small cities in between and destroys cities to rest.

If it were me, I would have had them run straight to Shenyang after hitting Beijing.

If you blow off the head first, the limbs won’t be able to function properly.

I guess there are restrictions.


Yongyong did not say anything about this. He keeps his mouth shut like a ghost when it comes to things that are unfavorable to him.

It looks like he knows something.


As I was heading to my destination, I discovered something strange. Several large trucks were speeding through the wasteland, loaded with mischievous people in converted places like ours.

At first I thought it was a domestic animal, but when I looked again I realized it was a person.

It wasn’t difficult to figure out what that was.

“The world is in chaos, and human trafficking is rampant.”

With the appearance of monsters and the destruction of the city, it may seem to human traffickers that there is prey everywhere.

They must have spotted me, too, so they drove over. I didn’t really want to run away, so I didn’t speed up, and five trucks surrounded my car.

[Crazy people may be committing suicide right now.]

Whether Yongyong was lamenting or not, I got out of the car. Armed villains started to get out of the truck, but at first glance they looked like they were of poor quality, so I immediately shot them in the driver’s seat.

puck! Plop!

The bulletproof glass was dented and the force bullets penetrated and smashed the drivers’ heads.

As I started killing them without saying a word, confusion arose among the villains. They were shouting something in Chinese, but to me it was just crying. I took out the villains one by one by sniping them, regardless of whether they made a fuss or not.

If your head gets blown off, you can’t pretend to be dead.

“I like this gift.”

It had a longer range than a mine and was cleaner than a storm of blades. It was good enough to make sense even if I added too much.

When I had dealt with more than 30 villains in an instant, I heard a voice from ahead. It was awkward, but it was in Korean.

“Now wait a minute! “Are Choi Jun-ho, by any chance, a superhuman?”

Judging by his strange accent, I guess he is of Korean descent.


“Ooh we are vehicles transporting refugees. “Why are you killing us?”

“You were escorting refugees?”

“That’s right!”

The Korean-Chinese villain spoke to me with an expression full of resentment.

Is this a new method of mocking?

I wondered if he was making a fuss because he thought I would be fooled, but his expression showed genuine earnestness.

This is ridiculous.

“Since when did convoys treat refugees like livestock? “What is that body?”

“That is.”

The guy whose eyes were shaking uncontrollably spoke with a determined expression.

“We are part of the Political Department of the United States! It means belonging to the government! We are following their secret orders, so if you interfere, it would not be good for Choi Jun-ho as a superhuman…”


“I don’t want to hear any more bullshit, so just die.”

The Korean-Chinese villain’s head exploded and he fell.

[Is killing now faster than talking?]

That’s right. I guess I talk to myself a lot because I live alone with a hematoma.

When the negotiations broke down, the villains scattered in all directions and ran away, but my sniping range was much longer.

After all the remaining villains were disposed of, all that remained were refugees who were treated like livestock.


The condition was literally the worst. Their skin and bones were basically bare, and some of them were motionless, as if they had starved to death. I think this is worse treatment than livestock.

I dealt with the people who were trafficking people because they were annoying, but I don’t have to deal with the rest.

I took out my satellite phone and made a call right away. After a while, Yu Hao’s voice was heard.

-What’s going on?

“I caught the people who were trafficking people. “Recover the people who were captured.”

-…Human trafficking?

“uh. “They say it’s related to you guys?”

-We do not engage in human trafficking.

“It must have something to do with those dirty bastards over there. Anyway, they are villains, so I took care of them and you can take care of the rest.”

-Sure. thanks.

“If you know, do well.”

After finishing the phone call with Yu Hao, I left the convoy and left the place.

[Is this something you saved or neglected?]


[Then why did you save it? Something is strange.]

Yongyong says it is strange that I removed the human traffickers and cleaned up after them.

You must be mistaken.

I don’t like human trafficking, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go out of my way to visit it and punish it severely.

“We just removed the villains because they were an eyesore.”

[Is that the end?]

“It’s not my role to take care of the captured people.”

I did not deal with the human traffickers out of sympathy for the people who were caught, but because it was annoying to see these guys running around so freely. Even if you leave the villain alive, his productivity is zero.

The only way to reduce the number of social waste is to get rid of it wherever you can see it.

[Out of all the people, I’m the only one who doesn’t understand.]

“Who wants to understand?”


Then don’t understand. Anyone who sees it will think I was begging them to understand.

Meanwhile, we arrived at our destination.

After the evacuation order was issued, the huge city became a ghost town with no trace of its popularity.

[I’m afraid.]

Yongyong said, sensing the surrounding atmosphere. It seems that the two-horned monster has the power to make the world itself fearful. Is this stronger than Shinsoo?


Well, I thought Shinsoo would answer that way because of his pride.

What is it like in reality? I’m curious.

After looking around the city, I retreated to the outskirts. There were people who hadn’t run away yet, but it was their choice and I couldn’t do anything about it.

“Then let’s take a look.”

I settled down in a place with a good view of the city and waited for the Heavenly Demon Armor to appear.

About two hours have passed. Suddenly I felt the air becoming damp. At the same time, a considerable sense of weight is felt. This was the presence of a monster.

This feeling was similar to when I first saw Yongyong’s body. The two-horned monster is this big? I thought this might not be as easy as I thought.



Even though it was still daylight, the front of the city began to take on darkness ahead of the appearance of the Heavenly Demon Armor. And soon after, the huge monster’s body appeared.

This standard was compared to other monsters and compared to divine beasts.

“It’s not as big as you think, is it?”

[If it’s too big, it’s ineffective in combat.]

“Why were you so big?”

[Otherwise, force cannot be handled efficiently.]

So, the larger the torso, the greater the power it can contain. I thought it seemed plausible. I also felt that the two-horned monster was subtly appealing to me that it was weaker than me.

They say that at that level, it poses a threat.

The Heavenly Demon Armor, enveloped in purple mist, was in the shape of a pangolin.

It began to enter the deserted city.

Buildings that were touched and trampled crumbled like cookies. The Heavenly Demon Armor trampled everything that looked like a bad boy destroying an anthill and headed toward the center.

From afar, people who had held out despite the evacuation order could be seen coming out of the building and running away. The Heavenly Demon Armor chased after them and trampled them to death one by one.

The bones of his entire body were broken, corroded by the purple fog, and he died. I couldn’t tell the monster’s expression exactly, but I felt like it was smiling.

“Your hair looks pretty good.”

[If you’re stupid, you can’t become strong at that level.]


Even high-level awakeners cannot reach that level if they are not smart. Sometimes, a guy who seems ignorant just has developed instincts and is not stupid.


It seemed to be tired of killing humans and let out a roar. The intense waves spread out like waves and shattered dozens of buildings.

At the same time, pressure pressing down on my entire body.

Even though it was on the outskirts of the city, the presence of the Heavenly Demon Armor was as strong as a predator stalking its prey.

If it was like this outside the city, if it were inside the city, other people’s entire bodies would have frozen and suffocated in fear.

“I dare to talk about monsters.”

[Why are you smiling when you say that?]

I rubbed my mouth. Yongyong was smiling as he said.

Why am I smiling?

At that time, the gaze of the Heavenly Demon Armor, which was displaying its majesty as a predator, turned in this direction. Can you see this far away? I think we somehow made eye contact.

[I may have been conscious of you. There is a possibility that it sensed my presence.]

As if showing off its might, the Heavenly Demon Armor twisted the space and covered the entire city with purple mist.


The sight of a city being scattered like grains of sand was a wonder in itself. The only time I saw such a shocking sight was when Yongyong manipulated nature and blew up the hideout.

I would say that it is at least at a comparable level.

It’s a far cry from the monsters I’ve faced so far. So it was better. Dealing with the Heavenly Demon Armor can be thought of as a prelude to dealing with the Thunderbird.

If you are a divine beast, you will at least be stronger than the Heavenly Demon Armor.

Originally, I was going to look at him and figure out how to deal with him, then join him.

My thoughts changed.

“I guess it won’t work.”

My hands itched and I couldn’t stand it.

[what? Are you saying we’re joining right now?]

I ignored Yongyong’s shocked cry and told the dog to wait here.

Just looking at it, if you point a dog at that monster, you will become addicted and die.

The dog nods his head fiercely, as if he knows he can’t deal with it yet. It’s okay to show some fighting spirit, but don’t take it lightly.

I said to Mandeuk, who was flinching at the faint poison emitted by the Heavenly Demon Armor.

“Have you achieved any results?”

Mandeuk reported that he succeeded in reducing the time from 10 seconds to 5 seconds and then to 3 seconds, but that it would take time to reach the 1 second I requested.

I gave it a few days, but that’s all I can do. Because there is no work to do.

I felt like Mandeuk was downcast at my point.


This is by no means an excessive request.

The difference between a human and Mandeuk is that he can work 24 hours a day using his never-ending strength.

If I could work 24 hours a day, I should have achieved the efficiency I wanted.

I proposed an arbitration plan.

“Is it possible to decipher it to the extent of wasting the Force?”

It’s possible.

“Let it be so.”

[Are you really going?]

“Uh, I’m going right away.”

I immediately started heading towards where the Heavenly Demon Armor was.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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