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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 211

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Episode 211

: Woof!

I thought the doggo that consumed the essence of an artificial divine beast looked quite irreverent, but judging from his actions, it didn’t seem that way.

Well, they usually say that as you gain strength, your sense of rebellion grows, right?

Was the doggy an exception? As expected, education was usually based on violence and coercion, which had the effect of crushing the buds of doggedness.

I need to use it regularly in the future.

Or maybe the dog was quick-witted, or maybe it was just my luck.

I guess it was good. Because I saw that the dog got stronger after eating the special meal I gave him. From the looks of it, the essence of the artificial divine beast was fragmented, and it seemed like he could sequentially melt it down and make it with his own power.

It means digesting food to the best of your ability.

I turned my attention to Yongyong, who was still confused.

“Why are you feeling sad?”

[That suddenly…]

“Even if I had given you time to think about it, you would have opposed it.”

[but! The decision is too fast!]

“He doesn’t really interest you and isn’t very useful anyway, so think of it as a good thing for the dog. “Dog-meong, are you okay too?”


“Look at this. “It’s good, right?”


Yongyong looked like he wanted to say a lot, but he sighed.

How can you take out something that’s already inside the dog’s stomach? No, if you split the ship open, you might be able to salvage a few fragments?


The dog caught my gaze and trembled. Don’t be afraid, because you won’t go there.

Only then does the dog feel relieved.

Looking at it this way, does it seem like my actions are too harsh?

[Is there another boat coming?]

I turned my head after hearing Yongyong’s words and saw a Japanese patrol boat approaching. It sank a little while ago, but they’re sending one more ship in the meantime? It was a much faster approach than I expected.

Let’s assume an unlucky monster attack again this time.

[Is there really a need for that? The business is finished.]


If you mess around here, you’ll end up in a deeper quagmire.

Now that I think about it, a good idea occurred to me. Maybe this will work?

As I watched the approaching patrol boat, I hit the yacht railing and headed toward the Japanese patrol boat.

The guys looked embarrassed as they saw me approaching. When I broke the surface of the sea and climbed onto the deck, he was keeping a watchful eye on me with his gun pointed at me.

“Hi! Choi Jun-ho!”

“Head breaker!”

I saw him recognize me and swallow the air. Dozens of guns were pointed at me, but I didn’t care and looked around.

Should I learn Japanese too? Are there any gifts that help you learn a foreign language? It’s a pity why the monster language is not compatible with foreign languages. There are a lot of people talking bullshit all over the world.

[What are you talking about?]

That’s just what I did too.

“Does anyone know how to speak Korean?”


“If I don’t have it, should I find someone who knows how to do it?”

“I know how to do it.”

There was someone who answered in fairly fluent Korean, probably because he heard the muttering.

As I watched him, his legs were shaking like aspen trees.

“I would like to speak to the Prime Minister of Japan.”


“I have come to seek a peaceful resolution against the enemy who has invaded someone else’s territorial waters.”

“I’ll connect you right away.”

After saying those words, he ran over to me with a smartphone and seemed to make several calls. After a while, he carefully approached me and held out the smartphone to me with trembling hands.

“Nice to meet you, Prime Minister. “Are you feeling okay?”

If you are seriously injured, it would be easy to think that you cannot make a phone call, but you are the head of a country and the Japanese medical system is reliable. He must have saved his life somehow.

-…My body is fine. Above all, I didn’t know Choi Jun-ho would be there.

“Even if you travel here and there because you’re famous, aren’t you in a situation where you have to travel here and there when the government orders you to do so?”

-You want to talk to me?

“When I looked at the people who came here, I found that they were illegal trespassers?”


“This is a very dangerous place. A while ago, monsters also appeared. As a result, one of the Japanese ships broke up and sank. “Oh, it happened to be nearby, so we cooperated with the Coast Guard and carried out a rescue operation.”

-Thank you.

“It seems like there is a purpose, but you need to ask for understanding from the place you are actually occupying. Otherwise, we will not be able to send back those who trespassed into another country’s territorial waters.”


A few Japanese people who understood what I said were dumbfounded. There are more people than you think who know how to speak Korean.

I quietly waited for the Prime Minister’s answer. After taking a moment to catch his breath, he continued speaking with difficulty.

-I acted ahead of my impatience. I know what you mean. Let’s take action.

“I believe that our two countries can become trustworthy partners and reliable colleagues. I look forward to the Prime Minister’s wise judgment. “I hope you get well.”

-Thank you.

That ended my phone call with the Prime Minister. The soldier who received the phone went to hand it to the captain, and after a while he came up to me and spoke politely.

“An order has been issued to return from our home country. “Can I go back?”

“Please return safely. “There are quite a few monsters.”

“…Thank you for caring me.”

Without hesitation, I got off the patrol boat and the patrol boat turned around and went back the way it came.

[Do you know that your skills at making threats are getting better every day?]

“You mean threats.”

Yongyong would be the only one who would think that way about a formal and polite invitation.

[Everyone but you would think that.]

I insisted until the end.

Japan, which believes that the essence of the artificial divine beast is still here, will not back down easily.

If we continue to show regret, this place could serve as a huge net.

After getting on the yacht, I went straight back to Ulleungdo.

* * *

The Blue House was thrown into confusion upon hearing the sudden request from Japan.

After gathering the secretaries and finishing the meeting, the President left Cheon Myeong-guk to continue discussing the current situation.

“How do you view Japan’s request?”

“It must be Choi Jun-ho’s superhuman effect.”

“I guess so.”

A few hours before Japan’s request, information was received from the Blue House that Choi Jun-ho was on Ulleungdo. Choi Jun-ho’s every move was the subject of unprecedented attention, so he was watching closely.

Sure enough, this request came later from Japan.

Since it was an issue related to Choi Jun-ho, it could not be overlooked lightly.

“I guess they originally had no intention of asking for our cooperation. The reason why I changed my mind in the middle was probably because of Choi Jun-ho’s intervention. “They said they were looking for something. Do you know anything?”

Cheon Myeong-guk shook his head.

“sorry. “Even the local Humint is completely unaware of this.”

“That means it is being handled with tighter security. “Do you have any guess?”

“There is a high possibility that what was leaked from Japan was a more valuable treasure than we expected.”

“Does Choi Jun-ho know that identity?”

“That is very likely.”

“I wonder what the treasure is.”

It smelled. Even if there was a threat from Choi Jun-ho, this request was unexpected considering Japan’s pride.

The President and Cheon Myeong-guk realized that something big had happened in an area they were unaware of and that the answer was in Dokdo.

“How about calling Choi Jun-ho and asking him?”

“Are you still on Ulleungdo?”

“They say he left Ulleungdo. “I will arrive in Pohang soon and come up to Seoul, so it may not be possible today, but it will be possible to see it tomorrow.”

“That’s right. Well, first of all.”

The President decided to deal with Japan’s request for cooperation since it was made by Choi Jun-ho.

However, Cheon Myeong-guk seemed skeptical about the decision.

“The opposition party will criticize this.”

“I guess I’ll have to endure that much.”

“How about being a little more cautious?”

“You mean listen to Choi Jun-ho?”


Cheon Myeong-guk’s words are correct. But the president shook his head.

“Then you can’t show off to Choi Jun-ho, can you?”


“Whether you think so or not, it’s important to be condescending. That way, we can appeal to them that we are working hard for them.”

“That much.”

“The fact that Choi Jun-ho has made a mess means that he has an intention to settle things. “It’s not too late to step into the game and figure out your intentions.”

Cheon Myeong-guk wondered if it was any different from gambling, but there was nothing wrong with what he said.

“…Honestly, if it were me, I would have put it on hold.”

“That’s not bad either. There is nothing more dangerous than making a hasty decision based on inaccurate information. Especially considering your gift.”


“But you won’t be able to judge every situation with accurate information. Then the moment of choice will come.”

“I think so.”

Cheon Myeong-guk concentrated hard, wondering if the President was teaching him some secret, but the answer that came out was beyond absurd.

“You just have to take good pictures then.”


“That’s what it says. But it’s true that I’m going to take pictures the way I feel. Because what my senses tell me is based on decades of experience.”

“I haven’t even properly entered politics yet.”

“But isn’t it a 50% chance? “If Choi Jun-ho is involved, it is possible to overturn it by force.”


One thing was certain. The president is bluntly saying that he will retire at the end of his term.

Cheon Myeong-guk’s sigh deepened as he looked at the smiling president.

“No matter what, how will you decide to run the government?”

“If you don’t want to do that, you’ll have to study a lot. But you must know that even if you don’t want to, there will come a time when you have to make a choice.”

“yes. Thank you for your advice.”

After that, Cheon Myeong-guk contacted Choi Jun-ho, who was coming to Seoul.

* * *

On my way up to Seoul, I received a call from Cheon Myeong-guk. The next day, I decided to visit the Blue House and headed home. What greeted me was Yunhee, who was glaring at me with bloodshot eyes.

“Why do you think I’m doing this?”

“Did anything good happen?”

“Good things? “It’s a good thing, hehe.”

I could feel the ghost in his dark smile. Just looking at it gave me the feeling that I had touched it wrongly.

“I heard that I told Dahyun that I desperately wanted to learn something.”

“Did you have fun?”

That seems to have had an effect on Yunhee. Dahyun is not the type of person to be gentle, so I guess they handled it properly.

“what? fun? Do you really want to die! “What a beast!”

“It’s been a while since we last met, but isn’t it fun to just haha?”

“Why do you decide all that!”

“From next time, you decide.”


Even if I ran wild and attacked it, I was only a hand away. Yunhee, who had been trying her best to get a hit, sighed when all her attempts ended in vain.

“I’m really going to get stronger someday and give it a shot.”

Is that really possible? Even if you regress dozens of times, it seems impossible.

“I brought you a gift. Let’s eat this.”

“what is that?”

“You can look forward to it.”

I cooked Yunhee the lobster crab claws I brought from Dokdo. Although it was simply steamed and served, my eyes widened at the elastic texture and explosive flavor.

It was released right away.

After all, delicious food is an all-purpose medicine for lifting your mood.

“What is this?”

“Is it delicious?”

“huh! “This is my first time eating something like this!”

It has to be that way. There is only one lobster monster on Dokdo.

Yunhee’s mouth was sealed with the intention of eating like that. I decided to give the rest to Jeong Da-hyeon in return.

The next day, I headed straight to the Blue House.

Apparently, in Japan, the desire to retrieve the essence of artificial divine beasts was much stronger than I thought. If you look at the fact that he asked for cooperation from the Blue House shortly after contacting me.

I thought it was great that the president accepted it without thinking about anything else.

Don’t they usually reject it because it allows people from other countries to roam freely within their own territory?

“I thought you might have something on your mind. is not it?”

“It’s burdensome because you have too much faith.”

“It’s a burden. “Just do as usual, hehe.”

I laugh and pretend not to, but I saw it all. The president was momentarily taken aback because he thought I had done it recklessly. Cheon Myeong-guk was openly holding his pounding head.

Well, I have no hobby of making fun of a president who is entering the end of his term, so I brought out my hidden thoughts.

“A few days ago, Nakayama, a Japanese superman, came to visit me.”

“okay? “They say that superhuman is dangerous in many ways.”

“From what I heard, they are planning to become international mercenaries, not the League.”

“It must be a bit stomach-ache on the Japanese side.”

“yes. Nakayama gave me some information, one of which was the existence of sunken treasure in Dokdo.”

I explained to the President the essence of artificial divine beasts. And he said that the Japanese government is going to great lengths to find this.


The president’s expression hardened, as if he thought the issue was bigger than he thought. The same was true for Cheon Myeong-guk.

I also thought that way, so the president, who listened without defense, was bound to feel that way even more.

Anyway, it already happened. If so, it’s best to make the most of it.

“When I heard this, I thought, why not make the board bigger?”

“Raise the board?”

“No matter how close we are, aren’t they the ones who did it themselves and trespassed into our territorial waters at will? Even if they come on their own terms, they must get permission from the landlord when leaving.”


“First, let the search take place in Japan and then leak this information to the league.”


There is a high probability that they will respond even if you do not divulge specific information.

At this level, there is a high probability that you know the general story.

My plan is to have Japan and the league have a grand welcome party on Dokdo.

The winning side can watch in our side mode and decide what to do after seeing who wins.

“If they hear about the essence of the artificial divine beast, they won’t be able to stay still. You’ll have to fight to get it. “What we need is to give them a place where they can kill each other to their heart’s content.”

However, the biggest drawback of this operation is that it is difficult to reveal to the outside world and may result in criticism.

The President did not answer immediately and was lost in thought. Then he asked me if I had finished organizing my thoughts.

“Ask me one question.”


“In the end, it means that the value of the essence of that artificial divine beast is that great.”


Is that why Japan is taking unreasonable measures?

“Then where is the essence of that artificial divine beast?”

“Oh, that’s it.”

I remembered the essence of the artificial divine beast and answered honestly.

“I gave it to him as dog food.”

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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