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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 210

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Episode 210

The sinking of the Japanese patrol ship was as expected, but the subsequent movements were unexpected.

Lee Seong-gyu turned the patrol boat around and rescued the Japanese on the patrol boat.

You saved the ‘enemy’ you were fighting against just a moment ago. It was an unexpected development.

[You’re too dry.]

That can’t be possible. If you think it’s an enemy, you have to make sure to deal with it.

Since I wasn’t in charge, I just watched quietly.

After rescuing the Japanese, the patrol boat returned to Ulleungdo.

“Obviously, a monster attack seems like an attack, but…”

Lee Seong-gyu had an expression that he didn’t understand at the end.

Of course it has to be that way.

The thing that sank the Japanese patrol boat was not an ordinary sea monster, but a dog.

My dog is a super dog that can move freely even in the water.

[Is that how you use the blessing Hyuna gave you?]

Yongyong was making a fuss next to him. It was thanks to Hyuna’s blessing that the doggo was able to move freely even after diving in the water.

It’s an ability you’ve already been given, so of course you should use it to your advantage. Even though Yongyong is a divine beast, he cannot be given such abilities. He seems like a useless guy.

[The field of power is different! Don’t you know how terrifying my power is?]

You don’t even tell me, so how do you know how terrifying it is?

Aside from that, it was my first time using the dog ability, but my level of satisfaction was 5 stars.

Next time I see Hyuna, I’ll have to thank her.

“Then I guess I’ll go alone now.”

Lee Seong-gyu will probably report to the higher-ups. Japan will also go out to investigate the cause of the sinking of the patrol boat.

It’s right for me to retrieve it before then.


At my call, a dog appeared from the sea. As the guy shook himself off, sea water splashed in all directions. Wouldn’t it be nice to create an attack method using that?

The power may not be anything special.

“let’s go.”


Me and the dog climbed onto the yacht. And immediately began moving towards Dokdo.

Then I talked to Yongyong.

“Is the remains of the Divine Beast easy to obtain?”

[No, it’s difficult. A divine tree that has not yet formed returns to nature as is.]

Yongyong said that it was unusual for Japan to rescue the remains of a divine tree.

How on earth did they get it?

[The most likely hypothesis is that remains preserved in an environment where the rate of extinction is extremely slow are found.]

One of them was an extremely cold region.

If so, I thought there might be a possibility.

Well, what’s more important is that I take in what Japan’s blood and sweat went into.

“It probably couldn’t have been made with just one or two monster hearts.”

An enormous amount of money must have been spent to create the essence of an artificial divine beast.

Since it fell in our country’s territorial waters, not Japan’s, the person who picks it up is the owner.

Meanwhile, the yacht I was driving arrived near Dokdo. I looked around and there was no one there yet. It will take time for Korea’s security guards and Japanese patrol ships to arrive.

“Yongyong, guide me.”


Guided by Yongyong, I arrived at the place where the essence of the artificial divine beast was believed to have sunk.

I thought all I had to do was collect it now, but a variable arose.



[I can sense another monster’s reaction. And… it’s moving!]

These words meant only one thing. A certain monster had consumed the essence of an artificial divine beast.

Usually monsters cannot survive after eating this. The force goes out of control and it explodes. But if you digest it, you will become several levels stronger. The most annoying situation is that it moves while carrying the essence of an artificial divine beast in its stomach until it explodes and dies.

There would be no reason to bother moving far.



“Go and catch the monster.”

Woof woof!

At my words, the dog jumped into the sea without a moment of hesitation.

I thought we would catch the monster soon, but it took longer than I thought.


Upon closer inspection, it felt like the dog was being pushed. There is no easy way.

“What is the level of the monster below?”

[If we apply what you say by human standards, is it level 8?]

He was stronger than a dog to begin with. If you look at it this way, the dog is actually struggling. Since the battlefield wasn’t even land right now, it seemed like it wouldn’t be enough to use all of our might.

As always, when it comes to resolving things, things rarely go the way I want.

“I should catch it.”

[You don’t have any blessings, right?]

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t have any. “It just becomes more of a hassle.”

The ability to move freely in the water is nice, right? Because you get one more gift.

Of course, gaining that ability does not mean you can demonstrate 100% combat power in the water.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t fight in the water.


I just jumped into the sea. And I used my intuition to figure out the space.

From afar, two monsters could be seen clashing fiercely. One was a dog, and the monster opposing him was a shrimp-shaped monster.

If it’s that big, it looks like it tastes pretty good. I think it would taste great if added to soybean paste stew.

I think of this first before hunting monsters. I decided to put off thinking about what to eat until later and headed straight to the place where the two monsters fought.

As I got closer, I saw that the dog’s entire body was covered in wounds. Their objective power was inferior, and they struggled in an unfavorable environment, but it was not enough. Okay, I guess I did my part.

[Stay back.]

When I gave the command in Hyegwangsim, the dog retreated. I looked at the shrimp that had swallowed the essence of the artificial divine water. It freely swings its whiskers like a whip, and when it gets close, it swings its forelimb pincers, which have powerful cutting power.

Looking at it this way, it seems closer to a lobster.

I walked up to him and swung Nuri. The storm of blades was released freely, even in the water, without being hindered, and rushed at the lobster.


The lobster guy must have thought the storm of blades was unusual and hurriedly twisted his body to avoid it. However, a few strands of his flowing beard were cut off.

As he was in pain, he exploded with a murderous glow in his eyes towards me. I don’t like those eyes. The eyeballs don’t have a good texture anyway, so I’ll have to pull them out.

The guy approached again.

Certainly, marine monsters were difficult in the water. To be precise, it’s probably because there are restrictions placed on me.

If it’s 100 on land, it’s 30 in the sea, maybe 50 at best?

So, this is the difference.

If you peel off 1 layer of packaging on land, does that mean you have to peel off 3 layers of packaging in the sea?

In other words, there is only the hassle of unpacking, but if you endure the hassle, you can get the results you want.


The guy who thought the right thing to do was to approach with a blast of blades was cut off while struggling in pain as the mine spread throughout the pincers held in my hand.

I swung the Nuri at the guy who was trying to get away and cut off the remaining pincers.

Oh, what a waste. That’s the most delicious part.

The guy who lost his powerful weapon completely lost his will to fight. It showed signs of trying to escape, so I ordered a dog to block the escape route, then got closer and fired mines at the ship.


The sturdy, armor-like shell cracked, revealing the soft inner flesh. I inserted Nuri into there and poured the force into it.


The lobster struggled violently. It was the last struggle that consumed vitality. At some point, the movement began to slow down and soon became limp.

Although it had the advantage of being in the sea, it was not that strong at level 8 harmfulness.

So, he must have swallowed the essence of the artificial divine beast without any hesitation.

When I use the force in the sea, I feel like I’m having trouble breathing.

[He’s dead.]

Even if it wasn’t Yongyong, it was confirmed. I cut open the lobster’s belly with a knife and put my hand inside. My hand, which was moving through the soft flesh, suddenly caught something that resembled a hard ball.

It was about the size of a basketball and had a light blue color.

I packed it up, told the doggo to drag the lobster carcass, and then came up to the yacht. As he was shaking off the seawater that had soaked his entire body, Yongyong saw the essence of the artificial divine beast and screamed.

[Is this an integer? What on earth have you done!]


[This is not an integer. No!]

Hearing Yongyong’s scream-like cry, I began to examine the essence of the artificial divine beast. The light blue essence of the artificial divine beast had a white, almost transparent packaging, and the Force was pulsing within it.

At first, I didn’t know why Yongyong did that, but after reflecting on the experience of directly obtaining the essence of the divine beast, I understood why he did that.

“…The flow of power is rough?”

[That’s what I’m saying. Our Shinsu is the crystal of pure power. [What on earth did they do here?…]

I guess they were fiddling around with this and that, stirring and frying it.

[It’s embarrassing to even call this the remains of a divine beast! It’s trash! How dare you pollute us?]

Yongyong rarely burst into anger. He is a guy whose pride in himself is sky-high, so I can’t help but feel bad about humans doing such outrageous things.


I quietly examined the essence of the artificial divine beast. The wave of power was not pure enough for me or Yongyong to feel, but that was the standard for a divine beast.

Based on the monster’s heart, it was better preserved and suppressed the runaway power. Is this an effect created by the remains of the Divine Beast?

The effect of stabilizing and purifying power is significant.



“You don’t need this, do you?”

[uh? Why are you suddenly saying that?]

“If I’m not satisfied with your anger, I can resolve this on my own terms.”


Yongyong was at a loss for words.

Since it was an artificially created essence of a divine beast, I would have had quite high expectations, but it must have been below expectations.

Of course, this is just Yongyong’s opinion. Even if the power is not pure, it is useful to me.

“I will handle this.”

[Wait a minute, why are you in such a hurry…]

Yongyong tried to stop me with an urgent voice, but I threw the essence of the artificial divine beast I was holding in my hand at the dog.



“It’s a special meal.”

The dog easily took the essence of the basketball-sized artificial divine beast flying towards him with its mouth, bit it into pieces, and swallowed it in one gulp.

From the beginning, I had no intention of handing over the essence of the artificial divine beast to Yongyong.

If I thought it would be useful, I would gradually research it, and if I couldn’t escape the limits of the monster’s heart, I planned to use it as a power-up material for the dog.


Yongyong looked at the dog with blank eyes. It’s so good that a dog can handle something that is difficult to handle neatly.

I felt an intense power boiling inside the dog. It encompasses Japan’s excellent science and technology and condenses the heart of the monster.

It is literally a special meal full of nutrients.

“Let’s eat and grow up well.”

Don’t even dream of losing your hair just because it’s grown.

* * *

The dog felt his whole body heating up.

An intense power that I had never felt before spread through every corner of my body.

It was painful. I felt like my whole body would explode if I couldn’t hold on even a little bit.

But the dog endured. I could bear it. No matter how intense the explosion of power was, it was not as severe as the owner’s violence. No pain could compare to the master’s corporal punishment.

The dog endured it. Of all the pains I have felt so far, all but the physical punishment from my master brought me to climax and then came down.

The force that swept through every corner of my body was accompanied by the shock of stabbing me like an awl and then hitting me with a blunt weapon. Then, a cold that seemed to freeze my whole body came over me, and a heat that seemed to burn my whole body.

Then, at some point, the pain went away in an instant.

Accompanied by the refreshing feeling of a cool breeze, a huge power gradually built up inside me.

The power that had been building up so far gathered at hundreds or thousands of times the speed. And it was placed entirely under the will of the dog and was able to move freely.

The dog realized. He said that the special meal the owner gave him gave him strength beyond his imagination.

He also said it was a test for himself. If I hadn’t been able to hold on, it would have exploded to pieces.


A wave of tremendous power spread out. In my current state, I felt like I could take down anyone who stood in my way.

I was thrilled by the fullness that filled my entire body.

“Are you finished?”

The dog turned his head when he heard a voice coming from next to him. The owner who was once more feared than the sky was seen. But the past self is different from the current self.

I became stronger and faster. At this level, perhaps we can ask the owner to treat us more well.

It was then.


A low voice pierced my ears. Then, all the training that the owner had done so far came to the dog’s mind.

The fear that had disappeared covered the dog.

“Are you chewing my words?”

It’s only a moment, but it’s crazy. The dog realized that he had almost made an irreversible choice. As a result, the owner’s mood was upset.


The dog responded quickly, turned over and exposed its belly to prove its loyalty.

Only then did the owner’s expression soften.

“I thought I needed to get stronger again and imprint my rank again.”

If I had been even a little late, I would have been in big trouble.

It’s an imprint of rank.

Memories of being beaten to dust by the owner’s unknown standards came back to me.

I’m so glad I came to my senses before I got hit.

The dog felt relieved.

“Let’s do well in the future?”


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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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