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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 221

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Episode 221:

I made a decision in my heart to go to China. On my way to China, I only planned to take the dog with me. You have to come forward and keep going, but it would be good to learn how to not be scared while dealing with monsters stronger than yourself.

Meanwhile, the Heavenly Demon Gapgui, who had left Beijing, destroyed two cities in northern China.

Because the Northern Army evacuated citizens, there was not much casualties, but the Northern Army’s ability to take power in its attempt to overthrow the existing regime and establish itself as a new government began to be questioned.

The Northern Army became desperate and accepted my demands in order to summon me.

They sent me the information I requested.

“Information has been sent from the Northern Army.”

“How was it?”

“It was almost identical to the information provided by the U.S.”

Cheon Myeong-guk explained the Jagang excavation project that was being studied by the Chinese side. The project was launched as a plan to strengthen the party’s loose control and restore the G2’s now fallen status.

The Chinese government has long been researching ways to powerfully control awakened people, including superhumans. To achieve this, various methods were used, such as creating loneliness and using family members as hostages, but it was impossible to make them absolutely follow the party’s orders and make sacrifices.

Then the thing that caught my eye was a monster. They believed that if they could train monsters into submission and turn them into powerful forces, they could regain their lost glory.

I also looked at the documents Cheon Myeong-guk handed me.

“Why are you doing that?”

“There’s something missing.”

The North Korean army’s information was incomplete.

How do you know that? This is because I heard the information with both ears when I had a hematoma.

At my point, Cheon Myeong-guk looked at the document again, found a blank section, and fell silent.

“…There are parts that the United States did not understand until the very end, and it is not easy to know whether the North Korean military also understood these parts or omitted them.”

“I must have missed it.”

“yes. “I think this part is sensitive.”

That’s correct.

I also requested information for this part, but you made a fuss.

“I will go to China and find out.”

“yes. Then, when will you go to China?…”

“I will go right away today.”

* * *

Shenyang City, China.

The atmosphere of the Northern army was extremely gloomy.

Returning from Beijing to Shenyang meant that the results of the civil war that had lasted for more than half a year were fully revealed.

Where is that? As Beijing showed extreme incompetence, support in established areas was shaking uncontrollably.

Appealing that it was better than the existing government no longer worked.

Here, a wedge was driven in as the two cities were destroyed by the Heavenly Demon Armor.

The Northern Army’s commanding ability was in danger of being completely lost due to the Cheonma Armor.

The only way to turn the situation around is to bring Choi Jun-ho from neighboring Korea and show him hunting monsters.

That too was nothing more than borrowing the power of a small country’s superhuman, rather than solving it on their own, but they had no time to think about anything else as they were on fire.

Meanwhile, the news that Choi Jun-ho would come was like a sweet rain in a drought.

“Choi Jun-ho is coming!”

“Finally let go of the hour.”

“He may be a superman from a small country, but his skills are considered real!”

“If we can keep up the momentum and take back Beijing, we have a chance!”

The Northern military leadership burst out in exclamation.

At the same time, they began imagining the best situation that could happen to them.

The presence of a strong superhuman in the next country was, as always, a burden.

“If possible, the guy and the monster should come up with a two-way plan.”

“It’s not another monster, it’s 9A, so hunting it won’t be easy.”

“If both disappear, it might be possible to stop the Southern Army and devour the Republic of Korea.”


Yu Hao was watching all of this in silence.

I think about it these days.

Although he had set out to overthrow the existing regime, looking at them, he wondered what difference there was.

I frowned and just listened to the words flying out at random.

Li Zhenhuo approached him.

“You understand. “I’m doing this because I’ve been under a lot of stress.”

“But they don’t treat you like trash.”

“No one thinks of you like that.”

“You mean a superhuman who can’t hunt monsters?”

After the retreat from Beijing, a crack appeared in Yu Hao’s position.

The reason was simple. This is because they were unable to protect the Northern Army from the threat of monsters.

Although he was once a member of the Ten Superhumans and was certified as level 9 by Choi Jun-ho, the strength of the 9A monster far exceeds its limits.

As Yu Hao’s unrivaled status was cracked, power was being concentrated on Li Zhenhuo, but he did not forget his subject and maintained his focus.

Li Zhenhuo smiled to dilute Yu Hao’s wariness.

“The uncontrolled disaster created by the party only hit us for a moment. If we use Choi Jun-ho to get rid of the Heavenly Demon Armor, everything will return to its original place.”

But both Wei Hao and Li Zhenhuo knew well that that was impossible.

The existence of Cheonma Armor, literally a natural disaster, dealt a decisive blow to the North Korean army in the loss of its ability to command power.

Fortunately, there was constant internal noise as rumors circulated that the reason the Southern Army gave up Beijing was to preserve its strength against monsters.

It was a situation where the important thing was not who was better, but who made fewer mistakes.

“I hope so. and.”

Yu Hao, who spoke calmly, fixed his gaze on Li Zhenhuo.

“Choi Jun-ho will not move as we want.”

“Even if I ask you to stick to my role?”

“okay. Those who thought that way inevitably ended up in a mess.”

Choi Jun-ho’s hands do not obscure the status of the other person.

All of the Chinese super-Indian standing committee members who died countless times died at the hands of Choi Jun-ho.

Although it was only a suspicion, Yu Hao was confident.


Yu Hao’s expression hardened as he looked at the Northern Army leaders who were talking about whatever they wanted.

“The moment we claim to be superhumans of a small country, we can be annihilated before the monsters.”


“Don’t try to think of him with common sense. To Choi Jun-ho, we are not a necessary partner for cooperation. “Think of it as carrying a bomb in your arms that might explode at any moment.”

And the moment when the bomb is stimulated incorrectly and explodes.

It will be them who die.


Li Zhenhuo’s expression hardened as he recognized the seriousness of the situation.

* * *

I took the dog through Sinuiju, crossed the Yalu River, and arrived in Shenyang.

Not long ago, I had crossed the border before, so it felt unfamiliar and even familiar.

When I think about it, I have never come for something good when crossing the border, but this time I came for something good, so I had a strange feeling.

[It’s because I’m not used to doing good things.]

That can’t be possible. How many good things have I done as a superhuman?

[Is that so?]

I don’t like the way you speak.

The city of Shenyang, which was said to be the capital of the northern army, was quite large in size, but its facilities were quite outdated, making it look like a rural scene.

In particular, the momentum was lost and the entire city was enveloped in a gloomy atmosphere.

This is so fucked up.

As I entered the city, gazes poured in from all directions. There was a little bit of hostility in it, but the treatment I received when I came to help wasn’t very good.

In particular, the gaze towards the dog was fierce. I had no intention of understanding that they had brought a monster into the middle of the city… not at all.

What I hate the most is not being able to understand the topic, and I’m having a hard time understanding the topic.

“If you bother me, I’ll ask you everything. “If you pose a threat, you can kill me.”


I left the dog in front of me and headed to the place where the North Korean military leaders were gathered.

The Northern Army, which declared the United States of China, effectively established a two-top system with Yu Hao, who first rallied its forces, as president and Li Zhenhuo as vice president.

Yu Hao took control of the northern army’s military power, and Li Zhenhuo took on the role of controlling the forces gathered from all directions.

We’re all in good spirits now, but the real start is when we take power. Normally, we work together when things are hard, but they try to monopolize power.

Yu Hao, whom I had not seen in a long time, had aged by more than 10 years. His plump body became thin and his face was covered with wrinkles. It was clearly visible how severe the mental suffering had been during this time.

“Thank you for coming here. The vice president also said that he thinks he can overcome the crisis with the help of superhuman Choi Jun-ho.”

“I guess you had a lot of trouble?”

“As you can see.”

After briefly greeting each other, Wei Hao and Li Zhenhuo and I started talking.

The Northern army’s position was clear. The goal is to eliminate the Heavenly Demon Armor as quickly as possible.

“Is there a possibility that the party is controlling the monsters?”

“In fact, there is none. “How can you control that monster?”

“I trained monsters too, and I don’t think there’s anything the party can’t do.”

“…don’t think that your way is possible in the party.”

“That’s not wrong either.”

The reason the dog obeys me is because I constantly remind him of my overwhelming power and the difference. There is no way that could be possible for a two-horned monster that first appeared.

No, it might actually be fun if that were the case. I would go and see his face at least once.

“When can you come forward?”

“You wouldn’t say something crazy like facing that monster without any preparation, right?”

“…I was hasty.”

Still, Yu Hao is a guy who can communicate. If I was going to tell you nonsense, I was planning on being intentionally obnoxious.

Li Zhenhuo, who was next to him, also said that if there was anything he needed, he could tell him as much as he wanted.

These two are a good combination. No, do you want to get rid of the monster as quickly as possible?

“I’ll show you a place to rest.”

First of all, I decided to rest today and start receiving information about monsters tomorrow.

It was about time we went outside together when he said he would personally guide us.

There was a commotion outside. When I wondered what was going on, I saw that a group of awakened people had gathered in front of the dog and blocked it. After that, a man who appeared to have a high rank was screaming with a lump in his throat.

“We will understand the situation.”

But before Yu Hao could step forward, the awakened people drew their weapons. The dog, which had lowered its posture and assumed a threatening posture, also radiated its deadly spirit.

“Do you think that will be resolved?”


Yu Hao’s mouth closed. The man who caught his eye approached and whispered something in his ear. I could hear everything being said, but I couldn’t understand anything because it was in Chinese.

At that time, an awakened person shouted and ran towards the dog. After that, other awakened people attacked. He was ready to kill the doggo.

They’re crossing a line by trying to kill the pet of someone who came to save their country.

“I’m going to stop you now….”

“There’s no need to do that.”

Yu Hao’s voice was heard, but there was no reason to stop there. I activated sniping and fired dozens of bullets at once.

The dog, which was in a defensive posture, sensed my momentum and quickly retreated.

My bullets poured into the awakened people through the wide open gap.

puck! Plop! Burbubbuk!

The bullet made of force destroyed all the awakened people’s heads, limbs, and limbs.

The man who seemed to have a high status who was shouting loudly behind him also got hit on the head by a force bullet and fell to the ground with blood gushing out, leaving only his body intact.


The space that had been noisy just a moment ago was engulfed in silence.

“It’s a little quieter now.”

In fact, it has become quiet because everyone has died.

As we headed toward the place soaked in blood, the awakened people who had been watching from afar stepped aside.

Before I knew it, the dog came and sat down quietly next to me. Its huge tail was spinning furiously like a fan.

“Did you start a fight?”

Woof woof!

Although the monster’s language cannot be 100% interpreted, I was able to tell from the crying just now that the other person had started the fight first.

The dog seems to want to start a fight, but it would be difficult to put that into action.

Controversy is also a privilege of the strong, who can initiate disputes.

I looked at Yu Hao and said.

“If those who died after acting out their own way are dissatisfied, bring them to me.”


Yu Hao nodded with a stern expression and then assigned someone to guide him to his residence.

* * *

The Heavenly Demon Armor is a monster that killed over 15 million people in three cities, but there was at least too little known information about it.

What is known to the outside world is that it uses deadly poison and can spread this poison widely by distorting space itself.

Other than that, nothing else was known.

There was no information about how tough the leather was, how tough the person was, or how much stamina he had.

The first thing you need to figure out is the poison of the Heavenly Demon Armor.

The poison, which can melt even living people in an instant, is known to be the most powerful poison among the demonic poisons that have ever appeared.

In fact, it is difficult for poison to do much harm to me.

Because I have the power to kill all poisons.

However, since the degree of influence varied depending on the poison’s ingredients, it was first necessary to know how severe the poison of the Heavenly Demon Armor was.

The day after arriving in Shenyang, I was able to receive the poison of the Heavenly Demon Armor from the Northern Army.

[It’s terrible.]

Just as Yongyong muttered.

They say it was the first two-horned monster, and its toxicity was beyond imagination. The container containing the poison was specially treated to withstand it, but if it were an ordinary container, it would have melted.

“This makes me more curious?”

Just how toxic is it? And how will Mandokbulchim react to this poison?

[uh? Do it right away?]

“Why are you hesitating?”

I immediately broke the seal and started inhaling the poison inside.


A strong toxin that seemed to corrode even the air penetrated my insides.

I felt the intensity of hydrochloric acid, as if it would rip my insides out.

The poison spread quickly. Even when I thought about it, it felt like the color of my face had changed.

At that time, the Man-dok-bul-sim attack was activated. Once the poison had spread, it began to quickly erase the poison that had spread throughout my body.

It took about 10 seconds for the poison to spread completely and for the poisonous sting to activate and disappear.

[Isn’t it really fast?]

It may seem fast, but 10 seconds is enough time to die hundreds of times during a battle.


Mandeuk responded to my call.

“How much can we reduce?”

Mandeuk said that this poison is fatal, but if you work hard, you can reduce it to less than 5 seconds.

It shortens it by half.

Mandeuk looked triumphant, but I was not satisfied.

I think Mandeuk’s abilities are better.

I gave Mandeuk a target.

“Reduce it to 1 second.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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