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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 219

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Episode 219:

The road to the Blue House.

Yongyong kept glancing at me as I drove.

“If you want to say something, say it.”

[Did you notice it?]


[Then without hesitation.]

Yongyong asked me if he was curious.

[Isn’t that too much of a burden? It’s not an easy thing for a single human being to handle.]

“It’s something that needs to be addressed at least once.”

[What are you pointing at?]

“Working with me.”

[Didn’t you really like that person?]

“I like it.”

Jin Se-jeong is still my favorite character. By incorporating the unique element of the idol worldview, I blocked in advance any elements that could cause me to be treated as a villain.

If it weren’t for Jin Se-jeong’s method, I think I would have faced huge opposition at least once.

If Yunhee was so serious that she was jumping around, it would definitely have happened.

I want to recognize that ability and continue for a long time.

However, there was one premise: a deep understanding of what one was doing.

[What does it mean?]

“In the end, being an awakener means killing someone. If Jin Se-jeong is not aware of that, it will be difficult to work for a long time. “It would be better to take this opportunity to clarify.”

[Can’t I just leave without pointing it out?]

“I don’t want that.”

In the end, I was an awakened person who killed someone. Jin Se-jeong needs to understand more accurately what he does.

The disappearance of Beijing this time was a good opportunity.

In order to save more people, it is better to help as quickly as possible. But what if it is a product made inside China? Ultimately, this is what they did. Anyone in their right mind would know that they have to take care of it themselves.

Honestly, it has nothing to do with me.

It may be heartbreaking to see more people dying in the process. But that’s it. Considering the danger level of the two-horned monster, it would be difficult for anyone to step forward willingly.

Dahyun Jeong would probably be heartbroken in this situation.

In any case, the people around me are more important than the sacrifice of strangers.

Jin Se-jeong has to face that and overcome it to be able to work with me for a long time.

There is nothing I can do if I quit.

[You’re really nasty.]

“Did I do something wrong?”

[That’s not true. Just testing is bad.]

“At this point, you should know what you’re doing.”

Even if the idol world is sinister, it cannot be compared to the lives of countless people in this world.

[But I have a question.]

“What is it?”

[You seemed calm even though a monster suddenly appeared? Do you know something?]

Yongyong wasn’t a divine beast for nothing. My eyesight was quite good.

I neither confirmed nor denied that statement.

Yongyong pursued me persistently, but I didn’t respond.

In the end, I gave up and changed the topic.

[But aren’t there too many people taken hostage to just ignore it?]

“There are a lot.”

Even though the population has decreased since the emergence of monsters, China is still the country with the largest population in the world. Since a two-horned monster has appeared in a densely populated area, the delay in responding will cause exponentially greater damage.



[Because it seems to be more merciless than usual.]

“It’s a difference in mood.”

[I don’t think so.]

I’m going to hunt monsters anyway.

There is only a difference in timing.

Yongyong was relieved to hear those words, but he looked at me closely and opened his mouth.

[In the past, it felt like they were trying to find a way in which fewer people would die, even if it was a no-brainer.]


[Like it doesn’t matter if I die?]

“I’ve always been like this.”

It’s just that the image of a nasty neighbor who is overbearing and doesn’t understand the subject is not good.

In fact, after the number of gifts increased, I could not feel any change in myself.

Is the nature of the hematoma affecting me as its presence grows? No, I think it’s because of my mood. I would have made the same choice if there were 10 gifts. Maybe I’m just blaming all my choices on the hematoma.

I don’t think I’m weak enough to be swayed by the hematoma anymore.

I’ll have to take some time to see what effect this is having.

“Anyway, it doesn’t matter how many humans die to you, a divine beast.”

[That’s right. That makes me feel even more uncomfortable. Am I talking to another divine beast right now?]

“I am human.”

[Because humans are not like humans.]

While I was talking with Yongyong, I entered the Blue House and headed straight to where the meeting was taking place. Blue House chiefs and secretaries were gathered there.

“It’s late.”

“It’s okay. I just started. “Sit down.”

As soon as we took our seats, the meeting, which had paused for a while, resumed.

The name of the two-horned monster that appeared in China was Heavenly Demon Armor, and it attacked Beijing and destroyed the city.

It stopped in Beijing for a while, but it was unclear when it would move again.

Since the times were different, the monster forms were also different. The two-horned monster that appeared when it was a blood race was in the form of a monkey, not a pangolin.

I have to think of it as a completely new monster.

“It is estimated that the number of Beijing citizens killed by the Heavenly Demon Armor alone exceeds 10 million.”


There is a huge difference between killing a monster ‘directly’ and causing casualties by destroying a city.

After the actual function of the city is lost, the sacrifices are often greater from the low-level monsters that come in after them than from the named-level monsters.

However, there has never been an example of a monster alone causing such a sacrifice.

Everyone watched and shook their heads, speechless.

There was no such shock when a harmful level 8 monster appeared or when a plus level monster appeared.

“What did the Northern army do?”

“After retreating from Beijing, we immediately retreated to Shenyang. “The atmosphere within the Northern Army appears to be very serious.”

“I guess so.”

When victory was achieved in the civil war, a two-horned monster appeared. And, unable to protect the capital, they just watched as more than 10 million casualties occurred.

Even if they won the civil war, it was safe to say that the future of the Northern Army would be dark.

“Currently, the North Korean Army has requested the help of Superhuman Choi Jun-ho. “I have been waiting for the interview at the Blue House for three hours.”

It is said that the Confederate government also sent someone to make a request to me.

Are they trying to pretend they didn’t do it? One little hair went well.

“Let’s discuss this further and decide. “Plus Plus level monsters may come to our country, so pay special attention to trends.”


After the meeting chaired by the President, the heads of offices and secretaries left. The only people left were the President, Cheon Myeong-guk, and me.

The fact that other people did not look at him strangely meant that Cheon Myung-guk was already recognized as the successor. Although it has not yet been revealed to the public, it appears that traffic has been controlled internally.

“As you can see, the situation is going unusually.”

“It seems so.”

“Plus Plus stage monsters are much stronger than expected. “I didn’t know it would be like this.”

“The reason the damage spread was because the poison of the Cheonma Armor was spread everywhere.”

The power of the poison that corrodes everything is beyond imagination.

In particular, it is said that the poison is spread further by twisting the space, and this is said to be close to how awakened people use gifts.

As the level of the monster increases, its intelligence becomes better.

“I don’t know if the monster that will bring about the apocalypse has appeared in a neighboring country.”

“Because they made it.”

The eyes of the President and Cheon Myeong-guk turned to me.

“What does that mean?”

“The two-horned monster was artificially created.”

“How do you do that?”

I said I saw it in my last life, so when I was getting rid of Zhang Wuyuan, I told Nangongji that I heard it as if it was flowing.

Even in death, he gives generously.

“At the time, they said that once the research on monsters was completed, they would gain world hegemony. “I thought it was a bluff, but when I saw it appear this time, I realized it was credible.”


The President and Cheon Myeong-guk still looked shocked. Is it because I said it too late?

Even so, there is no reason for me to share information one by one.

“Of course there will be no evidence.”

“Yes, no.”

“But considering the timing, the timing was perfect. To the point where it feels like heaven is helping the Confederate army to just ignore it. Why did the northern army attack Beijing as soon as it took over?”

The President asked, looking at Cheon Myeong-guk.

“What does the simulation look like?”

“All the circumstances fit together. But the Confederate government will not admit this.”

“You won’t admit it. But I don’t have the power to cover this up. We are the winner now. “I have to welcome guests.”

The president first summoned the Chinese ambassador to the South to his office.

He said that China is currently embroiled in civil war, but must follow the cause, and asked me to help on a Mahayana level.

To anyone who sees him, he will seem like a loyal person who cares deeply about the future of the country.

The president said with a cold expression.

“Are you saying that you know that the appearance of this monster is related to your government?”

“What do you mean! Are you insulting the great nation now?”

“It wasn’t an insult, it was telling the truth.”

“Cancel now! Otherwise, I will never sit idly by and watch this frame!”

“What if I just leave it alone and don’t look at it?”


The Chinese ambassador to the Confederacy jumped up and expressed his anger, but the president’s expression did not change.

“Now the People’s Republic of China has produced a result that will destroy the world. To maintain power, they created such a monster and asked for help. “I have no shame.”

“It’s a misunderstanding!”

However, as the president’s confidence did not waver, the Chinese ambassador’s expression began to crumble. He didn’t seem to know the truth, but he was confused when the president said it.

“We will take steps to cut ties from now on, so the ambassador can go back.”

“This insult will never be forgotten by our country!”

“I guess that’s all I can say.”


“Before you warn us, you’d better think about returning to a place where Plus Plus level monsters are running rampant.”

The Confederate Chinese ambassador returned filled with anger and fear.

It was a much stronger response than I expected.

“Is it okay to file charges even though there is no evidence?”

“Everyone knows that the appearance of Plus Plus level monsters is not natural. As time passes, more detailed facts will be revealed. But it will take a long time to wait until then. “We need to strike before that.”

What kind of damage does it inflict?

As if he sensed my doubts, Cheon Myeong-guk added an explanation.

“What the President is talking about is the legitimacy of the Confederate government. Since the Northern Army suffered a fatal wound due to the disappearance of Beijing, if the Southern Army, which encouraged this incident, is also dealt a blow, the two sides, whose legitimacy has been damaged, will be in conflict for a longer time. Rather, a new force with legitimacy may emerge and a three-way war may occur.”

Did you aim for that with just a few words? Once again, I thought the president was amazing.

Cheon Myeong-guk, who noticed that, is also amazing. I think he would do really well as president.

“You’d think we would have proof if we actually took action. The faster the better. “In things like this, if you give time, reason will intervene.”

[Are all humans originally this cunning?]

With this much political power, they are at the top of a nation.

“Then it’s time to see our long-awaited guest.”

The president ordered the Chinese ambassador to the North to be brought in.

The official name of the northern army, which raised the banner of equal treatment for all people of all races, was the United States of China.

Li Zhenhuo’s close associate and the Chinese ambassador to North Korea entered the office with a contemplative look on his face.

Since your ears are open, you probably know that the president met with the Chinese ambassador to the Confederacy first.

Even though he knew how to speak Korean, he used to speak Chinese out of pride, and spoke to the president in fluent Korean.

“Mr President! The United States is now in a grave crisis. “I hope you take pity on the sacrifice of the ten million people who were lost in the monster’s offensive!”

“I express my condolences for the loss to the United States.”

The president responded with a sad expression. As a human being before being a politician, he expressed regret over the current situation the Northern Army was in.

“Currently, the United States is in desperate need of Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman powers. That monster destroyed and corroded everything. “We can’t fight that monster with our own strength!”

“It seems strong.”

“Great man! Please help us!”

The arrogant Chinese ambassador to the North knelt in front of me. It seems that Cheon Myeong-guk, who had been involved in a war of words with him, was surprised by his current behavior.


That’s just Cheon Myung-guk’s reaction.

Kneeling doesn’t do anything except for your sharp pride to be worn smooth.

“Why should I help the United States of China?”

“That’s because the great people helped in the founding of the United States.”

“That’s what I didn’t like about that side.”


“What should we think about the fact that they spread the fairy tale training system to make us a nuisance?”


The Chinese ambassador to the North Korean army turned white.

Why do you do this with all the facts you already know?

“I don’t know why I should help an enemy who has a knife pointed at him.”

“That is. Please Daein! The United States is now in an urgent situation. “I will give you anything in return, so please help me first.”

Everyone believes that the pain they experience is the most painful and that they want to solve it first.

And I’m insensitive to other people’s pain.

Same goes for me.

It’s not a good idea to manipulate people behind their backs and ask for help for nothing just because you’re in a hurry.

Of course, I messed around a bit, but I have no intention of asking for help.

“First, let your head cool down.”

I’m in no hurry.

“To overcome this urgent situation, I think the United States can show us one of its small castles.”

“What if you are sincere?”

“We need proof that the Confederate government created plus-plus level monsters.”


“If you bring me that, we will go hunting monsters.”


“I’ll give you plenty of time, so think about it slowly.”

“Great man! Great man!”

“It seems like this intention has been conveyed. “I want you to go back and think about it.”

In response to the President’s order to congratulate the guests, the Chinese ambassador to the Northern Army stood up helplessly and went outside.

I will bring evidence to survive at the hands of the monster.

With this, you will have evidence that cannot be taken away.

As the President said, if both the Confederate and Northern armies lose their cause, they will fight against each other for a long time and will not be able to pay attention to this side.


It is better to be certain as much as possible. Since this is a price that cannot be announced externally anyway, I can also maintain the image that I am doing my best for China.

At that time, when China was dealing with the Two-horned Monster, over 3,000 awakened people were consumed as consumables, and then all the superhumans in China and eight superhumans from neighboring countries joined in and succeeded in the hunt.

To that extent, the two-horned monster was an opponent that even I could not let down my guard.

On the contrary, I also had expectations.


Yongyong sensed my feelings.

[Did you plan on hunting from the beginning?]



This is an opportunity to really taste the handmade food. Would you miss it?

I wonder what the heart blood of the two-horned monster tastes like.

[Weren’t you trying to save people?]

That’s not a problem at all.

Yongyong looked at me with an absurd expression.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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