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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity Chapter 21

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Episode 21:

While catching Han Sang-min of Blink, I was in charge of securing the drugs supplied by the League.

I defeated the villain as ordered, but one question crossed my mind.

Why am I so busy?

It’s true that I hate villains, and it’s true that I perform my duties as a civil servant hunter. However, if I were to say that eliminating villains was the greatest task on earth, that would not be the case.

I have no such beliefs or responsibility.

The reason I became a civil servant hunter was because I felt comfortable.

But what if you’re no longer comfortable? The merits of civil servant hunters are low.

So what should we do next?

“My head hurts.”

It may have been impossible to move without being revealed as I am now, without any intention of hiding my skills.

Aside from that, the idea of having Agent Black infiltrate deep into the world of disguised villains as a villain was quite surprising.

Jung Joo-ho sighs, saying that my existence has been revealed because of this, but I have the choice anyway. Agent Black also became a member out of necessity and can quit at any time if he or she does not feel like it.

It feels like the name of the league is coming deeper and deeper.

I asked Dahyun Jeong for information about the league.

“Mr. Dahyun.”

“Yes, Junho.”

“Last time, I said the league was a dot organization.”


“So do you know who the head of the League is?”

“It’s not accurate. I can only guess that the level 8 villains are the leaders. “But I do have information about the three villains who created the League.”

Argos Hell Master Black Hound.

They were the origins of the league and are now called the world’s worst villains.

“There is nothing known about how the three villains came together. But that combination became an enormous disaster for the world.”


These three names are villains I have also heard of. Those three still became infamous even after I became a hematoma. But if you’ve ever seen it in person, that’s not the case.

Why have I never seen it before? Is this really a coincidence?

“It is said that the strength of these three is unrivaled among level 8 superhumans. “We attempted arrest operations several times in the United States, but retreated after suffering severe losses.”

Jeong Da-hyun must have thought my expression was serious and carefully offered me comfort.

“But in Korea, the league’s influence is not yet significant, so you don’t have to worry too much.”

“Well, from what I see, I think we should be worried about those villains, not Junho, right?”


Dahyun Jeong, startled by the voice coming from behind, stood up. When I arrived, Lee Se-hee, who was smiling, was looking at Jeong Da-hyun with her chin slightly raised.

“hi? “It’s been a while, Junho.”

“Long time no see.”

It wasn’t just the two of them, so they treated each other with respect, but Lee Se-hee immediately frowned.

“You can speak comfortably as usual. “You suddenly feel a sense of distance from the respect you receive.”


While the people around her who were watching were surprised, Jeong Da-hyun was showing how big those big eyes could grow.

“I have an appointment with Director Jeon first. “See you later.”

Lee Se-hee, waving her hands and smiling, headed to the director’s office.


All eyes within the National Defense Bureau were focused on me.


*Lee Se-hee was a burdensome partner for Jeong Joo-ho, who had lived his entire life as a civil servant.

Even though she was young, she was like a shining sun, with all the sparkling talent, outstanding resourcefulness, natural background, and beauty.

With the rise of large guilds becoming more and more scary day by day, with someone with a promising future like her taking the lead, I was able to understand why control was becoming difficult.

Her time will soon come.

“It was a sudden request, but thank you for accepting it, Director.”

“How could I refuse Team Leader Lee’s request? Please sit down. “Tea with coffee?”

“Yes, please.”

After a while, Lee Se-hee picked up a steaming cup of coffee and took a sip.

“So what brought you here?”

“I came here because of a problem related to Junho and his skills.”

“I know what you mean…”

“Junho, you’re level 7, right? “Maybe it’s more than that.”


“I think the director has probably taken action by now.”


What should I say about those eyes that seem to know everything? It was clear that he knew how he would react. Nevertheless, no hostility arises. This is Lee Se-hee’s biggest strength.

Should I say that this is desirable? If I were 20 years younger, I think I would have had my liver and gallbladder removed. Of course I’m not getting married. One terrible experience is enough.

“As always, the Sacred Guild’s information power is beyond imagination. “How far have you come to know?”

“I also have eyes and ears, and I know the general idea.”

“Huh, if this continues, they’ll even find out the panties I wore today.”

“Luckily, I’m not interested in that.”

Lee Se-hee’s bright smile followed persistently. In the end, Jung Joo-ho couldn’t shake it off and sighed.

“Choi Jun-ho is a Hunter, a civil servant of our National Security Agency.”

“And he is also the older brother of Choi Yun-hee, a member of our Sacred Guild.”


“Yoonhee’s talent is considerable. From now on, if I continue to build up, I have expectations that I will reach level 7 or even level 8. I think we need to be aware of Junho’s problems in order to take care of such a promising star. “In the grand scheme of things, it’s for the good of the country.”

The tongue-in-cheek gesture continued.

“Coincidentally, the Holy Guild is also a sponsor of the National Defense Bureau, and Junho has a relationship with me, so I think that if we work together, we can reach an agreement in a direction that is mutually beneficial. “I’m sorry if I just imagined it.”

I was completely caught off guard.

Even if we take a hard line here, we cannot destroy the cause of thinking about Choi Jun-ho and Choi Yoon-hee. Even if you belong to a sacred guild, being a talent who can reach level 8 is ultimately for the sake of increasing the power of the nation.

Seeing Lee Se-hee, who was already confident of her victory, Jeong Joo-ho smiled helplessly.

“I was planning to let him carry out his mission quietly for the time being.”

“The director must be having a hard time.”

“Because of that guy, the amount of hair I lose each day has doubled. Doesn’t the Holy Guild develop drugs like this? If you develop it, please let me know. “I will gladly support even if it is a clinical trial.”

“···I’ll stop by the lab and find out.”

“I would appreciate it if you could do just that. after! In any case, you can rest assured that we will not completely rule out the Holy Guild in future matters. “We also want to maintain a good relationship with the Holy Guild, especially with this team leader.”

“Director, you are the most trustworthy partner among civil servant hunters. “Thank you for trusting me.”

The atmosphere on the outside was friendly.

In reality, he was surprised and allowed himself a painful blow, and Lee Se-hee gained a great advantage.

Since he couldn’t just stand at a loss like this, Joo-ho Jeong came up with a method he had been thinking about.

“Then can this team leader make Choi Jun-ho be more self-respectful? “I think even that guy would be swayed by that beauty.”

The meaning of Lee Se-hee’s smile changed due to her sincere words. If I was confident just a moment ago, I am now bitter.

“Director, you’re not saying that to kill me, are you?”

“···no way?”

“I’ll get up.”

Lee Se-hee, whose confidence had completely disappeared, stood up helplessly.

*After Lee Se-hee entered the director’s office, there was a moment of silence between me and Jeong Da-hyun. Aside from the monster heart issue, I talked about my first meeting with Lee Se-hee and the Yoon-hee issue.

After a while, Jung Joo-ho and Lee Se-hee came out of the director’s office. But the expressions on both of their faces were strange.

Did you have anything serious to talk about?

After saying hello, Joo-ho Jeong went inside and Se-hee Lee came towards us.

At that time, there was someone who bravely approached.

“Hello, Team Leader Sehee Lee. “My name is Oh Jong-yeop.”

“ah! Jongsu’s older brother? I heard you are friends with Junho. And you have a great gift.”

“Haha yeah. Thanks to this, Jongsu has hope for a new life. thank you.”

Oh Jong-yeop, who couldn’t see Lee Se-hee’s sparkling eyes, smiled shyly. A child born alone. It seemed like I was completely fooled.

“That’s all I did to the best of my ability. “It’s right for Junho to receive the thanks.”

“You have a kind heart as well as your beauty.”

“Then who is better, me or Dahyun?”

“yes? “That, that….”

Oh Jong-yeop stumbled at the unexpected blow. A child born alone. Tsk tsk.

“just joke. “I’ll greet you properly next time.”

“Yes yes!”

Oh Jong-yeop stepped aside and Lee Se-hee came to where Jeong Da-hyeon was, looked at Jeong Da-hyeon’s face and said to me.

“I’ll borrow some from Dahyun. Hey, let’s go eat.”

“What are you talking about when you come all of a sudden?”

“I know everything. You’re in a slump. In times like this, you can just forget about dieting and eat as much as you want. let’s go.”

“Uh huh?”

Lee Se-hee and Jeong Da-hyun disappeared in an instant.

Being genuinely concerned about someone’s slump and encouraging them. Is that a friend? I had a really good friend.

“Why why! what!”

On the other hand, my friend seems to be a bit lacking.

This relaxed atmosphere lasted for a while.

The next day, news arrived like a lightning bolt.

“Berserker and the puppeteer have made contact.”

*The moment the contact between Berserker and the Puppet Master was revealed, an emergency alert was issued to all government organizations, including the National Defense Bureau.

In addition, a national guild association meeting was held, and the government argued for a reduction in hunting due to concerns about villain attacks, while the guild argued for maintaining the original number of hunts, leading to a sharp conflict.

The two villains are typically villains who travel alone. Berserker was the most powerful of all Korean villains, and the Puppet Master was an immortal villain who never dies. No one could have easily predicted what kind of disaster the union of the two would bring.

“I’ll probably try to attack them individually.”

Jeong Da-hyeon, with a bright expression on her face, was standing next to me, as if the conversation went well after going out with Lee Se-hee. She said that if two villains, estimated to be level 7, come together, they will never be able to stop it unless they are level 8 superhumans, so they will move like that.

“Berserker is a difficult villain to identify, but puppeteer is difficult. “I think both the government and the guild will move to catch them.”

There was one more reason why you could never use your clumsy power, and that was because of the characteristics of the puppeteer.

‘Puppetry’, a gift that can bring out the strength and potential of a corpse by acquiring a corpse, increases the power of the puppeteer as the number of corpses increases.

“Maybe Junho needs to move.”

“I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

Originally, Berserker was my responsibility, but when Berserker and the Puppet Master joined forces, the initiative passed to the government. Since I only know a little about my abilities, other steps will probably be taken.

Due to Jung Joo-ho’s tendency to not want to cause trouble, he would want to mobilize a level 8 superhuman rather than me.

As I thought Berserker was probably level 8, I knew that it would eventually be my turn, so I decided to watch and intervene.

My prediction was exactly right.

“Red Snake Honorary Minister Kim Young-hwan will prepare for the cooperation between Berserker and the Puppet Master.”

Honorary Minister Kim Young-hwan. The only level 8 superhuman belonging to a government organization.

At the age of 70, he still has a thirst for power and is said to be past his prime, but his reputation as a level 8 has not gone anywhere.

Naturally, the atmosphere brightened.

On the other hand, Jung Joo-ho’s expression was still serious.

“We will use our elite forces to hold down the Puppet Master, who is difficult to eliminate with hammer and anvil tactics, and in the meantime, the Minister will take charge of Berserker. “The overall management of the operation is handled by the Blue House Awakened Security Office, and we form a siege network along one axis.”

Although it was a short period of time, the degree of completion of the operation was significant.

This is why they lashed out at me like a pack of dogs whenever I showed up with a hematoma.

Key personnel from the three representative bureaus, the National Defense Bureau, Foreign Cooperation Management Bureau, and Anti-Weapon Defense Front Bureau, will be mobilized, and villain response teams from each region will be mobilized.

“Everyone, please wait until the order to start the operation is given. And Choi Jun-ho.”


“Follow me. “I have something to tell you.”

I followed Jeong Joo-ho into the director’s office.

“Berserker has left your hands. Are you okay?”

“yes. “I think there is nothing we can do about it because it is a matter.”

“Okay, I’m glad you understand. “There is something you need to do in this operation.”

“What is it?”

“You will remember the villains we caught in the last operation with the Foreign Cooperation Management Bureau. After interrogating him there, we confirmed that there was a puppet master behind him.”


“But I couldn’t get the next information. “They said there was a ban on it.”

“What do you mean?”

I remembered the ability that was banned after I used it on Wang Ju-yeol.

“Permission was given from above. “Use your abilities to extract information from them.”

“All right.”

It was a good opportunity. I need to use this opportunity to improve my brainwashing skills.

*Jung Joo-ho, who was left alone after Choi Jun-ho went outside, scratched his head.

“Are they already keeping it in check?”

No matter how hard you try to hide it, the sharp awl sticks out.

Headbreaker Choi Jun-ho’s name was well known in large guilds, starting with government agencies.

Perhaps the Berserker arrest operation, which was a secret operation of the National Defense Bureau, may have been leaked.

That may be why Red Snake Kim Young-hwan pointedly demanded that the operation to arrest Berserker be withdrawn.

“You seem like a greedy old man…”

However, since he was the only level 8 superhuman that the government could mobilize, there was nothing he could do other than talk behind his back.

Jeong Joo-ho’s ordeal did not end here.

A subordinate came in with a knock and brought a report.



“I received a call from America.”

“Why America all of a sudden?”

Although the United States’ influence has declined since the appearance of the monster, it is still an ally and a hegemon with the greatest influence.

“I want to do a joint operation with Head Breaker in the United States…”


“Yes? Then, at least there’s a reason.”

“Say you’re busy.”

“Oh, I understand.”

The subordinate went outside and Jung Joo-ho grabbed his pounding head.

“These people are making a fuss, stabbing from all directions.”

I was slowly feeling the limit coming.

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The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

The Crazy Villain Regains His Sanity

Score 8.8
Status: Completed Released: 2021
The protagonist, Choi Joon-ho, who had lived his life as a ruthless villain, indulging in power and bloodshed, one day returned to the past when he was an unemployed shut-in. He decided to turn his life around and use his strength for good, facing various challenges and obstacles along the way.


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